Why do the Catholics

Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted
That was the way it was in my home too. No breakfast before mass. I used to pass out frequently at mass.

It was very different in my home, and in the homes of my classmates who were also from large families. Children not yet school age were often given a small bag of Cheerios which they nibbled on all through church. I often had a younger brother or sister in my lap who was contentedly eating dry Cheerios. Everyone was happy. At the end of Mass, we older children would take pick up any Cheerios that had dropped.

Even when my daughters were very small, they preferred coming to Church with me over staying at home. Church was something they did with Mom. One was a fantastic altar server--people would comment on how well she did. As her mother I could see how she brought what she was learning about choreography in her dance and gymnastics classes to serving at Mass. She was always right where she should be the exact second she was supposed to be there. My other daughter, a sometimes altar server, found a more comfortable niche. She truly enjoyed going around the church after Mass, collecting books and straightening up. The church was always back in ship-shape before she would leave.

The girls still tell me how much they enjoyed our Sunday mornings. In their busy teens, when they began to prefer sleeping Sunday mornings, we opted for the Saturday evening Mass.
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

Claiming Cathlics are possessed by demons isn't bile!? Animals and children discerning evil around priests and nuns isn't bile!? lol. Just b/c you don't see the anti-Catholic nonsense of her posts doesn't mean the rest of us do not.
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

Claiming Cathlics are possessed by demons isn't bile!? Animals and children discerning evil around priests and nuns isn't bile!? lol. Just b/c you don't see the anti-Catholic nonsense of her posts doesn't mean the rest of us do not.

I have a very simple question for you--------If you saw Mel Gibson's "passion of the Christ"------what did you think of the movie? Pope John Paul ENDORSED IT----he really liked it-------I can tell you what I thought of it------it was STINKING NAZI SHIT PROPAGANDA. That a Nazi dog like MEL made it-----is no excuse for the POPE to endorse that kind of filth. Jeremiah may believe that there is so much
FILTH in the Nazi propaganda of the church that she considers most catholic clergy to be tainted by it. (of course -----it is for her to say---but that is my impression)
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted
No it isn't.
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

No it isn't.

"no" .... what ..."isn't" I am sure you have the ability to express yourself with a modicum of intelligence------but you did not
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

Claiming Cathlics are possessed by demons isn't bile!? Animals and children discerning evil around priests and nuns isn't bile!? lol. Just b/c you don't see the anti-Catholic nonsense of her posts doesn't mean the rest of us do not.

I have a very simple question for you--------If you saw Mel Gibson's "passion of the Christ"------what did you think of the movie? Pope John Paul ENDORSED IT----he really liked it-------I can tell you what I thought of it------it was STINKING NAZI SHIT PROPAGANDA. That a Nazi dog like MEL made it-----is no excuse for the POPE to endorse that kind of filth. Jeremiah may believe that there is so much
FILTH in the Nazi propaganda of the church that she considers most catholic clergy to be tainted by it. (of course -----it is for her to say---but that is my impression)
No he didn't endorse that shit movie.
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

No it isn't.

"no" .... what ..."isn't" I am sure you have the ability to express yourself with a modicum of intelligence------but you did not
The crap Jeri spews about what is taught Catholic children is not taught.
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

Claiming Cathlics are possessed by demons isn't bile!? Animals and children discerning evil around priests and nuns isn't bile!? lol. Just b/c you don't see the anti-Catholic nonsense of her posts doesn't mean the rest of us do not.

I have a very simple question for you--------If you saw Mel Gibson's "passion of the Christ"------what did you think of the movie? Pope John Paul ENDORSED IT----he really liked it-------I can tell you what I thought of it------it was STINKING NAZI SHIT PROPAGANDA. That a Nazi dog like MEL made it-----is no excuse for the POPE to endorse that kind of filth. Jeremiah may believe that there is so much
FILTH in the Nazi propaganda of the church that she considers most catholic clergy to be tainted by it. (of course -----it is for her to say---but that is my impression)

No he didn't endorse that shit movie.

---NOW----the catholic church is BACK PEDALING----at the TIME----the reaction
to the MEL GIBSON Nazi shit -----was ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT......... ALSO-----it is the story
that catholic children WERE taught in catholic school and still hear from their
grandmothers-------and catechism whores
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

No it isn't.

"no" .... what ..."isn't" I am sure you have the ability to express yourself with a modicum of intelligence------but you did not
The crap Jeri spews about what is taught Catholic children is not taught.

