Why do so many people from every political angle talk like we're on the path to destruction?

All of which refer to the QUALITY of life improving. And that only if you can afford it. So, once again, how is HUMANITY getting better? This is not a trick question, it is a question of your ability to answer a simple question. This is a philosophical question. Do you know what a philosophical question even is?

I doubt it.

Quality of life improvements will help fuel our spiritual, emotional and philosophical growth by reducing the stress and strain required for existence. Obviously spiritual, emotional and philosophical growth is harder to map and track, and obviously we still have a way to go. By the way, your smug and condescending attitude just makes you look like an ignorant jerk, especially when the point you're trying to drive home isn't actually a good point.

Please explain how you get from "quality of life improvements" to "spiritual, emotional, and philosophical growth". Do you have any historical examples of a society becoming better in those ways as they became wealthier and more comfortable? I seem to recall history being replete with nations getting wealthier and more advanced in quality of life, only to become corrupt and decadent philosophically and spiritually, and eventually falling.
I've been debating you all morning,, youre just mad cause youre losing

This is a perspective disagreement. It's not really about winning or losing the debate. Neither of us actually has the capability to prove the other wrong and "win" the debate. You're arrogant.

That being said my impatience has nothing to do with anything being discussed about the topic. You desperately barrage me with that same deflective nonsense every time you engage with me. You're just trying to undermine me with an ad hominem approach. It's boring. If that's all you're going to do you should stop wasting your time.
I can easily prove you wrong and have several times,,,

your problem is you here something in class and think it will pass reality ,, hate to break it to you but it seldom does,,
Please explain how you get from "quality of life improvements" to "spiritual, emotional, and philosophical growth". Do you have any historical examples of a society becoming better in those ways as they became wealthier and more comfortable? I seem to recall history being replete with nations getting wealthier and more advanced in quality of life, only to become corrupt and decadent philosophically and spiritually, and eventually falling.

I think knowledge, experience and the technology that comes with those things has been helping us in that sense all along regardless of any lapses. I believe in general we are more enlightened than those that came before us. I also think those that come after us will be more enlightened still.
Please explain how you get from "quality of life improvements" to "spiritual, emotional, and philosophical growth". Do you have any historical examples of a society becoming better in those ways as they became wealthier and more comfortable? I seem to recall history being replete with nations getting wealthier and more advanced in quality of life, only to become corrupt and decadent philosophically and spiritually, and eventually falling.

I think knowledge, experience and the technology that comes with those things has been helping us in that sense all along regardless of any lapses. I believe in general we are more enlightened than those that came before us. I also think those that come after us will be more enlightened still.

Why? The progressive left murders tens of millions of its citizens in an effort to force compliance. You think that that is 'enlightened"
Do you have any historical examples of a society becoming better in those ways as they became wealthier and more comfortable?

What about Greek philosophers? They were privileged academics that had the time and comfort to sit around thinking about shit. Did they contribute to our philosophical growth at all?
Why? The progressive left murders tens of millions of its citizens in an effort to force compliance. You think that that is 'enlightened"

Ancients didn't have the technology to do it as cleanly and safely as we can. You don't think they would have been doing the same thing if they had the ability? They had all kinds of more barbaric ways to kill their unborn children. Hell, a lot of times they murdered them after they were already born.
Do you have any historical examples of a society becoming better in those ways as they became wealthier and more comfortable?

What about Greek philosophers? They were privileged academics that had the time and comfort to sit around thinking about shit. Did they contribute to our philosophical growth at all?

Being forced to commit suicide is "privileged" is it.

Why? The progressive left murders tens of millions of its citizens in an effort to force compliance. You think that that is 'enlightened"

Ancients didn't have the technology to do it as cleanly and safely as we can. You don't think they would have been doing that too if they had the ability? They had all kinds of more barbaric ways to kill their unborn children. Hell, a lot of times they murdered them after they were already born.

"Cleanly" murder millions of people. That is your idea of improving humanity. That explains a lot about you.
"Cleanly" murder millions of people. That is your idea of improving humanity. That explains a lot about you.

I am not taking a pro abortion stance. I am just saying we're no worse than them when it comes to something like that. The only difference is we have the technology to handle it easier.
Being forced to commit suicide is "privileged" is it.


So you actually disagree with the spirit of my suggestion? Greek philosophers were absolutely privileged academics and they did contribute a lot to philosophy. The fact that some of them were victimized for their observations/opinions doesn't change that.
"Cleanly" murder millions of people. That is your idea of improving humanity. That explains a lot about you.

I am not taking a pro abortion stance. I am just saying we're no worse than them when it comes to something like that. The only difference is we have the technology to handle it easier.

I'm not talking about abortion. I am talking about Stalins gulags, Mao's cultural revolution, and hitlers camps. All progressive leftists who between them murdered well over 100 million people.
Being forced to commit suicide is "privileged" is it.


So you actually disagree with the spirit of my suggestion? Greek philosophers were absolutely privileged academics and they did contribute a lot to philosophy. The fact that some of them were victimized for their observations/opinions doesn't change that.

If you are forced to commit suicide you aren't privileged. The philosophers were generals, historians, artists, farmers, teachers, and merchants. There wasn't a group of wealthy dudes, laying around eating olives, and thinking deep thoughts. They had to provide a living for themselves.
I'm not talking about abortion. I am talking about Stalins gulags, Mao's cultural revolution, and hitlers camps. All progressive leftists who between them murdered well over 100 million people.

My bad. I dropped the ball on that one. I'm only human after all. Genghis Khan murdered like 10% of the world's population. Yeah, we haven't reached enlightenment yet. I think we're doing a little better than we were though.
If you are forced to commit suicide you aren't privileged. The philosophers were generals, historians, artists, farmers, teachers, and merchants. There wasn't a group of wealthy dudes, laying around eating olives, and thinking deep thoughts. They had to provide a living for themselves.

Most of them were highly privileged upper-class academics. I am using "academic" kind of loosely here. Mostly I just mean that they were learned people. Education was more of a privilege back then. I didn't say they didn't do anything but eat grapes, but they did have a lot more time and comfort than the average person of that era. I believe that's part of what allowed them to make the breakthroughs that they did.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.

Honestly I think you need to stop watching so much goddamn Rick and Morty and drop the cringey nihilist act.

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