Why do the God-haters persist?

Well, not paying for anything we don't want is pretty much impossible. There will always be people not wanting to pay for basic services that government really should be doing, like maintaining roads, paying for the military, etc.

I understand your argument, but it's a matter of degree rather than as black and white as 'if you don't want it, don't pay for it' IMO.

I think abortion should remain legal up to a certain point, but I'm fine with keeping government funds out of it.

And how the hell did we start arguing about abortion here? :lol:

I just meant in the philosophical sense, humans should have freedom to decide what they will or will not pay for. I don't have a problem with basic services from government but I think that should be determined by the people and more at the state and local level. Washington D.C. has way too much control on our freedoms.

Why are we talking abortion? She reared her ugly head as always.

I don't like giving religists tax exempt status. How much would the government collect each year if religions had to pay the same taxes as the rest of us? How about we have a box in tax forms where fundis can opt out of paying for abortions and those that don't object can pay for them. I'm certain there would be plenty of money for abortions.
You can get help for the emotional damage you inflict on yourself due to short man complex.

I take it you go to a special school on a short bus?

And this folks, is the epitome to the intellect of the left....

Intelligent people don't make up fairy tales to explain things that are not fully understood.
Intelligent people don't make up fairy tales to explain things that are not fully understood.

Be honest, how much pot have you smoked today?

You don't even know what the subject is, Rev. Jim - much less what the answer is...

I don't consume illegal drugs.. or pot. Your feeble attempt to hijack this thread with lame insults won't work.
You can get help for the emotional damage you inflict on yourself due to short man complex.

I take it you go to a special school on a short bus?

And this folks, is the epitome to the intellect of the left....

Intelligent people don't make up fairy tales to explain things that are not fully understood.

Making up supernatural entities to explain things that were not fully understood defines most every religion ever invented.

What is an effective way to get someone to believe as you wish for them to? FEAR. Scare the hell out of him. Tell the people that evilutionists are on a paved road to hell...., tell people that leaving the faith will cause god(s) to abandon them (and back up those threats with Mafioso enforcers), and you will deter them (for a time) until they LEARN better.

That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
I thought we already covered the birds and bees? :dunno:

A male gamete cell known as the sperm is released during ejaculation while having intercourse with a female, who has a gamete egg cell. Until the two gamete cells fuse and reproduce cells, there is no unique human organism. The condom prevents the sperm from reaching the egg and creating a baby. But it isn't 100% effective, no birth control is, other than abstinence. Women take birth control pills which render the egg invalid, taking one of the gamete cells needed for reproduction out of the equation, so... no baby.

Now I realize some religions don't condone birth control, and some oppose you teaching our kids about such things without the expressed consent of the parent. Some people just don't like the idea of their tax money paying for birth control. But they are all lumped together as this big bad boogie-man who is going to somehow BAN contraception. Why do liberal idiots use such weak and pitiful conjecture to scare folks? No one is ever going to take away birth control.

We need to pay for it. Poor women who shouldn't be having kids but can't afford birth control if it isn't covered will end up getting pregnant and society will end up paying for it. We already had this debate and settled this argument a long time ago. But now catholics are acting like they are offended that they have to provide birth control.

No you aren't banning it. You're just making it unaffordable for the people we need it the most. It's like in red states who closed all abortion clinics but one in the state. So people have to drive 2-5 hours go get an abortion. Then the lying fucks say "see, we didn't ban abortion, what are you liberals talking about :eusa_liar:

Who the fuck died and made you King? Save the "poor women" spiel, they are obviously too ignorant and uneducated to understand how making poor decisions about having sex and making babies is not good for them or society. Right? I mean, that's why you're arguing I should give a shit, right? Margaret Sanger was onto something when she made those "just a step higher than the chimpanzee with little sexual control" comments?

Catholics shouldn't be forced to pay for or provide something they don't agree with. I personally don't think we should be forced to pay for anything we don't want. Reason # 1,287 Obamacare is a total clusterfuck.

THEN... we suddenly jump from birth control (still legal in all 50 states, btw)... and we're on to ABORTION! ....Abortion: The Leading Choice in Liberal Contraception! ...Yes, we have to rid the world of these "step above a chimp" people when they spawn their offspring.

