Why do the God-haters persist?

SATAN WAS CREATED AS A ANGEL but he let his desire for power AND HIS PRIDE cause him to reject GOD and try to take GOD'S PLACE.

How many angels are there? What are their names? What do they do all day? Do they fly around the earth and save people? Why doesn't god create more of them? Why did he create any of them? Where do they live? On earth along with the rest of us when they aren't saving the faithful? What kind of sick game is god playing? Can you or I become an angel? What is the difference between angels and people in heaven? What can they do that the rest can't? So it's paradise for us but angels have to fly around saving dumb asses from their fate? Did you ever see an angel? How come this shit isn't taught in school? Because it's BULLSHIT. :badgrin:

Sorry to burst your bubble :eusa_pray:

LOL!!! YOU GOT A LOT TO LEARN!!! HUH??? What effort have you made to learn?? Do you just ask ignorant questions and expect others to do the work??

I asked those stupid questions so maybe you would realize just how silly it is to believe in god, devils, angels, ghosts, witches, leprechauns, spirits, demons,
Here is a scary thought....

There are elected officials in our congress that believe in the exact same way as Jizzmo.

If there ever was a reason to stop electing christian fundamentalists..

It is all within Jizzy's posts.

If there ever was a reason to resist and persist...

This is why I push their buttons. Like Tom Cruise did to Jack Nicholson in a few good men. I want them to say what they really mean. No sugarcoating it, which is what Christy, Jeb Bush, Rubio, Paul Ryan and Rick Snyder are doing. They haven't changed their positions, just the way they say things.

So either you believe abortion is murder or you do not. The reason I bring this up is because the other day a con tried to say they weren't trying to ban abortion, just not pay for it.

Besides that being stupid because if they don't pay then they'll pay welfare and foodstamps and they clearly don't want to pay for that so abortion is a necessary evil because of their conservative philosophy on how to deal with the poor. Note their approach would/does/is also leading to increased crime because we can't afford the number of police we need to police Detroit.

Here is a scary thought....

There are elected officials in our congress that believe in the exact same way as Jizzmo.

If there ever was a reason to stop electing christian fundamentalists..

It is all within Jizzy's posts.

If there ever was a reason to resist and persist...

This is why I push their buttons. Like Tom Cruise did to Jack Nicholson in a few good men. I want them to say what they really mean. No sugarcoating it, which is what Christy, Jeb Bush, Rubio, Paul Ryan and Rick Snyder are doing. They haven't changed their positions, just the way they say things.

So either you believe abortion is murder or you do not. The reason I bring this up is because the other day a con tried to say they weren't trying to ban abortion, just not pay for it.

Besides that being stupid because if they don't pay then they'll pay welfare and foodstamps and they clearly don't want to pay for that so abortion is a necessary evil because of their conservative philosophy on how to deal with the poor. Note their approach would/does/is also leading to increased crime because we can't afford the number of police we need to police Detroit.


In a perfect world no pregnancy would be aborted but this isn't a perfect world. Make it one and watch the number of abortions go down. Anyways, this is the line I like you drawing so women out there realize that your side wants to ban abortion.

Most women who tell me they are pro life I ask them a few questions and you quickly find that they want abortion to remain safe and legal. VERY QUICKLY. So they think they are pro life because THEY at the place they are in right now in life they would have the child, but all you have to do is run a few what if's by them and they quickly admit they would want that decision to be there's. The one I always use is what if you were a senior in high school summer and you got a full ride to UofM basketball and you got knocked up one night and it was too late to take the morning after pill but it was under a month and you could either stay home and raise a kid or go to UofM on a full scholarship and most women admit they would abort, because they deep down know it's not murder.

But you keep insisting it is, because this is why a lot of people don't vote GOP. That and they are only the party for the rich. This is why they use wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism. It divides the masses like they got you with god. :eusa_pray:
This is why I push their buttons. Like Tom Cruise did to Jack Nicholson in a few good men. I want them to say what they really mean. No sugarcoating it, which is what Christy, Jeb Bush, Rubio, Paul Ryan and Rick Snyder are doing. They haven't changed their positions, just the way they say things.

So either you believe abortion is murder or you do not. The reason I bring this up is because the other day a con tried to say they weren't trying to ban abortion, just not pay for it.

