Why do so many people from every political angle talk like we're on the path to destruction?

You think? I figure he's just a Dem drone. Putting out "unity" propaganda.

Are you guys truly this paranoid? Wow.

It's not paranoid when it's factual. Hollywood bows down to china. The dems were taken over by the chinese at least a decade ago based on factual reports we have now. The chinese have been slowly but surely buying all the political elite, repub and Dem alike. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to add 2+2.
No one like xiden. So who cares. What YOU are is a puppet of xi. Xi is running the show now.

What's also clearly evident from my post history is sharp and constant criticism of China. I even spoke well of Trump's attempt at a trade war with them. I have expressed dozens of times that China needs to be stopped before their authoritarian government takes over the world.

And yet, here you are in this very thread telling the people to calm down and let china have its way with us.

Make up your mind, drone.
It's not paranoid when it's factual. Hollywood bows down to china. The dems were taken over by the chinese at least a decade ago based on factual reports we have now. The chinese have been slowly but surely buying all the political elite, repub and Dem alike. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to add 2+2.

I shit on China constantly. Only somebody that pays no attention to what I say here would think I support China.
telling the people to calm down and let china have its way with us.


Me thinking humanity is improving and that the doom and gloom is ridiculous is the same as me saying we should let China have its way? What's wrong with your brain?
It's not paranoid when it's factual. Hollywood bows down to china. The dems were taken over by the chinese at least a decade ago based on factual reports we have now. The chinese have been slowly but surely buying all the political elite, repub and Dem alike. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to add 2+2.

And if it DID take a rocket scientist, he'd be a Chinese infiltrating our universities and getting a lot of secret grant money from the Chinese. After a couple well-publicized outings of Chinese profs, I read that they are literally considering an amnesty of any Chinese professors who have taken secret Chinese money, for fear of denuding the universities of staff. Seriously, I just read that in the Wall Street Journal.
If we could only slip into some sort of normal, Not fall into blame, look at our own actions and see if they seem reasonable or if we have become part of the problem.
It's not paranoid when it's factual. Hollywood bows down to china. The dems were taken over by the chinese at least a decade ago based on factual reports we have now. The chinese have been slowly but surely buying all the political elite, repub and Dem alike. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to add 2+2.

I shit on China constantly. Only somebody that pays no attention to what I say here would think I support China.

Once again, in this very thread, you are stating the opposite.
telling the people to calm down and let china have its way with us.


Me thinking humanity is improving and that the doom and gloom is ridiculous is the same as me saying we should let China have its way? What's wrong with your brain?

Nothing. How is humanity improving? Be specific.
telling the people to calm down and let china have its way with us.


Me thinking humanity is improving and that the doom and gloom is ridiculous is the same as me saying we should let China have its way? What's wrong with your brain?

Nothing. How is humanity improving? Be specific.
We are slowly and painfully shedding our Tribal inclinations and inching towards a more just world-..either that or SHTF at any moment--it does keep it interesting.
I'd recommend your read Kim Stanley Robinson and Neil Stephanson--but I doubt you could get through them..they postulate a world you literally can't imagine yourself living in.
If we could only slip into some sort of normal, Not fall into blame, look at our own actions and see if they seem reasonable or if we have become part of the problem.
You could do that. Be the Change You Want to See!
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.

I don't think most people are talking about the entire human race disappearing off the planet. This is what is known as a "straw man". The doom and gloom most in question at the moment is whether or not the United States can continue as one country when its people are so divided and hostile.
Nothing. How is humanity improving? Be specific.

I have answered this question more than once in this thread.

Once again, in this very thread, you are stating the opposite.

Your brain is malfunctioning if you actually believe that.

You’ve answered the question, but you’re only giving us certain aspects to support your narrative. I could list many ways in which things are getting worse.
Nothing. How is humanity improving? Be specific.

I have answered this question more than once in this thread.

Once again, in this very thread, you are stating the opposite.

Your brain is malfunctioning if you actually believe that.

The statement below isn't specific. It is a generalization. I want you to tell us what way humanity is getting better. The QUALITY of life for humans is getting better, that is certainly true if you live in the first world. However, if you live in a democrat run city, like San Francisco, I will say the quality of life is getting worse. It is rapidly becoming a third world shithole.

So, once again for the shallow thinkers, how is HUMANITY improving?

"Globally life is easier for more people than it ever has been at any point in history. More people gain access to education and transcend poverty every day. Technological advancements are exploding. I'm actually quite jealous of the generations that will come after me. They'll witness wonders beyond my conception."
I'd recommend your read Kim Stanley Robinson and Neil Stephanson--but I doubt you could get through them..they postulate a world you literally can't imagine yourself living in.
I love Neal Stephenson --- which novel are you referring to?
over the last 50-100 yrs its been going down,, the further back you step the clearer it is to see the tyranny and oppression in the name of equality and diverseness,,,

Over the last 100 years we have had countless unbelievable technological breakthroughs that have changed our world completely. In general the world is more peaceful and prosperous than it has ever been. What are you talking about?
The two political sides are getting further apart, and unable to get along and have any respect for the other side. And this is in the US, not worldwide.
Only one side is moving.
That would be the left moving into the absurd.
The "right" is moving to the left too, just at a much slower pace.

Only the crackpot left can be blamed for the current state of the country
I don't think most people are talking about the entire human race disappearing off the planet.

It depends on who you talk to. Some religious conservatives think our decline in traditional values will destroy us or damn near destroy us. Some radical leftists think capitalism is going to destroy us through AGW and the destruction of our resources and habitat. I don't think humanity is in decline. That's really what you should have taken from my post.
I'm actually quite jealous of the generations that will come after me. They'll witness wonders beyond my conception."

No fair citing events that have not happened and that you cannot even imagine. That's what substitutes for most news these days --- stuff that hasn't happened and probably won't.

It's just as likely that a massive nuclear war will obliterate modern society, or that an asteroid will hit the Earth.

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