Why do the God-haters persist?

I also love it when righties admit you have to believe in jesus or burn in hell. That everyone else in the world doesn't get to go to heaven. And I hate it when christians have a different twist on it and say that muslims and jews get to go to heaven too. COME ON CHRISTIANS! That's NOT what god said. He said only through him can you enter the kingdom of heaven. And you have to be born again and saved. Don't change. The more you water it down the more people continue to accept it. DOGMA! I love people who follow DOGMA. No one buys into their shit. Probably if a DOGMA couple has 3 kids, 2 of those kids will grow up to leave the church or at least go find a softer/kinder/nicer church that doesn't preach fire and brimstone. See the church has had to adapt as society has evolved and I can't believe people still take the adam and eve, noah, moses stories literally. I think you should have to or don't call yourself a christian. I used to call myself a christian but why? Just because I was born into it? My parents were brainwashed by ignorant immigrants with 3rd grade educations.

YES! GOD'S Word says that in the last days many shall depart from the faith and believe the lies of satan and we see many "churches" that do not preach and teach or even believe in GOD'S Word=== proof there are the last days!!! Will you soon meet JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR or as your final JUDGE??? You must choose. Choose wisely!!

Please tell me what years between 1 and 2014 when man was not departing from the faith and sinning. When were the golden years of christianity. I want to study that history. Remember to include massacring the native American indians, slavery and remember all the german christians in ww2 who went along with murdering jews.

Or was it the 1600's or 1500's? When weren't we living in the end days. Every fucking generation of stupid brainwashed cult followers claim this. Put on your nike's and take a sip of the coolaid. Or please jesus come get these freaks out of here if that's how it's going to go down. Superstitious pricks. :eusa_pray:
I also love it when righties admit you have to believe in jesus or burn in hell. That everyone else in the world doesn't get to go to heaven. And I hate it when christians have a different twist on it and say that muslims and jews get to go to heaven too. COME ON CHRISTIANS! That's NOT what god said. He said only through him can you enter the kingdom of heaven. And you have to be born again and saved. Don't change. The more you water it down the more people continue to accept it. DOGMA! I love people who follow DOGMA. No one buys into their shit. Probably if a DOGMA couple has 3 kids, 2 of those kids will grow up to leave the church or at least go find a softer/kinder/nicer church that doesn't preach fire and brimstone. See the church has had to adapt as society has evolved and I can't believe people still take the adam and eve, noah, moses stories literally. I think you should have to or don't call yourself a christian. I used to call myself a christian but why? Just because I was born into it? My parents were brainwashed by ignorant immigrants with 3rd grade educations.

YES! GOD'S Word says that in the last days many shall depart from the faith and believe the lies of satan and we see many "churches" that do not preach and teach or even believe in GOD'S Word=== proof there are the last days!!! Will you soon meet JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR or as your final JUDGE??? You must choose. Choose wisely!!

Please tell me what years between 1 and 2014 when man was not departing from the faith and sinning. When were the golden years of christianity. I want to study that history. Remember to include massacring the native American indians, slavery and remember all the german christians in ww2 who went along with murdering jews.

Or was it the 1600's or 1500's? When weren't we living in the end days. Every fucking generation of stupid brainwashed cult followers claim this. Put on your nike's and take a sip of the coolaid. Or please jesus come get these freaks out of here if that's how it's going to go down. Superstitious pricks. :eusa_pray:

YES!!! TODAY many "churches" deny the TRUTH of God's Word.====But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron. 1 TIMOTHY 4:1-2 === YES!!! TODAY WE SEE THIS SCRIPTURE COME TRUE!!!
I also love it when righties admit you have to believe in jesus or burn in hell. That everyone else in the world doesn't get to go to heaven. And I hate it when christians have a different twist on it and say that muslims and jews get to go to heaven too. COME ON CHRISTIANS! That's NOT what god said. He said only through him can you enter the kingdom of heaven. And you have to be born again and saved. Don't change. The more you water it down the more people continue to accept it. DOGMA! I love people who follow DOGMA. No one buys into their shit. Probably if a DOGMA couple has 3 kids, 2 of those kids will grow up to leave the church or at least go find a softer/kinder/nicer church that doesn't preach fire and brimstone. See the church has had to adapt as society has evolved and I can't believe people still take the adam and eve, noah, moses stories literally. I think you should have to or don't call yourself a christian. I used to call myself a christian but why? Just because I was born into it? My parents were brainwashed by ignorant immigrants with 3rd grade educations.

YES! GOD'S Word says that in the last days many shall depart from the faith and believe the lies of satan and we see many "churches" that do not preach and teach or even believe in GOD'S Word=== proof there are the last days!!! Will you soon meet JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR or as your final JUDGE??? You must choose. Choose wisely!!

Please tell me what years between 1 and 2014 when man was not departing from the faith and sinning. When were the golden years of christianity. I want to study that history. Remember to include massacring the native American indians, slavery and remember all the german christians in ww2 who went along with murdering jews.

Or was it the 1600's or 1500's? When weren't we living in the end days. Every fucking generation of stupid brainwashed cult followers claim this. Put on your nike's and take a sip of the coolaid. Or please jesus come get these freaks out of here if that's how it's going to go down. Superstitious pricks. :eusa_pray:

I was especially impressed with the swindles of native Americans of much of what was left of their SW American land by the Mormans. Before their VERY christian like theft the Mormans were almost entirely thought of as purely a cult. Makes one wonder WHEN the cult status was lifted....and WHY.
Wow, that didn't last long, did it?

Yes, the fetus IS a human, and until you can accept that it IS a human and we're talking about terminating a human life, then we can't have a rational discussion with you on this issue because you are denying biological facts. I have no problem discussing whether this human being has gained enough 'sentience' or 'awareness' to qualify for protection of constitutional rights or whatever, but we're going to have to go with the biological definition of what it is, a human life.

