Why do Republicans think that increasing income/wealth gaps are good for America?

Why do you want to divide people based on wealth rather than unite them?

I don't. Republicans did this in the late 70's and earlier 80's.

They brought the fight on with their new era of crony capitalism and less worker rights.

In fact, this is the reason why we now have a corporate plutocracy than a vibrant democracy.

Would you please get back to scrubbing your toilets and leave us a lone?

If poor folks do not have access to enough hope of recovery or welfare they join cartells or kidnap rich kids for money. Creates a miserable Mexico like world.

Mexico's problems stem largely from government corruption from the federal all the way down to the local level. It has been a lawless and corrupt country since its founding.
Simple question, but give me an answer since these are the policies that you advocate for.

Because the more the income producers and job creators have, the better for the rest of those who aren't. That's how it works. A strong economy benefits everybody.
The general republican idea if we must be that simplistic is to make folks earn their money and leave them alone and provide little welfare. In some sense it would be good for america because even lazy folks would show up for work out of fear of starvation.

Not an idea w/o merit.

In practice I disagree. Wealth creates more wealth and power. If poor folks do not have access to enough hope of recovery or welfare they join cartells or kidnap rich kids for money. Creates a miserable Mexico like world.

Also I feel a strong middle class creates wealth because of economy of scale and demand driven capitalism. All of a sudden 200 million ppl want cell phones and SOMEONE will figure out how to make the phones cheaply and distribute them.

So in essence I agree with you, just calm down. Less name calling. Will make the other side angry and more likely to show up to vote!

The vast majority of those on the Fortune 400 list of wealthy people started off middle class. And look at the same list from 50 years ago and you won't see any of the same people on it.
When people demonize "the wealthy" they assume it is a static group. It is not.
Agreed. You can't have a functioning democratic Republic w/o a middle-class & the GOP'ers are willingly destroying it because they are the water-carriers for the ultra-rich. Sad that.
Agreed. You can't have a functioning democratic Republic w/o a middle-class & the GOP'ers are willingly destroying it because they are the water-carriers for the ultra-rich. Sad that.

Your premise is as false as you are. It is corruption, not wealth that damages the Society. All you do is misdirect focus from the crime, on your witch hunt to brutalize and steal from anyone that has either more than you, or something you want.
Agreed. You can't have a functioning democratic Republic w/o a middle-class & the GOP'ers are willingly destroying it because they are the water-carriers for the ultra-rich. Sad that.

Your premise is as false as you are. It is corruption, not wealth that damages the Society. All you do is misdirect focus from the crime, on your witch hunt to brutalize and steal from anyone that has either more than you, or something you want.

The wealth gap has been steadily expanding for decades even while productivity has risen. It's wrong.

Agreed. You can't have a functioning democratic Republic w/o a middle-class & the GOP'ers are willingly destroying it because they are the water-carriers for the ultra-rich. Sad that.

Your premise is as false as you are. It is corruption, not wealth that damages the Society. All you do is misdirect focus from the crime, on your witch hunt to brutalize and steal from anyone that has either more than you, or something you want.

Dead on.
Simple question, but give me an answer since these are the policies that you advocate for.

The wealth gap is caused by corporatism and crony capitalism. I support a free market. The government acting to prohibit monopolies. It is difficult to start and operate a small business in an economy where "too large to fail corporations" are able to influence the government.
Simple question, but give me an answer since these are the policies that you advocate for.

Why do liberals think they know why Conservatives support policies? Why do liberals assume everything their tiny brains can not grasp, must be evil.

Virtually every policy conservatives support in this area serves to effectively increase the gap between rich and poor, or if you prefer, rich and not-rich.

You can argue the merits of the policies, but what the policies do is indisputable,

they increase that gap.

It is thus fair to assume that the Right believes that this is the greater good. Force everyone to live their life at precisely the level their income provides.
Simple question, but give me an answer since these are the policies that you advocate for.

Because the more the income producers and job creators have, the better for the rest of those who aren't. That's how it works. A strong economy benefits everybody.

