Why do the Catholics

they talk to dead people?

What happens to the dead

“His breath departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Psalm 146:5.

“The dead do not know anything.” Ecclesiastes 9:5.

“There is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol [the grave] where you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the breath will return to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7.

How do you balance those verses with Isaiah, Chapter 14?

9Below, Sheol is all astir
preparing for your coming;
Awakening the shades to greet you,
all the leaders of the earth;
Making all the kings of the nations
rise from their thrones.

10All of them speak out
and say to you,
“You too have become weak like us,
you are just like us!

15No! Down to Sheol you will be brought
to the depths of the pit!l

16When they see you they will stare,
pondering over you:
“Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms?

Maybe you missed my posts on this subject.. Isaiah 14 preachers use to talk about lucifers fall.
Isaiah 14 is 3 layers and the term makes sense for all 3.
1)historical = Nebuchadnezzar
2)the emulated repeat history=Sadam (even said it openly that he was emulating the Babylonian king.) he was the top son of the Sunnis, Found desheveled, in his pit, earth did quake in fear & bombings, they asked is this the same man (so frail) who caused us this havoc. All this is in Isaiah 14:12-17 and by no coincidence the date of his capture matches the chapter & verse like other events do in the Tanakh.
He was captured 14th day of 12th month
(unlike us they write day first month second)
3)the spiritual emulation =Jesus
who is speared, Nt says earth shook upon death, was desheveled, people asked is this the man, fell to the pit claiming higher then God-acts2:27,1 Peter 3:19, Apostles creed, called himself son of baal morning star.
-Rev 22:16

someone should do a feature film about SADDAM imagining himself to be
NEBUCHADNEZZAR ---------it could utilize those ENDANGERED and----
all but obliterated historic sites in Iraq and Syria----and maybe FIX THEM
UP Is Mel Brooks still working?
Why do yo believe in praying to the statues of your saints?
Catholics don't pray TO statues or saints. They do talk to them, though.
they talk to dead people?
Does that bother you?

I talk to myself all the time
Do you talk back too?

yes----I do the WHOLE conversation-----sometimes it is more like a CONVENTION----of at least five participants
they talk to dead people?
Does that bother you?
no, just very paganish for people who claim the think they are following the god of the Jews
The God of the Jews changed things up a bit with the New Testament. So following is probably not the correct word. I get that you don't agree with Catholics, but why do you spend so much time demonizing them?
He's not demonizing them. He's asking them why they are following demonic teachings if they follow the G-d of Israel. It's a valid question. I'm glad he asked it.
I know you are. No one demonizes Catholics on this forum more than you. I expect it from you, but not from someone that claims to be Jewish

Wrong. The correct translation is: No one has exposed the demonic origins of Catholicism on this board more than I have. Probably true and I make no apologies for it. People's eternal lives are at stake here. They need the truth. As for Guno and other Jews on USMB? They know the truth after reading HaShev's threads on the history of the Popes and their fish hats, Baal worship, etc. and my threads on the ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera who outed the Romanists after leaving that cult and becoming a born again Christian. It's a great relief for me to know that the chosen people of G-d are not duped by this anti-Christ cult and will be able to pass the real truth about Catholicism in Israel. After all, that is where this pope is wanting to go next - making Jerusalem his next Vatican headquarters. The Sanhedrin should have put that pope on trial in Israel when they had the chance!

Believe me. One day? You'll understand.
The current Sanhedrin DID NOT DO IT YET? anyone got an update on ----
they talk to dead people?

What happens to the dead

“His breath departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Psalm 146:5.

“The dead do not know anything.” Ecclesiastes 9:5.

“There is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol [the grave] where you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the breath will return to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7.

How do you balance those verses with Isaiah, Chapter 14?

9Below, Sheol is all astir
preparing for your coming;
Awakening the shades to greet you,
all the leaders of the earth;
Making all the kings of the nations
rise from their thrones.

10All of them speak out
and say to you,
“You too have become weak like us,
you are just like us!

