Why do the God-haters persist?

Why there is no god

Shove it down our throats? OMG I can turn on the tv 24 hours a day and I even found some religious stations. Show me the fucking atheist station! Those are public airwaves. I can't wait for the day we finally get a show. The Cosmos was a good start but hardly equal to the brainwashing and shoving down our throats those tv preachers brainwashing and milking stupid americans of their hard earned dollars. Dopes.

I am agnostic bitch. I don't know what's on the other side of black holes. It could be anything including god. But the logical position to have is I DON"T FUCKING KNOW and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

Note: This claim often represents a deep discomfort with uncertainty or ambiguity, demonstrating a lack of critical thinking or poor understanding of a topic. It usually coincides with credulity, which is the tendency to believe in propositions unsupported by evidence. See also: gullibility.

And I never stop someone from praying. I just make fun of them in my mind. I never talk about this with religious people. They can't handle it. I've lost friends over it. Pussies. I don't disown religious people. I don't say I wouldn't marry someone unless they are an atheist too. But I bet you wouldn't marry an atheist so stop crying the victim/martyr.

Dawkins is such a stupid cocksucker - I can always tell when you missionaries are quoting his gospels...
Why would people hate something that they don't believe in?

None of the Atheists will answer that.

I already did cock sucker. I don't hate any character in any book. I don't even hate the character satin. If I were the character god though I'll tell you I would run things a whole lot better than he's doing things. And I'd snap my fingers and satin would be gone. I wouldn't be such a dick. And I wouldn't have flooded the planet and killed everyone. I wouldn't have sent my son to be sacrificed for a bunch of assholes. And I would show myself. Why am I hiding for christ sakes?
Why there is no god

Shove it down our throats? OMG I can turn on the tv 24 hours a day and I even found some religious stations. Show me the fucking atheist station! Those are public airwaves. I can't wait for the day we finally get a show. The Cosmos was a good start but hardly equal to the brainwashing and shoving down our throats those tv preachers brainwashing and milking stupid americans of their hard earned dollars. Dopes.

I am agnostic bitch. I don't know what's on the other side of black holes. It could be anything including god. But the logical position to have is I DON"T FUCKING KNOW and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

Note: This claim often represents a deep discomfort with uncertainty or ambiguity, demonstrating a lack of critical thinking or poor understanding of a topic. It usually coincides with credulity, which is the tendency to believe in propositions unsupported by evidence. See also: gullibility.

And I never stop someone from praying. I just make fun of them in my mind. I never talk about this with religious people. They can't handle it. I've lost friends over it. Pussies. I don't disown religious people. I don't say I wouldn't marry someone unless they are an atheist too. But I bet you wouldn't marry an atheist so stop crying the victim/martyr.

Dawkins is such a stupid cocksucker - I can always tell when you missionaries are quoting his gospels...

And where is mom? What did god do with mom? I'm a little worried about mom. Louis CK
Are you a republican or person who leans right? Do you agree or disagree with gismys that abortion is murder? Would you ban abortion if you could? Just curious.

I pretty much stated my position on abortion here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/9165420-post3220.html

My political leanings should have nothing to do with a debate over whether something is right or wrong, unless you are a brainwashed ideologue. I don't know if I agree or disagree with someone else, but yes... I think in some cases, abortion is legalized murder. Would I ban abortion entirely? No, but it would be greatly restricted and limited, not used as "Final Solution" birth control!

If its murder then you want to ban it from being an option unless NECESSARY. Please tell women that. That if they make a mistake, under GOP rule they would be forced to have the baby. At least be honest. Basically unless rape or incest you would ban abortion. Be honest. You would take the option off the table. See, I hate republicans who try to be slick and slowly move us towards their position knowing that if we knew their real position up front we would have never went along.

And if I am wrong about your position, please explain to gismys why you would keep abortion legal.

our nation allows ABORTION,SEXUAL PERVERSION,GAY MARRAGE,AND ALL OTHER SIN BECAUSE our people REJECTED GOD AND choose to live in sin they have allowed satan to blind them to TRUTH!
Why there is no god

Shove it down our throats? OMG I can turn on the tv 24 hours a day and I even found some religious stations. Show me the fucking atheist station! Those are public airwaves. I can't wait for the day we finally get a show. The Cosmos was a good start but hardly equal to the brainwashing and shoving down our throats those tv preachers brainwashing and milking stupid americans of their hard earned dollars. Dopes.

I am agnostic bitch. I don't know what's on the other side of black holes. It could be anything including god. But the logical position to have is I DON"T FUCKING KNOW and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

Note: This claim often represents a deep discomfort with uncertainty or ambiguity, demonstrating a lack of critical thinking or poor understanding of a topic. It usually coincides with credulity, which is the tendency to believe in propositions unsupported by evidence. See also: gullibility.

And I never stop someone from praying. I just make fun of them in my mind. I never talk about this with religious people. They can't handle it. I've lost friends over it. Pussies. I don't disown religious people. I don't say I wouldn't marry someone unless they are an atheist too. But I bet you wouldn't marry an atheist so stop crying the victim/martyr.

Dawkins is such a stupid cocksucker - I can always tell when you missionaries are quoting his gospels...

