Why do so many people from every political angle talk like we're on the path to destruction?

I'd recommend your read Kim Stanley Robinson and Neil Stephanson--but I doubt you could get through them..they postulate a world you literally can't imagine yourself living in.
I love Neal Stephenson --- which novel are you referring to?
I think Fall, Dodge in Hell..would be applicable here, I think----with a taste of Snowcrash.

Figures. You're a cyberpunk lout.
LOL! Guilty sir..cut my teeth on John Brunner and Bill Gibson.

in Fall..Stephanson postulates an almost completely separated Red and Blue America--with alternative data feeds, as it were. He takes the social media conundrum to its ultimate conclusion..and has most of humanity with tailored data feeds...good stuff. The baroque is great...historical sci-fi...great angle. if you read enough of Neil's books..you find most of them are connected.

7Eves is worth the read as well...profound genetic insights..and the scope is huge.
Well, maybe I'll take another look at Fall. Very interesting what you said there. I've read Snowcrash at least five times; we named a sheep Da5id from that book. I haven't tried Seveneves yet; thanks for the recommendation. I have the big sample they sent out.
I've had the advantage of hearing Neil speak about Fall..Hell specifically is all allegory--as the creation archetypes in Dodge's unconscious make themselves manifest.

I like the parts of the book that are out of Hell..as they are topical.

Have you ever read Stephen R. Donaldson? His "Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" are quite good.
I did..years ago..his concept of the anti-hero was refreshing!

Not so big into fantasy though...Sci-fi guy.

How about Kim S. Robinson?
I couldn't work with the Donaldson anti-hero; that's not a woman's book, nor are the Cornwall ones. I've tried. I can see men would like them.

I have often seem the name Kim Robinson, but never read that author. A recommendation?
I have read quite a few dystopian novels. They all have one major shortcoming though, and that is this belief that there will be restraint when the end comes. There won't be. The final fall of civilization is going to be catastrophic. And it will last centuries, if not longer.
Sure. That's certainly what happened last time civilization fell. It was catastrophic and it did take centuries. That's immigrant invasion for you --- those German types, then. Here it will be Latin Americans and Chinese, I suppose. Muslims and Africans in the European Union.

I also read a lot of dystopians but these are often preppers or post-apocs and they don't hold back ---- they kill off all the cities in a blaze of hysteria and mob violence (even, in the case of S.J. Stirling, cannibalism) and get on , with the new system the rugged individualists build. I find this highly plausible, the violence.
The violence yes..but the ending more like A Canticle for Leibowitz. Most preppers seek a return to tribalism for real--usually with them in charge..king of the resources..not realizing that their stockpiles make them targets.
one side is stating their goals and the other is trying to warn people,,

Both sides seem to be incapable of seeing that humanity is and always has been on an upward trend if you step back far enough to see the big picture. I see no need for all of the negativity.

You see what the left wants for America as an upward trend?
I'd recommend your read Kim Stanley Robinson and Neil Stephanson--but I doubt you could get through them..they postulate a world you literally can't imagine yourself living in.
I love Neal Stephenson --- which novel are you referring to?
I think Fall, Dodge in Hell..would be applicable here, I think----with a taste of Snowcrash.

Figures. You're a cyberpunk lout.
LOL! Guilty sir..cut my teeth on John Brunner and Bill Gibson.

in Fall..Stephanson postulates an almost completely separated Red and Blue America--with alternative data feeds, as it were. He takes the social media conundrum to its ultimate conclusion..and has most of humanity with tailored data feeds...good stuff. The baroque is great...historical sci-fi...great angle. if you read enough of Neil's books..you find most of them are connected.

7Eves is worth the read as well...profound genetic insights..and the scope is huge.
Well, maybe I'll take another look at Fall. Very interesting what you said there. I've read Snowcrash at least five times; we named a sheep Da5id from that book. I haven't tried Seveneves yet; thanks for the recommendation. I have the big sample they sent out.
I've had the advantage of hearing Neil speak about Fall..Hell specifically is all allegory--as the creation archetypes in Dodge's unconscious make themselves manifest.

