Why do the Catholics

Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

No it isn't.

"no" .... what ..."isn't" I am sure you have the ability to express yourself with a modicum of intelligence------but you did not
The crap Jeri spews about what is taught Catholic children is not taught.
Yes it is. I was raised in Catholicism and attended Catholic school. You do not know what you are talking about.
Yes it is. I was raised in Catholicism and attended Catholic school. You do not know what you are talking about.

I was:

1. Raised Catholic
2. Attended Catholic schools
3. Attended several adult Catholic Bible study classes
4. For years taught Continuing Catholic Education to Catholic children.

I don't know what happened in your family and/or in your education of the Catholic faith, but something went very, very wrong. There are former Catholics participating in this forum who present actual Catholic teaching and explain why they could not/cannot agree with true doctrine. I respect that. We don't all think alike and different experiences in practicing the faith can lead to different conclusions.

Then, there are others who present teachings that are not even close to the teachings of the Catholic faith, and are way outside the ballpark in the interpretations offered. Some people hate Catholicism so much that they associate anything hateful with Catholicism. I am truly sorry you (and some others here) had such a hard time growing up in the Catholic faith. It wasn't meant to be that way.
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted
Thank you, Rosie. I do not hate the Catholic people. I hate Catholicism and what it teaches. There is a difference and I sincerely thank you for explaining that to them.

When you claimed that Catholics are possessed by demons you're not actually hating on them!? lol. You're not fooling anybody but yourself.
Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

No it isn't.

"no" .... what ..."isn't" I am sure you have the ability to express yourself with a modicum of intelligence------but you did not
The crap Jeri spews about what is taught Catholic children is not taught.
Yes it is. I was raised in Catholicism and attended Catholic school. You do not know what you are talking about.
It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

No it isn't.

"no" .... what ..."isn't" I am sure you have the ability to express yourself with a modicum of intelligence------but you did not
The crap Jeri spews about what is taught Catholic children is not taught.
Yes it is. I was raised in Catholicism and attended Catholic school. You do not know what you are talking about.

to what specific crap do you refer Ravi-----I had lots of catholic playmates as a child ------ and interacted with FAR more who attended catholic school-----later on
I interacted with a few young males who had attended "priest" training-----at places
like Seton Hall and----after that an X-priest
to what specific crap do you refer Ravi-----I had lots of catholic playmates as a child ------ and interacted with FAR more who attended catholic school-----later on
I interacted with a few young males who had attended "priest" training-----at places
like Seton Hall and----after that an X-priest

Something to consider: I am a Catholic married to an atheist. If someone really wants to know about Catholic teaching and protocol, do you recommend the best way to learn about Catholicism is for a person to go to the atheist and say, "You are married to a Catholic. Tell me what Catholicism teaches about...." Or, would it be better for the person to say to the Catholic, "You're Catholic. Tell me what Catholicism teaches about...."
to what specific crap do you refer Ravi-----I had lots of catholic playmates as a child ------ and interacted with FAR more who attended catholic school-----later on
I interacted with a few young males who had attended "priest" training-----at places
like Seton Hall and----after that an X-priest

Something to consider: I am a Catholic married to an atheist. If someone really wants to know about Catholic teaching and protocol, do you recommend the best way to learn about Catholicism is for a person to go to the atheist and say, "You are married to a Catholic. Tell me what Catholicism teaches about...." Or, would it be better for the person to say to the Catholic, "You're Catholic. Tell me what Catholicism teaches about...."

I learned about Catholicism from catholics-------the BEST person to learn about what
is taught to catholic children in the grammar school classes of catholic school is
I learned about that which muslim kids are told in mosques by------^^^^ the same
means------but mostly from young muslims new to the USA------they also repeat
that which they were TAUGHT
I learned about Catholicism from catholics-------the BEST person to learn about what is taught to catholic children in the grammar school classes of catholic school is *****LISTEN TO WHAT THE CHILDREN SAY.... **** I learned about that which muslim kids are told in mosques by------^^^^ the same means------but mostly from young muslims new to the USA------they also repeat that which they were TAUGHT

I teach a lot of math, science, and English. Should we listen to what children tell us about math, or should we seek out a mathematician? Should we listen to a child or to a scientist? A Grammar teacher or a young student?

