Why Do So Many Still Trust Government/Corporate Media?: BBC Reports WTC 7 Collapse Early...

Great Briton time difference is five hours ahead of the U.S. East Coast. Only a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist would try to make a case that the BBC reported the 9-11 disaster before it happened.

Not the entire 9/11 disaster. We're discussing the WTC 7 collapse.
this thread caught the attention of agents candyass and toddster parrot so their handlers are obviously getting worried.lol

btw i know you have done a lot of research into the JFK assassination as well same as me,there are a lot of similarities in those two and this is one of them of prior knowledge because in the JFK assassination,it was already printed up in the papers up in new zealand with a complete bio on oswald and everything already printed out in the newspapers BEFORE the assassination had even happend yet in the states.

Hey, have you watched the 'Evidence of Revision' series? If you haven't, I posted part one on the other forum. It explores the initial reporting by Government and Media right after the JFK assassination. Lots of interesting stuff. Most dismiss it all as 'early reporting confusion.' But check it out. It's fascinating.
this thread caught the attention of agents candyass and toddster parrot so their handlers are obviously getting worried.lol

btw i know you have done a lot of research into the JFK assassination as well same as me,there are a lot of similarities in those two and this is one of them of prior knowledge because in the JFK assassination,it was already printed up in the papers up in new zealand with a complete bio on oswald and everything already printed out in the newspapers BEFORE the assassination had even happend yet in the states.

Hey, have you watched the 'Evidence of Revision' series? If you haven't, I posted part one on the other forum. It explores the initial reporting by Government and Media right after the JFK assassination. Lots of interesting stuff. Most dismiss it all as 'early reporting confusion.' But check it out. It's fascinating.
havent watched it yet but yeah i saw where you posted it so i do plan on watching it,probably this weekend.
It's not all that hard to get. A chaotic and confusing event got misreported by the Beeb.

And it wasn't much of a "misreport" as WTC 7 was in dire trouble at the time. This is a very old conspiracy theory that was debunked a decade ago.

The nutjobs dig them up every few years to see if they can get away with the bullshit this time around.
Not the entire 9/11 disaster. We're discussing the WTC 7 collapse.


BBC took the NYFD report that read "WTC collapse imminent" and reported "WTC 7 collapse."

You mindless nutjobs pull out the same conspiracy shit over and over.
It's not all that hard to get. A chaotic and confusing event got misreported by the Beeb.

And it wasn't much of a "misreport" as WTC 7 was in dire trouble at the time. This is a very old conspiracy theory that was debunked a decade ago.

The nutjobs dig them up every few years to see if they can get away with the bullshit this time around.

Demolition, that includes the towers. And in Building 7's case, the BBC was likely given the heads-up. But it screwed up and reported it before it actually happened.
Demolition, that includes the towers. And in Building 7's case, the BBC was likely given the heads-up. But it screwed up and reported it before it actually happened.

The BBC got their report from the Fire Department on the scene who reported that collapse was imminent.

You idiots picked a shitty one to lie about, there were THOUSANDS of responders, people who were are ground zero.

Stick to alien abductions, where you don't have 5,000 people pointing out that you are lying and actually insane.
It's so perplexing and very sad.

Maybe they made a mistake...

No, that can't happen
Had to be an inside job

Pretty bizarre mistake, no? Announcing the collapse of a building that doesn't actually happen till some 25 minutes later? What's up with that?

A building with raging fires going through it?

You are right...you could never make a mistake like that
Must have been wired with explosives on the chance that someone might someday fly planes into the WTC
It's so perplexing and very sad.

Maybe they made a mistake...

No, that can't happen
Had to be an inside job

Pretty bizarre mistake, no? Announcing the collapse of a building that doesn't actually happen till some 25 minutes later? What's up with that?

A building with raging fires going through it?

You are right...you could never make a mistake like that
Must have been wired with explosives on the chance that someone might someday fly planes into the WTC

I think you're missing things a bit. It didn't announce that WTC 7 was on fire and about to collapse. It announced that it had already collapsed. But clearly it was still standing when it announced it.
It's so perplexing and very sad.

Maybe they made a mistake...

No, that can't happen
Had to be an inside job

Pretty bizarre mistake, no? Announcing the collapse of a building that doesn't actually happen till some 25 minutes later? What's up with that?

A building with raging fires going through it?

You are right...you could never make a mistake like that
Must have been wired with explosives on the chance that someone might someday fly planes into the WTC

I think you're missing things a bit. It didn't announce that WTC 7 was on fire and about to collapse. It announced that it had already collapsed. But clearly it was still standing when it announced it.

Could be they made a mistake and didn't realize which building was WTC 7

Naaa...that makes no sense. Had to be the buildings had been wired to explode for decades and they were waiting for the day planes would be flying into the WTC. Then they notified all the media that they were ready to bring down the burning building
And let's be real, 9/11 was a demolition. Yes planes did strike the towers, but the collapse was done by controlled demolition. Just really take a look at it with your own eyes, and without the preconceived Government-fed narrative. Demolition was the cause of the towers' and WTC 7's collapse.
And let's be real, 9/11 was a demolition. Yes planes did strike the towers, but the collapse was done by controlled demolition. Just really take a look at it with your own eyes, and without the preconceived Government-fed narrative. Demolition was the cause of the towers' and WTC 7's collapse.

I am with you on this one brother

There is NO WAY that a building with raging fires could collapse on its own

That is why NYC building codes require that all buildings be prewired and charged for demolition in case terrorists fly planes into neighboring buildings
And let's be real, 9/11 was a demolition. Yes planes did strike the towers, but the collapse was done by controlled demolition. Just really take a look at it with your own eyes, and without the preconceived Government-fed narrative. Demolition was the cause of the towers' and WTC 7's collapse.
Bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission the Bush dupes cant get around and have never countered.

you mean the conspiracy theorists who believe in this incredible wacky conspiracy theory of 9/11?

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the U.S. Air Force, the insider trading on airline stocks (linked to the CIA), the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer four planes simultaneously and fly them around U.S. airspace for nearly two hours, crashing them into important buildings, without the U.S. intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do.

thats conspiracy theorists believing ANYTHING all right.:biggrin::rofl::lmao::muahaha::haha:
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And let's be real, 9/11 was a demolition. Yes planes did strike the towers, but the collapse was done by controlled demolition. Just really take a look at it with your own eyes, and without the preconceived Government-fed narrative. Demolition was the cause of the towers' and WTC 7's collapse.

You're an idiot.

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