Why do so many conservatives support secession?

I'm super-conservative but i don't get it. If Texas secedes and china decides to invade the state, who is gonna stop them?
The people of the great state of Texas. It can't be that hard for you to figure out the answer to that question - can it?
Yes, a silly question.

Even the smallest countries defend themselves and have allies.
Plus Texas isn't exactly a pacifist liberal state. Do you have any idea how many Navy Seals like Marcus Luttell (of Lone Survivor fame) made Texas their home? They could easily build a capable military and develop all of the necessary weapons systems (radar, missiles, etc.) for a complete military force.

We have the 14 largest economy in the world,so forming our own military wouldnt be all that difficult.
Texas would rot without being able to suck off the federal teet. Is there a big city in Texas that's NOT attached to a giant military base?
And so the those giant military bases would simply shift from the federal government to the Texas government. If the seceded - they would still need a military.

And every Texan who's paid into Medicare and Social Security would lose their benefits.
Why? The federal government could easily refund all of that since Texans would no longer be receiving benefits. You think like an 8-year old. Then again, since liberals have run our economy and government into the ground and we're now $19 trillion in debt, they might be incapable of refunding their money even if they wanted to.

Ahhhh....the "wonders" of liberalism!
Texas would rot without being able to suck off the federal teet. Is there a big city in Texas that's NOT attached to a giant military base?
And so the those giant military bases would simply shift from the federal government to the Texas government. If the seceded - they would still need a military.

Says who ? You think Texas gets to just keep all that fed infrastructure ?

Texas is big on low wages. They love idiots who think 15 dollars per hour is a good wage.
The "base" is nothing more than land and buildings genius. The land already belongs to Texas. No way the U.S. tears down all of those buildings. And if they do - so be it. Texas just builds them again (only better). But lets be honest - all the U.S. would want is the equipment (weapons, ammunition, vehicles, computers, etc.). The buildings would still be there. Would probably cost more to tear them down than they are even worth.

You seriously think America is just going hand over national equipment and property to Texas? Think again chump.

Here is some other stuff Texans will lose:

SS benefits
Medicare/medicaid funding
FDIC/EPA/FDA protections
International representation and diplomatic channels.
$Dollar currency.

etc etc etc,

To describe this succession as turning everything upside down with potentially very bad outcomes for Texans is a huge understatement.

Why would they lose all that? People move out of the country all the time and they dont lose the benefits they paid for.
Texas would rot without being able to suck off the federal teet. Is there a big city in Texas that's NOT attached to a giant military base?
And so the those giant military bases would simply shift from the federal government to the Texas government. If the seceded - they would still need a military.

And every Texan who's paid into Medicare and Social Security would lose their benefits.

Another dumbass....people move out of the country all the time and keep their benefits.
I'm super-conservative but i don't get it. If Texas secedes and china decides to invade the state, who is gonna stop them?

You mean like Europe where Russian can pick off any country they want to one by one? Funny, seems to be going the other way. So in your mind, if Texas secedes, the rest of the country would let China invade them not seeing any threat? So why haven't Canada and/or Mexico fallen then?

But the answer to your question as to why anyone would support secession, the answer is the consent of the governed. Given the belligerence the US government has had to it's citizens and the endless erosion of our liberty, I no longer consent to be governed by the US government. Apparently a lot of people agree with me
Texas is big on low wages. They love idiots who think 15 dollars per hour is a good wage.
Liberals are big on unsustainable wages that collapse economies. They love idiots who think that you can pay someone $142,000 a year to mop a floor, plus cadillac healthcare benefits, plus a cadillac pension plan, plus tuition reimbursement.

It's ok - we realize that basic economics is far beyond liberals capability to grasp. You guys just stay out of the way and us conservatives will build you a super-charged economy with more wealth and opportunity floating around than you could possibly imagine. Just one warning though - you'll have to earn both. They won't be handed to you like you guys want. Sorry.
Why would they lose all that? People move out of the country all the time and they don't lose the benefits they paid for.

That's maybe true as far as to-date SS benefit accumulation, but Medicare/Medicaid is not going to pay out for procedures outside of America. Texas would get hit big on elderly medical bills....among 1001 other sht that gets turned upside down.
Why would they lose all that? People move out of the country all the time and they don't lose the benefits they paid for.

That's maybe true as far as to-date SS benefit accumulation, but Medicare/Medicaid is not going to pay out for procedures outside of America. Texas will quickly drown in elderly medical bills.

Than US can refund all the money they paid in.
Why would they lose all that? People move out of the country all the time and they don't lose the benefits they paid for.

That's maybe true as far as to-date SS benefit accumulation, but Medicare/Medicaid is not going to pay out for procedures outside of America. Texas will quickly drown in elderly medical bills.

Than US can refund all the money they paid in.
It's amazing that liberals need something so basic and so obvious explained to them.
Why would they lose all that? People move out of the country all the time and they don't lose the benefits they paid for.

That's maybe true as far as to-date SS benefit accumulation, but Medicare/Medicaid is not going to pay out for procedures outside of America. Texas will quickly drown in elderly medical bills.

Than US can refund all the money they paid in.

You didn't pay in to anything. You were taxed. Now you're on welfare as today's taxpayers are paying you for something you contributed nothing to. No money was saved
Why would they lose all that? People move out of the country all the time and they don't lose the benefits they paid for.

That's maybe true as far as to-date SS benefit accumulation, but Medicare/Medicaid is not going to pay out for procedures outside of America. Texas will quickly drown in elderly medical bills.

Than US can refund all the money they paid in.
It's amazing that liberals need something so basic and so obvious explained to them.

No money was ever saved. If Texas can just get out of the Ponzi scheme that is social security and medicare, run, run like the wind
Why would they lose all that? People move out of the country all the time and they don't lose the benefits they paid for.

That's maybe true as far as to-date SS benefit accumulation, but Medicare/Medicaid is not going to pay out for procedures outside of America. Texas will quickly drown in elderly medical bills.

Than US can refund all the money they paid in.
It's amazing that liberals need something so basic and so obvious explained to them.

To them it's all about fucking over Conservatives so they let that over run their minimal brains.
Why would they lose all that? People move out of the country all the time and they don't lose the benefits they paid for.

That's maybe true as far as to-date SS benefit accumulation, but Medicare/Medicaid is not going to pay out for procedures outside of America. Texas will quickly drown in elderly medical bills.

Than US can refund all the money they paid in.
It's amazing that liberals need something so basic and so obvious explained to them.

To them it's all about fucking over Conservatives so they let that over run their minimal brains.

If you're "conservative," why do you perpetuate the lie you ever saved any money when government spent it as it came in just like any other tax?

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