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Why do Republicans want to kill the Healthcare Exchanges

As I see it, Obama Care is yet another case of the Federal Government refusing to do it's job of breaking up monopolies and instead using it's power to establish monopolies. We the American people are being robbed blind by these monopolies. Used to be our government would break up monopolies, after which that industry would thrive. See telecom. Heck even the threat of breaking up monopolies resulted in the PC computer industry.

Imagine if you will, our government breaking up the drug and medical supply oligopolies. Imagine if large groups of insured could not get a discount at the expense of small groups.
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They will help people who need insurace, they are popular with the people....why are Republicans so intent on blocking peoples access to exchanges?

they are not popular...CNN's recent poll showed most americans oppose obamacare

Misrepresentation of the poll. 38% support and 57% oppose, but of those that oppose the law, 11% don't think it is liberal enough. Most DO NOT support repeal nor do a majority support a shutdown.

Oh please..The law is despised by the majority of people in the US.
The Exchanges will be to healthcare what the post office is to mail delivery.

What, inexpensive and reliable?

Inexpensive? The USPS is bleeding money.
If the USPS was taxpayer funded, our income taxes would double.
At best the USPS is dysfunctional..
It has too many employees. Too many people in management positions. And there are too many post offices in little towns that do too little business.
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They will help people who need insurace, they are popular with the people....why are Republicans so intent on blocking peoples access to exchanges?

"Why do Republicans want to kill the Healthcare Exchanges?" - Because if and when they are set up they will succeed...succeed in enslaving a free people by keeping them happy and healthy and goddamnit, we are Americans and we can't have that kind of German and Swiss socialism succeeding here in America!

No we can't. Move to Germany or Switzerland.
Why do Republicans want to kill the Healthcare Exchanges? Because it was proposed and passed by Obama and the Democrats.

If the situation were reversed they would be cheering it for all it's worth. :dance:

NO self respecting conservative would ever propose a socialist piece of shit such as Obamacare.
They will help people who need insurace, they are popular with the people....why are Republicans so intent on blocking peoples access to exchanges?

Because they’re afraid they’ll be successful, in fact they know the exchanges will be successful. And as with everything else republicans do they perceive it as a way to ‘hurt’ Obama, and somehow ‘diminish’ his presidency and legacy.
The greatest fear of the GOP...people liking Obamacare. My assistant sure does like it. Instead of spending many thousands of dollars out of pocket in care for her special needs kid, she simply pays her insurance premium as she always has and the kid is good for another 7 years or so.

Having known her since before Obama was elected, I knew she was dreading when she/he turned 18 and would be turfed off the insurance. The ACA is saving her thousands of dollars per year--thousands I assume she doesn't have.

As can be seen from this thread, Republicans have no reason to object to healthcare exchanges. They just make sense

They fear that the public will sign up next month and figure out that they like the exchanges and get good value

At that point, the Republicans FEAR OBAMACARE campaign disappears

RW if they make such good sense then why are all the people supporting it either
A. exempting themselves and going with better options at taxpayer expense
B. depending on "other people" to pay for it, including opponents

Why can't they be run by voluntary compliance and participation?
If they work so well?

Even Obama's cousin who is a doctor in DC pointed out that reform needs to focus
on developing SERVICE PROVIDERS. Insurance companies don't provide any health care.

Why not reward taxpayers and business groups for investing directly into
medical education programs, teaching hospitals and internships to cut costs
of both health care and education at the same time?

What? Are liberal Democrats AFRAID of people becoming self-governing
and financially independent? Where they won't need to depend on govt officials
to scare them into voting for them? Why not invest the billions in campaign
funds DIRECTLY into solutions? or is that TOO SCARY for politicians?

Nobody is "exempting" themselves from Healthcare exchanges. They are available to those otherwise frozen out of the market

You don't like the exchanges, you are welcome to search the open market.

Other people are not paying for it any more than they are paying for emergency room care now. Have you ever looked at your hospital bill?

