Why do the Catholics

Burning incense is forbidden? Why/?
It's part of Baal worship. So is the Catholic mass (almost identical to the Black Mass Satanists do), the "holy water", the rosary beads, the golden chalice, altar, etc. It's of the devil. No Christian would have anything to do with it.
OK. I suppose you think Buddhism is demonic too.
Yes, I do. I'll be praying for you Dhara.
I will be praying for your enlightenment.
Swing incense around on their churches stage during their ceremony? I know it has been around, starting with the Egyptians in their religious ceremony to their gods in 2500 BCE
Sun Worship (Baal Worship

Doctrines of Lucifer Sun Worship - Doctrines of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH
1. The nativity of the Sun, the birth of Tammuz Dec. 25

The nativity of Jesus, or "Christmas" is held on December 25

2. The Midsummer festival of the Sun Worship was held on June 24 of each year

The Nativity of St. John is held every year on June 24

3. The assumption of Semiramus who became the mother godess of all Sun Worship

The assumption of Mary, who became the mother of God to all Catholics

4. The mother goddess was given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18

The Virgin Mary is given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven by all Catholics.

4.a "Queen of Heaven" is wrath subduer of the Sun worship god

Mary, "Queen of Heaven" subdues the wrath of Christ and His Father against sinners.

5. Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19

Hot cross buns are backed for Mary in most Roman Catholic churches

6. 40 days fasting before Easter for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14

Catholics fast 40 days (Lent) before Easter

7. Sexual festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16

The Roman Catholic church initiated the sexual festival of Easter first in Christiandom

7a. Gathering at sunrise for worship Catholic church stated Easter sunrise services first in Christiandom
8. The resurrection of Tammuz on Easter, and the procession of graven images during Easter holy week

All Roman Catholic churches parade partake in processions of graven images of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints during Easter week

9. Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens

All Roman Catholic churches venerate graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens

10. The belief of the constant immortality of the soul, and burning place of eternal torment

Rome teaches the belief of immortality of the soul and a burning place of eternal torment

11. Sun Worship believed in the doctrine of purgatory

Rome teaches the doctrine of purgatory

12. The belief of the dead visiting the living on a certain day each year. A feast is then held for all the dead on first day of November. (Called all souls day)

Rome teaches they must hold a festival for the dead on all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 of each year

13. Burning incense and candles Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11

Rome, as well as every Satanic church burns incense and candles in their "masses"

14. Chants and repetitive prayers. Beaded prayer chains.

Rome as well as Satanists use chants and the beaded prayer chains. (Rome calls the chant "Gregorian chant" and the beaded chained "Rosary"
Christian churches do not chant, do not burn incense and do not burn candles .....

The Catholic Church were the original Christians, all you others are johnny come lately.

I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

No they weren't. Constantinople worshiped the sun god & Catholicism is crafted from the original Bablyon religion. As for you who believe in, that is your problem. Your faith is in a false church. I noticed you never once mentioned Jesus Christ, Sassy.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son. You are depending on a cult and Semiramis (called Mary to hide the truth) worship for your redemption. There is no redemption in Catholicism. It's a cult.

You're a fundie, no? This is why I put you in ignore, your hate is un Christian.....think about that one
I believe the Scriptures and you believe whatever your pope and Roman religion tells you to believe. Speaking truth is Calvary Love, not hate. If Jesus Christ were on the earth today your Romanists would crucify him all over again. That is the truth. As it is written in Scripture: Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? See Galatians Chapter 4.

Christ was crucified as prophesied, He didn't die just for you and your fellow Fundie loons (are some of the most hateful people on the planet and that includes Muslims) He died for everybody. You need to stop spewing your nonsense, you're dangerous
Catholic doctrine teaches that prayers for the dead were offered before the time of their Jesus to improve the condition of the soul. Where did they come up with this cockamamie stuff which is pagan to the core Sure isn't found in Judaism
It isn't found in the Torah or the Bible either. The Catholics made up their own bible. They are commanded by the Vatican not to read the KJV Bible because the Catholics who have read it quickly realize they are in a cult and leave.

You're nuts, I read the KJV Bible and know many other Catholics that do also. Stop lying and trying to snow people, it's obvious you're doing just that
If you own a King James Bible you had better open it and read. You're in for a rude awakening.