Besides that being stupid because if they don't pay then they'll pay welfare and foodstamps and they clearly don't want to pay for that so abortion is a necessary evil because of their conservative philosophy on how to deal with the poor. Note their approach would/does/is also leading to increased crime because we can't afford the number of police we need to police Detroit.


In a perfect world no pregnancy would be aborted but this isn't a perfect world. Make it one and watch the number of abortions go down. Anyways, this is the line I like you drawing so women out there realize that your side wants to ban abortion.

Most women who tell me they are pro life I ask them a few questions and you quickly find that they want abortion to remain safe and legal. VERY QUICKLY. So they think they are pro life because THEY at the place they are in right now in life they would have the child, but all you have to do is run a few what if's by them and they quickly admit they would want that decision to be there's. The one I always use is what if you were a senior in high school summer and you got a full ride to UofM basketball and you got knocked up one night and it was too late to take the morning after pill but it was under a month and you could either stay home and raise a kid or go to UofM on a full scholarship and most women admit they would abort, because they deep down know it's not murder.

But you keep insisting it is, because this is why a lot of people don't vote GOP. That and they are only the party for the rich. This is why they use wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism. It divides the masses like they got you with god. :eusa_pray:

Well, not paying for anything we don't want is pretty much impossible. There will always be people not wanting to pay for basic services that government really should be doing, like maintaining roads, paying for the military, etc.

I understand your argument, but it's a matter of degree rather than as black and white as 'if you don't want it, don't pay for it' IMO.

I think abortion should remain legal up to a certain point, but I'm fine with keeping government funds out of it.

And how the hell did we start arguing about abortion here? :lol:

I just meant in the philosophical sense, humans should have freedom to decide what they will or will not pay for. I don't have a problem with basic services from government but I think that should be determined by the people and more at the state and local level. Washington D.C. has way too much control on our freedoms.

Why are we talking abortion? She reared her ugly head as always.

Are you a republican or person who leans right? Do you agree or disagree with gismys that abortion is murder? Would you ban abortion if you could? Just curious.

In a perfect world no pregnancy would be aborted but this isn't a perfect world. Make it one and watch the number of abortions go down. Anyways, this is the line I like you drawing so women out there realize that your side wants to ban abortion.

Most women who tell me they are pro life I ask them a few questions and you quickly find that they want abortion to remain safe and legal. VERY QUICKLY. So they think they are pro life because THEY at the place they are in right now in life they would have the child, but all you have to do is run a few what if's by them and they quickly admit they would want that decision to be there's. The one I always use is what if you were a senior in high school summer and you got a full ride to UofM basketball and you got knocked up one night and it was too late to take the morning after pill but it was under a month and you could either stay home and raise a kid or go to UofM on a full scholarship and most women admit they would abort, because they deep down know it's not murder.

But you keep insisting it is, because this is why a lot of people don't vote GOP. That and they are only the party for the rich. This is why they use wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism. It divides the masses like they got you with god. :eusa_pray:


I would like to think the world will be a better place because I was in it but that is my opinion. I seem to have a lot of people that love and respect me. I don't tell a lot of them this stuff because they couldn't handle it. A lot of them are just as dumb as you when it comes to god. But they don't go to church or do anything other than say they are christians, they've been baptized and they live and let live. I wish I could say I believe but I just don't.
In a perfect world no pregnancy would be aborted but this isn't a perfect world. Make it one and watch the number of abortions go down. Anyways, this is the line I like you drawing so women out there realize that your side wants to ban abortion.

Most women who tell me they are pro life I ask them a few questions and you quickly find that they want abortion to remain safe and legal. VERY QUICKLY. So they think they are pro life because THEY at the place they are in right now in life they would have the child, but all you have to do is run a few what if's by them and they quickly admit they would want that decision to be there's. The one I always use is what if you were a senior in high school summer and you got a full ride to UofM basketball and you got knocked up one night and it was too late to take the morning after pill but it was under a month and you could either stay home and raise a kid or go to UofM on a full scholarship and most women admit they would abort, because they deep down know it's not murder.

But you keep insisting it is, because this is why a lot of people don't vote GOP. That and they are only the party for the rich. This is why they use wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism. It divides the masses like they got you with god. :eusa_pray:


I would like to think the world will be a better place because I was in it but that is my opinion. I seem to have a lot of people that love and respect me. I don't tell a lot of them this stuff because they couldn't handle it. A lot of them are just as dumb as you when it comes to god. But they don't go to church or do anything other than say they are christians, they've been baptized and they live and let live. I wish I could say I believe but I just don't.