I grew up in a town-----that is "town"-----a not so big area with a very BIG
"catholic school" where lots and lots of any of the people of that town (more
than 1/3 of the town's population" )sent their children to grammar school --kindergarten thru 8th grade. Little kids
do REPEAT that which they LEARN in school. When I was a kid-----the CATHOLIC SCHOOL------put on the "CHRISTMAS STORY" every year in
the public school-------mandatory "general assembly" Who was presented as
who-------was virtually NAZI STEREOTYPING. Fret not------I was still in high school when John XXIII issued the very limpwristed edict absolving jews living
now (2000 years later) of "guilt" in the MURDER OF CHRIST. ------I will
repeat the reaction of some of my classmates "GEEEE,, THANKS" -----
almost idiotic and TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE
Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

Claiming Cathlics are possessed by demons isn't bile!? Animals and children discerning evil around priests and nuns isn't bile!? lol. Just b/c you don't see the anti-Catholic nonsense of her posts doesn't mean the rest of us do not.

I have a very simple question for you--------If you saw Mel Gibson's "passion of the Christ"------what did you think of the movie? Pope John Paul ENDORSED IT----he really liked it-------I can tell you what I thought of it------it was STINKING NAZI SHIT PROPAGANDA. That a Nazi dog like MEL made it-----is no excuse for the POPE to endorse that kind of filth. Jeremiah may believe that there is so much
FILTH in the Nazi propaganda of the church that she considers most catholic clergy to be tainted by it. (of course -----it is for her to say---but that is my impression)

No he didn't endorse that shit movie.

---NOW----the catholic church is BACK PEDALING----at the TIME----the reaction
to the MEL GIBSON Nazi shit -----was ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT......... ALSO-----it is the story
that catholic children WERE taught in catholic school and still hear from their
grandmothers-------and catechism whores

Pope Did Not Endorse Mel's Movie: Report
Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

No it isn't.

"no" .... what ..."isn't" I am sure you have the ability to express yourself with a modicum of intelligence------but you did not
The crap Jeri spews about what is taught Catholic children is not taught.

I grew up in a town-----that is "town"-----a not so big area with a very BIG
"catholic school" where lots and lots of any of the people of that town (more
than 1/3 of the town's population" )sent their children to grammar school --kindergarten thru 8th grade. Little kids
do REPEAT that which they LEARN in school. When I was a kid-----the CATHOLIC SCHOOL------put on the "CHRISTMAS STORY" every year in
the public school-------mandatory "general assembly" Who was presented as
who-------was virtually NAZI STEREOTYPING. Fret not------I was still in high school when John XXIII issued the very limpwristed edict absolving jews living
now (2000 years later) of "guilt" in the MURDER OF CHRIST. ------I will
repeat the reaction of some of my classmates "GEEEE,, THANKS" -----
almost idiotic and TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE
Irosie will wax indignant about antisemitism but seems to blithely accept anti-Catholicism.
It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted

Claiming Cathlics are possessed by demons isn't bile!? Animals and children discerning evil around priests and nuns isn't bile!? lol. Just b/c you don't see the anti-Catholic nonsense of her posts doesn't mean the rest of us do not.

I have a very simple question for you--------If you saw Mel Gibson's "passion of the Christ"------what did you think of the movie? Pope John Paul ENDORSED IT----he really liked it-------I can tell you what I thought of it------it was STINKING NAZI SHIT PROPAGANDA. That a Nazi dog like MEL made it-----is no excuse for the POPE to endorse that kind of filth. Jeremiah may believe that there is so much
FILTH in the Nazi propaganda of the church that she considers most catholic clergy to be tainted by it. (of course -----it is for her to say---but that is my impression)

No he didn't endorse that shit movie.

---NOW----the catholic church is BACK PEDALING----at the TIME----the reaction
to the MEL GIBSON Nazi shit -----was ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT......... ALSO-----it is the story
that catholic children WERE taught in catholic school and still hear from their
grandmothers-------and catechism whores

Pope Did Not Endorse Mel's Movie: Report

progressive back pedaling------good to know that the movie makers were IN TOUCH with the Vatican during the making of that Nazi propaganda thing
Claiming Cathlics are possessed by demons isn't bile!? Animals and children discerning evil around priests and nuns isn't bile!? lol. Just b/c you don't see the anti-Catholic nonsense of her posts doesn't mean the rest of us do not.