Save it you hate filled little fundamentalist, I've yet to meet any funide that isn't nuts, total loons and whacked out
Burning incense is forbidden? Why/?
It's part of Baal worship. So is the Catholic mass (almost identical to the Black Mass Satanists do), the "holy water", the rosary beads, the golden chalice, altar, etc. It's of the devil. No Christian would have anything to do with it.
OK. I suppose you think Buddhism is demonic too.
Yes, I do. I'll be praying for you Dhara.
I will be praying for your enlightenment.
Swing incense around on their churches stage during their ceremony? I know it has been around, starting with the Egyptians in their religious ceremony to their gods in 2500 BCE
Sun Worship (Baal Worship

Doctrines of Lucifer Sun Worship - Doctrines of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH
1. The nativity of the Sun, the birth of Tammuz Dec. 25

The nativity of Jesus, or "Christmas" is held on December 25

2. The Midsummer festival of the Sun Worship was held on June 24 of each year

The Nativity of St. John is held every year on June 24

3. The assumption of Semiramus who became the mother godess of all Sun Worship

The assumption of Mary, who became the mother of God to all Catholics

4. The mother goddess was given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18

The Virgin Mary is given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven by all Catholics.

4.a "Queen of Heaven" is wrath subduer of the Sun worship god

Mary, "Queen of Heaven" subdues the wrath of Christ and His Father against sinners.

5. Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19

Hot cross buns are backed for Mary in most Roman Catholic churches

6. 40 days fasting before Easter for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14

Catholics fast 40 days (Lent) before Easter

7. Sexual festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16

The Roman Catholic church initiated the sexual festival of Easter first in Christiandom

7a. Gathering at sunrise for worship Catholic church stated Easter sunrise services first in Christiandom
8. The resurrection of Tammuz on Easter, and the procession of graven images during Easter holy week

All Roman Catholic churches parade partake in processions of graven images of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints during Easter week

9. Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens

All Roman Catholic churches venerate graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens

10. The belief of the constant immortality of the soul, and burning place of eternal torment

Rome teaches the belief of immortality of the soul and a burning place of eternal torment

11. Sun Worship believed in the doctrine of purgatory

Rome teaches the doctrine of purgatory

12. The belief of the dead visiting the living on a certain day each year. A feast is then held for all the dead on first day of November. (Called all souls day)

Rome teaches they must hold a festival for the dead on all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 of each year

13. Burning incense and candles Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11

Rome, as well as every Satanic church burns incense and candles in their "masses"

14. Chants and repetitive prayers. Beaded prayer chains.

Rome as well as Satanists use chants and the beaded prayer chains. (Rome calls the chant "Gregorian chant" and the beaded chained "Rosary"
Christian churches do not chant, do not burn incense and do not burn candles .....

The Catholic Church were the original Christians, all you others are johnny come lately.

I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

No they weren't. Constantinople worshiped the sun god & Catholicism is crafted from the original Bablyon religion. As for you who believe in, that is your problem. Your faith is in a false church. I noticed you never once mentioned Jesus Christ, Sassy.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son. You are depending on a cult and Semiramis (called Mary to hide the truth) worship for your redemption. There is no redemption in Catholicism. It's a cult.

You're a fundie, no? This is why I put you in ignore, your hate is un Christian.....think about that one
I believe the Scriptures and you believe whatever your pope and Roman religion tells you to believe. Speaking truth is Calvary Love, not hate. If Jesus Christ were on the earth today your Romanists would crucify him all over again. That is the truth. As it is written in Scripture: Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? See Galatians Chapter 4.

p.s. your anti-Christ pope despises fundamentalist Christians too.
I don't know about the pope, he is from Argentina, the same as Nancy Pelosi.
Swing incense around on their churches stage during their ceremony? I know it has been around, starting with the Egyptians in their religious ceremony to their gods in 2500 BCE
Probably the same reason Episcopalians do.