You blow off all the great points he/we make and instead believe corrupt churches and pedophile priests and your parents/grandparents who were brainwashed by their ancestors/forefathers too. Wake up!!!! Dawkins is smarter than you.
I pretty much stated my position on abortion here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/9165420-post3220.html

My political leanings should have nothing to do with a debate over whether something is right or wrong, unless you are a brainwashed ideologue. I don't know if I agree or disagree with someone else, but yes... I think in some cases, abortion is legalized murder. Would I ban abortion entirely? No, but it would be greatly restricted and limited, not used as "Final Solution" birth control!

If its murder then you want to ban it from being an option unless NECESSARY. Please tell women that. That if they make a mistake, under GOP rule they would be forced to have the baby. At least be honest. Basically unless rape or incest you would ban abortion. Be honest. You would take the option off the table. See, I hate republicans who try to be slick and slowly move us towards their position knowing that if we knew their real position up front we would have never went along.

And if I am wrong about your position, please explain to gismys why you would keep abortion legal.

our nation allows ABORTION,SEXUAL PERVERSION,GAY MARRAGE,AND ALL OTHER SIN BECAUSE our people REJECTED GOD AND choose to live in sin they have allowed satan to blind them to TRUTH!

At least you admit/agree/understand this is not a judao christian nation. Thanks for admitting it.
Why there is no god

Shove it down our throats? OMG I can turn on the tv 24 hours a day and I even found some religious stations. Show me the fucking atheist station! Those are public airwaves. I can't wait for the day we finally get a show. The Cosmos was a good start but hardly equal to the brainwashing and shoving down our throats those tv preachers brainwashing and milking stupid americans of their hard earned dollars. Dopes.

I am agnostic bitch. I don't know what's on the other side of black holes. It could be anything including god. But the logical position to have is I DON"T FUCKING KNOW and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

Note: This claim often represents a deep discomfort with uncertainty or ambiguity, demonstrating a lack of critical thinking or poor understanding of a topic. It usually coincides with credulity, which is the tendency to believe in propositions unsupported by evidence. See also: gullibility.

And I never stop someone from praying. I just make fun of them in my mind. I never talk about this with religious people. They can't handle it. I've lost friends over it. Pussies. I don't disown religious people. I don't say I wouldn't marry someone unless they are an atheist too. But I bet you wouldn't marry an atheist so stop crying the victim/martyr.

Dawkins is such a stupid cocksucker - I can always tell when you missionaries are quoting his gospels...

Oh, and when you guys post something and I say it's bullshit, I explain a little why it's bullshit. You saying "oh dawkins sucks", doesn't make it a fact. Care to go to that link and pick apart the points it makes? Because it lays it all out for you. Almost every argument any of you god lovers ever make is on there and the response to your claims. Yes, I would consider it the bible for battling god believers.

And we don't like religion because

1. The rich use it to divide us.
2. Ban stem cell, anti abortion, anti birth control, anti gay, anti black and white marriage, wars.
3. Americans would rather vote for a cheating pot smoker than a atheist.
4. Religion fought science for so long.
I already did cock sucker.

Yes you did, when you posted about why you hate Christians but support Muslims..

You don't remember, do you? Pot has eaten away your short term memory...

I haven't smoked pot in 30+ years; back in my day, smoking a joint was about equivalent to drinking a 6 pack of beer, though I understand that the pot is a lot more potent now.

Either way, you saying you smoke 3 joints a day is like someone bragging about drinking 3 six packs a day - yeah, that makes you an alcoholic...:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

I don't hate any character in any book.

Have you ever read a book? You don't strike me as the kind that would have.... I'm guessing you more for the Cartoon Network type.

I don't even hate the character satin.

My sister has a cat named Satin - very silky fur.

I'm kind of fond of satin myself;


If I were the character god though I'll tell you I would run things a whole lot better than he's doing things. And I'd snap my fingers and satin would be gone. I wouldn't be such a dick. And I wouldn't have flooded the planet and killed everyone. I wouldn't have sent my son to be sacrificed for a bunch of assholes. And I would show myself. Why am I hiding for christ sakes?

You sit around smoking dope in your moms basement - if you were god, you'd sit around smoking dope in moms basement...
Are you a republican or person who leans right? Do you agree or disagree with gismys that abortion is murder? Would you ban abortion if you could? Just curious.

I pretty much stated my position on abortion here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/9165420-post3220.html

My political leanings should have nothing to do with a debate over whether something is right or wrong, unless you are a brainwashed ideologue. I don't know if I agree or disagree with someone else, but yes... I think in some cases, abortion is legalized murder. Would I ban abortion entirely? No, but it would be greatly restricted and limited, not used as "Final Solution" birth control!

If its murder then you want to ban it from being an option unless NECESSARY. Please tell women that. That if they make a mistake, under GOP rule they would be forced to have the baby. At least be honest. Basically unless rape or incest you would ban abortion. Be honest. You would take the option off the table. See, I hate republicans who try to be slick and slowly move us towards their position knowing that if we knew their real position up front we would have never went along.

And if I am wrong about your position, please explain to gismys why you would keep abortion legal.

You keep insinuating I represent the GOP, but I am a registered Independent. My politics have little to do with this issue, it's all a matter of ethics for me. It becomes a life at successful conception, and if you are going to kill it after that, it is ending a human life. You can make up all kinds of rationalizations and justifications, it's basic biology.

