Why do some lotto winners choose to continue to work at their job?

Feb 29, 2012
I remember reading about a group of teachers and janitors winning the lotto and that they all chose to stay at their jobs, even though they would never need to work again for the rest of their lives.

I'm not judging their decision. I"m just wondering what the reasons may be. Do they like their work? Can't think of anything else to do? Bored? Afraid to have a lot of time?

Why would you decide to continue to work at your job after winning the lotto?
If I were to win the lottery, I would continue to work at my job for several reasons. I would be there so that I would continue to get money that I actually worked for when some people are not able to get money that way, my mom being one of them people, I would also still go to my job so that I wouldn't have to lie about my reason for quitting if I were to just up and walk away.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If I were to win the lottery, I would not want people to know about it until I was ready for them to know about it. I would want to be the one who gets to decide on who knows about my blessing and when.
I remember reading about a group of teachers and janitors winning the lotto and that they all chose to stay at their jobs, even though they would never need to work again for the rest of their lives.

I'm not judging their decision. I"m just wondering what the reasons may be. Do they like their work? Can't think of anything else to do? Bored? Afraid to have a lot of time?

Why would you decide to continue to work at your job after winning the lotto?

Because I really do love what I do. I'd probably go flex and set my own schedule, though.
I remember reading about a group of teachers and janitors winning the lotto and that they all chose to stay at their jobs, even though they would never need to work again for the rest of their lives.

I'm not judging their decision. I"m just wondering what the reasons may be. Do they like their work? Can't think of anything else to do? Bored? Afraid to have a lot of time?

Why would you decide to continue to work at your job after winning the lotto?

Because I really do love what I do. I'd probably go flex and set my own schedule, though.


For me there is no greater reward than being productive in a job you love, and where even though you are not the owner, the owner gives you all the power. I come and go when I want. He values my contributions there and he trusts me. I set my own schedule, but I consider the gallery's needs when I do so. It made me proud when he told me, that he could be gone for six months from his business and know that it was in perfect hands, with me managing it. Nice! There is so much more to life and happiness, than what money brings. Money can only buy that which can be bought. :)
I think I would get bored if I wasn't working, to be honest. But if I won the lottery, I would take a few short courses, get a few degrees and start up a business.
Another reason why I would continue to go to my job is just to make sure that a financial safety net was always there for me because sadly anything can happen.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Seeing as how they're work in a school I'd guess they feel pretty serious about helping kids grow mentally. Most don't get into it for the perks.

Plus it's probably less stressful knowing that if you had to get out, it wouldn't be an issue.
Interesting to see how a lot of you would continue to work! Thanks for helping me understand. Some of the reasons you mentioned do make sense.
If my children were still young and in school, then I would prolly still continue on with work.
But seeing that I am now 50...all of my children are grown with children of their own......and I have had one helluva rough life....I would want to travel some. So I doubt I would keep on working...maybe....part time.
It's a very smart thing to do.

A. It keeps you grounded.
B. It keeps you from spending money like water.
The reason lotto winners continue to work after winning millions is that they have no imagination.
They are just ordinary people that suddenly become rich, and they have no idea how to handle it.
They simply do not know what to do with their time.

I would pay to study ,and learn to do many things that you cannot do when tied to a job. Like art and music, and I would globe trot the world.
I remember reading about a group of teachers and janitors winning the lotto and that they all chose to stay at their jobs, even though they would never need to work again for the rest of their lives.

I'm not judging their decision. I"m just wondering what the reasons may be. Do they like their work? Can't think of anything else to do? Bored? Afraid to have a lot of time?

Why would you decide to continue to work at your job after winning the lotto?

Because they're smart - what else are they going to do? sit at home and blow the money away?

There is a big difference between 1 million and 20 million....

If someone wants to sit on their ass and live like a high-roller on a million that money will only last 5 years before it's gone.

Hell, I've read about homeless people winning the lotto then buying all sorts of outlandish shit and the money was gone in a matter of years... They always forget about taxes, then sooner rather than later the government owns all their crap because of back taxes.
The reason lotto winners continue to work after winning millions is that they have no imagination.
They are just ordinary people that suddenly become rich, and they have no idea how to handle it.
They simply do not know what to do with their time.

I would pay to study ,and learn to do many things that you cannot do when tied to a job. Like art and music, and I would globe trot the world.

Then you blow through your money and are back at square one....

Money is pretty easy to go through - especially if you believe you have an infinite amount...

Some people who win the lotto want to live like kings and queens.... That and all of a sudden they have long lost relatives who need a couple of grand here and there..

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