Why do the admin and mods allow

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The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.

What about the gun thing? Americans having a Second Amendment and having guns does NOT affect the entire world though. Why does some random shooting in say a TINY town in Ohio bother the Leftist Non-Americans to the point where they will post threads DEMANDING that ALL Americans should be FORCED to hand in their guns?

I agree about Foreign Policy issues affecting the entire world but America's Domestic Policy does NOT affect the entire world.
I don't believe some of these guys are from away. Why would they be on an American board, knowing so much about American politics? Half the people in America don't care about politics. Why do they?
That goes for Lucy, too, though. Don't understand it, except I'm sure in Austria they won't allow her opinions on social media.

Well I post here because I lived in Texas for 6 months and have many American friends and because of that and them I got interested in American politics in general.

Re. Social Media. I can post what I want in our Social Media considering my Department are in charge of monitoring our Social Media for Subversives ie. those we consider a threat to the nation. This is ANYONE essentially who trashes the nation IF you trash your own nation you SHOULD be considered a threat to it.
I totally agree tommy taint is 24 hours of democrat Influence
there are a couple of other nonstop 24/7 bashing of a president that has no effect on their lives.

You may be right. I know of some who are worse and they go to America and then bash the country when they work or live there. How insulting is that?

William Shatner said it best when they asked him about Trump, "I'm just a visitor here". Yet, you have some like Jim Carey (he may be an American citizen now I don't know), who work O.T to bash your government and citizens. It's as weak as it gets.

If an American came to work in Canada and bashed my government and citizens, even those I didn't agree with; I'd ask him WTF he's in Canada? Some of us are stuck here, we don't have a choice, but others do. In fact, I basically said that to a guy many years ago when he bitched about the taxes coming off his paycheque (he was from N.Y).

I didn't agree with Obama at times, I disagreed with Bush just as much, maybe more. I respected that they were duly elected and I had to always hope they loved their country and wanted it to succeed. I certainly wouldn't live in America and bash the very country I am doing well in.

You will find that now ALL Immigrants seem to have a thing about publicly trashing and criticising the nation they are effectively squatting in, as you say IF they don't like it then GTFO.

View attachment 354198
feel free to sharpie in ' foreigner's opinions of president tribblehead '
victim card.png
We are here at the pleasure of the mods and administrators. There can be a fine line between trolling and expressing one’s opinions. Not to mention it may be nearly impossible to differentiate a domestic troll from a foreign one except through IP address maybe. At times I can agree with BigReb that this should be an American only forum. At other times, foreign opinion can offer some fairly thoughtful insight; sometimes not.

The mods have to use their discretion. I think the moderation on this site is very good. I am in favor of all opinions being expressed no matter where they come from. If the sole purpose of the poster, no matter where they are from, is to troll with no other redeeming factor then they should be flagged but that decision lies with the mods.
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Yeah Billy candy corn, Matthew, Bulldog, MAC, RW are all Chinese trolls.

True story

Yep. You caught me. I'm a black Communist Chinese woman from Mexico, and a member of MS13. I don't work because you pay all my bills, and George Soros sends me $6000 per month to post on USMB. Antifa checked with me before they started any chapters in the US, and I can quote Rules for Radicals and the Koran better than anybody else in 37 states, and before it's all over,I'm gonna get your gun , and gay marry your next door neighbor. You are really smart as a pin to have found me out. I guess they don't call you pinhead for nothing.

View attachment 354198
feel free to sharpie in ' foreigner's opinions of president tribblehead '
Irrelevant opinion of a non U.S. Citizen
from some shithole country

donny loves the president of russia - so we can't be all bad.
The President speak highly of all world leaders until they stab him in the back
Just in case your TDS blocked that out

They never trash China, the latest example of them not trashing China was during the Wuhan Flu, instead of trashing China continued to trash America and Donald Trump.

We have them at the forum FANATICALLY posting about how TERRIBLE Human Rights are in America and at the SAME time they will get into threads defending China.
The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.

What about the gun thing? Americans having a Second Amendment and having guns does NOT affect the entire world though. Why does some random shooting in say a TINY town in Ohio bother the Leftist Non-Americans to the point where they will post threads DEMANDING that ALL Americans should be FORCED to hand in their guns?

I agree about Foreign Policy issues affecting the entire world but America's Domestic Policy does NOT affect the entire world.
I don't believe some of these guys are from away. Why would they be on an American board, knowing so much about American politics? Half the people in America don't care about politics. Why do they?
That goes for Lucy, too, though. Don't understand it, except I'm sure in Austria they won't allow her opinions on social media.

Well I post here because I lived in Texas for 6 months and have many American friends and because of that and them I got interested in American politics in general.

Re. Social Media. I can post what I want in our Social Media considering my Department are in charge of monitoring our Social Media for Subversives ie. those we consider a threat to the nation. This is ANYONE essentially who trashes the nation IF you trash your own nation you SHOULD be considered a threat to it.