All I ask for is that we "be honest" here, but you refuse to cooperate. You want to pretend we are discussing something other than a human life here, and this is because you know that it's wrong to take a human life. But biology is clear on this matter, you can call it whatever you please, abortion is the willing termination of human life. If we can all come to agreement on that, I have no problem with reasonable discussions on when it's acceptable to do this.

One of the reasons I oppose abortion on demand is because of the psychological damage it is doing to millions of women. You see, they get talked into abortion by nitwits like you who convince them the fetus is a meaningless "clump of cells" but they have felt the fetus move, react to being startled, things that "clumps of cells" don't do. Afterward, they have to deal with what they did. All the word gymnastics in the world can't change that.
I pretty much stated my position on abortion here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/9165420-post3220.html

My political leanings should have nothing to do with a debate over whether something is right or wrong, unless you are a brainwashed ideologue. I don't know if I agree or disagree with someone else, but yes... I think in some cases, abortion is legalized murder. Would I ban abortion entirely? No, but it would be greatly restricted and limited, not used as "Final Solution" birth control!

If its murder then you want to ban it from being an option unless NECESSARY. Please tell women that. That if they make a mistake, under GOP rule they would be forced to have the baby. At least be honest. Basically unless rape or incest you would ban abortion. Be honest. You would take the option off the table. See, I hate republicans who try to be slick and slowly move us towards their position knowing that if we knew their real position up front we would have never went along.

And if I am wrong about your position, please explain to gismys why you would keep abortion legal.

You keep insinuating I represent the GOP, but I am a registered Independent. My politics have little to do with this issue, it's all a matter of ethics for me. It becomes a life at successful conception, and if you are going to kill it after that, it is ending a human life. You can make up all kinds of rationalizations and justifications, it's basic biology.

All I ask for is that we "be honest" here, but you refuse to cooperate. You want to pretend we are discussing something other than a human life here, and this is because you know that it's wrong to take a human life. But biology is clear on this matter, you can call it whatever you please, abortion is the willing termination of human life. If we can all come to agreement on that, I have no problem with reasonable discussions on when it's acceptable to do this.

One of the reasons I oppose abortion on demand is because of the psychological damage it is doing to millions of women. You see, they get talked into abortion by nitwits like you who convince them the fetus is a meaningless "clump of cells" but they have felt the fetus move, react to being startled, things that "clumps of cells" don't do. Afterward, they have to deal with what they did. All the word gymnastics in the world can't change that.

I'll admit it if you admit life isn't so precious at 2 weeks or a month in that someone shouldn't be able to terminate.

No, the fetus is not a human. Can it live on its own? Then it's not a human yet. Do you have to have a full funeral if you have a miscarrage? Why not? Because no one died. The seed didn't even have a name yet.

But I admit it is a life waiting to happen. It is a shame. Too bad its a necessary evil. I wish the world was perfect but its not. Don't like abortions don't get one. If you really care about life, stop cutting off foodstamps and welfare. Sorry, you want them to have the kids, you are responsible once they are born that they don't starve to death and that they have heat and healthcare regardless of the parents finances. Or do you care so fucking much about the seed but fuck the baby?

Don't give me that independent shit. Either you are a tea bagger, libertarian or conservative. Admit it.

Oh, and if there is no god, which there is not, then killing a little seed is not a big deal. I walk up to a birds nest and crack all the eggs. Big deal. OMG that life is precious! NOT. But, I will give you this. See, here is where I am open minded and willing to discuss and/or change my mind. I don't just go kill birds or squash eggs. I do understand that life is precious and what a waste/shame someone has to get an abortion, but taking that all into account, I still say abortion should be safe and legal. Even if it's just because you chose not to wear a condom and you are not ready for a baby. No I'm not going to put it up for adoption. No I'm not going to raise it, if I'm not ready. If I don't want to. If I'm not capable or prepared or interested in having a baby. I will abort and yes feel sad about what might have been or who that kid might have been. But every night I put on a condom or jack off instead of bang my old lady is a day of might have been. Maybe the next Lebron James or Einstein just went into my sock. Whatever. There is no god so I guess it is sad that baby didn't get to live out its life, but a million more humans will follow. Maybe I'll have a kid next year or in 10 years. I wonder what the one I aborted would have looked like? Do you guys understand, we totally get you. It's horrible. We will try to be careful. But if it happens and we aren't ready, leave us the fuck alone we want to get an abortion. No one is using abortion as birth control. 1 in a million. And fact is many of you anti abortion people are ready or want kids now in your stage in life, so fuck you for telling others they have to go through with the pregnancy. If it was back in your youth, you'd probably get the abortion too, and many anti abortion people have had abortions, which is why they are so guilty and passionate about the issue.

I want kids. I would not have an abortion today. But in my teens or 20's I would have had I knocked some chick up in college. Glad abortions are still legal. Vote Democratic if you want them to remain safe and legal.
No, the fetus is not a human. Can it live on its own?

Neither can infants and toddlers. If the cut off point for stopping abortion is the ability to live physically independently of the mother, then can we kill unwanted 6 month olds? Call it a 5th trimester termination?
If its murder then you want to ban it from being an option unless NECESSARY. Please tell women that. That if they make a mistake, under GOP rule they would be forced to have the baby. At least be honest. Basically unless rape or incest you would ban abortion. Be honest. You would take the option off the table. See, I hate republicans who try to be slick and slowly move us towards their position knowing that if we knew their real position up front we would have never went along.