If the organism isn't human, what species is it? If the organism isn't living, why would it need aborting? It is a unique living human organism in the state of being, therefore, a human being. Quite simple.

Again.... Let me explain why you and so many people like you, feel compelled to propagate this argument that a fetus is not a human being.... it is because you know that it is ethically wrong to kill an innocent human being. Therefore, you simply MUST define parameters here around this notion of the fetus as something that is not a human being. Even when you know science and biology simply don't support you on this. The fetus became a unique living human organism in state of being the moment conception was a success, and it will be a "human being" until something happens to end it's life. It began as a zygote, and has had several stages before reaching "fetus" status, it will go on to become an infant, adolescent, adult, geriatric... The fetus is a stage of a human being's life cycle.

Now whenever you want to discuss when it might be appropriate to kill innocent human beings, we can have that rational discussion. I am willing to hear your ideas on this. I'm particularly fond of the 'brain activity' criteria for being a "viable" human being... some of you might not make the cut though. Can't be the heartbeat, that starts really early, if I'm not mistaken. Nervous system too, that's some of the first stuff a human being develops. So I am not sure where we draw the line on human life, when it comes down to it, especially the most innocent of any human life.

One thing is for certain, the longer after point of conception, the more unethical and wrong it becomes. We are to the sickening point in this country of dragging the fetus out of the womb to kill it partially born with a saline injection to the brain, like a bunch of barbarians. We would not tolerate DOGS being treated this way!

I am pro life. I'm sorry if that offends you or women. I think abortion is NOT a woman's "right to choose" when it involves the life of another human being. Under certain unusual conditions, abortions should be allowed after consultation and with great deliberation by both patient and doctor. This should have to be done very early in a pregnancy, earlier than 1st trimester. Only abortions after that would be to save the life of the mother. I am opposed to a complete and total BAN on all abortions. I think that is a wrongheaded viewpoint but I appreciate that some people hold that view. We live in a society of many, and not everyone has the same moral viewpoint on abortion. This is why I believe the States should have the authority to establish their own limited parameters on abortion procedures through ballot initiative. Let the flaming begin! ;)

After reading your post completely:

In response to your first point. Who cares? Ok, so it’s a human life, or a dog, wolf, bat, snake, turkey, dolphin, ape, lion. Ok, so it’s the start of life. YES OK. So what? Yes it is an organism that came from an orgasm.

Getting an abortion within the first couple months is not the same thing as going out and killing your neighbor. Can you admit that?

I love it you used science to prove me wrong. Excellent, now believe science when they tell you there is no god. What possible proof do you have of a god or the jesus/muslim/jewish stories? So I guess life isn’t so precious that we make women have babies when they don’t want them. I guess that must mean we aren’t a Christian nation because the bible says IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!

When can you kill a fetus? What does the law say? It was decided long ago and I don’t think people’s positions have changed. The GOP is counting on is apathy from voters. They hope they will get away with it. They should put it on the ballot in 2016 and see. Come on GOP. Take the countries temperature. Gamble and lose again waging your war on women I beg you.

I say if the kid is retarded you can kill it at birth but my family is from Sparta.

What was that about not letting dogs be treated this way? Dog’s can’t choose if they have their babies, human women get to.

We don’t care if you are ok with allowing abortion in rare circumstances. Thank you so much SIR. Isn’t it more important what the women think? They’re the ones who have to go through with it. And why? Because YOU believe in god? Ah and finally states rights. That’s what the republicans in red states fall back on every time they want to discriminate or ban something or do something that isn’t good for the rest of the country. And you say you aren’t a republican. Well we don’t claim you.

And notice your side won’t admit they are waging a war on women. They don’t explain themselves because it is true. Instead Terri Lynn Land in MI is waging a war on women and all she does is run mocking ads saying she isn’t waging a war on women, all while she is. Women want the choice to be theirs and you want to take it away. When most women understand that, you lose. That’s why you guys are being very subtle about it. Oh, this also proves the media isn’t liberal or it’d be explaining this to women. The media stays silent. And will voters throw out a governor who’s anti choice? Probably not. At least not in a midterm. Not in a blue state like Michigan. Not that important to most people. But it is that important to you guys. So it’s up to us to explain to voters what the GOP are doing. God I wish the liberal media would help. America people are stupid and lazy and that includes women. Our secret weapon is Hillary.

"Getting an abortion within the first couple months is not the same thing as going out and killing your neighbor. Can you admit that?"

They call it MURDER.

If it is MURDER then it MUST be first degree MURDER. After all it is pre meditated MURDER.

The woman is only complicit in the MURDER. It is the doctor in the proceedure that is the actual MURDERER.

Since there is no statute of limitations on MURDER and they claim hundreds of millions of MURDERS then I guess if the religists had their way and got the law changed to make early abortions legally MURDER then probably 1/4 to 1/3 of the population of the U S all women would need to be prosecuted for MURDER and spend the rest of their lives in prison. Making all those MURDERS retroactive may be the only way to right things with god.

I'm betting Jizzmo would be happy with sending most of America's women to prison for MURDER.

And I guess this is why us "god haters" persist. Science, history, stare decisis the constitution, most doctors and reality say that life isn't so precious that a woman should be forced to carry a baby to term. Not in America. Don't love it leave it.

Religion/GOP/The Rich/The church/White People/Corporate America use religion as wedge issues to sucker fools into voting against themselves financially. I wish they would move on to the 7 deadly sins they commit and move on from abortion and gays but they are such effective issues with the dumb religious vote. Hypocrisy should be the deadliest of sins. If you are are anti abortion and have had an abortion yourself then you should burn in hell for being anti abortion. That amount of retarded thinking is your hell.

More than 90% of all living organisms that lived on earth are now extinct. If there was a god, how precious is life to him?