I don't entirely agree with that. It's how Canada gets away with what they get away with and I make an honest argument, one I defend in debates; with Canada and the former East Germany.

In effect, Canada terrorizes me, takes away my life opportunities, careers and dreams. Altered my NAME (telling me I didn't exist officially in provincial records), on top of multiple abuses, harassment and such. When I complain and demand fair treatment, they can't say "hey, you are a threat to us!".

It's akin to having someone attack you in the streets and complaining to the cops that you defended yourself and broke his nose. How dare you!

Now, if you are a visitor, yes, that's somewhat (though not entirely) different. However, when I contacted the U.N and every ally to Canada I could think of and force transparency and the facts on, after I gave Canada a warning I wasn't going to just roll over and lose my life to the whims of lying undercover rats. That's on them, not me. They could have fixed it. I posed no harm and hurt no one.

Now we lose U.N votes and have an economy that has done horribly for 25 years. All I can say is "I told you so", more than a decade ago in fact...
The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.

What about the gun thing? Americans having a Second Amendment and having guns does NOT affect the entire world though. Why does some random shooting in say a TINY town in Ohio bother the Leftist Non-Americans to the point where they will post threads DEMANDING that ALL Americans should be FORCED to hand in their guns?

I agree about Foreign Policy issues affecting the entire world but America's Domestic Policy does NOT affect the entire world.
I don't believe some of these guys are from away. Why would they be on an American board, knowing so much about American politics? Half the people in America don't care about politics. Why do they?
That goes for Lucy, too, though. Don't understand it, except I'm sure in Austria they won't allow her opinions on social media.

I know Tilly, Lucy and Tammy are from GB to real not to be.
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?
You would really cry if the whole world was on social media. You missed that one.
but the big thing was foreign influence on America's social media

This isn't social media, there is like only 29 people here and a 100 smelly socks

Sorry about the caps lock

If this is social media, I'd hate to see anti-social media.

so·cial me·di·a
/ˌsōSHəl ˈmēdēə/


  1. websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?

The situation is that it will get worse as October gets near, the forum will have a TON of new Anti-Americans all doing PR for Joe Biden this happened in 2016 only they were doing PR for Hillary Clinton, most of that crowd suddenly then disappeared around December 2016-January 2017 and never returned.
The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.

What about the gun thing? Americans having a Second Amendment and having guns does NOT affect the entire world though. Why does some random shooting in say a TINY town in Ohio bother the Leftist Non-Americans to the point where they will post threads DEMANDING that ALL Americans should be FORCED to hand in their guns?

I agree about Foreign Policy issues affecting the entire world but America's Domestic Policy does NOT affect the entire world.
I don't believe some of these guys are from away. Why would they be on an American board, knowing so much about American politics? Half the people in America don't care about politics. Why do they?
That goes for Lucy, too, though. Don't understand it, except I'm sure in Austria they won't allow her opinions on social media.

I know Tilly, Lucy and Tammy are from GB to real not to be.

I am not GB that is British, I did live in London for a while but not British. Tilly was English, Tommy T from Wales though.
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?

The situation is that it will get worse as October gets near, the forum will have a TON of new Anti-Americans all doing PR for Joe Biden this happened in 2016 only they were doing PR for Hillary Clinton, most of that crowd suddenly then disappeared around December 2016-January 2017 and never returned.

Yes in the lead up to October 2016 this place was swamped and as they all disappear within approx 2 months who knows perhaps Bots.
The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.

What about the gun thing? Americans having a Second Amendment and having guns does NOT affect the entire world though. Why does some random shooting in say a TINY town in Ohio bother the Leftist Non-Americans to the point where they will post threads DEMANDING that ALL Americans should be FORCED to hand in their guns?

I agree about Foreign Policy issues affecting the entire world but America's Domestic Policy does NOT affect the entire world.
I don't believe some of these guys are from away. Why would they be on an American board, knowing so much about American politics? Half the people in America don't care about politics. Why do they?
That goes for Lucy, too, though. Don't understand it, except I'm sure in Austria they won't allow her opinions on social media.

Well I post here because I lived in Texas for 6 months and have many American friends and because of that and them I got interested in American politics in general.

Re. Social Media. I can post what I want in our Social Media considering my Department are in charge of monitoring our Social Media for Subversives ie. those we consider a threat to the nation. This is ANYONE essentially who trashes the nation IF you trash your own nation you SHOULD be considered a threat to it.

I don't entirely agree with that. It's how Canada gets away with what they get away with and I make an honest argument, one I defend in debates; with Canada and the former East Germany.

In effect, Canada terrorizes me, takes away my life opportunities, careers and dreams. Altered my NAME (telling me I didn't exist officially in provincial records), on top of multiple abuses, harassment and such. When I complain and demand fair treatment, they can't say "hey, you are a threat to us!".