Episcopalians are Anglicans who are catholics who supported the beheading of
anne boleyn (spelling?) and the dumping of Catherine ---why give up the incense?
Rosie, Catholicism is like Islam - the people are taught not to think for themselves. Sad but true. Have a great day, Rose.
It's part of Baal worship. So is the Catholic mass (almost identical to the Black Mass Satanists do), the "holy water", the rosary beads, the golden chalice, altar, etc. It's of the devil. No Christian would have anything to do with it.
OK. I suppose you think Buddhism is demonic too.
Yes, I do. I'll be praying for you Dhara.
I will be praying for your enlightenment.
Sun Worship (Baal Worship

Doctrines of Lucifer Sun Worship - Doctrines of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH
1. The nativity of the Sun, the birth of Tammuz Dec. 25

The nativity of Jesus, or "Christmas" is held on December 25

2. The Midsummer festival of the Sun Worship was held on June 24 of each year

The Nativity of St. John is held every year on June 24

3. The assumption of Semiramus who became the mother godess of all Sun Worship

The assumption of Mary, who became the mother of God to all Catholics

4. The mother goddess was given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18

The Virgin Mary is given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven by all Catholics.

4.a "Queen of Heaven" is wrath subduer of the Sun worship god

Mary, "Queen of Heaven" subdues the wrath of Christ and His Father against sinners.

5. Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19

Hot cross buns are backed for Mary in most Roman Catholic churches

6. 40 days fasting before Easter for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14

Catholics fast 40 days (Lent) before Easter

7. Sexual festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16

The Roman Catholic church initiated the sexual festival of Easter first in Christiandom

7a. Gathering at sunrise for worship Catholic church stated Easter sunrise services first in Christiandom
8. The resurrection of Tammuz on Easter, and the procession of graven images during Easter holy week

All Roman Catholic churches parade partake in processions of graven images of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints during Easter week

9. Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens

All Roman Catholic churches venerate graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens

10. The belief of the constant immortality of the soul, and burning place of eternal torment

Rome teaches the belief of immortality of the soul and a burning place of eternal torment

11. Sun Worship believed in the doctrine of purgatory

Rome teaches the doctrine of purgatory

12. The belief of the dead visiting the living on a certain day each year. A feast is then held for all the dead on first day of November. (Called all souls day)

Rome teaches they must hold a festival for the dead on all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 of each year

13. Burning incense and candles Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11

Rome, as well as every Satanic church burns incense and candles in their "masses"

14. Chants and repetitive prayers. Beaded prayer chains.

Rome as well as Satanists use chants and the beaded prayer chains. (Rome calls the chant "Gregorian chant" and the beaded chained "Rosary"
Christian churches do not chant, do not burn incense and do not burn candles .....

The Catholic Church were the original Christians, all you others are johnny come lately.

I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

No they weren't. Constantinople worshiped the sun god & Catholicism is crafted from the original Bablyon religion. As for you who believe in, that is your problem. Your faith is in a false church. I noticed you never once mentioned Jesus Christ, Sassy.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son. You are depending on a cult and Semiramis (called Mary to hide the truth) worship for your redemption. There is no redemption in Catholicism. It's a cult.

You're a fundie, no? This is why I put you in ignore, your hate is un Christian.....think about that one
I believe the Scriptures and you believe whatever your pope and Roman religion tells you to believe. Speaking truth is Calvary Love, not hate. If Jesus Christ were on the earth today your Romanists would crucify him all over again. That is the truth. As it is written in Scripture: Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? See Galatians Chapter 4.

p.s. your anti-Christ pope despises fundamentalist Christians too.
I don't know about the pope, he is from Argentina, the same as Nancy Pelosi.
He's a communist who despises Christians that protest his cult of Catholicism. That's enough to let you know you shouldn't listen to a word he says.
Swing incense around on their churches stage during their ceremony? I know it has been around, starting with the Egyptians in their religious ceremony to their gods in 2500 BCE
Probably the same reason Episcopalians do.

Episcopalians are Anglicans who are catholics who supported the beheading of
anne boleyn (spelling?) and the dumping of Catherine ---why give up the incense?
Rosie, Catholicism is like Islam - the people are taught not to think for themselves. Sad but true. Have a great day, Rose.

You idiot the Catholics crushed Islam.
they talk to dead people?

What happens to the dead

“His breath departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Psalm 146:5.

“The dead do not know anything.” Ecclesiastes 9:5.

“There is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol [the grave] where you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the breath will return to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7.

How do you balance those verses with Isaiah, Chapter 14?

9Below, Sheol is all astir
preparing for your coming;
Awakening the shades to greet you,
all the leaders of the earth;
Making all the kings of the nations
rise from their thrones.