The only reason we don't do stem cell, do assisted suicides, discriminate, were conned into the iraq war is because we are dumb enough to believe in a fairy tale. Meanwhile who comes up with the cures and weapons? Atheist scientists who the fools wouldn't even vote for because he/she doesn't believe in god. But they run to them in emergencies. But when science says there is no god then science is stupid.
YES! GOD'S Word says that in the last days many shall depart from the faith and believe the lies of satan and we see many "churches" that do not preach and teach or even believe in GOD'S Word=== proof there are the last days!!! Will you soon meet JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR or as your final JUDGE??? You must choose. Choose wisely!!

Please tell me what years between 1 and 2014 when man was not departing from the faith and sinning. When were the golden years of christianity. I want to study that history. Remember to include massacring the native American indians, slavery and remember all the german christians in ww2 who went along with murdering jews.

Or was it the 1600's or 1500's? When weren't we living in the end days. Every fucking generation of stupid brainwashed cult followers claim this. Put on your nike's and take a sip of the coolaid. Or please jesus come get these freaks out of here if that's how it's going to go down. Superstitious pricks. :eusa_pray:

YES!!! TODAY many "churches" deny the TRUTH of God's Word.====But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron. 1 TIMOTHY 4:1-2 === YES!!! TODAY WE SEE THIS SCRIPTURE COME TRUE!!!

1. Of course a guy making up a cult as he goes along would say that.

2. They've been saying that since the beginning of religion. Great prediction. How about predict a miracle and have that miracle actually happen, in the future. I predict the sun will eventually burn out or a meteor will end man. Probably when that event happens you'll think it's jesus coming but the scientists know better. We'll go to them to come up with a solution to maybe stop that event in the future. You pray for us all. :eusa_pray:

3. Your quote is not deep. You are not deep. Monkey. :piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2:
And we should never avoid a subject or stop looking for the truth no matter how uncomfortable it makes us. It is a scientists job to question. This is why religion hates science because science picks apart the religion story and won't accept unbelievable answers. Religious people do, so you see how politicians use it to control voters. Even smart people are religious but they most certainly use religion to con the dumb poor and middle class suckers into voting against themselves.

Anyways, just because your church, community, friends and family all tell you if you don't believe you will go to hell, isn't enough that you shouldn't question things that can't possibly be true. Google whynogod and look at all the arguments and then let me know if you believe in an invisible man that is watching you, cares about you but will send you to hell if you don't follow his rules.
Please tell me what years between 1 and 2014 when man was not departing from the faith and sinning. When were the golden years of christianity. I want to study that history. Remember to include massacring the native American indians, slavery and remember all the german christians in ww2 who went along with murdering jews.

Or was it the 1600's or 1500's? When weren't we living in the end days. Every fucking generation of stupid brainwashed cult followers claim this. Put on your nike's and take a sip of the coolaid. Or please jesus come get these freaks out of here if that's how it's going to go down. Superstitious pricks. :eusa_pray:

YES!!! TODAY many "churches" deny the TRUTH of God's Word.====But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron. 1 TIMOTHY 4:1-2 === YES!!! TODAY WE SEE THIS SCRIPTURE COME TRUE!!!

1. Of course a guy making up a cult as he goes along would say that.

2. They've been saying that since the beginning of religion. Great prediction. How about predict a miracle and have that miracle actually happen, in the future. I predict the sun will eventually burn out or a meteor will end man. Probably when that event happens you'll think it's jesus coming but the scientists know better. We'll go to them to come up with a solution to maybe stop that event in the future. You pray for us all. :eusa_pray:

3. Your quote is not deep. You are not deep. Monkey. :piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2:

I like this one= GOD said ISRAEL WOULD BE DESTROYED AS A NATION over 2000 years ago but in the last days GOD SAID he would bring the JEWISH people back to their old homeland===AFTER 2011 YEARS ISRAEL ON MAY 15 1948 BECAME A NATION AGAIN and the JEWS are still in the process of returning today!!!! WOW!!!! PTL. GOD'S WORD IS TRUE!!!
Why there is no god

Shove it down our throats? OMG I can turn on the tv 24 hours a day and I even found some religious stations. Show me the fucking atheist station! Those are public airwaves. I can't wait for the day we finally get a show. The Cosmos was a good start but hardly equal to the brainwashing and shoving down our throats those tv preachers brainwashing and milking stupid americans of their hard earned dollars. Dopes.

I am agnostic bitch. I don't know what's on the other side of black holes. It could be anything including god. But the logical position to have is I DON"T FUCKING KNOW and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

Note: This claim often represents a deep discomfort with uncertainty or ambiguity, demonstrating a lack of critical thinking or poor understanding of a topic. It usually coincides with credulity, which is the tendency to believe in propositions unsupported by evidence. See also: gullibility.

And I never stop someone from praying. I just make fun of them in my mind. I never talk about this with religious people. They can't handle it. I've lost friends over it. Pussies. I don't disown religious people. I don't say I wouldn't marry someone unless they are an atheist too. But I bet you wouldn't marry an atheist so stop crying the victim/martyr.

Dawkins is such a stupid cocksucker - I can always tell when you missionaries are quoting his gospels...

Every priest, cleric, rabbi, bishop, pope & minister is a stupid cocksucker. I can always tell when one of their missionaries are quoting their gospels.
YES!!! TODAY many "churches" deny the TRUTH of God's Word.====But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron. 1 TIMOTHY 4:1-2 === YES!!! TODAY WE SEE THIS SCRIPTURE COME TRUE!!!

1. Of course a guy making up a cult as he goes along would say that.

2. They've been saying that since the beginning of religion. Great prediction. How about predict a miracle and have that miracle actually happen, in the future. I predict the sun will eventually burn out or a meteor will end man. Probably when that event happens you'll think it's jesus coming but the scientists know better. We'll go to them to come up with a solution to maybe stop that event in the future. You pray for us all. :eusa_pray:

3. Your quote is not deep. You are not deep. Monkey. :piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2:

I like this one= GOD said ISRAEL WOULD BE DESTROYED AS A NATION over 2000 years ago but in the last days GOD SAID he would bring the JEWISH people back to their old homeland===AFTER 2011 YEARS ISRAEL ON MAY 15 1948 BECAME A NATION AGAIN and the JEWS are still in the process of returning today!!!! WOW!!!! PTL. GOD'S WORD IS TRUE!!!