15No! Down to Sheol you will be brought
to the depths of the pit!l

16When they see you they will stare,
pondering over you:
“Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms?

Maybe you missed my posts on this subject.. Isaiah 14 preachers use to talk about lucifers fall.
Isaiah 14 is 3 layers and the term makes sense for all 3.
1)historical = Nebuchadnezzar
2)the emulated repeat history=Sadam (even said it openly that he was emulating the Babylonian king.) he was the top son of the Sunnis, Found desheveled, in his pit, earth did quake in fear & bombings, they asked is this the same man (so frail) who caused us this havoc. All this is in Isaiah 14:12-17 and by no coincidence the date of his capture matches the chapter & verse like other events do in the Tanakh.
He was captured 14th day of 12th month
(unlike us they write day first month second)
3)the spiritual emulation =Jesus
who is speared, Nt says earth shook upon death, was desheveled, people asked is this the man, fell to the pit claiming higher then God-acts2:27,1 Peter 3:19, Apostles creed, called himself son of baal morning star.
-Rev 22:16

someone should do a feature film about SADDAM imagining himself to be
NEBUCHADNEZZAR ---------it could utilize those ENDANGERED and----
all but obliterated historic sites in Iraq and Syria----and maybe FIX THEM
UP Is Mel Brooks still working?
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!
The current Sanhedrin DID NOT DO IT YET? anyone got an update on ----
No! They haven't! Do I need to fly over to Israel and put in a personal request? My passport is ready! Just tell them to say the word!
they talk to dead people?

What happens to the dead

“His breath departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Psalm 146:5.

“The dead do not know anything.” Ecclesiastes 9:5.

“There is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol [the grave] where you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the breath will return to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7.

How do you balance those verses with Isaiah, Chapter 14?

9Below, Sheol is all astir
preparing for your coming;
Awakening the shades to greet you,
all the leaders of the earth;
Making all the kings of the nations
rise from their thrones.

10All of them speak out
and say to you,
“You too have become weak like us,
you are just like us!

15No! Down to Sheol you will be brought
to the depths of the pit!l

16When they see you they will stare,
pondering over you:
“Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms?

Maybe you missed my posts on this subject.. Isaiah 14 preachers use to talk about lucifers fall.
Isaiah 14 is 3 layers and the term makes sense for all 3.
1)historical = Nebuchadnezzar
2)the emulated repeat history=Sadam (even said it openly that he was emulating the Babylonian king.) he was the top son of the Sunnis, Found desheveled, in his pit, earth did quake in fear & bombings, they asked is this the same man (so frail) who caused us this havoc. All this is in Isaiah 14:12-17 and by no coincidence the date of his capture matches the chapter & verse like other events do in the Tanakh.
He was captured 14th day of 12th month
(unlike us they write day first month second)
3)the spiritual emulation =Jesus
who is speared, Nt says earth shook upon death, was desheveled, people asked is this the man, fell to the pit claiming higher then God-acts2:27,1 Peter 3:19, Apostles creed, called himself son of baal morning star.
-Rev 22:16

someone should do a feature film about SADDAM imagining himself to be
NEBUCHADNEZZAR ---------it could utilize those ENDANGERED and----
all but obliterated historic sites in Iraq and Syria----and maybe FIX THEM
UP Is Mel Brooks still working?

Yeah History of The Babylon World part 1
Gotta cast Gene Wilder as Daniel, would make the lions den scene (a panic attack)an instant classic.

Actually Mr Brooks is hard to reach, his secretary handles everything. I know this because I asked for permission to use the "its Alive" sound byte for a song, but he's not the owner of his movie rights,
Warner Brothers was.
they talk to dead people?

What happens to the dead

“His breath departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Psalm 146:5.

“The dead do not know anything.” Ecclesiastes 9:5.

“There is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol [the grave] where you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the breath will return to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7.

How do you balance those verses with Isaiah, Chapter 14?