And the disposable income of the middle/working/lower income portion of the population?

That has no impact?

Your premise is daft.
Agreed. You can't have a functioning democratic Republic w/o a middle-class & the GOP'ers are willingly destroying it because they are the water-carriers for the ultra-rich. Sad that.

Your premise is as false as you are. It is corruption, not wealth that damages the Society. All you do is misdirect focus from the crime, on your witch hunt to brutalize and steal from anyone that has either more than you, or something you want.

The wealth gap has been steadily expanding for decades even while productivity has risen. It's wrong.


So Fight Monopoly and the Government Regulations that Protect it. Fight for a Free Market with Open Competition. We need to make Government the Impartial Referee, not the Benefactor of Every side of the Equation. What you advocate is Totalitarian, the exact opposite of what you claim to be doing.
Simple question, but give me an answer since these are the policies that you advocate for.

Why do liberals think they know why Conservatives support policies? Why do liberals assume everything their tiny brains can not grasp, must be evil.

Virtually every policy conservatives support in this area serves to effectively increase the gap between rich and poor, or if you prefer, rich and not-rich.

You can argue the merits of the policies, but what the policies do is indisputable,

they increase that gap.

It is thus fair to assume that the Right believes that this is the greater good. Force everyone to live their life at precisely the level their income provides.

Living within your Means is sensible, it is reasonable. You make it sound like a crime.
Why do you want to divide people based on wealth rather than unite them?

I don't. Republicans did this in the late 70's and earlier 80's.

They brought the fight on with their new era of crony capitalism and less worker rights.

In fact, this is the reason why we now have a corporate plutocracy than a vibrant democracy.

Sure. You aren't responsible at all when you try to stir up anger against the rich. Got ya.
I dont have a problem with the rich. If they have earned it, in my mind so be it. It's their money, not mine. But when we have corporations not only paying no income tax but getting refunds (which is MY tax dollars), I have a problem. They are getting bailed out with my tax dollars. Same goes for Wall Street. Wall Street is nothing but corruption. They pay no penalties. They get off scott free. IF this is the new america I wont use the word "great" in front of the letters usa anymore.
I dont have a problem with the rich. If they have earned it, in my mind so be it. It's their money, not mine. But when we have corporations not only paying no income tax but getting refunds (which is MY tax dollars), I have a problem. They are getting bailed out with my tax dollars. Same goes for Wall Street. Wall Street is nothing but corruption. They pay no penalties. They get off scott free. IF this is the new america I wont use the word "great" in front of the letters usa anymore.

Welcome to the world of Too Big To Fail. The Obama Administration and Dems in Congress have compounded that mistake.
Let the whole works crash. Let those who have invested go down the tubes. Not my job to bail them out. Nor would I shed a tear. Investing is a risk which is why I wont invest in stocks like the rest of the "we think we are better than you" snobbish investing crowd. May their stocks plummet.
I think we can all agree that money begats money, right?

I mean that IS the bedrock principle behind CAPITALism, is it not?

So what DOES IT MEAN in the longer run for an economic system when a very small class of citizens has the VAST MAJORITY of capital available for investment?

Does that lead to a vibrant society of happy consumers and even happier capitalists?

Think, kids, think!

What is the ENDGAME for democratic republic which has the socio-economic structure of a THIRD WORLD NATION?

Does it STAY a democratic Republic or not?

I'll leave it to ya'll to figure the answer to this futurist's question for yourselves.
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I think we can all agree that money begats money, right?

I mean that IS the bedrock principle behind CAPITALism, is it not?

So what DOES IT MEAN in the longer run for an economic system when a very small class of citizens has the VAST MAJORITY of capital available for investment?

Does that lead to a vibrant society of happy consumer and even happier capitalists?

Think, kids, what is the ENDGAME of democratic republic which has the socio-economic structure of a THIRD WORLD NATION?

Does it STAY a decmoratic Republic or not?

I'll leave it to ya'll to figure this out for yourselves.
The middle class has the largest amount of investible capital.
You fail.

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