And if I am wrong about your position, please explain to gismys why you would keep abortion legal.

You keep insinuating I represent the GOP, but I am a registered Independent. My politics have little to do with this issue, it's all a matter of ethics for me. It becomes a life at successful conception, and if you are going to kill it after that, it is ending a human life. You can make up all kinds of rationalizations and justifications, it's basic biology.

All I ask for is that we "be honest" here, but you refuse to cooperate. You want to pretend we are discussing something other than a human life here, and this is because you know that it's wrong to take a human life. But biology is clear on this matter, you can call it whatever you please, abortion is the willing termination of human life. If we can all come to agreement on that, I have no problem with reasonable discussions on when it's acceptable to do this.

One of the reasons I oppose abortion on demand is because of the psychological damage it is doing to millions of women. You see, they get talked into abortion by nitwits like you who convince them the fetus is a meaningless "clump of cells" but they have felt the fetus move, react to being startled, things that "clumps of cells" don't do. Afterward, they have to deal with what they did. All the word gymnastics in the world can't change that.

I'll admit it if you admit life isn't so precious at 2 weeks or a month in that someone shouldn't be able to terminate.

No, the fetus is not a human. Can it live on its own? Then it's not a human yet. Do you have to have a full funeral if you have a miscarrage? Why not? Because no one died. The seed didn't even have a name yet.

But I admit it is a life waiting to happen. It is a shame. Too bad its a necessary evil. I wish the world was perfect but its not. Don't like abortions don't get one. If you really care about life, stop cutting off foodstamps and welfare. Sorry, you want them to have the kids, you are responsible once they are born that they don't starve to death and that they have heat and healthcare regardless of the parents finances. Or do you care so fucking much about the seed but fuck the baby?

Don't give me that independent shit. Either you are a tea bagger, libertarian or conservative. Admit it.

Oh, and if there is no god, which there is not, then killing a little seed is not a big deal. I walk up to a birds nest and crack all the eggs. Big deal. OMG that life is precious! NOT. But, I will give you this. See, here is where I am open minded and willing to discuss and/or change my mind. I don't just go kill birds or squash eggs. I do understand that life is precious and what a waste/shame someone has to get an abortion, but taking that all into account, I still say abortion should be safe and legal. Even if it's just because you chose not to wear a condom and you are not ready for a baby. No I'm not going to put it up for adoption. No I'm not going to raise it, if I'm not ready. If I don't want to. If I'm not capable or prepared or interested in having a baby. I will abort and yes feel sad about what might have been or who that kid might have been. But every night I put on a condom or jack off instead of bang my old lady is a day of might have been. Maybe the next Lebron James or Einstein just went into my sock. Whatever. There is no god so I guess it is sad that baby didn't get to live out its life, but a million more humans will follow. Maybe I'll have a kid next year or in 10 years. I wonder what the one I aborted would have looked like? Do you guys understand, we totally get you. It's horrible. We will try to be careful. But if it happens and we aren't ready, leave us the fuck alone we want to get an abortion. No one is using abortion as birth control. 1 in a million. And fact is many of you anti abortion people are ready or want kids now in your stage in life, so fuck you for telling others they have to go through with the pregnancy. If it was back in your youth, you'd probably get the abortion too, and many anti abortion people have had abortions, which is why they are so guilty and passionate about the issue.

I want kids. I would not have an abortion today. But in my teens or 20's I would have had I knocked some chick up in college. Glad abortions are still legal. Vote Democratic if you want them to remain safe and legal.

you want to live in sin and THEN HAVE THE BABY PAY WITH IT'S LIFE!!! WHAT A #@%$#@#@@#
No, the fetus is not a human. Can it live on its own?

Neither can infants and toddlers. If the cut off point for stopping abortion is the ability to live physically independently of the mother, then can we kill unwanted 6 month olds? Call it a 5th trimester termination?

But you can lay there and breath on your own even 1 day old.

I'd be ok with cutting the deadline off to 1 or 2 months. If some women find out later than 1 month then make it 2 months, but no more than that. At that point it's a little baby inside your stomach.

But also, if I find out my kid is going to be severely retarded and it's 8 months in, abort it.
You keep insinuating I represent the GOP, but I am a registered Independent. My politics have little to do with this issue, it's all a matter of ethics for me. It becomes a life at successful conception, and if you are going to kill it after that, it is ending a human life. You can make up all kinds of rationalizations and justifications, it's basic biology.

All I ask for is that we "be honest" here, but you refuse to cooperate. You want to pretend we are discussing something other than a human life here, and this is because you know that it's wrong to take a human life. But biology is clear on this matter, you can call it whatever you please, abortion is the willing termination of human life. If we can all come to agreement on that, I have no problem with reasonable discussions on when it's acceptable to do this.

One of the reasons I oppose abortion on demand is because of the psychological damage it is doing to millions of women. You see, they get talked into abortion by nitwits like you who convince them the fetus is a meaningless "clump of cells" but they have felt the fetus move, react to being startled, things that "clumps of cells" don't do. Afterward, they have to deal with what they did. All the word gymnastics in the world can't change that.

I'll admit it if you admit life isn't so precious at 2 weeks or a month in that someone shouldn't be able to terminate.