Sorry you hate it but it's a necessary evil. I'm sure you sleep just fine at night after babies get aborted just like you sleep just fine as thousands of people die of hunger every day yet you drive a car that cost how much? Why not instead of you driving a $50K car why don't you buy a $20K car and give the $30K to poor people? Until you are ready to do that, shut the fuck up. That's all poor people have is dicks and pussies. They got nothing else to do so they fuck. And sometimes they don't even have enough money for a rubber. Do you want these fools having babies? Doesn't matter what you want. Society wants abortion to be an option for them. If you can't understand that, keep your brain out of your ass. They'll keep their dicks in their pants when you pull your head out of your ass. :lol:

And yes we do want to pay for abortions. This is just you guys trying to chip away at what society has already decided. This is what people get. They voted Democrat in 2008 and 2012 but they didn't show up for midterms and they allowed Republicans to become governors of their states. But did anyone ask them to start chipping away at Roe V Wade? Not enough of us, yet they act like they have a mandate. If the GOP really cared what people thought they'd put it on a ballot initiative but they don't. Instead they are sneaking that shit in. Slimy bastards.

Sorry Catholic churches/hospitals but if you want to be in the healthcare game you have to pay for rubbers and birth control.
Maybe he's counting abortions? All I know is life isn't so precious that we can't have abortions. It's also not so precious that terminal people have to suffer. That is another bone I have to pick with religion. Another reason why I seem militant. Because one day I could be laying in a hospital dying and I ask for a fatal dose of morphine and religious cock suckers get in my way and make me suffer needlessly because they say you can't take your own fucking life. Why? Because of an imaginary fucking guy in the sky?

I'm curious, do you think that ignoring reality will alter it? I've run into you holocaust deniers before, but I don't grasp your utter stupidity. Do you think lying about history will rewrite it.

Murder By Government--Democide

I don't see you as having much credibility to start with, giving the bigotry you display with your anti-Christian rants - but when you deny the slaughter of the Kulaks, the purges, the killing fields, the cultural revolution, etc., well, you can't really claim to be sane, now can you?

Go fucking ask some German's if the German society during ww1 or 2 was Christian or Atheist. If they say they were an atheist society then I'll admit I was wrong. If they were all christians, and they were, then you can suck satans dick, ok?
YES!!!=" Society wants abortion to be an option for them" BUT THE WANTS OF SOCIETY OR NOT RIGHTS,WHO is protecting the rights of the unborn little baby?
Short man complex?

Is Atheism a religion for stupid people? Or are you "special?" :doubt:

Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color, or not collecting stamps a hobby. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods, nothing more.

It is, therefore, not a positive belief or a claim to knowledge. Instead, it is the default position of doubt, uncertainty and skepticism one may have regarding claims made by theists. Just as it takes no faith to lack belief or remain uncertain concerning any other imaginable claim, it takes none to doubt the existence of a god or gods.

Every human-being ever born begins life as an implicit atheist and must be taught the concept of theism or, more commonly, indoctrinated with it.

Atheism has no sacred texts, objects, places or times, no rituals or creation stories, no positive beliefs, central tenants, modes of worship or supernatural claims, no implicit or derived moral codes, philosophies or world views and no central organisation or church. It fulfills none of the criteria that define a religion.

Atheists may subscribe to any additional ideologies, philosophies and belief systems they choose, eg. Buddhism, Jainism, Universalism, Environmentalism, Pragmatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, etc. They may even appreciate components of traditional religion and spiritualism, including any supernatural elements unrelated to a god. Common among many atheists, however, is an appreciation for secularism, rationalism, humanism, skepticism, naturalism, materialism and freethinking – none of which are implicit or derived from atheism, nor necessary in order to lack belief.
YES!!!=" Society wants abortion to be an option for them" BUT THE WANTS OF SOCIETY OR NOT RIGHTS,WHO is protecting the rights of the unborn little baby?

We're just putting them on the fast track to heaven. What do they want to come to this shit hole when heaven is awaiting? :eusa_pray:
You can get help for the emotional damage you inflict on yourself due to short man complex.

I take it you go to a special school on a short bus?

And this folks, is the epitome to the intellect of the left....

Intelligent people don't make up fairy tales to explain things that are not fully understood.

People say, "People a lot smarter that you believe in god!"

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

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