Why Do So Many Christians Vote Democrat?

Topic is the same for anti Semitic ā€˜Christiansā€™.
You canā€™t be a Christian when you hate not just another race, but Godā€™s chosen people.
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of ā€œProtestant/Other-denominationā€ Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

They are CINOS. Not real Christians. Christians cannot vote Democrat

Real Christians are guided by the Sermon on the Mount and the rest of Jesus' teachings. Those who never refer to the Sermon on the Mount certainly are not Christian.

This is true ^^^. Of course the "LOCK HER UP" crowd and and most of those above who claim Democrats and "leftists" do not follow the moral compass left to us by Jesus are hypocrites and damn liars.


Beatitude 5 :
for the reign of God is theirs' (Matth.5 v 10)
Surely Donald Trump's deeds prove he is no Christian, both he and Barr are destined to spend eternity in the 9th circle of hell.

In Danteā€™s Inferno, the ninth, and final, circle of Hell is reserved for sinners who committed treachery. Dante thought there was no sin worse than betrayal of trust. Iā€™m with Dante on this. Itā€™s bad enough to dupe a person by taking advantage of their greed or foolishness. But to dupe a person by taking advantage of their conscientiousness or helpfulness is a crime that demands punishment by being encased in ice, which is what Dante did to them in his poem.
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of ā€œProtestant/Other-denominationā€ Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

They are CINOS. Not real Christians. Christians cannot vote Democrat

Real Christians are guided by the Sermon on the Mount and the rest of Jesus' teachings. Those who never refer to the Sermon on the Mount certainly are not Christian.

This is true ^^^. Of course the "LOCK HER UP" crowd and and most of those above who claim Democrats and "leftists" do not follow the moral compass left to us by Jesus are hypocrites and damn liars.


Beatitude 5 :
for the reign of God is theirs'
(Matth.5 v 10)

Surely Donald Trump's deeds prove he is no Christian, both he and Barr are destined to spend eternity in the 9th circle of hell.

In Danteā€™s Inferno, the ninth, and final, circle of Hell is reserved for sinners who committed treachery. Dante thought there was no sin worse than betrayal of trust. Iā€™m with Dante on this. Itā€™s bad enough to dupe a person by taking advantage of their greed or foolishness. But to dupe a person by taking advantage of their conscientiousness or helpfulness is a crime that demands punishment by being encased in ice, which is what Dante did to them in his poem.

Many thanks. I've said for many years before this that the "religious right" has managed to devolve a version of "Christianity" that has no Jesus in it. Sure they yell "Jesus!" all over the place as their savior, erect crosses, and surround themselves with drama to attract attention, but they never discuss the actual words (as attributed) of Jesus or his actions on earth. It's all Paul or Timothy or some cherry-picked and probably misinterpreted phrases from the OT and NT. And there are lots more writings that Constantine's committee did not incorporate into the Canon. Jesus has been reduced by the "religious right" to a mere figurehead who gets tortured and executed for it's own purposes. They use his death and disregard his life. Where did these fire-breathing pulpit-pounders come from?
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of ā€œProtestant/Other-denominationā€ Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

They are CINOS. Not real Christians. Christians cannot vote Democrat

Real Christians are guided by the Sermon on the Mount and the rest of Jesus' teachings. Those who never refer to the Sermon on the Mount certainly are not Christian.

This is true ^^^. Of course the "LOCK HER UP" crowd and and most of those above who claim Democrats and "leftists" do not follow the moral compass left to us by Jesus are hypocrites and damn liars.


Beatitude 5 :
for the reign of God is theirs'
(Matth.5 v 10)

Surely Donald Trump's deeds prove he is no Christian, both he and Barr are destined to spend eternity in the 9th circle of hell.

In Danteā€™s Inferno, the ninth, and final, circle of Hell is reserved for sinners who committed treachery. Dante thought there was no sin worse than betrayal of trust. Iā€™m with Dante on this. Itā€™s bad enough to dupe a person by taking advantage of their greed or foolishness. But to dupe a person by taking advantage of their conscientiousness or helpfulness is a crime that demands punishment by being encased in ice, which is what Dante did to them in his poem.

Many thanks. I've said for many years before this that the "religious right" has managed to devolve a version of "Christianity" that has no Jesus in it. Sure they yell "Jesus!" all over the place as their savior, erect crosses, and surround themselves with drama to attract attention, but they never discuss the actual words (as attributed) of Jesus or his actions on earth. It's all Paul or Timothy or some cherry-picked and probably misinterpreted phrases from the OT and NT. And there are lots more writings that Constantine's committee did not incorporate into the Canon. Jesus has been reduced by the "religious right" to a mere figurehead who gets tortured and executed for it's own purposes. They use his death and disregard his life. Where did these fire-breathing pulpit-pounders come from?