My point is that when I want to know something of the Jewish faith, would you recommend that I speak to the Gentile husband of a Jew; an eight-year-old Jewish child; or a Rabbi?

I love children. My job is to build on the knowledge they have, and correct any errors and assist them over childish impressions that may linger with them as they mature. Absolutely listen to children, but adults may also wish to double check the accuracy of what children say.
I learned about Catholicism from catholics-------the BEST person to learn about what is taught to catholic children in the grammar school classes of catholic school is *****LISTEN TO WHAT THE CHILDREN SAY.... **** I learned about that which muslim kids are told in mosques by------^^^^ the same means------but mostly from young muslims new to the USA------they also repeat that which they were TAUGHT

I teach a lot of math, science, and English. Should we listen to what children tell us about math, or should we seek out a mathematician? Should we listen to a child or to a scientist? A Grammar teacher or a young student?

My point is that when I want to know something of the Jewish faith, would you recommend that I speak to the Gentile husband of a Jew; an eight-year-old Jewish child; or a Rabbi?

I love children. My job is to build on the knowledge they have, and correct any errors and assist them over childish impressions that may linger with them as they mature. Absolutely listen to children, but adults may also wish to double check the accuracy of what children say.

If you want to know what jewish kids hear in jewish schools or in synagogues or
even "at home" -----about "JESUS"---or "MARY" -----yes-----ask a jewish child of-----I would say about 12-----or you could ask an 8 year old. The lessons of
childhood are important-------most of us do not BECOME MATHEMATICIANS------
most of us become------mothers and fathers with kids of our own ----who pass our
attitudes about things TO THE NEXT GENERATION. --Sophisticated theologians did not create the KKK. Southern moms and dads and kindergarten teachers did. The southern moms and dads and kindergarten teachers did not LEARN
their stuff from DARWIN or the POPE------they learned it at home and school and church. In my lifetime I have also taught math and science and English-----the very elementary stuff for deficient kids----not actually professionally-------I do not see your analogy at all. ACCURACY? what does "accuracy" have to do with
social attitudes that pass from parents and sunday school teachers to children?
Let's review the behavior of some of our resident Catholics towards Jewish posters and decide if what they are being taught is making them better people or is it making them wormwood(bitter & poisonous)?
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

other forums: Craigslist:
JustRoman > 04/16 18:54
^ homeless gay negro §

many more but you get the point, a pattern emerges....read my post regarding "they have no truth" so they use
"Ad Hominem attacks" instead.
Let's review the behavior of some of our resident Catholics towards Jewish posters and decide if what they are being taught is making them better people or is it making them wormwood(bitter & poisonous)?
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

other forums: Craigslist:
JustRoman > 04/16 18:54
^ homeless gay negro §

many more but you get the point, a pattern emerges....read my post regarding "they have no truth" so they use
"Ad Hominem attacks" instead.

Ah - you speak again about me - not with me.

You forgot to tell your invisible audience that a big part of the jewish part of my family was murdered from Nazis. And you forgot to tell them that you have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You attack people without any reason to do so in the name of Jews.

And if I ask someone else "Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?" then this is not an attack but a serios question. And "esoterics" is a very dangerous thing - what you would know if you would be a Jew, because the Nazis had an esoteric structure. I hope I was able to help this poor guy in his esoteric sect.

Last edited:
Nowhere was I speaking about you when speaking about Catholic behavior you spoke for yourself, they were your words provided by you.

"You will know them by their (prison) stripes."
Let's review the behavior of some of our resident Catholics towards Jewish posters and decide if what they are being taught is making them better people or is it making them wormwood(bitter & poisonous)?
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

other forums: Craigslist:
JustRoman > 04/16 18:54
^ homeless gay negro §

many more but you get the point, a pattern emerges....read my post regarding "they have no truth" so they use
"Ad Hominem attacks" instead.

Ah - you speak again about me - not with me.

You forgot to tell your invisible audience that a big part of the jewish part of my family was murdered from Nazis. And you forgot to tell them that you have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You attack people without any reason to do so in the name of Jews.

