Why do so many people from every political angle talk like we're on the path to destruction?

Those afraid to confront reality always dismiss another's "negativity" as "exaggerated"...don't they?
Isn't that how the Right has had their nation stolen from them over the last two decades...by pretending there really was no problem worth fighting over?

We have different realities it seems. I see the world getting better and better. You seem to think everything is falling apart. :confused:

I don't live in "the world" I live in America. Where is America improving for good, real, core Americans?
What Leftist run city or state do you hope the rest of the nation emulates?
sure do,, its called personal responsibility and being prepared,,, for me it would be a slight inconvenience for a short time,,

of course that wouldnt be fun cause most people are to addicted to the easy stuff and as far as I'm concerned they can die off

So your solution is for people to stop using technology and go back to the old days?
not seeing where I said that,,,
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Fear sells. It engages survival modes of thinking and degrades rational assessment. The State has always used fear..and it is a staple of the factions. Left or right..the tactic is the same, as you noted.
Fear empowers. It justifies exaggerated responses and reactions to opposing views. It justifies reprehensible tactics in the name of an ideological cause.
Fear justifies atrocity--and fear absolves responsibility.
it your eyes whats getting better that isnt artificial??

Technology allows us to feed more people and grow as a species more and more all the time. Technology allows us to become more and more knowledgeable as a species. Automation is allowing humans to not have to break their backs as much with manual labor, and that will become the case more and more. Medical breakthroughs are making it easier to cure conditions. Surgeries are becoming less and less invasive. The human struggle in general is getting easier. Life is getting better.
Fear sells. It engages survival modes of thinking and degrades rational assessment. The State has always used fear..and it is a staple of the factions. Left or right..the tactic is the same, as you noted.
Fear empowers. It justifies exaggerated responses and reactions to opposing views. It justifies reprehensible tactics in the name of an ideological cause.
Fear justifies atrocity--and fear absolves responsibility.

Well said.
Those afraid to confront reality always dismiss another's "negativity" as "exaggerated"...don't they?
Isn't that how the Right has had their nation stolen from them over the last two decades...by pretending there really was no problem worth fighting over?

We have different realities it seems. I see the world getting better and better. You seem to think everything is falling apart. :confused:

I don't live in "the world" I live in America. Where is America improving for good, real, core Americans?
What Leftist run city or state do you hope the rest of the nation emulates?
Well..I'll tell ya..southeast Idaho is chalk full of good, real, core Americans..and life has been better than most of the US here for quite some time now.

Whatr the OP is saying and what you are buying are just too far apart. You are invested in a narrative..hell..it might even be true..for you, anyway. Most of us are quite optimistic about the future..when we're not being deluged with fearmongering interests.
already answered that,,, be prepared,, dont base your life on the conveniences and take some personal responsibility,,

So do you think there's any chance of selling your view to the masses as time goes on and technology becomes more advanced? If not is your approach actually realistic?
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.

It's not fine. The developed world and especially the U.S. is deteriorating drastically. If you haven't noticed that, you just aren't keeping up with events, IMO.
already answered that,,, be prepared,, dont base your life on the conveniences and take some personal responsibility,,

So do you think there's any chance of selling your view to the masses as time goes on and technology becomes more advanced? If not is your approach actually realistic?
well I know its not the job of the grocery store to make sure I have food,, its not the job of my doctor to make sure I am healthy,, and its not the job of the electric company to make sure I'm warm and have lights,,,

what the mass's do isnt my problem,,
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Predictions of ten years of yearly 1PLUS Trillion dollar deficits post-Trump do it for me.
It's not fine. The developed world and especially the U.S. is deteriorating drastically. If you haven't noticed that, you just aren't keeping up with events, IMO.

Technology makes and will continue to make life easier for people all the time. Countless people all over the world are being lifted out of poverty every year. We're growing more and more food. We're gaining more and more knowledge. I think you're wrong.
well I know its not the job of the grocery store to make sure I have food,, its not the job of my doctor to make sure I am healthy,, and its not the job of the electric company to make sure I'm warm and have lights,,,

what the mass's do isnt my problem,,

My point is there's not a realistic way to prevent humanity from becoming dependent on technology.
Those afraid to confront reality always dismiss another's "negativity" as "exaggerated"...don't they?
Isn't that how the Right has had their nation stolen from them over the last two decades...by pretending there really was no problem worth fighting over?

We have different realities it seems. I see the world getting better and better. You seem to think everything is falling apart. :confused:

I don't live in "the world" I live in America. Where is America improving for good, real, core Americans?
What Leftist run city or state do you hope the rest of the nation emulates?
Well..I'll tell ya..southeast Idaho is chalk full of good, real, core Americans..and life has been better than most of the US here for quite some time now.

Whatr the OP is saying and what you are buying are just too far apart. You are invested in a narrative..hell..it might even be true..for you, anyway. Most of us are quite optimistic about the future..when we're not being deluged with fearmongering interests.

"Most of us are quite optimistic about the future"
WTF...you can't be serious!

$28 trillion in debt with no end in sight
A middle class that can't save or get ahead
Violent crime way up in all blue shitholes
Black criminality at an all time high
Hundreds of thousands of homeless pissing, shitting and dying in out streets
An extremely divided citizenry
Wetbacks invading our nation unimpeded
Wetbacks ruining our education and healthcare systems unimpeded
Wetbacks destroying wages and all blue collar trade work unimpeded
Anchor babies stealing citizenships from Americans and deciding our elections in CA, AZ, NV, NM
Social media giants steering our youth, our nation and our elections

Lib shit at its finest right there ladies and gentlemen.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible.

Rampant crime, rape, murder, drug overdoses, unemployment, government corruption, trillions in debt with trillions more spiraling out of control with no end in sight. It's looking a lot like the USA will fail just as every apex empire in all of human history has failed, and for the same reasons.
I don't live in "the world" I live in America. Where is America improving for good, real, core Americans?
What Leftist run city or state do you hope the rest of the nation emulates?
And if they don't want to emulate any of the inner cities all over America, how about turning into a second Mexico, which seems likely to happen within a couple years, with all these huge caravans coming North and Biden's "Y'all come on in!" attitude. Then we can have the whole country run by drug lords and mass murders shoveled into mass graves all the time like they do down there. We're not far from that, with all the leftwing Cancelling of absolutely everyone they can talk into apologizing for being themselves.
$28 trillion in debt with no end in sight
A middle class that can't save or get ahead
Violent crime way up in all blue shitholes
Black criminality at an all time high
Hundreds of thousands of homeless pissing, shitting and dying in out streets
An extremely divided citizenry
Wetbacks invading our nation unimpeded
Wetbacks ruining our education and healthcare systems unimpeded
Wetbacks destroying wages and all blue collar trade work unimpeded
Anchor babies stealing citizenships from Americans and deciding our elections in CA, AZ, NV, NM
Social media giants steering our youth, our nation and our elections

Lib shit at its finest right there ladies and gentlemen.

Your negativity prevents you from seeing the bigger picture.
well I know its not the job of the grocery store to make sure I have food,, its not the job of my doctor to make sure I am healthy,, and its not the job of the electric company to make sure I'm warm and have lights,,,

what the mass's do isnt my problem,,

My point is there's not a realistic way to prevent humanity from becoming dependent on technology.
and because of that they are one blackout away from extension,,, so your point things are better with it are less than encouraging,,

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