10All of them speak out
and say to you,
“You too have become weak like us,
you are just like us!

15No! Down to Sheol you will be brought
to the depths of the pit!l

16When they see you they will stare,
pondering over you:
“Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms?
I'm not going to argue with you on it, the Catholics are the originals. I get a kick out of Fundie baptist's heads exploding over it.

Why do yo believe in praying to the statues of your saints?
Catholics don't pray TO statues or saints. They do talk to them, though.
they talk to dead people?
Does that bother you?
no, just very paganish for people who claim the think they are following the god of the Jews
The God of the Jews changed things up a bit with the New Testament. So following is probably not the correct word. I get that you don't agree with Catholics, but why do you spend so much time demonizing them?
Why do yo believe in praying to the statues of your saints?
Catholics don't pray TO statues or saints. They do talk to them, though.
they talk to dead people?
Does that bother you?
no, just very paganish for people who claim the think they are following the god of the Jews
The God of the Jews changed things up a bit with the New Testament. So following is probably not the correct word. I get that you don't agree with Catholics, but why do you spend so much time demonizing them?
He's not demonizing them. He's asking them why they are following demonic teachings if they follow the G-d of Israel. It's a valid question. I'm glad he asked it.
Swing incense around on their churches stage during their ceremony? I know it has been around, starting with the Egyptians in their religious ceremony to their gods in 2500 BCE
Probably the same reason Episcopalians do.

Episcopalians are Anglicans who are catholics who supported the beheading of
anne boleyn (spelling?) and the dumping of Catherine ---why give up the incense?
Rosie, Catholicism is like Islam - the people are taught not to think for themselves. Sad but true. Have a great day, Rose.

You idiot the Catholics crushed Islam.
After they helped form and develop it (See Ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera Exposes history of Roman Catholicism). Mohammad's wife came out of convent to "instruct him" and her cousin (also a Catholic) interpreted Mohammad's dreams. Look up the history of your church. Furthermore, Catholicism is responsible for the blood of more Jews than any other cult on earth (Inquisition and the holocaust which was another Roman Inquisition from their faithful son, Hitler). How you can justify staying in Catholicism is a mystery to me.
Catholic doctrine teaches that prayers for the dead were offered before the time of their Jesus to improve the condition of the soul. Where did they come up with this cockamamie stuff which is pagan to the core Sure isn't found in Judaism
It isn't found in the Torah or the Bible either. The Catholics made up their own bible. They are commanded by the Vatican not to read the KJV Bible because the Catholics who have read it quickly realize they are in a cult and leave.

You're nuts, I read the KJV Bible and know many other Catholics that do also. Stop lying and trying to snow people, it's obvious you're doing just that
If you own a King James Bible you had better open it and read. You're in for a rude awakening.

Save it you hate filled little fundamentalist, I've yet to meet any funide that isn't nuts, total loons and whacked out
Because your cult has thoroughly brainwashed you. Take a seat next to the Muslims who hate Jews and Christians. You're cut from the same cloth.
they talk to dead people?

What happens to the dead

“His breath departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Psalm 146:5.

“The dead do not know anything.” Ecclesiastes 9:5.

“There is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol [the grave] where you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the breath will return to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7.

How do you balance those verses with Isaiah, Chapter 14?

9Below, Sheol is all astir
preparing for your coming;
Awakening the shades to greet you,
all the leaders of the earth;
Making all the kings of the nations
rise from their thrones.

10All of them speak out
and say to you,
“You too have become weak like us,
you are just like us!

15No! Down to Sheol you will be brought
to the depths of the pit!l

16When they see you they will stare,
pondering over you:
“Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms?