I like the parts of the book that are out of Hell..as they are topical.

Have you ever read Stephen R. Donaldson? His "Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" are quite good.
I did..years ago..his concept of the anti-hero was refreshing!

Not so big into fantasy though...Sci-fi guy.

How about Kim S. Robinson?
I couldn't work with the Donaldson anti-hero; that's not a woman's book, nor are the Cornwall ones. I've tried. I can see men would like them.

I have often seem the name Kim Robinson, but never read that author. A recommendation?
Yeah..an anti-hero that rapes..is a bit much to identify with.

Kim..Depends on what you like...his Mars trilogy is consistently mentioned in the top three all time lists of series..Red Mars, Blue Mars and Green Mars--although the tech is now old..it still is considered one of the very best terraforming books out there.

I suggest this one:

Robinson is controversial..you'll have to make up your own mind. Check your preconceptions at the door..and you'll enjoy the hell out him. It is, after all, fiction, right?

and all the while personal responsibility and freedom has been declining,,,

its all a matter of perspective,,, other than the medical advancements I can make the case the others have had a more negative effect than positive,,,

Globally life is easier for more people than it ever has been at any point in history. More people gain access to education and transcend poverty every day. Technological advancements are exploding. I'm actually quite jealous of the generations that will come after me. They'll witness wonders beyond my conception.

You're obviously not a student of history if you cant see whats coming in America.
I have read quite a few dystopian novels. They all have one major shortcoming though, and that is this belief that there will be restraint when the end comes. There won't be. The final fall of civilization is going to be catastrophic. And it will last centuries, if not longer.
Sure. That's certainly what happened last time civilization fell. It was catastrophic and it did take centuries. That's immigrant invasion for you --- those German types, then. Here it will be Latin Americans and Chinese, I suppose. Muslims and Africans in the European Union.

I also read a lot of dystopians but these are often preppers or post-apocs and they don't hold back ---- they kill off all the cities in a blaze of hysteria and mob violence (even, in the case of S.J. Stirling, cannibalism) and get on , with the new system the rugged individualists build. I find this highly plausible, the violence.
The violence yes..but the ending more like A Canticle for Leibowitz. Most preppers seek a return to tribalism for real--usually with them in charge..king of the resources..not realizing that their stockpiles make them targets.
Oh, no, the stories are very clear about hiding the resources, indeed the whole family or group! The first rule of prepping is never say you're a prepper! Because as many stories point out, if you tell, that just leads to the whole neighborhood coming to your door in a body and "suggesting" that we all share "equally."

This reminds me of that old movie The Postman, I think it was titled. After the fall of civilization walled cities sprung up essentially instantly. They had to, for the same reason as all the European cities were walled. We never got into that here.
it your eyes whats getting better that isnt artificial??

Technology allows us to feed more people and grow as a species more and more all the time. Technology allows us to become more and more knowledgeable as a species. Automation is allowing humans to not have to break their backs as much with manual labor, and that will become the case more and more. Medical breakthroughs are making it easier to cure conditions. Surgeries are becoming less and less invasive. The human struggle in general is getting easier. Life is getting better.

None of which stops corruption.
I'd recommend your read Kim Stanley Robinson and Neil Stephanson--but I doubt you could get through them..they postulate a world you literally can't imagine yourself living in.
I love Neal Stephenson --- which novel are you referring to?
I think Fall, Dodge in Hell..would be applicable here, I think----with a taste of Snowcrash.

Figures. You're a cyberpunk lout.
LOL! Guilty sir..cut my teeth on John Brunner and Bill Gibson.

in Fall..Stephanson postulates an almost completely separated Red and Blue America--with alternative data feeds, as it were. He takes the social media conundrum to its ultimate conclusion..and has most of humanity with tailored data feeds...good stuff. The baroque is great...historical sci-fi...great angle. if you read enough of Neil's books..you find most of them are connected.

