Why do so many people from every political angle talk like we're on the path to destruction?

telling the people to calm down and let china have its way with us.


Me thinking humanity is improving and that the doom and gloom is ridiculous is the same as me saying we should let China have its way? What's wrong with your brain?

Nothing. How is humanity improving? Be specific.
We are slowly and painfully shedding our Tribal inclinations and inching towards a more just world-..either that or SHTF at any moment--it does keep it interesting.
I'd recommend your read Kim Stanley Robinson and Neil Stephanson--but I doubt you could get through them..they postulate a world you literally can't imagine yourself living in.

We are becoming MORE tribal you fool. The progressive left engaged in a year and a half long wave of violence that swept this country. Where were you? Under a rock?

I happen to like Stephansons Baroque Cycle so looks like you are wrong on that count too. Funny how you seem to think that a NOVEL is somehow indicative of the real world. Maybe it is you who would rather the world you would like to live in, rather than the world you DO live in.
I don't think most people are talking about the entire human race disappearing off the planet. This is what is known as a "straw man". The doom and gloom most in question at the moment is whether or not the United States can continue as one country when its people are so divided and hostile.

That's it exactly. And the answer is no, obviously no.
The statement below isn't specific. It is a generalization. I want you to tell us what way humanity is getting better. The QUALITY of life for humans is getting better, that is certainly true if you live in the first world. However, if you live in a democrat run city, like San Francisco, I will say the quality of life is getting worse. It is rapidly becoming a third world shithole.

So, once again for the shallow thinkers, how is HUMANITY improving?

"Globally life is easier for more people than it ever has been at any point in history. More people gain access to education and transcend poverty every day. Technological advancements are exploding. I'm actually quite jealous of the generations that will come after me. They'll witness wonders beyond my conception."

We're getting better and better at producing more and more food. The need for backbreaking labor is going down and will continue to go down. Medical technology has alleviated a lot of problems and will continue to become even more advanced. Countless people all over the world are becoming more educated and less impoverished. Just off the top of my head.
The CACA (Chinese American Communist Association) operatives are one and the same. Stab a democrat, and a chinese communist squeals.
I did figure out that acronym eventually; I looked it up on Bing. Thanks for writing it out, though.
I'd recommend your read Kim Stanley Robinson and Neil Stephanson--but I doubt you could get through them..they postulate a world you literally can't imagine yourself living in.
I love Neal Stephenson --- which novel are you referring to?
I think Fall, Dodge in Hell..would be applicable here, I think----with a taste of Snowcrash.
I'm actually quite jealous of the generations that will come after me. They'll witness wonders beyond my conception."

No fair citing events that have not happened and that you cannot even imagine. That's what substitutes for most news these days --- stuff that hasn't happened and probably won't.

It's just as likely that a massive nuclear war will obliterate modern society, or that an asteroid will hit the Earth.

I think, that if the progressive left is allowed to run rough shod over the conservatives there will be a world war that will end civilization as we know it. I'm not sure what the agent of that destruction will be. Biologic weapons I think are far more likely than nuclear. It is thought provoking, however, to know that the chinese are actively working to preserve 10% of their population through a nuclear holocaust. That would give them the largest single cultural group in the world, and from there it would be a walk in the park for them to take over the remains.
We're getting better and better at producing more and more food. The need for backbreaking labor is going down and will continue to go down. Medical technology has alleviated a lot of problems and will continue to become even more advanced. Countless people all over the world are becoming more educated and less impoverished. Just off the top of my head.
Jeepers. It is apparent you've been reading the modern Dr. Pangloss himself, Stephen Pinker. I would pay money not to read that book --- fortunately I can not read it for free. Pinker is so tedious in his unremitting Positive Thinking.
Jeepers. It is apparent you've been reading the modern Dr. Pangloss himself, Stephen Pinker. I would pay money not to read that book --- fortunately I can not read it for free. Pinker is so tedious in his unremitting Positive Thinking.