No, the fetus is not a human. Can it live on its own? Then it's not a human yet. Do you have to have a full funeral if you have a miscarrage? Why not? Because no one died. The seed didn't even have a name yet.

But I admit it is a life waiting to happen. It is a shame. Too bad its a necessary evil. I wish the world was perfect but its not. Don't like abortions don't get one. If you really care about life, stop cutting off foodstamps and welfare. Sorry, you want them to have the kids, you are responsible once they are born that they don't starve to death and that they have heat and healthcare regardless of the parents finances. Or do you care so fucking much about the seed but fuck the baby?

Don't give me that independent shit. Either you are a tea bagger, libertarian or conservative. Admit it.

Oh, and if there is no god, which there is not, then killing a little seed is not a big deal. I walk up to a birds nest and crack all the eggs. Big deal. OMG that life is precious! NOT. But, I will give you this. See, here is where I am open minded and willing to discuss and/or change my mind. I don't just go kill birds or squash eggs. I do understand that life is precious and what a waste/shame someone has to get an abortion, but taking that all into account, I still say abortion should be safe and legal. Even if it's just because you chose not to wear a condom and you are not ready for a baby. No I'm not going to put it up for adoption. No I'm not going to raise it, if I'm not ready. If I don't want to. If I'm not capable or prepared or interested in having a baby. I will abort and yes feel sad about what might have been or who that kid might have been. But every night I put on a condom or jack off instead of bang my old lady is a day of might have been. Maybe the next Lebron James or Einstein just went into my sock. Whatever. There is no god so I guess it is sad that baby didn't get to live out its life, but a million more humans will follow. Maybe I'll have a kid next year or in 10 years. I wonder what the one I aborted would have looked like? Do you guys understand, we totally get you. It's horrible. We will try to be careful. But if it happens and we aren't ready, leave us the fuck alone we want to get an abortion. No one is using abortion as birth control. 1 in a million. And fact is many of you anti abortion people are ready or want kids now in your stage in life, so fuck you for telling others they have to go through with the pregnancy. If it was back in your youth, you'd probably get the abortion too, and many anti abortion people have had abortions, which is why they are so guilty and passionate about the issue.

I want kids. I would not have an abortion today. But in my teens or 20's I would have had I knocked some chick up in college. Glad abortions are still legal. Vote Democratic if you want them to remain safe and legal.

you want to live in sin and THEN HAVE THE BABY PAY WITH IT'S LIFE!!! WHAT A #@%$#@#@@#

It's not a baby. Stop calling them babies. Definition: a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.

Ha! Has to be born first.
I'll admit it if you admit life isn't so precious at 2 weeks or a month in that someone shouldn't be able to terminate.

No, the fetus is not a human.

Wow, that didn't last long, did it?

Yes, the fetus IS a human, and until you can accept that it IS a human and we're talking about terminating a human life, then we can't have a rational discussion with you on this issue because you are denying biological facts. I have no problem discussing whether this human being has gained enough 'sentience' or 'awareness' to qualify for protection of constitutional rights or whatever, but we're going to have to go with the biological definition of what it is, a human life.

If the organism isn't human, what species is it? If the organism isn't living, why would it need aborting? It is a unique living human organism in the state of being, therefore, a human being. Quite simple.

Again.... Let me explain why you and so many people like you, feel compelled to propagate this argument that a fetus is not a human being.... it is because you know that it is ethically wrong to kill an innocent human being. Therefore, you simply MUST define parameters here around this notion of the fetus as something that is not a human being. Even when you know science and biology simply don't support you on this. The fetus became a unique living human organism in state of being the moment conception was a success, and it will be a "human being" until something happens to end it's life. It began as a zygote, and has had several stages before reaching "fetus" status, it will go on to become an infant, adolescent, adult, geriatric... The fetus is a stage of a human being's life cycle.

Now whenever you want to discuss when it might be appropriate to kill innocent human beings, we can have that rational discussion. I am willing to hear your ideas on this. I'm particularly fond of the 'brain activity' criteria for being a "viable" human being... some of you might not make the cut though. Can't be the heartbeat, that starts really early, if I'm not mistaken. Nervous system too, that's some of the first stuff a human being develops. So I am not sure where we draw the line on human life, when it comes down to it, especially the most innocent of any human life.

One thing is for certain, the longer after point of conception, the more unethical and wrong it becomes. We are to the sickening point in this country of dragging the fetus out of the womb to kill it partially born with a saline injection to the brain, like a bunch of barbarians. We would not tolerate DOGS being treated this way!

I am pro life. I'm sorry if that offends you or women. I think abortion is NOT a woman's "right to choose" when it involves the life of another human being. Under certain unusual conditions, abortions should be allowed after consultation and with great deliberation by both patient and doctor. This should have to be done very early in a pregnancy, earlier than 1st trimester. Only abortions after that would be to save the life of the mother. I am opposed to a complete and total BAN on all abortions. I think that is a wrongheaded viewpoint but I appreciate that some people hold that view. We live in a society of many, and not everyone has the same moral viewpoint on abortion. This is why I believe the States should have the authority to establish their own limited parameters on abortion procedures through ballot initiative. Let the flaming begin! ;)
I'll admit it if you admit life isn't so precious at 2 weeks or a month in that someone shouldn't be able to terminate.

No, the fetus is not a human.

Wow, that didn't last long, did it?