7Eves is worth the read as well...profound genetic insights..and the scope is huge.
Well, maybe I'll take another look at Fall. Very interesting what you said there. I've read Snowcrash at least five times; we named a sheep Da5id from that book. I haven't tried Seveneves yet; thanks for the recommendation. I have the big sample they sent out.
I've had the advantage of hearing Neil speak about Fall..Hell specifically is all allegory--as the creation archetypes in Dodge's unconscious make themselves manifest.

I like the parts of the book that are out of Hell..as they are topical.

Have you ever read Stephen R. Donaldson? His "Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" are quite good.
I did..years ago..his concept of the anti-hero was refreshing!

Not so big into fantasy though...Sci-fi guy.

How about Kim S. Robinson?
I couldn't work with the Donaldson anti-hero; that's not a woman's book, nor are the Cornwall ones. I've tried. I can see men would like them.

I have often seem the name Kim Robinson, but never read that author. A recommendation?
Yeah..an anti-hero that rapes..is a bit much to identify with.

Kim..Depends on what you like...his Mars trilogy is consistently mentioned in the top three all time lists of series..Red Mars, Blue Mars and Green Mars--although the tech is now old..it still is considered one of the very best terraforming books out there.

Robinson is controversial..you'll have to make up your own mind. Check your preconceptions at the door..and you'll enjoy the hell out him. It is, after all, fiction, right?

Yeah ---- red and blue and green Mars. Somehow I missed reading those. Well, I have essentially memorized the early Heinlein, so I guess I can take controversial, and if I don't like it, leave it. Thanx!
Oh? How? I think I am being quite cogent. YOU are the one who is demonstrably arrogant and condescending. I am merely asking whether you have the intellectual capacity to carry on a philosophical discussion. That is still debatable. Now, if you had said that machines make it possible for humans to have more leisure time to pursue their individual interests, that would have been a SPECIFIC claim. But yet again, you resort to generalizations.

Generalized statements are indicative of low rhetorical capacity. Now, that can be do to innate stupidity, or ignorance. I don't know which it is with you. Yet.

Why all of the posturing? You seem insecure. Over and over again you feel the need to imply your superiority. Are you trying to convince me or yourself?

that can be do to

What do you suppose your 9th grade typing ability is due to? You should at least learn to type like a grown up if you're going to go full cringe with your posturing.
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$28 trillion in debt with no end in sight
A middle class that can't save or get ahead
Violent crime way up in all blue shitholes
Black criminality at an all time high
Hundreds of thousands of homeless pissing, shitting and dying in out streets
An extremely divided citizenry
Wetbacks invading our nation unimpeded
Wetbacks ruining our education and healthcare systems unimpeded
Wetbacks destroying wages and all blue collar trade work unimpeded
Anchor babies stealing citizenships from Americans and deciding our elections in CA, AZ, NV, NM
Social media giants steering our youth, our nation and our elections

Lib shit at its finest right there ladies and gentlemen.

Your negativity prevents you from seeing the bigger picture.

I'd say your stupidity prevents you from seeing the truth of whats really happening.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Fear sells. It engages survival modes of thinking and degrades rational assessment. The State has always used fear..and it is a staple of the factions. Left or right..the tactic is the same, as you noted.
Fear empowers. It justifies exaggerated responses and reactions to opposing views. It justifies reprehensible tactics in the name of an ideological cause.
Fear justifies atrocity--and fear absolves responsibility.
The country is changing. The world is changing. That's terrifying for some, and worse, they have their trusted voices screaming in their ears 24/7/365, making them even MORE paranoid.