The only reason you say you don't believe is that is your choice. BELIEF IS A CHOICE!!! A CHOICE that changes your life now and for all eternity!!!

I would like to think the world will be a better place because I was in it but that is my opinion. I seem to have a lot of people that love and respect me. I don't tell a lot of them this stuff because they couldn't handle it. A lot of them are just as dumb as you when it comes to god. But they don't go to church or do anything other than say they are christians, they've been baptized and they live and let live. I wish I could say I believe but I just don't.

The only reason you say you don't believe is that is your choice. BELIEF IS A CHOICE!!! A CHOICE that changes your life now and for all eternity!!!

I don't believe because there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any evidence proposed to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst. The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

This is how dumb you and your story are. I'm 99% sure there is no god but 100% sure your god is not the real god. I can't believe anybody believes your religion beyond middle school. Well I take that back. I considered myself a christian for many years then many years I believed in god for no good reason but abandoned christianity because I knew it was complete and utter bullshit and just recently I went full blown atheist. But the right position to take is agnostic atheist because I can't pretend to know everything. I just know bullshit when I hear it and that is your religion, the muslim religion, mormon and jewish and jehovas too. Even you agree with me the others are bullshit right? So that's a start. Now you just need to realize yours is too.
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color, or not collecting stamps a hobby. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods, nothing more.

Repeating stupid slogans is like repeating stupid slogans.

Atheism is a belief system - a very rigid one that engages in aggressive proselytizing

It is, therefore, not a positive belief or a claim to knowledge. Instead, it is the default position of doubt, uncertainty and skepticism one may have regarding claims made by theists. Just as it takes no faith to lack belief or remain uncertain concerning any other imaginable claim, it takes none to doubt the existence of a god or gods.

If the Atheism you shove down the throats of all is so great, why must you dishonestly pretend to be agnostics?

For the same reason Jehovah's Witnesses pretend to be Christians, of course...

Every human-being ever born begins life as an implicit atheist and must be taught the concept of theism or, more commonly, indoctrinated with it.

Funny, I've never seen an infant shriek that prayers at dinner must be stopped because they offend the precious faith of the little darling.

You know, the way Atheists do EVERY FUCKING TIME, intolerant motherfuckers that they are....

Atheism has no sacred texts, objects, places or times, no rituals or creation stories, no positive beliefs, central tenants, modes of worship or supernatural claims, no implicit or derived moral codes, philosophies or world views and no central organisation or church. It fulfills none of the criteria that define a religion.

Is that from the gospel according to Richard Dawkins?

You should give book and verse when quoting scripture!

Atheists may subscribe to any additional ideologies, philosophies and belief systems they choose, eg. Buddhism, Jainism, Universalism, Environmentalism, Pragmatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, etc. They may even appreciate components of traditional religion and spiritualism, including any supernatural elements unrelated to a god. Common among many atheists, however, is an appreciation for secularism, rationalism, humanism, skepticism, naturalism, materialism and freethinking – none of which are implicit or derived from atheism, nor necessary in order to lack belief.

What an utterly stupid statement - where are you cutting and pasting these scriptures from?

A Buddhist is by definition not an Atheist, and vice versa.

I would like to think the world will be a better place because I was in it but that is my opinion. I seem to have a lot of people that love and respect me. I don't tell a lot of them this stuff because they couldn't handle it. A lot of them are just as dumb as you when it comes to god. But they don't go to church or do anything other than say they are christians, they've been baptized and they live and let live. I wish I could say I believe but I just don't.

The only reason you say you don't believe is that is your choice. BELIEF IS A CHOICE!!! A CHOICE that changes your life now and for all eternity!!!