Yes, the fetus IS a human, and until you can accept that it IS a human and we're talking about terminating a human life, then we can't have a rational discussion with you on this issue because you are denying biological facts. I have no problem discussing whether this human being has gained enough 'sentience' or 'awareness' to qualify for protection of constitutional rights or whatever, but we're going to have to go with the biological definition of what it is, a human life.

If the organism isn't human, what species is it? If the organism isn't living, why would it need aborting? It is a unique living human organism in the state of being, therefore, a human being. Quite simple.

Again.... Let me explain why you and so many people like you, feel compelled to propagate this argument that a fetus is not a human being.... it is because you know that it is ethically wrong to kill an innocent human being. Therefore, you simply MUST define parameters here around this notion of the fetus as something that is not a human being. Even when you know science and biology simply don't support you on this. The fetus became a unique living human organism in state of being the moment conception was a success, and it will be a "human being" until something happens to end it's life. It began as a zygote, and has had several stages before reaching "fetus" status, it will go on to become an infant, adolescent, adult, geriatric... The fetus is a stage of a human being's life cycle.

Now whenever you want to discuss when it might be appropriate to kill innocent human beings, we can have that rational discussion. I am willing to hear your ideas on this. I'm particularly fond of the 'brain activity' criteria for being a "viable" human being... some of you might not make the cut though. Can't be the heartbeat, that starts really early, if I'm not mistaken. Nervous system too, that's some of the first stuff a human being develops. So I am not sure where we draw the line on human life, when it comes down to it, especially the most innocent of any human life.

One thing is for certain, the longer after point of conception, the more unethical and wrong it becomes. We are to the sickening point in this country of dragging the fetus out of the womb to kill it partially born with a saline injection to the brain, like a bunch of barbarians. We would not tolerate DOGS being treated this way!

I am pro life. I'm sorry if that offends you or women. I think abortion is NOT a woman's "right to choose" when it involves the life of another human being. Under certain unusual conditions, abortions should be allowed after consultation and with great deliberation by both patient and doctor. This should have to be done very early in a pregnancy, earlier than 1st trimester. Only abortions after that would be to save the life of the mother. I am opposed to a complete and total BAN on all abortions. I think that is a wrongheaded viewpoint but I appreciate that some people hold that view. We live in a society of many, and not everyone has the same moral viewpoint on abortion. This is why I believe the States should have the authority to establish their own limited parameters on abortion procedures through ballot initiative. Let the flaming begin! ;)

No Boss, the truth never offends me. This is why I come here. I want to get my enemies inside secrets, so I enrage you guys into saying the truth. I have hardly read your post but let me tell you weren't you one of the guys who denied being a republican? You are the worst kind. A traitor to your class. You are a one wedge issue voter. Doesn't matter how bad the gop fuck the middle class, abortion is your one issue that keeps you voting for reagan, bush, bush, dole, mccain, romney, bush 3. Dumb ass.

I was thinking about this on the way home. You guys use to say gay isn't natural, then we found other animals that did it. Then you said we'll we aren't animals and we are better than that. Are we? I think there is no god and we are just the top of the food chain. Lions will kill baby lions to thin down the herd. Wolves kill Fox and Coyote in Yellowstone and guess what? The food chain was restored to it's proper balance.

One good thing this Bush recession did for us is for 5 years the birth rate went down. But FUCK today I see birth rates are up. The economy and EVERYTHING is back to normal despite the cries from the lying GOP. Thanks Obama. Compared to Bush you are my Messiah.
I'll admit it if you admit life isn't so precious at 2 weeks or a month in that someone shouldn't be able to terminate.

No, the fetus is not a human.

Wow, that didn't last long, did it?

Yes, the fetus IS a human, and until you can accept that it IS a human and we're talking about terminating a human life, then we can't have a rational discussion with you on this issue because you are denying biological facts. I have no problem discussing whether this human being has gained enough 'sentience' or 'awareness' to qualify for protection of constitutional rights or whatever, but we're going to have to go with the biological definition of what it is, a human life.

If the organism isn't human, what species is it? If the organism isn't living, why would it need aborting? It is a unique living human organism in the state of being, therefore, a human being. Quite simple.

Again.... Let me explain why you and so many people like you, feel compelled to propagate this argument that a fetus is not a human being.... it is because you know that it is ethically wrong to kill an innocent human being. Therefore, you simply MUST define parameters here around this notion of the fetus as something that is not a human being. Even when you know science and biology simply don't support you on this. The fetus became a unique living human organism in state of being the moment conception was a success, and it will be a "human being" until something happens to end it's life. It began as a zygote, and has had several stages before reaching "fetus" status, it will go on to become an infant, adolescent, adult, geriatric... The fetus is a stage of a human being's life cycle.

Now whenever you want to discuss when it might be appropriate to kill innocent human beings, we can have that rational discussion. I am willing to hear your ideas on this. I'm particularly fond of the 'brain activity' criteria for being a "viable" human being... some of you might not make the cut though. Can't be the heartbeat, that starts really early, if I'm not mistaken. Nervous system too, that's some of the first stuff a human being develops. So I am not sure where we draw the line on human life, when it comes down to it, especially the most innocent of any human life.

One thing is for certain, the longer after point of conception, the more unethical and wrong it becomes. We are to the sickening point in this country of dragging the fetus out of the womb to kill it partially born with a saline injection to the brain, like a bunch of barbarians. We would not tolerate DOGS being treated this way!