And if I ask someone else "Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?" then this is not an attack but a serios question. And "esoterics" is a very dangerous thing - what you would know if you would be a Jew, because the Nazis had an esoteric structure. I hope I was able to help this poor guy in his esoteric sect.

The Nazi's were all Catholic (like you). HaShev is a Kohenim - a direct descendant of Aaron and you have a lot of nerve speaking this way to a Jew - especially this one. Watch your step. G-d is the silent listener of every conversation and you will not get away with cursing the Jews or claiming you have the slightest connection to them. What a joke.
Let's review the behavior of some of our resident Catholics towards Jewish posters and decide if what they are being taught is making them better people or is it making them wormwood(bitter & poisonous)?
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

other forums: Craigslist:
JustRoman > 04/16 18:54
^ homeless gay negro §

many more but you get the point, a pattern emerges....read my post regarding "they have no truth" so they use
"Ad Hominem attacks" instead.

Ah - you speak again about me - not with me.

You forgot to tell your invisible audience that a big part of the jewish part of my family was murdered from Nazis. And you forgot to tell them that you have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You attack people without any reason to do so in the name of Jews.

And if I ask someone else "Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?" then this is not an attack but a serios question. And "esoterics" is a very dangerous thing - what you would know if you would be a Jew, because the Nazis had an esoteric structure. I hope I was able to help this poor guy in his esoteric sect.

The Nazi's were all Catholic (like you). e.

The majority were WASPs.
Let's review the behavior of some of our resident Catholics towards Jewish posters and decide if what they are being taught is making them better people or is it making them wormwood(bitter & poisonous)?
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

other forums: Craigslist:
JustRoman > 04/16 18:54
^ homeless gay negro §

many more but you get the point, a pattern emerges....read my post regarding "they have no truth" so they use
"Ad Hominem attacks" instead.

Ah - you speak again about me - not with me.

You forgot to tell your invisible audience that a big part of the jewish part of my family was murdered from Nazis. And you forgot to tell them that you have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You attack people without any reason to do so in the name of Jews.

And if I ask someone else "Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?" then this is not an attack but a serios question. And "esoterics" is a very dangerous thing - what you would know if you would be a Jew, because the Nazis had an esoteric structure. I hope I was able to help this poor guy in his esoteric sect.

The Nazi's were all Catholic (like you).

Oh by the way: Germany fought not together with Stalin against the George Washington University. So perhaps you are able to find a place where you are able to learn something about real history.

HaShev is a Kohenim - a direct descendant of Aaron and you have a lot of nerve speaking this way to a Jew - especially this one. Watch your step. G-d is the silent listener of every conversation and you will not get away with cursing the Jews or claiming you have the slightest connection to them. What a joke.

HavShev has absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. Every Jew who reads what he says knows this. But he produces hateful statements without any sense in the name of Jews. And let me say to you: Anticatholicism makes also no one to a follower of Christ.

Last edited:
Nowhere was I speaking about you when speaking about Catholic behavior you spoke for yourself, they were your words provided by you.

"You will know them by their (prison) stripes."

Stripes=fruits. Matthew 7:20! Matthew is the christian part of the bible. Funny, if written in this context here from a "Jew" - or should I call you "false prophet"? But I weared indeed once "prison stripes" - clothings from prisoners of world war 2, when I was a child decades later and harvested potatoes.

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

"Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it."


Last edited:
Let's review the behavior of some of our resident Catholics towards Jewish posters and decide if what they are being taught is making them better people or is it making them wormwood(bitter & poisonous)?
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

other forums: Craigslist:
JustRoman > 04/16 18:54
^ homeless gay negro §

many more but you get the point, a pattern emerges....read my post regarding "they have no truth" so they use
"Ad Hominem attacks" instead.

Ah - you speak again about me - not with me.

You forgot to tell your invisible audience that a big part of the jewish part of my family was murdered from Nazis. And you forgot to tell them that you have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You attack people without any reason to do so in the name of Jews.

And if I ask someone else "Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?" then this is not an attack but a serios question. And "esoterics" is a very dangerous thing - what you would know if you would be a Jew, because the Nazis had an esoteric structure. I hope I was able to help this poor guy in his esoteric sect.

The Nazi's were all Catholic (like you). e.

The majority were WASPs.