I'm sure the jews and christians of 1947 used that as justification for taking the land from the Palistinians.
And I know some very good priests. Doesn't mean it's right they pedal their lies. Or they may believe so they aren't lying but that doesn't mean it's right they spread something that isn't true never was and never will be.
I don't doubt most priests sincerity just like I'm sure Gismys sincerely believes the fairy tales he was told as a baby too.
1. Of course a guy making up a cult as he goes along would say that.

2. They've been saying that since the beginning of religion. Great prediction. How about predict a miracle and have that miracle actually happen, in the future. I predict the sun will eventually burn out or a meteor will end man. Probably when that event happens you'll think it's jesus coming but the scientists know better. We'll go to them to come up with a solution to maybe stop that event in the future. You pray for us all. :eusa_pray:

3. Your quote is not deep. You are not deep. Monkey. :piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2::piss2:

I like this one= GOD said ISRAEL WOULD BE DESTROYED AS A NATION over 2000 years ago but in the last days GOD SAID he would bring the JEWISH people back to their old homeland===AFTER 2011 YEARS ISRAEL ON MAY 15 1948 BECAME A NATION AGAIN and the JEWS are still in the process of returning today!!!! WOW!!!! PTL. GOD'S WORD IS TRUE!!!

I'm sure the jews and christians of 1947 used that as justification for taking the land from the Palistinians.

DO SOME RESEARCH,STUDY HISTORY!!! IT WAS BRITIAN AND THE UN NATIONS THAT VOTED TO GIVE THE jewish people back their nation that was destroyed 2011 years ago!!! WONDER HOW THE writers of the BIBLE would kmow about tiny ISRAEL 2011 years into the future????? anything but GOD!!!! HUH???
I'll admit it if you admit life isn't so precious at 2 weeks or a month in that someone shouldn't be able to terminate.

No, the fetus is not a human.

Wow, that didn't last long, did it?

Yes, the fetus IS a human, and until you can accept that it IS a human and we're talking about terminating a human life, then we can't have a rational discussion with you on this issue because you are denying biological facts. I have no problem discussing whether this human being has gained enough 'sentience' or 'awareness' to qualify for protection of constitutional rights or whatever, but we're going to have to go with the biological definition of what it is, a human life.

If the organism isn't human, what species is it? If the organism isn't living, why would it need aborting? It is a unique living human organism in the state of being, therefore, a human being. Quite simple.

Again.... Let me explain why you and so many people like you, feel compelled to propagate this argument that a fetus is not a human being.... it is because you know that it is ethically wrong to kill an innocent human being. Therefore, you simply MUST define parameters here around this notion of the fetus as something that is not a human being. Even when you know science and biology simply don't support you on this. The fetus became a unique living human organism in state of being the moment conception was a success, and it will be a "human being" until something happens to end it's life. It began as a zygote, and has had several stages before reaching "fetus" status, it will go on to become an infant, adolescent, adult, geriatric... The fetus is a stage of a human being's life cycle.

Now whenever you want to discuss when it might be appropriate to kill innocent human beings, we can have that rational discussion. I am willing to hear your ideas on this. I'm particularly fond of the 'brain activity' criteria for being a "viable" human being... some of you might not make the cut though. Can't be the heartbeat, that starts really early, if I'm not mistaken. Nervous system too, that's some of the first stuff a human being develops. So I am not sure where we draw the line on human life, when it comes down to it, especially the most innocent of any human life.

One thing is for certain, the longer after point of conception, the more unethical and wrong it becomes. We are to the sickening point in this country of dragging the fetus out of the womb to kill it partially born with a saline injection to the brain, like a bunch of barbarians. We would not tolerate DOGS being treated this way!

I am pro life. I'm sorry if that offends you or women. I think abortion is NOT a woman's "right to choose" when it involves the life of another human being. Under certain unusual conditions, abortions should be allowed after consultation and with great deliberation by both patient and doctor. This should have to be done very early in a pregnancy, earlier than 1st trimester. Only abortions after that would be to save the life of the mother. I am opposed to a complete and total BAN on all abortions. I think that is a wrongheaded viewpoint but I appreciate that some people hold that view. We live in a society of many, and not everyone has the same moral viewpoint on abortion. This is why I believe the States should have the authority to establish their own limited parameters on abortion procedures through ballot initiative. Let the flaming begin! ;)

After reading your post completely:

In response to your first point. Who cares? Ok, so it’s a human life, or a dog, wolf, bat, snake, turkey, dolphin, ape, lion. Ok, so it’s the start of life. YES OK. So what? Yes it is an organism that came from an orgasm.

Getting an abortion within the first couple months is not the same thing as going out and killing your neighbor. Can you admit that?

I love it you used science to prove me wrong. Excellent, now believe science when they tell you there is no god. What possible proof do you have of a god or the jesus/muslim/jewish stories? So I guess life isn’t so precious that we make women have babies when they don’t want them. I guess that must mean we aren’t a Christian nation because the bible says IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!

When can you kill a fetus? What does the law say? It was decided long ago and I don’t think people’s positions have changed. The GOP is counting on is apathy from voters. They hope they will get away with it. They should put it on the ballot in 2016 and see. Come on GOP. Take the countries temperature. Gamble and lose again waging your war on women I beg you.

I say if the kid is retarded you can kill it at birth but my family is from Sparta.

What was that about not letting dogs be treated this way? Dog’s can’t choose if they have their babies, human women get to.