Maybe you missed my posts on this subject.. Isaiah 14 preachers use to talk about lucifers fall.
Isaiah 14 is 3 layers and the term makes sense for all 3.
1)historical = Nebuchadnezzar
2)the emulated repeat history=Sadam (even said it openly that he was emulating the Babylonian king.) he was the top son of the Sunnis, Found desheveled, in his pit, earth did quake in fear & bombings, they asked is this the same man (so frail) who caused us this havoc. All this is in Isaiah 14:12-17 and by no coincidence the date of his capture matches the chapter & verse like other events do in the Tanakh.
He was captured 14th day of 12th month
(unlike us they write day first month second)
3)the spiritual emulation =Jesus
who is speared, Nt says earth shook upon death, was desheveled, people asked is this the man, fell to the pit claiming higher then God-acts2:27,1 Peter 3:19, Apostles creed, called himself son of baal morning star.
-Rev 22:16
It's part of Baal worship. So is the Catholic mass (almost identical to the Black Mass Satanists do), the "holy water", the rosary beads, the golden chalice, altar, etc. It's of the devil. No Christian would have anything to do with it.
OK. I suppose you think Buddhism is demonic too.
Yes, I do. I'll be praying for you Dhara.
I will be praying for your enlightenment.
Sun Worship (Baal Worship

Doctrines of Lucifer Sun Worship - Doctrines of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH
1. The nativity of the Sun, the birth of Tammuz Dec. 25

The nativity of Jesus, or "Christmas" is held on December 25

2. The Midsummer festival of the Sun Worship was held on June 24 of each year

The Nativity of St. John is held every year on June 24

3. The assumption of Semiramus who became the mother godess of all Sun Worship

The assumption of Mary, who became the mother of God to all Catholics

4. The mother goddess was given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18

The Virgin Mary is given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven by all Catholics.

4.a "Queen of Heaven" is wrath subduer of the Sun worship god

Mary, "Queen of Heaven" subdues the wrath of Christ and His Father against sinners.

5. Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19

Hot cross buns are backed for Mary in most Roman Catholic churches

6. 40 days fasting before Easter for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14

Catholics fast 40 days (Lent) before Easter

7. Sexual festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16

The Roman Catholic church initiated the sexual festival of Easter first in Christiandom

7a. Gathering at sunrise for worship Catholic church stated Easter sunrise services first in Christiandom
8. The resurrection of Tammuz on Easter, and the procession of graven images during Easter holy week

All Roman Catholic churches parade partake in processions of graven images of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints during Easter week

9. Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens

All Roman Catholic churches venerate graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens

10. The belief of the constant immortality of the soul, and burning place of eternal torment

Rome teaches the belief of immortality of the soul and a burning place of eternal torment

11. Sun Worship believed in the doctrine of purgatory

Rome teaches the doctrine of purgatory

12. The belief of the dead visiting the living on a certain day each year. A feast is then held for all the dead on first day of November. (Called all souls day)

Rome teaches they must hold a festival for the dead on all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 of each year

13. Burning incense and candles Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11

Rome, as well as every Satanic church burns incense and candles in their "masses"

14. Chants and repetitive prayers. Beaded prayer chains.

Rome as well as Satanists use chants and the beaded prayer chains. (Rome calls the chant "Gregorian chant" and the beaded chained "Rosary"
Christian churches do not chant, do not burn incense and do not burn candles .....

The Catholic Church were the original Christians, all you others are johnny come lately.

I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

No they weren't. Constantinople worshiped the sun god & Catholicism is crafted from the original Bablyon religion. As for you who believe in, that is your problem. Your faith is in a false church. I noticed you never once mentioned Jesus Christ, Sassy.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son. You are depending on a cult and Semiramis (called Mary to hide the truth) worship for your redemption. There is no redemption in Catholicism. It's a cult.

You're a fundie, no? This is why I put you in ignore, your hate is un Christian.....think about that one
I believe the Scriptures and you believe whatever your pope and Roman religion tells you to believe. Speaking truth is Calvary Love, not hate. If Jesus Christ were on the earth today your Romanists would crucify him all over again. That is the truth. As it is written in Scripture: Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? See Galatians Chapter 4.

Christ was crucified as prophesied, He didn't die just for you and your fellow Fundie loons (are some of the most hateful people on the planet and that includes Muslims) He died for everybody. You need to stop spewing your nonsense, you're dangerous
If you believed that you wouldn't be a Catholic. You people believe you're the only ones going to heaven. (it's the common denominator in all cults) Unless your pope is acknowledged as God's spokesman and Mary acknowledged as equal to God - we're not "qualified." lol.
OK. I suppose you think Buddhism is demonic too.
Yes, I do. I'll be praying for you Dhara.
I will be praying for your enlightenment.
The Catholic Church were the original Christians, all you others are johnny come lately.