9Below, Sheol is all astir
preparing for your coming;
Awakening the shades to greet you,
all the leaders of the earth;
Making all the kings of the nations
rise from their thrones.

10All of them speak out
and say to you,
“You too have become weak like us,
you are just like us!

15No! Down to Sheol you will be brought
to the depths of the pit!l

16When they see you they will stare,
pondering over you:
“Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms?

Maybe you missed my posts on this subject.. Isaiah 14 preachers use to talk about lucifers fall.
Isaiah 14 is 3 layers and the term makes sense for all 3.
1)historical = Nebuchadnezzar
2)the emulated repeat history=Sadam (even said it openly that he was emulating the Babylonian king.) he was the top son of the Sunnis, Found desheveled, in his pit, earth did quake in fear & bombings, they asked is this the same man (so frail) who caused us this havoc. All this is in Isaiah 14:12-17 and by no coincidence the date of his capture matches the chapter & verse like other events do in the Tanakh.
He was captured 14th day of 12th month
(unlike us they write day first month second)
3)the spiritual emulation =Jesus
who is speared, Nt says earth shook upon death, was desheveled, people asked is this the man, fell to the pit claiming higher then God-acts2:27,1 Peter 3:19, Apostles creed, called himself son of baal morning star.
-Rev 22:16

someone should do a feature film about SADDAM imagining himself to be
NEBUCHADNEZZAR ---------it could utilize those ENDANGERED and----
all but obliterated historic sites in Iraq and Syria----and maybe FIX THEM
UP Is Mel Brooks still working?
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

children cannot EAT before mass? ----??? I had no idea. I never met a drunk nun----but maybe I did not get CLOSE enough
children cannot EAT before mass? ----??? I had no idea. I never met a drunk nun----but maybe I did not get CLOSE enough

There is a one hour abstinence from eating before receiving communion. Reception of communion generally occurs about forty minutes after mass starts. I would guess it takes most people about fifteen minutes to drive/walk to church. Therefore, if people finish eating five minutes prior to leaving for church (about as long as it takes to brush one's teeth and comb one's hair), the fast is observed. Water, by the way, is not part of the fast.
children cannot EAT before mass? ----??? I had no idea. I never met a drunk nun----but maybe I did not get CLOSE enough

There is a one hour abstinence from eating before receiving communion. Reception of communion generally occurs about forty minutes after mass starts. I would guess it takes most people about fifteen minutes to drive/walk to church. Therefore, if people finish eating five minutes prior to leaving for church (about as long as it takes to brush one's teeth and comb one's hair), the fast is observed. Water, by the way, is not part of the fast.
it that because you don't want to mix jesus with the eggs in the stomach?
they talk to dead people?

What happens to the dead

“His breath departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Psalm 146:5.

“The dead do not know anything.” Ecclesiastes 9:5.

“There is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol [the grave] where you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the breath will return to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7.

How do you balance those verses with Isaiah, Chapter 14?

9Below, Sheol is all astir
preparing for your coming;
Awakening the shades to greet you,
all the leaders of the earth;
Making all the kings of the nations
rise from their thrones.

10All of them speak out
and say to you,
“You too have become weak like us,
you are just like us!

15No! Down to Sheol you will be brought
to the depths of the pit!l

16When they see you they will stare,
pondering over you:
“Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms?

Maybe you missed my posts on this subject.. Isaiah 14 preachers use to talk about lucifers fall.
Isaiah 14 is 3 layers and the term makes sense for all 3.
1)historical = Nebuchadnezzar
2)the emulated repeat history=Sadam (even said it openly that he was emulating the Babylonian king.) he was the top son of the Sunnis, Found desheveled, in his pit, earth did quake in fear & bombings, they asked is this the same man (so frail) who caused us this havoc. All this is in Isaiah 14:12-17 and by no coincidence the date of his capture matches the chapter & verse like other events do in the Tanakh.
He was captured 14th day of 12th month
(unlike us they write day first month second)
3)the spiritual emulation =Jesus
who is speared, Nt says earth shook upon death, was desheveled, people asked is this the man, fell to the pit claiming higher then God-acts2:27,1 Peter 3:19, Apostles creed, called himself son of baal morning star.
-Rev 22:16