We don’t care if you are ok with allowing abortion in rare circumstances. Thank you so much SIR. Isn’t it more important what the women think? They’re the ones who have to go through with it. And why? Because YOU believe in god? Ah and finally states rights. That’s what the republicans in red states fall back on every time they want to discriminate or ban something or do something that isn’t good for the rest of the country. And you say you aren’t a republican. Well we don’t claim you.

And notice your side won’t admit they are waging a war on women. They don’t explain themselves because it is true. Instead Terri Lynn Land in MI is waging a war on women and all she does is run mocking ads saying she isn’t waging a war on women, all while she is. Women want the choice to be theirs and you want to take it away. When most women understand that, you lose. That’s why you guys are being very subtle about it. Oh, this also proves the media isn’t liberal or it’d be explaining this to women. The media stays silent. And will voters throw out a governor who’s anti choice? Probably not. At least not in a midterm. Not in a blue state like Michigan. Not that important to most people. But it is that important to you guys. So it’s up to us to explain to voters what the GOP are doing. God I wish the liberal media would help. America people are stupid and lazy and that includes women. Our secret weapon is Hillary.

Science doesn't say there is no god. That is just untrue. Science, for the most part, doesn't even make any attempts to weigh in on god; it's simply outside the purview of most scientific study.

Now, perhaps there are scientists who say there is no god, but that is not the same thing.
I like this one= GOD said ISRAEL WOULD BE DESTROYED AS A NATION over 2000 years ago but in the last days GOD SAID he would bring the JEWISH people back to their old homeland===AFTER 2011 YEARS ISRAEL ON MAY 15 1948 BECAME A NATION AGAIN and the JEWS are still in the process of returning today!!!! WOW!!!! PTL. GOD'S WORD IS TRUE!!!

I'm sure the jews and christians of 1947 used that as justification for taking the land from the Palistinians.

DO SOME RESEARCH,STUDY HISTORY!!! IT WAS BRITIAN AND THE UN NATIONS THAT VOTED TO GIVE THE jewish people back their nation that was destroyed 2011 years ago!!! WONDER HOW THE writers of the BIBLE would kmow about tiny ISRAEL 2011 years into the future????? anything but GOD!!!! HUH???

So what it was led by England & the UN. I'm sure the church was behind it too.

Hey, I was doing some research on muslim and omg they sound just as dumb as you. Here is their twist:

Islam regards itself, not as a subsequent faith to Judaism and Christianity, but as the primordial religion, the faith from which Judaism and Christianity are subsequent developments. In the Qur’an we read that Abraham ‘was not a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a monotheist, a Muslim’ (Âl 'Imran 3:66). So it is Muslims, and not Christians or Jews, who are the true representatives of the faith of Abraham to the world today. (Al-Baqarah 2:135)

The Biblical prophets were all Muslims

Many prophets of the past received the one religion of Islam. (Ash-Shura 42:13) Who were these previous prophets? According to Al-An’am 6:85-87 they include Ibrahim (Abraham), ‘Ishaq (Issac), Yaqub (Jacob), Nuh (Noah), Dawud (David), Sulaiman (Solomon), Ayyub (Job), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Zakariyya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), ‘Isa (Jesus), Ilyas, Ishmael, Al-Yash’a (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah) and Lut (Lot).

The Muslim ‘Isa (Jesus)

There are two main sources for ‘Isa, the Muslim Jesus. The Qur’an gives a history of his life, whilst the Hadith collections — recollections of Muhammad’s words and deeds — establish his place in the Muslim understanding of the future.

The Qur’an

‘Isa, was a prophet of Islam

Jesus’ true name, according to the Qur’an, was ‘Isa. His message was pure Islam, surrender to Allah. (Âl 'Imran 3:84) Like all the Muslim prophets before him, and like Muhammad after him, ‘Isa was a lawgiver, and Christians should submit to his law. (Âl 'Imran 3:50; Al-Ma’idah 5:48) ‘Isa’s original disciples were also true Muslims, for they said ‘We believe. Bear witness that we have surrendered. We are Muslims.’ (Al-Ma’idah 5:111)

‘The Books’

Like other messengers of Islam before him, ‘Isa received his revelation of Islam in the form of a book. (Al-An’am 6:90) ‘Isa’s book is called the Injil or ‘gospel’. (Al-Ma’idah 5:46) The Torah was Moses’ book, and the Zabur (Psalms) were David’s book. So Jews and Christians are ‘people of the Book’. The one religion revealed in these books was Islam. (Âl 'Imran 3:18)

As with previous prophets, ‘Isa’s revelation verified previous prophets’ revelations. (Âl 'Imran 3:49,84; Al-Ma’idah 5:46; As-Saff 61:6) Muhammad himself verified all previous revelations, including the revelation to ‘Isa (An-Nisa’ 4:47), and so Muslims must believe in the revelation which ‘Isa received. (Al-Baqarah 2:136) However, after ‘Isa the Injil was lost in its original form. Today the Qur’an is the only sure guide to ‘Isa’s teaching.

Does this look or sound familiar fool? Oh there whole religion is made up and bullshit but yours is not? :eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_pray::eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:
I'm sure the jews and christians of 1947 used that as justification for taking the land from the Palistinians.

DO SOME RESEARCH,STUDY HISTORY!!! IT WAS BRITIAN AND THE UN NATIONS THAT VOTED TO GIVE THE jewish people back their nation that was destroyed 2011 years ago!!! WONDER HOW THE writers of the BIBLE would kmow about tiny ISRAEL 2011 years into the future????? anything but GOD!!!! HUH???

So what it was led by England & the UN. I'm sure the church was behind it too.