Obamacare is but a bandaid to get people insured. There is much to be done if Republicans will let us

Maybe under Hillary
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Why do Republicans want to kill the Healthcare Exchanges? Because it was proposed and passed by Obama and the Democrats.

If the situation were reversed they would be cheering it for all it's worth. :dance:

NO self respecting conservative would ever propose a socialist piece of shit such as Obamacare.

What do you propose to help Americans who need healthcare?
The conservative United States Supreme Court disagrees with your nonsense. God Bless America, land that we supporters of Obamacare love!

His point is not nonsense.

God Bless America, land that we supporters of liberty love!
Don't worry, because whatever mental illness you are suffering from it is covered as a preexisting condition under Obamacare.

You wouldn't know Liberty if she dropped her Kenyan torch on your head.

You'll find that preexisting condition mandate will be meaningless as people with those conditions will wait months if no years for treatment. Not only that, the Dept of Health And Human Services bureaucrats will have absolute authority to determine the level of care and the type of medication, if any, will be paid for by the policy.
Remember, the reason preexisting conditions are uninsurable is because these are the highest cost patients which carry the highest risk.
So, where will the money come from if the patient with the bronze plan who needs $1,000 worth of medication per month? The caveat is that patient will be responsible for 40% or $400 per month. If they are subsidized, it is on the PREMIUM. Not the actual cost of their care.
The problems with Obama care are multi leveled.
One, too many people will not be contributing to the system.
Two, the plan removes most choice of doctors and/or medical facilities for the insured.
For example, there are states with just ONE federally approved insurer running that state's exchange. Some have two..Here in NC there are is ONE. BC and BS of NC. There 4 major hospital systems in NC. REX, Novant, CMC and one other. The name escapes me. The exchange DOES not cover use of Novant and REX. That means anyone who goes to the exchange and their doctor of choice is with the two excluded systems, they will have to switch providers. Of course, that was not supposed to happen.. "If you want to keep your doctor, you can. If you want to keep your insurance, you can"...We were fed a line...no a whole library full of bullshit.
They will help people who need insurace, they are popular with the people....why are Republicans so intent on blocking peoples access to exchanges?


When Paul Ryan et al. proposed them for private insurance (and later for Medicare) they were a fine idea. Then Obama had to go and like them!

That said, you have to separate posturing politicians from real-life Republicans.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: March 2013 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Poll Finds Bipartisan Public Support For Creating State Insurance Exchanges Despite Continuing Party Divisions Over the ACA | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
A majority of Americans put the creation of state-based health insurance exchanges at the top of the priority list for health policy in their state this year, according to a survey released today by the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health.

Fifty-five percent of the public, including majorities of Republicans and Democrats, say that establishing the exchanges – a key element of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and one whose implementation has divided states along partisan political lines – is a “top priority” for their governor and legislature.
I have still not received a reasonable response

Healthcare Exchanges allow the uninsured to create a pool of insured to compete as a group rather than as an individual. This pooling of applicants allows them to demand better insurance rates.

Republicans once proposed this as the solution to our healthcare problems and now are shutting down government to block Americans from using them

Why do Republicans oppose Exchanges....Not Obamacare...but the exchanges?

Most people will buy the bronze plan because it is less expensive. Stupid. They will get stuck with 40% of their bills.
This thing is a nightmare
Short answer TC:


How does setting up an insurance exchange kill our economy?

They are more efficient than a bunch of individuals looking for private insurance

The cost of Obamacare to business will result in job loss. The mandates will result in much higher premiums for those who don't want to change their insurance company. That takes money out of their pockets that would be put into the economy.
Our employer provided premiums will triple. It's already been announced.
The company is telling us to go to the exchange.....Because it's so expensive, we are being forced to Obamacare. Our level of coverage will be substandard.
Tell me where you see justice in that?
Healthcare exchanges provide a pool for those who are self employed or whose employers do not provide insurance

How do they kill employer-sponsored insurance?
Yeah cause quadrupling the price of kill employer-sponsored insurance won't hurt anyone.
What a disingenuous POS you are.

