Why do so many people from every political angle talk like we're on the path to destruction?

Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Propaganda induced paranoia is the answer to your question! The drama comes from the superior actors among our multi-talented USMB members which are the envy of every other M/B on the web!!!
You haven't noticed all the actual disasters we are in right now? Hypothetical, nothing!

I suggest you must be a Dem trying to pretend everything is hunky-dory since your guy got in, honestly or not, when in fact the whole country is falling apart in several different directions. A puppies-and-kitten happytalk is not going to change the fact that we've gone to the dogs.

I'm not a moron so my world view doesn't shift with the presidency.

Correct, you aren't a moron, you're worse. The fact is this "president" is a house plant. he has no idea where he is half the time. He is a puppet of the CCP, and assholes, like you, who support the plant, are either traitors to your country, or you are chinese agents. It doesn't matter which one you are to me, just sit back and watch the show.
Dude..you ARE the show~
The world isn't "ending", it's shifting. Autocrats aren't going to do well, primarily because they have all done so poorly in the pandemic.

Who are you considering an "autocrat"? The ultra-rich and the big companies are surviving when all the small companies have gone broke, because they have deeper pockets. Like the chain restaurants are surviving but all the small restaurants are going out of business. The stock market bubble is making gazillions for the rich right now, and Jeff Bezos has been the richest man in all of history for some months now as Amazon rescued us all. So I don't know what you mean by autocrats not doing well, unless you mean that the autocratic self-described "elites" like these fake docs with their fake orders to everyone that make no sense are not doing well in the pandemic --- I would agree with that, if that was what you meant.
You haven't noticed all the actual disasters we are in right now? Hypothetical, nothing!

I suggest you must be a Dem trying to pretend everything is hunky-dory since your guy got in, honestly or not, when in fact the whole country is falling apart in several different directions. A puppies-and-kitten happytalk is not going to change the fact that we've gone to the dogs.

I'm not a moron so my world view doesn't shift with the presidency.

Correct, you aren't a moron, you're worse. The fact is this "president" is a house plant. he has no idea where he is half the time. He is a puppet of the CCP, and assholes, like you, who support the plant, are either traitors to your country, or you are chinese agents. It doesn't matter which one you are to me, just sit back and watch the show.
Dude..you ARE the show~

I wish I were. it would be far more entertaining than watching this CACA shit show happening before our eyes.
The world isn't "ending", it's shifting. Autocrats aren't going to do well, primarily because they have all done so poorly in the pandemic.

Who are you considering an "autocrat"? The ultra-rich and the big companies are surviving when all the small companies have gone broke, because they have deeper pockets. Like the chain restaurants are surviving but all the small restaurants are going out of business. The stock market bubble is making gazillions for the rich right now, and Jeff Bezos has been the richest man in all of history for some months now as Amazon rescued us all. So I don't know what you mean by autocrats not doing well, unless you mean that the autocratic self-described "elites" like these fake docs with their fake orders to everyone that make no sense are not doing well in the pandemic --- I would agree with that, if that was what you meant.

And almost ALL of the those big corporations that are raking in the huge dollars are CACA supporters.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Propaganda induced paranoia is the answer to your question! The drama comes from the superior actors among our multi-talented USMB members which are the envy of every other M/B on the web!!!

“I really miss those traditional conservatives, the ones with no sack or backbone, the ones who refused to become retaliatory, the one’s that would thump their Bibles, polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the balls to use and ignore us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
over the last 50-100 yrs its been going down,, the further back you step the clearer it is to see the tyranny and oppression in the name of equality and diverseness,,,

Over the last 100 years we have had countless unbelievable technological breakthroughs that have changed our world completely. In general the world is more peaceful and prosperous than it has ever been. What are you talking about?
The two political sides are getting further apart, and unable to get along and have any respect for the other side. And this is in the US, not worldwide.
Correct, you aren't a moron, you're worse. The fact is this "president" is a house plant. he has no idea where he is half the time. He is a puppet of the CCP, and assholes, like you, who support the plant, are either traitors to your country, or you are chinese agents. It doesn't matter which one you are to me, just sit back and watch the show.

You're old, so I forgive you for not being able to read so good anymore. The truth is I don't support Biden and have been critical of him since the moment I found out he might run. If you can find one post where I expressed being happy with Biden being the president I will wire you $5,000.
We’re headed down the wrong track right now. Does that mean we won’t correct the course and we’re doomed as a country? No, but what we’re witnessing is a deterioration in the culture and politics.
Correct, you aren't a moron, you're worse. The fact is this "president" is a house plant. he has no idea where he is half the time. He is a puppet of the CCP, and assholes, like you, who support the plant, are either traitors to your country, or you are chinese agents. It doesn't matter which one you are to me, just sit back and watch the show.

You're old, so I forgive you for not being able to read so good anymore. The truth is I don't support Biden and have been critical of him since the moment I found out he might run. If you can find one post where I expressed being happy with Biden being the president I will wire you $5,000.

No one like xiden. So who cares. What YOU are is a puppet of xi. Xi is running the show now.
Yeah, you're a chinese drone. You all post alike.

Not Russian?
The Russkies usually out-doom-and-gloom even us, and bizarrely. And with a characteristic stiff use of English. I can usually spot a Putin-minion; I'd bet you aren't a Russkie. Russkies don't do happy-talk, quite the opposite. No one else has guessed that, either, so I may not be the only one who can pick out the Russian trolls. I think.
The truth is I don't support Biden and have been critical of him since the moment I found out he might run. If you can find one post where I expressed being happy with Biden being the president I will wire you $5,000.
OOOOHHHH, a Bernie-Bro!!

That's more likely.
No one like xiden. So who cares. What YOU are is a puppet of xi. Xi is running the show now.

What's also clearly evident from my post history is sharp and constant criticism of China. I even spoke well of Trump's attempt at a trade war with them. I have expressed dozens of times that China needs to be stopped before their authoritarian government takes over the world.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Saying everything will be fine doesn’t get people attention, ratings and clicks.

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