Very informative post, thank you.
Want to keep playing? I love leftists who play theologian.
I love people who think the Bible supports their ideology. The Bible is a Rorshach drawing, you can see anything in it you want to see.
Only to the devil and his children. You actually believe God STANDS FOR NOTHING?

It is your own dishonesty that causes you to read into it what you want, which is why you're so damn dishonest and have no credibility
On the contrary, I believe God stands for many different things and those things have changed over time. He has evolved like everything does.
Good one! God of eternity has evolved to accept fudge packing homosexuals! Cuz my cult leader says so!
God of eternity killed everyone on Earth and then said he'd never do it again.
God of eternity in the OT was the God of a people but in the NT is the God of individuals.
God of eternity commanded us to keep Kosher, then said we didn't have to.
God of eternity told us justice was an eye for an eye then commanded us to love our enemies.
Pick any topic where the Left and Right disagree. The Lefts position is always anti-Biblical. Always.
Since you wish to oversimplify, pick any topic where the Left and Right disagree. The Left's position is always New Testament, the Right's is always Old Testament. Always.
ā€œLet the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.ā€

Want to keep playing? I love leftists who play theologian.
Children are not babies and it was children Jesus was referring to.
Hilarious. Yeah, God is pleased with you ripping the limbs from babies.
God has a history of approving the killing of innocent men, women, children, and even animals. Just ask Joshua.
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of ā€œProtestant/Other-denominationā€ Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

I can answer that without your TownHell clickbait. Because true Christians find this amoral president repugnant.
Want to keep playing? I love leftists who play theologian.
I love people who think the Bible supports their ideology. The Bible is a Rorshach drawing, you can see anything in it you want to see.
Only to the devil and his children. You actually believe God STANDS FOR NOTHING?

It is your own dishonesty that causes you to read into it what you want, which is why you're so damn dishonest and have no credibility
On the contrary, I believe God stands for many different things and those things have changed over time. He has evolved like everything does.
GOD is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Only fallen humanity changes.
You should read your Bible.
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of ā€œProtestant/Other-denominationā€ Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

They don't really have a lot of choices, and some candidates are just local favorites for one reason or another, like the disparities between men and women in voting preferences. The assumption that Xians all have to be right wing lunatics is a false one; much of the right wing is just as sociopathic and atheist as the left wingers are. Social Darwinism, mindless laissez faire, and Wall Street are not big giant Xian 'favorites', and neither is the Davos Set, none of which is compatible with Christian theology, despite the rubbish put out by the GOP and the 19th century hacks paid by the Morgans to fabricate a mythology around stealing and stock watering.
Because socialism is a reaction to Christianity.

It's an attempt it imitate its success as a social revolution, but can't succeed, since they're sociopaths and can't grasp why Christianity is successful while the pagan materialism they base their silly theories on will always fail.
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of ā€œProtestant/Other-denominationā€ Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

No Christians vote Democrat.
ā€œNot everyone who says to me, ā€˜Lord, Lord,ā€™ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.22Many will say to me on that day, ā€˜Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?ā€™23Then I will tell them plainly, ā€˜I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!ā€™

A lot of truth in this, too. Many are just nominal Christians, and claim to be because of their parents made them go to church but they've never actually studied or beleived in it, just learned to recite some passages and go by tradition rather than belief.
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of ā€œProtestant/Other-denominationā€ Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

They are CINOS. Not real Christians. Christians cannot vote Democrat

Real Christians are guided by the Sermon on the Mount and the rest of Jesus' teachings. Those who never refer to the Sermon on the Mount certainly are not Christian.

This is true ^^^. Of course the "LOCK HER UP" crowd and and most of those above who claim Democrats and "leftists" do not follow the moral compass left to us by Jesus are hypocrites and damn liars.


Beatitude 5 :
for the reign of God is theirs'
(Matth.5 v 10)

Surely Donald Trump's deeds prove he is no Christian, both he and Barr are destined to spend eternity in the 9th circle of hell.

In Danteā€™s Inferno, the ninth, and final, circle of Hell is reserved for sinners who committed treachery. Dante thought there was no sin worse than betrayal of trust. Iā€™m with Dante on this. Itā€™s bad enough to dupe a person by taking advantage of their greed or foolishness. But to dupe a person by taking advantage of their conscientiousness or helpfulness is a crime that demands punishment by being encased in ice, which is what Dante did to them in his poem.