someone should do a feature film about SADDAM imagining himself to be
NEBUCHADNEZZAR ---------it could utilize those ENDANGERED and----
all but obliterated historic sites in Iraq and Syria----and maybe FIX THEM
UP Is Mel Brooks still working?
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

children cannot EAT before mass? ----??? I had no idea. I never met a drunk nun----but maybe I did not get CLOSE enough
My family were staunch Roman Catholics. Count your blessings, Rosie. It's isn't a pretty sight.
children cannot EAT before mass? ----??? I had no idea. I never met a drunk nun----but maybe I did not get CLOSE enough

There is a one hour abstinence from eating before receiving communion. Reception of communion generally occurs about forty minutes after mass starts. I would guess it takes most people about fifteen minutes to drive/walk to church. Therefore, if people finish eating five minutes prior to leaving for church (about as long as it takes to brush one's teeth and comb one's hair), the fast is observed. Water, by the way, is not part of the fast.
In my house NO ONE ATE before Mass. Including the children. They said it was a sin and God would put an ass's head on us. I was willing to take my chances. When you're hungry? You're hungry!
Swing incense around on their churches stage during their ceremony? I know it has been around, starting with the Egyptians in their religious ceremony to their gods in 2500 BCE
So their prayers can float on the smoke to Heaven...
children cannot EAT before mass? ----??? I had no idea. I never met a drunk nun----but maybe I did not get CLOSE enough

There is a one hour abstinence from eating before receiving communion. Reception of communion generally occurs about forty minutes after mass starts. I would guess it takes most people about fifteen minutes to drive/walk to church. Therefore, if people finish eating five minutes prior to leaving for church (about as long as it takes to brush one's teeth and comb one's hair), the fast is observed. Water, by the way, is not part of the fast.
In my house NO ONE ATE before Mass. Including the children. They said it was a sin and God would put an ass's head on us. I was willing to take my chances. When you're hungry? You're hungry!
That is so the temple, that is your body, is purer..
In my house NO ONE ATE before Mass. Including the children. They said it was a sin and God would put an ass's head on us. I was willing to take my chances. When you're hungry? You're hungry!

That was your parent's call, it was not Church teaching. A five-year-old is not eligible to receive communion and would not be bound by a fast.
In my house NO ONE ATE before Mass. Including the children. They said it was a sin and God would put an ass's head on us. I was willing to take my chances. When you're hungry? You're hungry!

That was your parent's call, it was not Church teaching. A five-year-old is not eligible to receive communion and would not be bound by a fast.
That was the way it was in my home too. No breakfast before mass. I used to pass out frequently at mass.
I thought the incense smoke was part of the magic show.
The guy with the fishead hat waves his magic P shaped wand and says;
"Watch me make your money and your life disappear."
I like the incense. I like the sprinkling of the holy water. I like the genuflections to the altar and the bows to the holy book before they read the Gospel. The older I get, the more I like these things.
That was your parent's call, it was not Church teaching. A five-year-old is not eligible to receive communion and would not be bound by a fast.[/QUOTE]
That was the way it was in my home too. No breakfast before mass. I used to pass out frequently at mass.[/QUOTE] What people have done to their own children in the name of that godless cult of Catholicism makes my blood boil (figuratively speaking). No parent should listen to a church that teaches them the nonsense Catholicism teaches. Dhara, you'd be amazed at how many sexually abused Catholic children were told by the priests who abused them - you're parents will never believe you. They tell these children that their parents only believe the priests, faithful Catholics will never take the word of their children over a Priest, Bishop or Pope and God will punish them for telling on them.

How many parents have remained in Catholicism after learning their own children were raped by priests? I would venture to say - Most of them. One day they will answer to God for this and spend eternity in hell because they didn't protect their own children.

Islam and Catholicism have a lot in common. Far more than most people realize.

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