It's akin to having someone attack you in the streets and complaining to the cops that you defended yourself and broke his nose. How dare you!

Now, if you are a visitor, yes, that's somewhat (though not entirely) different. However, when I contacted the U.N and every ally to Canada I could think of and force transparency and the facts on, after I gave Canada a warning I wasn't going to just roll over and lose my life to the whims of lying undercover rats. That's on them, not me. They could have fixed it. I posed no harm and hurt no one.

Now we lose U.N votes and have an economy that has done horribly for 25 years. All I can say is "I told you so", more than a decade ago in fact...

Why did you think the U.N. would help? They are part of The Enemy.
I totally agree tommy taint is 24 hours of democrat Influence
there are a couple of other nonstop 24/7 bashing of a president that has no effect on their lives.

You may be right. I know of some who are worse and they go to America and then bash the country when they work or live there. How insulting is that?

William Shatner said it best when they asked him about Trump, "I'm just a visitor here". Yet, you have some like Jim Carey (he may be an American citizen now I don't know), who work O.T to bash your government and citizens. It's as weak as it gets.

If an American came to work in Canada and bashed my government and citizens, even those I didn't agree with; I'd ask him WTF he's in Canada? Some of us are stuck here, we don't have a choice, but others do. In fact, I basically said that to a guy many years ago when he bitched about the taxes coming off his paycheque (he was from N.Y).

I didn't agree with Obama at times, I disagreed with Bush just as much, maybe more. I respected that they were duly elected and I had to always hope they loved their country and wanted it to succeed. I certainly wouldn't live in America and bash the very country I am doing well in.
That's the difference between you and the rabid non U.S. Citzens you may or may not agree with the American president but you aren't constantly bashing them.
Those who attack Trump Bush 1 and 2 and Reagan seem to give a pass to Clinton and obama
even though it was obama's policy that gave us the JV team ISIS
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I totally agree tommy taint is 24 hours of democrat Influence
there are a couple of other nonstop 24/7 bashing of a president that has no effect on their lives.

You may be right. I know of some who are worse and they go to America and then bash the country when they work or live there. How insulting is that?

William Shatner said it best when they asked him about Trump, "I'm just a visitor here". Yet, you have some like Jim Carey (he may be an American citizen now I don't know), who work O.T to bash your government and citizens. It's as weak as it gets.

If an American came to work in Canada and bashed my government and citizens, even those I didn't agree with; I'd ask him WTF he's in Canada? Some of us are stuck here, we don't have a choice, but others do. In fact, I basically said that to a guy many years ago when he bitched about the taxes coming off his paycheque (he was from N.Y).

I didn't agree with Obama at times, I disagreed with Bush just as much, maybe more. I respected that they were duly elected and I had to always hope they loved their country and wanted it to succeed. I certainly wouldn't live in America and bash the very country I am doing well in.
That's the difference between you and the rabid non U.S. Citzens you may or may not agree with the American president but you aren't constantly bashing them.
Those who attack Trump Bush 1 and 2 and Reagan seem to give a pass to Clinton and obama
even though it was obama's policy that gave us the JV team ISIS

They now LIKE GWB because he's Anti-Trump ditto why they now LIKE that Neo-Conservative Warmongering Psychopath John Bolton.
I totally agree tommy taint is 24 hours of democrat Influence
there are a couple of other nonstop 24/7 bashing of a president that has no effect on their lives.

You may be right. I know of some who are worse and they go to America and then bash the country when they work or live there. How insulting is that?

William Shatner said it best when they asked him about Trump, "I'm just a visitor here". Yet, you have some like Jim Carey (he may be an American citizen now I don't know), who work O.T to bash your government and citizens. It's as weak as it gets.

If an American came to work in Canada and bashed my government and citizens, even those I didn't agree with; I'd ask him WTF he's in Canada? Some of us are stuck here, we don't have a choice, but others do. In fact, I basically said that to a guy many years ago when he bitched about the taxes coming off his paycheque (he was from N.Y).

I didn't agree with Obama at times, I disagreed with Bush just as much, maybe more. I respected that they were duly elected and I had to always hope they loved their country and wanted it to succeed. I certainly wouldn't live in America and bash the very country I am doing well in.
That's the difference between you and the rabid non U.S. Citzens you may or may not agree with the American president but you aren't constantly bashing them.
Those who attack Trump Bush 1 and 2 and Reagan seem to give a pass to Clinton and obama
even though it was obama's policy that gave us the JV team ISIS

They now LIKE GWB because he's Anti-Trump ditto why they now LIKE that Neo-Conservative Warmongering Psychopath John Bolton.

Bush was a shitty president, and nobody excuses the crap he pulled. His presidency was shit from start to finish. It's good that he's finally making some good decisions, even if it is too late for him to fix what he broke.
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