Many thanks. I've said for many years before this that the "religious right" has managed to devolve a version of "Christianity" that has no Jesus in it. Sure they yell "Jesus!" all over the place as their savior, erect crosses, and surround themselves with drama to attract attention, but they never discuss the actual words (as attributed) of Jesus or his actions on earth. It's all Paul or Timothy or some cherry-picked and probably misinterpreted phrases from the OT and NT. And there are lots more writings that Constantine's committee did not incorporate into the Canon. Jesus has been reduced by the "religious right" to a mere figurehead who gets tortured and executed for it's own purposes. They use his death and disregard his life. Where did these fire-breathing pulpit-pounders come from?
You obviously have never studied the Bible. And the only books that are inspired by GOD are those that exist presently as the Old and New Testaments. The Apocrypha was never accepted as part of the Old Testament. They are mere traditional histories that do not magnify the Messiah. The Gnostic books that were later excluded from the collection of the New Testament were written centuries after those found in the New Testament and came after the final book of the Revelation of CHRIST JESUS which brought closure to the Messiah's plan.
Oopsey! You forgot Paul said to cast out those that like to sin.
Yet Jesus surrounded himself with sinners rather than casting them out. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Where do Dems stand in opposition to that?
Wrong again. Everyone around him changed their ways.
Really? So the whores, adulterers, and tax collectors all quit? Where does it say that?
Read the stories of Zacchaeus, the woman at the well, and the woman the men intended to stone in front of Jesus. There you will find your answer.
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of ā€œProtestant/Other-denominationā€ Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

I can answer that without your TownHell clickbait. Because true Christians find this amoral president repugnant.
How so? Because he made some bad choices? At least he didn't intentionally set out to play at underhanded and conniving socialism while perpetrating a fake facade' of good mannerisms and humanistic moral indignation.
Excellent question. Unfortunately even Falwell can't talk sense into every one who calls themselves a Christian.

---45% of Catholics and 39% of ā€œProtestant/Other-denominationā€ Christians voted Democrat in the 2016 Presidential Elections, according to Pew. In other words, Christians have the power to swing the 2020 election---

They are CINOS. Not real Christians. Christians cannot vote Democrat

Real Christians are guided by the Sermon on the Mount and the rest of Jesus' teachings. Those who never refer to the Sermon on the Mount certainly are not Christian.

It's always hilarious when the pagan cultists and sociopaths who have never read or studied Judaism and Christianity pop in ant claim to tell everybody else what Christianity is, especially when they clearly know nothing at all about the Sermon On The Mount', much less practice it themselves.
The only reason some aspects of Christian churches resemble 'socialism' is because socialists deliberately try and copy Christianity's more successful social revolution paradigms and paste them onto their ridiculous materialistic economic theories. Same with right wing nutjobs, who are no different than their left wing brothers in trying to reduce human life to some faux 'rational' economic fantasy or other, same as the Marxists fantasize about. 'Socialism' is a bad rip off, not original thinking; Da Evul Xians came first, by a long shot, and neither left nor right wing socialists can ever 'succeed' without mass murders and police states, i.e. pagan human sacrifices and dictators.
Oopsey! You forgot Paul said to cast out those that like to sin.
Yet Jesus surrounded himself with sinners rather than casting them out. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Where do Dems stand in opposition to that?
Wrong again. Everyone around him changed their ways.
Really? So the whores, adulterers, and tax collectors all quit? Where does it say that?
Read the stories of Zacchaeus, the woman at the well, and the woman the men intended to stone in front of Jesus. There you will find your answer.
Did Zacchaeus quit being a tax collector? Did the others repent or was Weatherman2020 writing his own scripture?
The only reason some aspects of Christian churches resemble 'socialism' is because socialists deliberately try and copy Christianity's more successful social revolution paradigms and paste them onto their ridiculous materialistic economic theories. Same with right wing nutjobs, who are no different than their left wing brothers in trying to reduce human life to some faux 'rational' economic fantasy or other, same as the Marxists fantasize about. 'Socialism' is a bad rip off, not original thinking; Da Evul Xians came first, by a long shot, and neither left nor right wing socialists can ever 'succeed' without mass murders and police states, i.e. pagan human sacrifices and dictators.

Um....what is your idea of a successful Political Economy?

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