If you are right

a. Are mormon's going to hell? They say jesus visited joseph smith in 1800 and he told them your religion was bullshit and to start a new church. But you guys voted for Romney because at least like you he believes in a fairy tale.

b. Why don't you believe what the jehova's believe? Did you look into it? Because I'm pretty sure they don't think non jehova's are going to heaven. Are you a jehova? Well they say you're going to hell.

c. Why don't you believe what the muslims say? Is the only reason BELIEF IS A CHOICE!!! A CHOICE that changes your life now and for all eternity!! Does that scare you into becoming a muslim? Well then why would you telling me this scare me into joining your cult? Your story isn't any more believable than theirs.
I would like to think the world will be a better place because I was in it but that is my opinion. I seem to have a lot of people that love and respect me. I don't tell a lot of them this stuff because they couldn't handle it. A lot of them are just as dumb as you when it comes to god. But they don't go to church or do anything other than say they are christians, they've been baptized and they live and let live. I wish I could say I believe but I just don't.

The only reason you say you don't believe is that is your choice. BELIEF IS A CHOICE!!! A CHOICE that changes your life now and for all eternity!!!

If you are right

a. Are mormon's going to hell? They say jesus visited joseph smith in 1800 and he told them your religion was bullshit and to start a new church. But you guys voted for Romney because at least like you he believes in a fairy tale.

b. Why don't you believe what the jehova's believe? Did you look into it? Because I'm pretty sure they don't think non jehova's are going to heaven. Are you a jehova? Well they say you're going to hell.

c. Why don't you believe what the muslims say? Is the only reason BELIEF IS A CHOICE!!! A CHOICE that changes your life now and for all eternity!! Does that scare you into becoming a muslim? Well then why would you telling me this scare me into joining your cult? Your story isn't any more believable than theirs.

YES!!! THERE ARE MANY FALSE "religions" and silly ideas of man. seek TRUTH=GOD in HIS WORD!!!
Well, not paying for anything we don't want is pretty much impossible. There will always be people not wanting to pay for basic services that government really should be doing, like maintaining roads, paying for the military, etc.

I understand your argument, but it's a matter of degree rather than as black and white as 'if you don't want it, don't pay for it' IMO.

I think abortion should remain legal up to a certain point, but I'm fine with keeping government funds out of it.

And how the hell did we start arguing about abortion here? :lol:

I just meant in the philosophical sense, humans should have freedom to decide what they will or will not pay for. I don't have a problem with basic services from government but I think that should be determined by the people and more at the state and local level. Washington D.C. has way too much control on our freedoms.

Why are we talking abortion? She reared her ugly head as always.

Are you a republican or person who leans right? Do you agree or disagree with gismys that abortion is murder? Would you ban abortion if you could? Just curious.

I pretty much stated my position on abortion here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/9165420-post3220.html

My political leanings should have nothing to do with a debate over whether something is right or wrong, unless you are a brainwashed ideologue. I don't know if I agree or disagree with someone else, but yes... I think in some cases, abortion is legalized murder. Would I ban abortion entirely? No, but it would be greatly restricted and limited, not used as "Final Solution" birth control!
I wonder who created Satan?

Probably the Babylonians. I saw a decent documentary that illustrated that the Hebrews had no devil prior to the first Babylonian captivity, but came back with the tales of Satan. Afterwards. the tales of war in heaven and the casting out of Satan came about. It makes no sense either, if God is all powerful as the Hebrews had believed, then no dark being could contest him.

It just shows how myths from one culture corrupted the myths of another, where contact was made.
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color, or not collecting stamps a hobby. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods, nothing more.

Repeating stupid slogans is like repeating stupid slogans.

Atheism is a belief system - a very rigid one that engages in aggressive proselytizing

It is, therefore, not a positive belief or a claim to knowledge. Instead, it is the default position of doubt, uncertainty and skepticism one may have regarding claims made by theists. Just as it takes no faith to lack belief or remain uncertain concerning any other imaginable claim, it takes none to doubt the existence of a god or gods.

If the Atheism you shove down the throats of all is so great, why must you dishonestly pretend to be agnostics?

For the same reason Jehovah's Witnesses pretend to be Christians, of course...

Funny, I've never seen an infant shriek that prayers at dinner must be stopped because they offend the precious faith of the little darling.

You know, the way Atheists do EVERY FUCKING TIME, intolerant motherfuckers that they are....

Atheism has no sacred texts, objects, places or times, no rituals or creation stories, no positive beliefs, central tenants, modes of worship or supernatural claims, no implicit or derived moral codes, philosophies or world views and no central organisation or church. It fulfills none of the criteria that define a religion.

Is that from the gospel according to Richard Dawkins?

You should give book and verse when quoting scripture!

