Why Do So Many Christians Vote Democrat?

Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of “Protestant/Other-denomination” Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

They are CINOS. Not real Christians. Christians cannot vote Democrat

Real Christians are guided by the Sermon on the Mount and the rest of Jesus' teachings. Those who never refer to the Sermon on the Mount certainly are not Christian.

It's always hilarious when the pagan cultists and sociopaths who have never read or studied Judaism and Christianity pop in ant claim to tell everybody else what Christianity is, especially when they clearly know nothing at all about the Sermon On The Mount', much less practice it themselves.

Seems to be you've singled out trump. Am I being too hard by calling him an anti-Christ?
The reason you see a great percent of Christians voting for the Democrat party is because in the past the first Christians, in order to carry such nomination, were to hear the gospel, later repent of their sins, also receive the Holy Spirit, and keep a holy life after all that, this is to say, there were steps and conditions in order to become a Christian... but today... hmm... today... today any idiot is a Christian...
The recent SC ruling is evidence why they have no genuine choices between Parties. Both Parties are run by 'Globalists' who are fine with turning violent degenerate deviants loose on public school children, it doesn't affect them in the least, same with the current uprising out of the sewers. Both Parties are run by sociopaths, they both hate any demographic that is opposed even mildly to mindless self-indulgence, and both need to get rid those Evul Xians for the same reasons their New Best Friends Forever, Red Chinese Cadre, hate them and round them up. Working class whites oppose 'all the wrong things' and have to be exterminated as well, and why not just legalize black violence as long as they stay out of the rich zip codes?
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There is the possibility that some self-identified Christians may now choose to leave the Democratic Party because of the reign of terror that we are currently experiencing: people being forced to kneel at the feet of a certain group, people losing their jobs left and right because they are not servile enough to the cause, statues being torn down, parts of cities being declared autonomous zones, people being denied jobs because they are of the current majority ethnicity, censorship on the Internet reaching unprecedented heights, senseless violent crime still rocking our cities, police being disbanded or highly restricted, etc.
The differences re 'Evangelicals' revolve around the fact that more Republicans are opposed to abortions than Democrats, not that Evangelicals are just blindly voting for any old Republican with an R by his name. They're not like democrats who will vote for any deviant and sociopath with a D by their names, especially if they offer up the mass human sacrifices their neo-pagan bloodlust demands from the state.
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of “Protestant/Other-denomination” Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

It stems from the misguided idea that there should be every possible social program in the world, provided to the less fortunate and that the government should force this concept on everyone, unaware that many of the so-called less fortunate just like sucking on a government teat their whole lives (i.e., single women that just happen to keep getting pregnant, again and again and again and again...to keep getting those government checks, or the scammers that claim disability, although aren't, to keep getting checks, rather than earn a living).

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