I am pro life. I'm sorry if that offends you or women. I think abortion is NOT a woman's "right to choose" when it involves the life of another human being. Under certain unusual conditions, abortions should be allowed after consultation and with great deliberation by both patient and doctor. This should have to be done very early in a pregnancy, earlier than 1st trimester. Only abortions after that would be to save the life of the mother. I am opposed to a complete and total BAN on all abortions. I think that is a wrongheaded viewpoint but I appreciate that some people hold that view. We live in a society of many, and not everyone has the same moral viewpoint on abortion. This is why I believe the States should have the authority to establish their own limited parameters on abortion procedures through ballot initiative. Let the flaming begin! ;)

After reading your post completely:

In response to your first point. Who cares? Ok, so it’s a human life, or a dog, wolf, bat, snake, turkey, dolphin, ape, lion. Ok, so it’s the start of life. YES OK. So what? Yes it is an organism that came from an orgasm.

Getting an abortion within the first couple months is not the same thing as going out and killing your neighbor. Can you admit that?

I love it you used science to prove me wrong. Excellent, now believe science when they tell you there is no god. What possible proof do you have of a god or the jesus/muslim/jewish stories? So I guess life isn’t so precious that we make women have babies when they don’t want them. I guess that must mean we aren’t a Christian nation because the bible says IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!

When can you kill a fetus? What does the law say? It was decided long ago and I don’t think people’s positions have changed. The GOP is counting on is apathy from voters. They hope they will get away with it. They should put it on the ballot in 2016 and see. Come on GOP. Take the countries temperature. Gamble and lose again waging your war on women I beg you.

I say if the kid is retarded you can kill it at birth but my family is from Sparta.

What was that about not letting dogs be treated this way? Dog’s can’t choose if they have their babies, human women get to.

We don’t care if you are ok with allowing abortion in rare circumstances. Thank you so much SIR. Isn’t it more important what the women think? They’re the ones who have to go through with it. And why? Because YOU believe in god? Ah and finally states rights. That’s what the republicans in red states fall back on every time they want to discriminate or ban something or do something that isn’t good for the rest of the country. And you say you aren’t a republican. Well we don’t claim you.

And notice your side won’t admit they are waging a war on women. They don’t explain themselves because it is true. Instead Terri Lynn Land in MI is waging a war on women and all she does is run mocking ads saying she isn’t waging a war on women, all while she is. Women want the choice to be theirs and you want to take it away. When most women understand that, you lose. That’s why you guys are being very subtle about it. Oh, this also proves the media isn’t liberal or it’d be explaining this to women. The media stays silent. And will voters throw out a governor who’s anti choice? Probably not. At least not in a midterm. Not in a blue state like Michigan. Not that important to most people. But it is that important to you guys. So it’s up to us to explain to voters what the GOP are doing. God I wish the liberal media would help. America people are stupid and lazy and that includes women. Our secret weapon is Hillary.
I also love it when righties admit you have to believe in jesus or burn in hell. That everyone else in the world doesn't get to go to heaven. And I hate it when christians have a different twist on it and say that muslims and jews get to go to heaven too. COME ON CHRISTIANS! That's NOT what god said. He said only through him can you enter the kingdom of heaven. And you have to be born again and saved. Don't change. The more you water it down the more people continue to accept it. DOGMA! I love people who follow DOGMA. No one buys into their shit. Probably if a DOGMA couple has 3 kids, 2 of those kids will grow up to leave the church or at least go find a softer/kinder/nicer church that doesn't preach fire and brimstone. See the church has had to adapt as society has evolved and I can't believe people still take the adam and eve, noah, moses stories literally. I think you should have to or don't call yourself a christian. I used to call myself a christian but why? Just because I was born into it? My parents were brainwashed by ignorant immigrants with 3rd grade educations.
I also love it when righties admit you have to believe in jesus or burn in hell. That everyone else in the world doesn't get to go to heaven. And I hate it when christians have a different twist on it and say that muslims and jews get to go to heaven too. COME ON CHRISTIANS! That's NOT what god said. He said only through him can you enter the kingdom of heaven. And you have to be born again and saved. Don't change. The more you water it down the more people continue to accept it. DOGMA! I love people who follow DOGMA. No one buys into their shit. Probably if a DOGMA couple has 3 kids, 2 of those kids will grow up to leave the church or at least go find a softer/kinder/nicer church that doesn't preach fire and brimstone. See the church has had to adapt as society has evolved and I can't believe people still take the adam and eve, noah, moses stories literally. I think you should have to or don't call yourself a christian. I used to call myself a christian but why? Just because I was born into it? My parents were brainwashed by ignorant immigrants with 3rd grade educations.

YES! GOD'S Word says that in the last days many shall depart from the faith and believe the lies of satan and we see many "churches" that do not preach and teach or even believe in GOD'S Word=== proof there are the last days!!! Will you soon meet JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR or as your final JUDGE??? You must choose. Choose wisely!!
I'll admit it if you admit life isn't so precious at 2 weeks or a month in that someone shouldn't be able to terminate.

No, the fetus is not a human.

Wow, that didn't last long, did it?

