Why do so many leftists believe in the Executive Order?

What grant of authority did Congress give Trump to ban bump stocks?
Did you read the decisions? Did Congress not create the ATF? Did Congress not create laws about guns and firearms and machine guns? If so (and the answer is that they did), then the authority to craft an EO depends on interpretation of those laws. And, under Chevron, deference is granted to administrative interpretations.

The better question is: can you point to a law passed by Congress that authorized Brandon to issue his EO to use federal funds to pay off student loans in any part?

The closest I can find is an emergency act originally involving a very different emergency. So far, the courts have denied that the authority in that law extends to student loan repayments.
Thanks, now show one from him when Trump was POTUS as he claims.
Not my job. It appears however that he didn’t phrase it exactly in the form of a question. But why quibble! It says the same thing no matter how he phrased it.
I already noted that the SCOTUS denied cert on that lower court (en banc) determination. And I’ve already noted my understanding for the different treatment.

EDIT: the Trump rule as promulgated was justified as follows:

Did you read the decisions? Did Congress not create the ATF? Did Congress not create laws about guns and firearms and machine guns? If so (and the answer is that they did), then the authority to craft an EO depends on interpretation of those laws. And, under Chevron, deference is granted to administrative interpretations.

The better question is: can you point to a law passed by Congress that authorized Brandon to issue his EO to use federal funds to pay off student loans in any part?

The closest I can find is an emergency act originally involving a very different emergency. So far, the courts have denied that the authority in that law extends to student loan repayments.

Argue that. Biden will argue it would apply to banning semi-automatic weapons also.

Both moves would simply stop a gun from being fired faster.

Even if you argue Trump had the authority, are you going to argue he should have done it?
Yes, and I don’t like it.

As far as the SC goes, no one elected them either. Congress makes law, not either one of the afore mentioned.

Gee, you were absolutely gleeful when the SC was overturning Roe. You were very happy with Trump's E0 banning Muslims. You can't jeer when Demcrats turn the tables on Republicans and use their own tactics against them.
When Trump did what he did very few condemned it. The left was fine with it and his supporters simply could not condemn him. I did. Now do you understand why?

Now do you understand why blind partisanship is a huge issue in this country?
We do not have left, center and right in our two major parties anymore. The Dems votes left of left and Repubs vote to their left to moderate too often.
Either way Biden can do the same.

It's always "The Democrats" are going to take your guns. Obama never did a thing. Biden hasn't actually done anything yet.

Trump did.
Brandon CAN do the same when it is authorized by a Congressionally passed law. Otherwise, no.
Biden making noise about banning guns with an EO, but we in this country seem too stupid to know that it would not effect the population, because a President can not change law on his own, and certainly can't change the Constitution...

Ears: " I've got a phone and a pin" rings a bell

Didn't work with student loan crap though
Potato isn't going to ban guns by Executive Order. It's completely against the US Constitution

You leftists pull up your panties and forget about it
Argue that. Biden will argue it would apply to banning semi-automatic weapons also.

Both moves would simply stop a gun from being fired faster.

Even if you argue Trump had the authority, are you going to argue he should have done it?
Different questions.

I may not care for some laws. I may not care for some executive orders or associated promulgation of rules. But those aren’t the questions under consideration.

Take Note. A machine gun isn’t the same thing as a semi-automatic. The former is a fully automatic weapons. So, the law relied upon by the Trump Administration is not the law on which Brandon is relying.
Different questions.

I may not care for some laws. I may not care for some executive orders or associated promulgation of rules. But those aren’t the questions under consideration.

Take Note. A machine gun isn’t the same thing as a semi-automatic. The former is a fully automatic weapons. So, the law relied upon by the Trump Administration is not the law on which Brandon is relying.

You have no idea what argument Biden will use and it's irrelevant. If Trump can ban one aspect of a gun and get the Supreme Court to let it stand, so can Biden.

The assault weapons ban your university "study" quotes was in effect from '94 to '96 NOT for ten years. Furthermore they engage in pure speculation as to how many mass killings the ban MAY HAVE PREVENTED. Total pie in the sky. There are much better studies on the FAWB but I'm sure you are not interested in educating yourself. Low information hacks only look for a "study" that gives them the answer they want. FAIL.
You have no idea what argument Biden will use and it's irrelevant. If Trump can ban one aspect of a gun and get the Supreme Court to let it stand, so can Biden.

It's not going to happen. The court's strike down leftist gun laws time after time... there's a reason why
It's not going to happen. The court's strike down leftist gun laws time after time... there's a reason why

You can address where I've noted it can happen if you wish. You are arguing that the Supreme Court is so partisan that they will allow a Trump ban to stand but not a Biden ban.

That's quite a sad statement.

I DO NOT support expanding the court but if it went there, I would.

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