Hey, I was doing some research on muslim and omg they sound just as dumb as you. Here is their twist:

Islam regards itself, not as a subsequent faith to Judaism and Christianity, but as the primordial religion, the faith from which Judaism and Christianity are subsequent developments. In the Qur’an we read that Abraham ‘was not a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a monotheist, a Muslim’ (Âl 'Imran 3:66). So it is Muslims, and not Christians or Jews, who are the true representatives of the faith of Abraham to the world today. (Al-Baqarah 2:135)

The Biblical prophets were all Muslims

Many prophets of the past received the one religion of Islam. (Ash-Shura 42:13) Who were these previous prophets? According to Al-An’am 6:85-87 they include Ibrahim (Abraham), ‘Ishaq (Issac), Yaqub (Jacob), Nuh (Noah), Dawud (David), Sulaiman (Solomon), Ayyub (Job), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Zakariyya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), ‘Isa (Jesus), Ilyas, Ishmael, Al-Yash’a (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah) and Lut (Lot).

The Muslim ‘Isa (Jesus)

There are two main sources for ‘Isa, the Muslim Jesus. The Qur’an gives a history of his life, whilst the Hadith collections — recollections of Muhammad’s words and deeds — establish his place in the Muslim understanding of the future.

The Qur’an

‘Isa, was a prophet of Islam

Jesus’ true name, according to the Qur’an, was ‘Isa. His message was pure Islam, surrender to Allah. (Âl 'Imran 3:84) Like all the Muslim prophets before him, and like Muhammad after him, ‘Isa was a lawgiver, and Christians should submit to his law. (Âl 'Imran 3:50; Al-Ma’idah 5:48) ‘Isa’s original disciples were also true Muslims, for they said ‘We believe. Bear witness that we have surrendered. We are Muslims.’ (Al-Ma’idah 5:111)

‘The Books’

Like other messengers of Islam before him, ‘Isa received his revelation of Islam in the form of a book. (Al-An’am 6:90) ‘Isa’s book is called the Injil or ‘gospel’. (Al-Ma’idah 5:46) The Torah was Moses’ book, and the Zabur (Psalms) were David’s book. So Jews and Christians are ‘people of the Book’. The one religion revealed in these books was Islam. (Âl 'Imran 3:18)

As with previous prophets, ‘Isa’s revelation verified previous prophets’ revelations. (Âl 'Imran 3:49,84; Al-Ma’idah 5:46; As-Saff 61:6) Muhammad himself verified all previous revelations, including the revelation to ‘Isa (An-Nisa’ 4:47), and so Muslims must believe in the revelation which ‘Isa received. (Al-Baqarah 2:136) However, after ‘Isa the Injil was lost in its original form. Today the Qur’an is the only sure guide to ‘Isa’s teaching.

Does this look or sound familiar fool? Oh there whole religion is made up and bullshit but yours is not? :eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_pray::eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

quran= a 6th century RE-WRITE of the HOLYBIBLE BY A ARAB that did not like what the BIBLE has to say about the JEWISH PEOPLE,ISRAEL AND WOMEN!!!! BEWARE!!!
Wow, that didn't last long, did it?

Yes, the fetus IS a human, and until you can accept that it IS a human and we're talking about terminating a human life, then we can't have a rational discussion with you on this issue because you are denying biological facts. I have no problem discussing whether this human being has gained enough 'sentience' or 'awareness' to qualify for protection of constitutional rights or whatever, but we're going to have to go with the biological definition of what it is, a human life.

If the organism isn't human, what species is it? If the organism isn't living, why would it need aborting? It is a unique living human organism in the state of being, therefore, a human being. Quite simple.

Again.... Let me explain why you and so many people like you, feel compelled to propagate this argument that a fetus is not a human being.... it is because you know that it is ethically wrong to kill an innocent human being. Therefore, you simply MUST define parameters here around this notion of the fetus as something that is not a human being. Even when you know science and biology simply don't support you on this. The fetus became a unique living human organism in state of being the moment conception was a success, and it will be a "human being" until something happens to end it's life. It began as a zygote, and has had several stages before reaching "fetus" status, it will go on to become an infant, adolescent, adult, geriatric... The fetus is a stage of a human being's life cycle.

Now whenever you want to discuss when it might be appropriate to kill innocent human beings, we can have that rational discussion. I am willing to hear your ideas on this. I'm particularly fond of the 'brain activity' criteria for being a "viable" human being... some of you might not make the cut though. Can't be the heartbeat, that starts really early, if I'm not mistaken. Nervous system too, that's some of the first stuff a human being develops. So I am not sure where we draw the line on human life, when it comes down to it, especially the most innocent of any human life.

One thing is for certain, the longer after point of conception, the more unethical and wrong it becomes. We are to the sickening point in this country of dragging the fetus out of the womb to kill it partially born with a saline injection to the brain, like a bunch of barbarians. We would not tolerate DOGS being treated this way!

I am pro life. I'm sorry if that offends you or women. I think abortion is NOT a woman's "right to choose" when it involves the life of another human being. Under certain unusual conditions, abortions should be allowed after consultation and with great deliberation by both patient and doctor. This should have to be done very early in a pregnancy, earlier than 1st trimester. Only abortions after that would be to save the life of the mother. I am opposed to a complete and total BAN on all abortions. I think that is a wrongheaded viewpoint but I appreciate that some people hold that view. We live in a society of many, and not everyone has the same moral viewpoint on abortion. This is why I believe the States should have the authority to establish their own limited parameters on abortion procedures through ballot initiative. Let the flaming begin! ;)

After reading your post completely:

In response to your first point. Who cares? Ok, so it’s a human life, or a dog, wolf, bat, snake, turkey, dolphin, ape, lion. Ok, so it’s the start of life. YES OK. So what? Yes it is an organism that came from an orgasm.

Getting an abortion within the first couple months is not the same thing as going out and killing your neighbor. Can you admit that?

I love it you used science to prove me wrong. Excellent, now believe science when they tell you there is no god. What possible proof do you have of a god or the jesus/muslim/jewish stories? So I guess life isn’t so precious that we make women have babies when they don’t want them. I guess that must mean we aren’t a Christian nation because the bible says IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!