I have a very simple question for you--------If you saw Mel Gibson's "passion of the Christ"------what did you think of the movie? Pope John Paul ENDORSED IT----he really liked it-------I can tell you what I thought of it------it was STINKING NAZI SHIT PROPAGANDA. That a Nazi dog like MEL made it-----is no excuse for the POPE to endorse that kind of filth. Jeremiah may believe that there is so much
FILTH in the Nazi propaganda of the church that she considers most catholic clergy to be tainted by it. (of course -----it is for her to say---but that is my impression)

No he didn't endorse that shit movie.

---NOW----the catholic church is BACK PEDALING----at the TIME----the reaction
to the MEL GIBSON Nazi shit -----was ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT......... ALSO-----it is the story
that catholic children WERE taught in catholic school and still hear from their
grandmothers-------and catechism whores

Pope Did Not Endorse Mel's Movie: Report

progressive back pedaling------good to know that the movie makers were IN TOUCH with the Vatican during the making of that Nazi propaganda thing

It is well known that Saint Pope John Paul had Gibson on speed dial and had the final say about the movie. lol
Irosie will wax indignant about antisemitism but seems to blithely accept anti-Catholicism.

wrong again------you got a post in which I 'accepted anti-Catholic libels'??

You stated in this very thread that you've never witness Jeri make anti-Catholic statements. In her post she speaks of wicked nuns/priests and how animals/children can discern their evilness. How on Earth is that nonsense not anti-Catholic?

If I said animals and children can discern the evilness in Rabbis you would have read me the riot act. Put away the white wash or Aunt Polly won't have enough to finish the fence. lol
Doubtful but that Jew Hating Catholic Mel Gibson still is and anyone who watches his movies ought to be ashamed of themselves. I never watched the Passion of Christ and when people ask me why I tell them I would never betray my Jewish brethren like that. Gibson is an anti-semite and I am boycotting his movies permanently. Who could trust an anti-semite to tell the truth about such an important subject? After his arrest - the drunken Gibson told the officers how he "really felt" about the Jews. Speaking of drunks, Rosie. When ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera attended gatherings with the Jesuits he said he was shocked initially to see them all get falling down drunk in the dining hall. I knew he was telling the truth because when my grandparents would receive guests to their beach house in NY (they also owned a corner property in Manhattan and lived there during the week) I would watch as nuns and priests came over regularly to drink free liquor and get drunk. I've never met a nun or priest who wasn't a drunk and most of the priests smoked cigarettes too. I hated Catholicism before I was enrolled in (Catholic) kindgergarten. I never trusted any of the nuns or priests - they were a wicked bunch. Children and animals are well able to discern evil around them.

Every time Sunday rolled around I tried to eat before Mass without anyone knowing it. That's a five year old doing their best to PROTEST the RCC - I was destined to become a protestant who rejected the dog and pony show they put on. Rivera would have been proud of me! lol. I thank God he gave me the good sense to see through that charade from the get go!

Now that you mention it, every time Sister Peggy would visits the dogs and guinea pig would shudder and recoil. :eek:

I must admit that this outrage you're expressing over Gibson's vile anti-semitism is as comical as it is puzzling considering the bile you spew aganist Catholics.

It seems to me that Jeremiah object to the fact that Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism ---of the kind that led to genocide of millions ------ is something he got from his catholic
education and it is that GENOCIDAL HATE TRAINING to which she objects. Mel's bile is BILE TAUGHT in catholic school and church------Jeremiah expresses her distaste for BILE TAUGHT TO KIDS in school and church. I have never seen
her post bile against -----catholics-----just those objectionable teachings that she has noted
Thank you, Rosie. I do not hate the Catholic people. I hate Catholicism and what it teaches. There is a difference and I sincerely thank you for explaining that to them.
Irosie will wax indignant about antisemitism but seems to blithely accept anti-Catholicism.

wrong again------you got a post in which I 'accepted anti-Catholic libels'??

You stated in this very thread that you've never witness Jeri make anti-Catholic statements. In her post she speaks of wicked nuns/priests and how animals/children can discern their evilness. How on Earth is that nonsense not anti-Catholic?

If I said animals and children can discern the evilness in Rabbis you would have read me the riot act. Put away the white wash or Aunt Polly won't have enough to finish the fence. lol
It is not a sin to identify someone as wicked if they are wicked. Jesus said, Ye shall know them by their fruit.
It's a sin to call good evil and evil good. I have not done that and I'm not going to do it in order to ease your guilty conscience.

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