Yes, the fetus IS a human, and until you can accept that it IS a human and we're talking about terminating a human life, then we can't have a rational discussion with you on this issue because you are denying biological facts. I have no problem discussing whether this human being has gained enough 'sentience' or 'awareness' to qualify for protection of constitutional rights or whatever, but we're going to have to go with the biological definition of what it is, a human life.

If the organism isn't human, what species is it? If the organism isn't living, why would it need aborting? It is a unique living human organism in the state of being, therefore, a human being. Quite simple.

Again.... Let me explain why you and so many people like you, feel compelled to propagate this argument that a fetus is not a human being.... it is because you know that it is ethically wrong to kill an innocent human being. Therefore, you simply MUST define parameters here around this notion of the fetus as something that is not a human being. Even when you know science and biology simply don't support you on this. The fetus became a unique living human organism in state of being the moment conception was a success, and it will be a "human being" until something happens to end it's life. It began as a zygote, and has had several stages before reaching "fetus" status, it will go on to become an infant, adolescent, adult, geriatric... The fetus is a stage of a human being's life cycle.

Now whenever you want to discuss when it might be appropriate to kill innocent human beings, we can have that rational discussion. I am willing to hear your ideas on this. I'm particularly fond of the 'brain activity' criteria for being a "viable" human being... some of you might not make the cut though. Can't be the heartbeat, that starts really early, if I'm not mistaken. Nervous system too, that's some of the first stuff a human being develops. So I am not sure where we draw the line on human life, when it comes down to it, especially the most innocent of any human life.

One thing is for certain, the longer after point of conception, the more unethical and wrong it becomes. We are to the sickening point in this country of dragging the fetus out of the womb to kill it partially born with a saline injection to the brain, like a bunch of barbarians. We would not tolerate DOGS being treated this way!

I am pro life. I'm sorry if that offends you or women. I think abortion is NOT a woman's "right to choose" when it involves the life of another human being. Under certain unusual conditions, abortions should be allowed after consultation and with great deliberation by both patient and doctor. This should have to be done very early in a pregnancy, earlier than 1st trimester. Only abortions after that would be to save the life of the mother. I am opposed to a complete and total BAN on all abortions. I think that is a wrongheaded viewpoint but I appreciate that some people hold that view. We live in a society of many, and not everyone has the same moral viewpoint on abortion. This is why I believe the States should have the authority to establish their own limited parameters on abortion procedures through ballot initiative. Let the flaming begin! ;)

After reading your post completely:

In response to your first point. Who cares? Ok, so it’s a human life, or a dog, wolf, bat, snake, turkey, dolphin, ape, lion. Ok, so it’s the start of life. YES OK. So what? Yes it is an organism that came from an orgasm.

Getting an abortion within the first couple months is not the same thing as going out and killing your neighbor. Can you admit that?

I love it you used science to prove me wrong. Excellent, now believe science when they tell you there is no god. What possible proof do you have of a god or the jesus/muslim/jewish stories? So I guess life isn’t so precious that we make women have babies when they don’t want them. I guess that must mean we aren’t a Christian nation because the bible says IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!

When can you kill a fetus? What does the law say? It was decided long ago and I don’t think people’s positions have changed. The GOP is counting on is apathy from voters. They hope they will get away with it. They should put it on the ballot in 2016 and see. Come on GOP. Take the countries temperature. Gamble and lose again waging your war on women I beg you.

I say if the kid is retarded you can kill it at birth but my family is from Sparta.

What was that about not letting dogs be treated this way? Dog’s can’t choose if they have their babies, human women get to.

We don’t care if you are ok with allowing abortion in rare circumstances. Thank you so much SIR. Isn’t it more important what the women think? They’re the ones who have to go through with it. And why? Because YOU believe in god? Ah and finally states rights. That’s what the republicans in red states fall back on every time they want to discriminate or ban something or do something that isn’t good for the rest of the country. And you say you aren’t a republican. Well we don’t claim you.

And notice your side won’t admit they are waging a war on women. They don’t explain themselves because it is true. Instead Terri Lynn Land in MI is waging a war on women and all she does is run mocking ads saying she isn’t waging a war on women, all while she is. Women want the choice to be theirs and you want to take it away. When most women understand that, you lose. That’s why you guys are being very subtle about it. Oh, this also proves the media isn’t liberal or it’d be explaining this to women. The media stays silent. And will voters throw out a governor who’s anti choice? Probably not. At least not in a midterm. Not in a blue state like Michigan. Not that important to most people. But it is that important to you guys. So it’s up to us to explain to voters what the GOP are doing. God I wish the liberal media would help. America people are stupid and lazy and that includes women. Our secret weapon is Hillary.

"Getting an abortion within the first couple months is not the same thing as going out and killing your neighbor. Can you admit that?"

They call it MURDER.

If it is MURDER then it MUST be first degree MURDER. After all it is pre meditated MURDER.

The woman is only complicit in the MURDER. It is the doctor in the proceedure that is the actual MURDERER.

Since there is no statute of limitations on MURDER and they claim hundreds of millions of MURDERS then I guess if the religists had their way and got the law changed to make early abortions legally MURDER then probably 1/4 to 1/3 of the population of the U S all women would need to be prosecuted for MURDER and spend the rest of their lives in prison. Making all those MURDERS retroactive may be the only way to right things with god.

I'm betting Jizzmo would be happy with sending most of America's women to prison for MURDER.

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