When can you kill a fetus? What does the law say? It was decided long ago and I don’t think people’s positions have changed. The GOP is counting on is apathy from voters. They hope they will get away with it. They should put it on the ballot in 2016 and see. Come on GOP. Take the countries temperature. Gamble and lose again waging your war on women I beg you.

I say if the kid is retarded you can kill it at birth but my family is from Sparta.

What was that about not letting dogs be treated this way? Dog’s can’t choose if they have their babies, human women get to.

We don’t care if you are ok with allowing abortion in rare circumstances. Thank you so much SIR. Isn’t it more important what the women think? They’re the ones who have to go through with it. And why? Because YOU believe in god? Ah and finally states rights. That’s what the republicans in red states fall back on every time they want to discriminate or ban something or do something that isn’t good for the rest of the country. And you say you aren’t a republican. Well we don’t claim you.

And notice your side won’t admit they are waging a war on women. They don’t explain themselves because it is true. Instead Terri Lynn Land in MI is waging a war on women and all she does is run mocking ads saying she isn’t waging a war on women, all while she is. Women want the choice to be theirs and you want to take it away. When most women understand that, you lose. That’s why you guys are being very subtle about it. Oh, this also proves the media isn’t liberal or it’d be explaining this to women. The media stays silent. And will voters throw out a governor who’s anti choice? Probably not. At least not in a midterm. Not in a blue state like Michigan. Not that important to most people. But it is that important to you guys. So it’s up to us to explain to voters what the GOP are doing. God I wish the liberal media would help. America people are stupid and lazy and that includes women. Our secret weapon is Hillary.

Science doesn't say there is no god. That is just untrue. Science, for the most part, doesn't even make any attempts to weigh in on god; it's simply outside the purview of most scientific study.

Now, perhaps there are scientists who say there is no god, but that is not the same thing.

True. But it isn't a surprise that a lot of scientists are atheists, agnostics or agnostic atheists which is the most rational position to take. The honest answer is no one knows. But what we do know from a logical standpoint is that there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

I bet you very few scientists take the stories in the bible literally. I wish dogma christians would reject members who deny the stories of adam, noah, moses and jesus as being literal. No jesus didn't rise from the dead and his mom wasn't a virgin and god didn't impregnate her. So if none of that is really true, what is? If Jesus was a real man he was just a really nice guy according to everyone but his 11 cult followers. Judas doesn't count because he killed himself. So we are taking the word of 11 men, who didn't even write the bible until 80 years after? And people lived to be 800?

So depends on what you ask the scientist. Do you believe in God? So what. The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors. The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
After reading your post completely:

In response to your first point. Who cares? Ok, so it’s a human life, or a dog, wolf, bat, snake, turkey, dolphin, ape, lion. Ok, so it’s the start of life. YES OK. So what? Yes it is an organism that came from an orgasm.

Getting an abortion within the first couple months is not the same thing as going out and killing your neighbor. Can you admit that?

I love it you used science to prove me wrong. Excellent, now believe science when they tell you there is no god. What possible proof do you have of a god or the jesus/muslim/jewish stories? So I guess life isn’t so precious that we make women have babies when they don’t want them. I guess that must mean we aren’t a Christian nation because the bible says IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!

When can you kill a fetus? What does the law say? It was decided long ago and I don’t think people’s positions have changed. The GOP is counting on is apathy from voters. They hope they will get away with it. They should put it on the ballot in 2016 and see. Come on GOP. Take the countries temperature. Gamble and lose again waging your war on women I beg you.

I say if the kid is retarded you can kill it at birth but my family is from Sparta.

What was that about not letting dogs be treated this way? Dog’s can’t choose if they have their babies, human women get to.

We don’t care if you are ok with allowing abortion in rare circumstances. Thank you so much SIR. Isn’t it more important what the women think? They’re the ones who have to go through with it. And why? Because YOU believe in god? Ah and finally states rights. That’s what the republicans in red states fall back on every time they want to discriminate or ban something or do something that isn’t good for the rest of the country. And you say you aren’t a republican. Well we don’t claim you.

And notice your side won’t admit they are waging a war on women. They don’t explain themselves because it is true. Instead Terri Lynn Land in MI is waging a war on women and all she does is run mocking ads saying she isn’t waging a war on women, all while she is. Women want the choice to be theirs and you want to take it away. When most women understand that, you lose. That’s why you guys are being very subtle about it. Oh, this also proves the media isn’t liberal or it’d be explaining this to women. The media stays silent. And will voters throw out a governor who’s anti choice? Probably not. At least not in a midterm. Not in a blue state like Michigan. Not that important to most people. But it is that important to you guys. So it’s up to us to explain to voters what the GOP are doing. God I wish the liberal media would help. America people are stupid and lazy and that includes women. Our secret weapon is Hillary.

Science doesn't say there is no god. That is just untrue. Science, for the most part, doesn't even make any attempts to weigh in on god; it's simply outside the purview of most scientific study.

Now, perhaps there are scientists who say there is no god, but that is not the same thing.

True. But it isn't a surprise that a lot of scientists are atheists, agnostics or agnostic atheists which is the most rational position to take. The honest answer is no one knows. But what we do know from a logical standpoint is that there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

I bet you very few scientists take the stories in the bible literally. I wish dogma christians would reject members who deny the stories of adam, noah, moses and jesus as being literal. No jesus didn't rise from the dead and his mom wasn't a virgin and god didn't impregnate her. So if none of that is really true, what is? If Jesus was a real man he was just a really nice guy according to everyone but his 11 cult followers. Judas doesn't count because he killed himself. So we are taking the word of 11 men, who didn't even write the bible until 80 years after? And people lived to be 800?

