Why do so many people from every political angle talk like we're on the path to destruction?

Do you have any historical examples of a society becoming better in those ways as they became wealthier and more comfortable?

What about Greek philosophers? They were privileged academics that had the time and comfort to sit around thinking about shit. Did they contribute to our philosophical growth at all?

What about them? You seem to think if you can point to, "Aha, they had philosophers at some point in their history!!", that it will somehow disprove the point about how the society ended up.

Perhaps you could take a look at what happened to ancient Greek society, and the reasons why they aren't around now, and recognize that you just proved MY point, by providing an example of one of those societies that grew wealthy and powerful, and became corrupted and fell.
Why? The progressive left murders tens of millions of its citizens in an effort to force compliance. You think that that is 'enlightened"

Ancients didn't have the technology to do it as cleanly and safely as we can. You don't think they would have been doing the same thing if they had the ability? They had all kinds of more barbaric ways to kill their unborn children. Hell, a lot of times they murdered them after they were already born.

So I just heard, "The problem isn't tyranny and oppression. The problem is doing it cleanly and making it look nice. Oppression is great, as long as you make it pretty!"
"Cleanly" murder millions of people. That is your idea of improving humanity. That explains a lot about you.

I am not taking a pro abortion stance. I am just saying we're no worse than them when it comes to something like that. The only difference is we have the technology to handle it easier.

No, the problem is that we develop advanced medical technology, and see it as, "Hey, what a wonderfully efficient way to kill babies that'll give us!"

So again, you have proven that becoming more advanced technologically has done nothing whatsoever to improve us spiritually and philosophically. We're still the same barbarians we always were, but with fancier tools.
I'm not talking about abortion. I am talking about Stalins gulags, Mao's cultural revolution, and hitlers camps. All progressive leftists who between them murdered well over 100 million people.

My bad. I dropped the ball on that one. I'm only human after all. Genghis Khan murdered like 10% of the world's population. Yeah, we haven't reached enlightenment yet. I think we're doing a little better than we were though.

And you have yet to show us this improved enlightenment. You just keep asserting that you "know" it is happening.
over the last 50-100 yrs its been going down,, the further back you step the clearer it is to see the tyranny and oppression in the name of equality and diverseness,,,

Over the last 100 years we have had countless unbelievable technological breakthroughs that have changed our world completely. In general the world is more peaceful and prosperous than it has ever been. What are you talking about?
I don't know about more peaceful.

Yeah, I'm outright rejecting that entire premise.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
The Democratic Party stole the election of President and both Georgia senators. Do you believe that's relevant to this discussion?

How do you control voters? How do you "steal" their votes?

Well, for starters, you prevent them from having the information they need to make informed, independent decisions.
you just proved MY point

I really don't think I did. I think you kind of missed my point and trailed off. It's cool if you think that though. I'm kind of over this topic. I'm not going to convince you that things don't suck and aren't actually getting worse. It seems to be an integral part of your world view.
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youre over it because you got your college ass handed to you ,,AGAIN,,

I'm over it because I'm not as stubborn as you, but if you want to do a victory dance I won't try to stop you. You're one of those people that will argue in circles forever and then say "I WIN I WIN I WIN!" when the other person gets tired. Being stubborn isn't the same as winning the debate.

As stated previously this is just a difference in perspective. It was arrogant of you to think you could "win" this debate. And even if I did lose the debate, I didn't lose it to you. You didn't and never do contribute anything of substance to the conversation.
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one side is stating their goals and the other is trying to warn people,,

Both sides seem to be incapable of seeing that humanity is and always has been on an upward trend if you step back far enough to see the big picture. I see no need for all of the negativity.
That is just wrong----Dark times are coming------------
Do you have any historical examples of a society becoming better in those ways as they became wealthier and more comfortable?

What about Greek philosophers? They were privileged academics that had the time and comfort to sit around thinking about shit. Did they contribute to our philosophical growth at all?

What about them? You seem to think if you can point to, "Aha, they had philosophers at some point in their history!!", that it will somehow disprove the point about how the society ended up.

Perhaps you could take a look at what happened to ancient Greek society, and the reasons why they aren't around now, and recognize that you just proved MY point, by providing an example of one of those societies that grew wealthy and powerful, and became corrupted and fell.
Do all societies become corrupt and fall..or do some transform..as an example, I give you England. often, if not always, their Govt. was corrupt--while peasants crawled in the gutter---despite that..despite a horrible civil war..despite losing two generations in the 20th century....it endures, and is resurgent.
I'm not endorsing their system..I'm just pointing out that societies and cultures can be quite flexible...and very long lived.