The future will depend on how well we manage the change. The jury is out. But we can't listen to those who are overcome with fear and paranoia.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Fear sells. It engages survival modes of thinking and degrades rational assessment. The State has always used fear..and it is a staple of the factions. Left or right..the tactic is the same, as you noted.
Fear empowers. It justifies exaggerated responses and reactions to opposing views. It justifies reprehensible tactics in the name of an ideological cause.
Fear justifies atrocity--and fear absolves responsibility.
The country is changing. The world is changing. That's terrifying for some, and worse, they have their trusted voices screaming in their ears 24/7/365, making them even MORE paranoid.

The future will depend on how well we manage the change. The jury is out. But we can't listen to those who are overcome with fear and paranoia.

Mr Ambiguous strikes again...Scared shitless and ashamed to detail his bullshit.
"The world is changing"...hahaha...NO SHIT!
Isn't the world always changing?
Liberals, conservatives, whatever. It seems like so many people are convinced that the world is ending and/or that everything is horrible. Are we really headed for doom? Is life really that bad? There's so much negativity and melodrama in politics. Does it never occur to you people that maybe humanity will be just fine? Maybe people have to convince themselves the world is ending and that everything sucks so their rage and hysteria doesn't seem like an overreaction.

It's my opinion that humanity will be just fine. We'll forge ever onward and reach heights beyond what we can currently imagine. You doom and gloomers are heavily overreacting. It almost seems like you want to witness the world crumble. Just relax a little; take a Xanax. Everything's going to be fine.
Fear sells. It engages survival modes of thinking and degrades rational assessment. The State has always used fear..and it is a staple of the factions. Left or right..the tactic is the same, as you noted.
Fear empowers. It justifies exaggerated responses and reactions to opposing views. It justifies reprehensible tactics in the name of an ideological cause.
Fear justifies atrocity--and fear absolves responsibility.
The country is changing. The world is changing. That's terrifying for some, and worse, they have their trusted voices screaming in their ears 24/7/365, making them even MORE paranoid.

The future will depend on how well we manage the change. The jury is out. But we can't listen to those who are overcome with fear and paranoia.

Mr Ambiguous strikes again...Scared shitless and ashamed to detail his bullshit.
"The world is changing"...hahaha...NO SHIT!
Isn't the world always changing?
Technological and medical advances have been taking place for some time now. How come that hasn’t translated to spiritual, emotional and philosophical growth thus far?

It has. Do you really think we're no better than the people of the Stone Age when it comes to spirituality and philosophy?
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Correct, you aren't a moron, you're worse. The fact is this "president" is a house plant. he has no idea where he is half the time. He is a puppet of the CCP, and assholes, like you, who support the plant, are either traitors to your country, or you are chinese agents. It doesn't matter which one you are to me, just sit back and watch the show.

You're old, so I forgive you for not being able to read so good anymore. The truth is I don't support Biden and have been critical of him since the moment I found out he might run. If you can find one post where I expressed being happy with Biden being the president I will wire you $5,000.

So let me guess,you're a 20 something that thinks he/she knows it all.
The country is changing. The world is changing. That's terrifying for some, and worse, they have their trusted voices screaming in their ears 24/7/365, making them even MORE paranoid.

The future will depend on how well we manage the change. The jury is out. But we can't listen to those who are overcome with fear and paranoia.

So few people have faith in humanity. I find that sad.
Correct, you aren't a moron, you're worse. The fact is this "president" is a house plant. he has no idea where he is half the time. He is a puppet of the CCP, and assholes, like you, who support the plant, are either traitors to your country, or you are chinese agents. It doesn't matter which one you are to me, just sit back and watch the show.

You're old, so I forgive you for not being able to read so good anymore. The truth is I don't support Biden and have been critical of him since the moment I found out he might run. If you can find one post where I expressed being happy with Biden being the president I will wire you $5,000.

So let me guess,you're a 20 something that thinks he/she knows it all.
hes a 19 yr old snot nosed kid that thinks he knows better than people that have been around the block a few times,,,

he should come back after hes had to provide for himself and others,,

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