The situation after world war 1 was a mad situation and so a mad man overtook Germany: Hitler. But he was not the only mad man. The world was full of such idiots. The majorite of the Nazis were idiots who suddenly believed to be Aryans. Indeed Jews were Germans like all others and suddenly they were killed from Aryans because they were not Aryans. But all other Germans were also not Aryans. An absurde theatre. Very very very absurde. But you are not completly wrong. The white anglo-saxon racism and darwinism was indeed a fundament of the Nazis. Because in Germany existed not really different races they used markers (the golden star [¿of Bethlehem?] for example for Jews) . The catholic country Poland became the first victim of world war 2 because of the german rightwingers and the russian leftwingers. But the real shame for Europe and the world is it, that in 1933 the prototype of all concentration camps in Dachau was made and in 1935 racistic laws against Jews were introduced in Germany - and nearly no one reacted !!! Racistic laws were in 1935 everywhere in the world normal.

HaShev is by the way a "Jew" who attacks the Psalms of David (jewish) and refers to the Evangelium of Matthew (christian). Mad world, isn't it?

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If I were quoting Matthew I would state chapter and verse like I almost always do.
Unlike you I provide sources.
Now you opened up a can of worms.
If Matthew was written by A Jew then he would have known the gender used in Micah 5 is not that of a place/town. A Jew would also know Micah is talking about a lineage "Bethlehem Ephratah" not a town of Bethlehem.
Read the context of Micah 5 it's about a lineage. Even uses the word "CLAN".
Bethlehem was the son or grandson of Ephratah.-oooops.
Just like you refuse to Teshuva the preachers being revealed this error still go on repeating the lie and never apologizing to their flock nor victims over this lie.

Know them by their prison stripes;
you have prisons mostly full of cross necklaces, cross tattoos, cross earings.
They are not saved nor are their victims.
Their behavior and your behavior is a reflection of how the fallen star(prophet messenger) turned you to wormwood (bitter poisonous herb).
If I were quoting Matthew I would state chapter and verse like I almost always do.
Unlike you I provide sources.
Now you opened up a can of worms.
If Matthew was written by A Jew then he would have known the gender used in Micah 5 is not that of a place/town. A Jew would also know Micah is talking about a lineage "Bethlehem Ephratah" not a town of Bethlehem.
Read the context of Micah 5 it's about a lineage. Even uses the word "CLAN".
Bethlehem was the son or grandson of Ephratah.-oooops.
Just like you refuse to Teshuva the preachers being revealed this error still go on repeating the lie and never apologizing to their flock nor victims over this lie.

Know them by their prison stripes;
you have prisons mostly full of cross necklaces, cross tattoos, cross earings.
They are not saved nor are their victims.
Their behavior and your behavior is a reflection of how the fallen star(prophet messenger) turned you to wormwood (bitter poisonous herb).

You are not a Jew. Why for heavens sake do you try to tell me always the same stupid nonsense? Nothing becomes true because you try to brainwash everyone with absurde ideas. How was your breakfast? Fine?

Shik shak shok
shik shak shok
shik shak shok
nassik ya habibi il rap w il rock
My darling, I'm going to make you forget about rap and rock
shik shak shok
shik shak shok
nassik ya habibi il rap w il rock
My darling, I'm going to make you forget about rap and rock
wi ta aala nir'os baladi
Come, let us dance baladi (our native music)
How beautiful!
dal baladi ya nour eini
This baladi is the light of my eyes (ie it's so dear to her)
wa ta aala nir'os baladi
come let us dance baladi
dal baladi ya nour eini
this baladi is the light of my eyes
bil albi bi shok
In the heart it pierces
shik shak shok

P.S. Shik shak shok can literally be
translated as pierce, it pierced, pierce.

Source: Hassan Abou Seoud Song Lyrics - Shik shak shok
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See never addressed the fact you exposed the NT as a fraud nor the hypocracy you set yourself on what is a Jew. :)
Never explained why so many crosses are in Jail, nor issues any solution to the problem.
Typical response when there is no truth in you as per my ad Hominem responses commentary post from the very first chapter of my "Keepers of the Unpopular Truth" book you keep validating with every response. Check Mate!

*steps back expecting Zaang to throw the chess board and it's pieces to the ground*

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