Our system in the US is built to allow radical change...maybe the real answer is to re-address State's Rights...and return autonomy to the States--while preserving the Union and ensuring basic civil rights... Locals should decide local culture anyway.
Before it gets too late
The haters gonna hate
Up is down
Spin all around
Loco is their state
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Politicians have to keep the sheep scared and compliant.
Politicians have to keep the sheep scared and compliant.

And angry...

I think a lot of people need things to be unhappy about. They wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they accepted that we're doing alright and will continue to do better.
you just proved MY point

I really don't think I did. I think you kind of missed my point and trailed off. It's cool if you think that though. I'm kind of over this topic. I'm not going to convince you that things don't suck and aren't actually getting worse. It seems to be an integral part of your world view.

You can think you didn't as much as you like. You still did. And no, the cliche of, "Well, you disagreed with me, so OBVIOUSLY, you just didn't understand my brilliant point. Here, let me re-assert it, so that you can marvel at my wisdom" won't work. I understood your point perfectly well, because - hate to break it to you - you aren't even remotely as profound and incisive as you constantly flatter yourself you are.

Typical leftist AND typical arrogant child: "The instant someone argues with me instead of applauding me, I'm over it, because it's unfair of you to expect me to make my case, instead of just declaring myself right."

What I'm over is your standard operating procedure of making a thread, declaring yourself a deeply profound genius, and then storming away in a snit to pout because people dare to disagree with you. I don't tolerate your level of conceited immaturity in my 12-year-old - who, quite frankly, could mop the floor with you in a debate - and I definitely have no motivation to tolerate it from you.

Take yourself to your room and think about what a fool you have AGAIN made of yourself. The grown-ups will be continuing the discussion you were too childish for, and you are no longer welcome to participate.
youre over it because you got your college ass handed to you ,,AGAIN,,

I'm over it because I'm not as stubborn as you, but if you want to do a victory dance I won't try to stop you. You're one of those people that will argue in circles forever and then say "I WIN I WIN I WIN!" when the other person gets tired. Being stubborn isn't the same as winning the debate.

As stated previously this is just a difference in perspective. It was arrogant of you to think you could "win" this debate. And even if I did lose the debate, I didn't lose it to you. You didn't and never do contribute anything of substance to the conversation.
I argued in a straight line,, your problem is youre to young to understand how the world works since youve never provided for yourself and others,,
youre over it because you got your college ass handed to you ,,AGAIN,,

I'm over it because I'm not as stubborn as you, but if you want to do a victory dance I won't try to stop you. You're one of those people that will argue in circles forever and then say "I WIN I WIN I WIN!" when the other person gets tired. Being stubborn isn't the same as winning the debate.

As stated previously this is just a difference in perspective. It was arrogant of you to think you could "win" this debate. And even if I did lose the debate, I didn't lose it to you. You didn't and never do contribute anything of substance to the conversation.

"It's not that I'm a spoiled brat!!! It's NOT!!! It's because YOU are a bad person for insisting on disagreeing with me!!!! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

As stated previously, this is no longer your thread, and you are no longer part of the discussion. Go to your corner until you grow up, LITTLE BOY.
one side is stating their goals and the other is trying to warn people,,

Both sides seem to be incapable of seeing that humanity is and always has been on an upward trend if you step back far enough to see the big picture. I see no need for all of the negativity.
That is just wrong----Dark times are coming------------

Dark times are always coming. So, eventually, are good times. Human history is cyclical that way.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Well when you go to your home town and hang out at the bowling alley and a guy significantly older and significantly smaller threatens you over not liking his political guy. People are a bit detached from reality. The guy was not even drunk. Then another guy joins him and I am standing there with two friends nicknamed lurch and walking mountain they are detached from reality. Does not bode well for the future. Also both these idiots were former friends and one was employed by my father. Also when people need to take a zanex to cope things may be going the wrong way. Add in possible civil war in a nuclear armed nation, recipe for disaster.
I argued in a straight line,, your problem is youre to young to understand how the world works since youve never provided for yourself and others,,

You did it again, the same thing you always do. This is why you're boring and contribute nothing.

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