The price of employer provided insurance has not quadrupled

What a lying POS you are
Not every employer provided insurance premium will rise dramatically. There are differences. Our will triple. We've already been told.
Some will double. Some will go up a moderate amount.
Some will not go up at all. It all depends on the insurance company and the language of the policies. If the language does not meet the new federal mandates, the insurance company must comply. When that happens, the price goes up. In some cases WAY up.
Stop with the name calling. You won't last long. Get it?
"Why do Republicans want to kill the Healthcare Exchanges?" - Because if and when they are set up they will succeed...succeed in enslaving a free people by keeping them happy and healthy and goddamnit, we are Americans and we can't have that kind of German and Swiss socialism succeeding here in America!

Neither of which has a socialized program than this one. If we had the German model we would be better off.


If liberals and Democrats fought for a German model you wingnuts would be calling everyone Nazis! Oh wait, you already do,


Ok...You are labeled as a drive by poster. You add nothing to the discussion.
Only thing I see on the table is delaying the mandate one year. The exchanges wil be opening tomorrow as planned.
I have still not received a reasonable response

Healthcare Exchanges allow the uninsured to create a pool of insured to compete as a group rather than as an individual. This pooling of applicants allows them to demand better insurance rates.

Republicans once proposed this as the solution to our healthcare problems and now are shutting down government to block Americans from using them

Why do Republicans oppose Exchanges....Not Obamacare...but the exchanges?

I guess the wingnuts haven't heard any talking points they can reguritate on this point? You know it is against their ideological dogma to stray too far from the talking points for fear of being thrown under the proverbial bus with shouts of Rhino! - Traitor! - and worse in their minds 'liberal!'

Talking points are the exclusive province of liberals.
They will help people who need insurace, they are popular with the people....why are Republicans so intent on blocking peoples access to exchanges?


When Paul Ryan et al. proposed them for private insurance (and later for Medicare) they were a fine idea. Then Obama had to go and like them!

That said, you have to separate posturing politicians from real-life Republicans.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: March 2013 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Poll Finds Bipartisan Public Support For Creating State Insurance Exchanges Despite Continuing Party Divisions Over the ACA | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
A majority of Americans put the creation of state-based health insurance exchanges at the top of the priority list for health policy in their state this year, according to a survey released today by the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health.

Fifty-five percent of the public, including majorities of Republicans and Democrats, say that establishing the exchanges – a key element of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and one whose implementation has divided states along partisan political lines – is a “top priority” for their governor and legislature.
The issue isn't with an exchange. The issue is with funding the exchange not with premiums from the insured in the exchange, but rather with stolen funds from people that are not in the exchange. Funding subsidies for the exchange using tax dollars is theft.
They will help people who need insurace, they are popular with the people....why are Republicans so intent on blocking peoples access to exchanges?


When Paul Ryan et al. proposed them for private insurance (and later for Medicare) they were a fine idea. Then Obama had to go and like them!

That said, you have to separate posturing politicians from real-life Republicans.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: March 2013 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Poll Finds Bipartisan Public Support For Creating State Insurance Exchanges Despite Continuing Party Divisions Over the ACA | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
A majority of Americans put the creation of state-based health insurance exchanges at the top of the priority list for health policy in their state this year, according to a survey released today by the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health.

Fifty-five percent of the public, including majorities of Republicans and Democrats, say that establishing the exchanges – a key element of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and one whose implementation has divided states along partisan political lines – is a “top priority” for their governor and legislature.
The issue isn't with an exchange. The issue is with funding the exchange not with premiums from the insured in the exchange, but rather with stolen funds from people that are not in the exchange. Funding subsidies for the exchange using tax dollars is theft.
This is a classic case of too many people riding in the boat and too few rowing the boat..

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