I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

No they weren't. Constantinople worshiped the sun god & Catholicism is crafted from the original Bablyon religion. As for you who believe in, that is your problem. Your faith is in a false church. I noticed you never once mentioned Jesus Christ, Sassy.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son. You are depending on a cult and Semiramis (called Mary to hide the truth) worship for your redemption. There is no redemption in Catholicism. It's a cult.

You're a fundie, no? This is why I put you in ignore, your hate is un Christian.....think about that one
I believe the Scriptures and you believe whatever your pope and Roman religion tells you to believe. Speaking truth is Calvary Love, not hate. If Jesus Christ were on the earth today your Romanists would crucify him all over again. That is the truth. As it is written in Scripture: Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? See Galatians Chapter 4.

Christ was crucified as prophesied, He didn't die just for you and your fellow Fundie loons (are some of the most hateful people on the planet and that includes Muslims) He died for everybody. You need to stop spewing your nonsense, you're dangerous
If you believed that you wouldn't be a Catholic. You people believe you're the only ones going to heaven. (it's the common denominator in all cults) Unless your pope is acknowledged as God's spokesman and Mary acknowledged as equal to God - we're not "qualified." lol.

Gates of Heaven:
at the gates of heaven stood the gate keeper and a long line of people who had just passed away.
The first man a Baptist walks up to the gate keeper and the keeper tells him to walk down the hall to room 9 but to be very quiet walking pass room 3,
the next man in line man a Jehovahs Witness walks up to the gate keeper and he tells him to walk down the hall to room 5 but be very careful and quiet walking pass room 3.
The next man in line is Jewish and is told to go to room 8 but is also told to be very quiet passing room 3.
The Jewish man being curious and inquisitve asked the keeper of the gate:
" I understand the need for seperate rooms, but why do we have to be quiet passing room 3?"
The keeper replied: "oh that's where the Catholics are and they think they are the only ones here."
Swing incense around on their churches stage during their ceremony? I know it has been around, starting with the Egyptians in their religious ceremony to their gods in 2500 BCE

"Cause they like the smell?:eusa_think:
Catholics don't pray TO statues or saints. They do talk to them, though.
they talk to dead people?
Does that bother you?
no, just very paganish for people who claim the think they are following the god of the Jews
The God of the Jews changed things up a bit with the New Testament. So following is probably not the correct word. I get that you don't agree with Catholics, but why do you spend so much time demonizing them?
He's not demonizing them. He's asking them why they are following demonic teachings if they follow the G-d of Israel. It's a valid question. I'm glad he asked it.
I know you are. No one demonizes Catholics on this forum more than you. I expect it from you, but not from someone that claims to be Jewish
The catholic rendition of incense swinging can be found in the worship of Esus the tri pagan god. And I believe pictures of tablets or statues show the priests of Dagon (fishman god)swinging the incense as well .
Ironically the ring worn by the Popes is the fishman god ring (Dagon) that they are kissing. He was the Father of Baal, who is the father of the morning star-rev 22:16.
This is why the Ishtar (easter) myth is that she births a giant egg by the river bed in which a fish is hatched called
the morning star. This is why they wear the fish head hat called Mitre and have scales on their robes or trim.=Dagon/Baal/Morning Star
they talk to dead people?
Does that bother you?
no, just very paganish for people who claim the think they are following the god of the Jews
The God of the Jews changed things up a bit with the New Testament. So following is probably not the correct word. I get that you don't agree with Catholics, but why do you spend so much time demonizing them?
He's not demonizing them. He's asking them why they are following demonic teachings if they follow the G-d of Israel. It's a valid question. I'm glad he asked it.
I know you are. No one demonizes Catholics on this forum more than you. I expect it from you, but not from someone that claims to be Jewish
Asking questions and discussing based on texts and history and practice is not demonizing (although your choice of word is interesting)
Why do yo believe in praying to the statues of your saints?
Catholics don't pray TO statues or saints. They do talk to them, though.
they talk to dead people?
Does that bother you?
no, just very paganish for people who claim the think they are following the god of the Jews
The God of the Jews changed things up a bit with the New Testament. So following is probably not the correct word. I get that you don't agree with Catholics, but why do you spend so much time demonizing them?

"The God of the Jews changed things up a bit with the New Testament."

HaShem has nothing to do with your book, but that is what you are taught


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