Thank you for that nothing of a response.
The statement below isn't specific. It is a generalization. I want you to tell us what way humanity is getting better. The QUALITY of life for humans is getting better, that is certainly true if you live in the first world. However, if you live in a democrat run city, like San Francisco, I will say the quality of life is getting worse. It is rapidly becoming a third world shithole.

So, once again for the shallow thinkers, how is HUMANITY improving?

"Globally life is easier for more people than it ever has been at any point in history. More people gain access to education and transcend poverty every day. Technological advancements are exploding. I'm actually quite jealous of the generations that will come after me. They'll witness wonders beyond my conception."

We're getting better and better at producing more and more food. The need for backbreaking labor is going down and will continue to go down. Medical technology has alleviated a lot of problems and will continue to become even more advanced. Countless people all over the world are becoming more educated and less impoverished. Just off the top of my head.

All of which refer to the QUALITY of life improving. And that only if you can afford it. So, once again, how is HUMANITY getting better? This is not a trick question, it is a question of your ability to answer a simple question. This is a philosophical question. Do you know what a philosophical question even is?

I doubt it.
I'd recommend your read Kim Stanley Robinson and Neil Stephanson--but I doubt you could get through them..they postulate a world you literally can't imagine yourself living in.
I love Neal Stephenson --- which novel are you referring to?
I think Fall, Dodge in Hell..would be applicable here, I think----with a taste of Snowcrash.
Yeah, I read most of that late last year, but it didn't hold me, somehow --- I never got out of Hell. I think the CACA discussion here attaches somewhat to Stephenson's first Dodge novel, Reamde. I've read that twice, love it.
I think, that if the progressive left is allowed to run rough shod over the conservatives there will be a world war that will end civilization as we know it.

I don't believe your erotic fantasy will come true.

I hope it doesn't. And only weak speakers, such as yourself, try and denigrate an argument by calling it erotic. Try and do better.

Though I sincerely doubt you are capable.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.

I guess some (many?) people are gloomy because (a) they think the Dems want to impose a communist regime on the country and (b) the racial unpleasantness seems to becoming worse.

Personally, I have no doubt that by the next century, the United States of America will have a different configuration.

All nations rise and eventually fall. We are falling.
Thank you for that nothing of a response.
You are welcome.

You must realize it's sort of annoying to see you deny all the serious problems we all are very worried about, with glib happy-talk. I do suspect you got it from Pinker, am I right? That's sure his schtick.
All of which refer to the QUALITY of life improving. And that only if you can afford it. So, once again, how is HUMANITY getting better? This is not a trick question, it is a question of your ability to answer a simple question. This is a philosophical question. Do you know what a philosophical question even is?

I doubt it.

Quality of life improvements will help fuel our spiritual, emotional and philosophical growth by reducing the stress and strain required for existence. Obviously spiritual, emotional and philosophical growth is harder to map and track, and obviously we still have a way to go. By the way, your smug and condescending attitude just makes you look like an ignorant jerk, especially when the point you're trying to drive home isn't actually a good point.
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You are welcome.

You must realize it's sort of annoying to see you deny all the serious problems we all are very worried about, with glib happy-talk. I do suspect you got it from Pinker, am I right? That's sure his schtick.

I know we have problems. We have lots of them, but I believe in our ability to overcome them, and to me it's clear that we are getting better, not worse.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
I care about the US, that's why I am mad America haters got commie Sleepy in the White House.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom?
Yes. You are witnessing the death of the Republic

No, you are witnessing the death of the Republican Party, from self-inflicted wounds. They've worked very hard for a very long time to achieve this level of failure. They deserve everything that is happening to them right now, and no one is going to deprive them of it.

Republicans could mitigate their losses by convicting Donald Trump, but they're not smart enough to do that. In which case, they won't get a another nickel out of Wall Street or corporate America. The last thing the business community wants is instability in the government.

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