Atheists may subscribe to any additional ideologies, philosophies and belief systems they choose, eg. Buddhism, Jainism, Universalism, Environmentalism, Pragmatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, etc. They may even appreciate components of traditional religion and spiritualism, including any supernatural elements unrelated to a god. Common among many atheists, however, is an appreciation for secularism, rationalism, humanism, skepticism, naturalism, materialism and freethinking – none of which are implicit or derived from atheism, nor necessary in order to lack belief.

What an utterly stupid statement - where are you cutting and pasting these scriptures from?

A Buddhist is by definition not an Atheist, and vice versa.

Why there is no god

Shove it down our throats? OMG I can turn on the tv 24 hours a day and I even found some religious stations. Show me the fucking atheist station! Those are public airwaves. I can't wait for the day we finally get a show. The Cosmos was a good start but hardly equal to the brainwashing and shoving down our throats those tv preachers brainwashing and milking stupid americans of their hard earned dollars. Dopes.

I am agnostic bitch. I don't know what's on the other side of black holes. It could be anything including god. But the logical position to have is I DON"T FUCKING KNOW and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

Note: This claim often represents a deep discomfort with uncertainty or ambiguity, demonstrating a lack of critical thinking or poor understanding of a topic. It usually coincides with credulity, which is the tendency to believe in propositions unsupported by evidence. See also: gullibility.

And I never stop someone from praying. I just make fun of them in my mind. I never talk about this with religious people. They can't handle it. I've lost friends over it. Pussies. I don't disown religious people. I don't say I wouldn't marry someone unless they are an atheist too. But I bet you wouldn't marry an atheist so stop crying the victim/martyr.
Here is a scary thought....

There are elected officials in our congress that believe in the exact same way as Jizzmo.

Here is a scarier thought, there are some that think like you do, Rev. Jim. :eek:

Say, your little tin god Obama CLAIMS to believe what GISMYS believes..

Is that okay because you know Obama is a fucking liar?

If there ever was a reason to stop electing christian fundamentalists..

It is all within Jizzy's posts.

If there ever was a reason to resist and persist...

When was the last fundamentalist in power?
SATAN WAS CREATED AS A ANGEL but he let his desire for power AND HIS PRIDE cause him to reject GOD and try to take GOD'S PLACE.

How many angels are there? What are their names? What do they do all day? Do they fly around the earth and save people? Why doesn't god create more of them? Why did he create any of them? Where do they live? On earth along with the rest of us when they aren't saving the faithful? What kind of sick game is god playing? Can you or I become an angel? What is the difference between angels and people in heaven? What can they do that the rest can't? So it's paradise for us but angels have to fly around saving dumb asses from their fate? Did you ever see an angel? How come this shit isn't taught in school? Because it's BULLSHIT. :badgrin:

Sorry to burst your bubble :eusa_pray:

LOL!!! YOU GOT A LOT TO LEARN!!! HUH??? What effort have you made to learn?? Do you just ask ignorant questions and expect others to do the work??

For God so hated the world, that he gave his only begotten bastard Son, that whosoever not believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting torture in hell.
I just meant in the philosophical sense, humans should have freedom to decide what they will or will not pay for. I don't have a problem with basic services from government but I think that should be determined by the people and more at the state and local level. Washington D.C. has way too much control on our freedoms.

Why are we talking abortion? She reared her ugly head as always.

Are you a republican or person who leans right? Do you agree or disagree with gismys that abortion is murder? Would you ban abortion if you could? Just curious.

I pretty much stated my position on abortion here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/9165420-post3220.html

My political leanings should have nothing to do with a debate over whether something is right or wrong, unless you are a brainwashed ideologue. I don't know if I agree or disagree with someone else, but yes... I think in some cases, abortion is legalized murder. Would I ban abortion entirely? No, but it would be greatly restricted and limited, not used as "Final Solution" birth control!

If its murder then you want to ban it from being an option unless NECESSARY. Please tell women that. That if they make a mistake, under GOP rule they would be forced to have the baby. At least be honest. Basically unless rape or incest you would ban abortion. Be honest. You would take the option off the table. See, I hate republicans who try to be slick and slowly move us towards their position knowing that if we knew their real position up front we would have never went along.

And if I am wrong about your position, please explain to gismys why you would keep abortion legal.

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