So depends on what you ask the scientist. Do you believe in God? So what. The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors. The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

LOL!!!! MAN HAS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE as proof GOD IS REAL!!! WHAT KIND OF FOOL needs more??????????????????
DO SOME RESEARCH,STUDY HISTORY!!! IT WAS BRITIAN AND THE UN NATIONS THAT VOTED TO GIVE THE jewish people back their nation that was destroyed 2011 years ago!!! WONDER HOW THE writers of the BIBLE would kmow about tiny ISRAEL 2011 years into the future????? anything but GOD!!!! HUH???

So what it was led by England & the UN. I'm sure the church was behind it too.

Hey, I was doing some research on muslim and omg they sound just as dumb as you. Here is their twist:

Islam regards itself, not as a subsequent faith to Judaism and Christianity, but as the primordial religion, the faith from which Judaism and Christianity are subsequent developments. In the Qur’an we read that Abraham ‘was not a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a monotheist, a Muslim’ (Âl 'Imran 3:66). So it is Muslims, and not Christians or Jews, who are the true representatives of the faith of Abraham to the world today. (Al-Baqarah 2:135)

The Biblical prophets were all Muslims

Many prophets of the past received the one religion of Islam. (Ash-Shura 42:13) Who were these previous prophets? According to Al-An’am 6:85-87 they include Ibrahim (Abraham), ‘Ishaq (Issac), Yaqub (Jacob), Nuh (Noah), Dawud (David), Sulaiman (Solomon), Ayyub (Job), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Zakariyya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), ‘Isa (Jesus), Ilyas, Ishmael, Al-Yash’a (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah) and Lut (Lot).

The Muslim ‘Isa (Jesus)

There are two main sources for ‘Isa, the Muslim Jesus. The Qur’an gives a history of his life, whilst the Hadith collections — recollections of Muhammad’s words and deeds — establish his place in the Muslim understanding of the future.

The Qur’an

‘Isa, was a prophet of Islam

Jesus’ true name, according to the Qur’an, was ‘Isa. His message was pure Islam, surrender to Allah. (Âl 'Imran 3:84) Like all the Muslim prophets before him, and like Muhammad after him, ‘Isa was a lawgiver, and Christians should submit to his law. (Âl 'Imran 3:50; Al-Ma’idah 5:48) ‘Isa’s original disciples were also true Muslims, for they said ‘We believe. Bear witness that we have surrendered. We are Muslims.’ (Al-Ma’idah 5:111)

‘The Books’

Like other messengers of Islam before him, ‘Isa received his revelation of Islam in the form of a book. (Al-An’am 6:90) ‘Isa’s book is called the Injil or ‘gospel’. (Al-Ma’idah 5:46) The Torah was Moses’ book, and the Zabur (Psalms) were David’s book. So Jews and Christians are ‘people of the Book’. The one religion revealed in these books was Islam. (Âl 'Imran 3:18)

As with previous prophets, ‘Isa’s revelation verified previous prophets’ revelations. (Âl 'Imran 3:49,84; Al-Ma’idah 5:46; As-Saff 61:6) Muhammad himself verified all previous revelations, including the revelation to ‘Isa (An-Nisa’ 4:47), and so Muslims must believe in the revelation which ‘Isa received. (Al-Baqarah 2:136) However, after ‘Isa the Injil was lost in its original form. Today the Qur’an is the only sure guide to ‘Isa’s teaching.

Does this look or sound familiar fool? Oh there whole religion is made up and bullshit but yours is not? :eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_pray::eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

quran= a 6th century RE-WRITE of the HOLYBIBLE BY A ARAB that did not like what the BIBLE has to say about the JEWISH PEOPLE,ISRAEL AND WOMEN!!!! BEWARE!!!

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

For over a century, various authors have drawn a number of parallels between the Christian views of Jesus and other religious. These include Greco-Roman and Eqyptian myths involving cross-cultural patterns of dying and rising gods.

The Christ myth theory (also known as the Jesus myth theory) is the proposition that Jesus of Nazareth never existed, or if he did, he had virtually nothing to do with the founding of Christianity and the accounts in the gospels. Many proponents use a three-fold argument first developed in the 19th century that the New Testament has no historical value, there are no non-Christian references to Jesus Christ from the first century, and that Christianity had pagan and mythical roots.

If previous religions that christianity stole from were fake, maybe so was christianity.

Many early Christians celebrated Jesus' birthday on JAN-6. In Alexandria, in what is now Egypt, the birthday of their god-man, Aion, was also celebrated on JAN-6.

Christians and most Pagans eventually celebrated the birthday of their god-man on DEC-25.
According to an ancient Christian tradition, Christ died on MAR-23 and resurrected on MAR-25. These dates agree precisely with the death and resurrection of Attis.

Baptism was a principal ritual; it washed away a person's sins.

The most important sacrament was a ritual meal of bread and wine which symbolize the god-man's body and blood.

Early Christians initiated converts in March and April by baptism. Mithraism initiated their new members at this time as well.

Early Christians were naked when they were baptized. After immersion, they then put on white clothing and a crown. They carried a candle and walked in a procession to a basilica. Followers of Mithra were also baptized naked, put on white clothing and a crown, and walked in a procession to the temple. However, they carried torches.

At Pentecost, the followers of Jesus were recorded as speaking in tongues. At Trophonius and Delos, the Pagan priestesses also spoke in tongues:

An inscription to Mithras reads: "He who will not eat of my body and drink of my blood, so that he will be made on with me and I with him, the same shall not know salvation."

The Bible records that Jesus was crucified between two thieves. One went to heaven and the other to hell. In the Mithras mysteries, a common image showed Mithras flanked by two torchbearers, one on either side. One held a torch pointed upwards, the other downwards. This symbolized ascent to heaven or descent to hell.

In Attis, a bull was slaughtered while on a perforated platform. The animal's blood flowed down over an initiate who stood in a pit under the platform. The believer was then considered to have been "born again." Poor people could only afford a sheep, and so were literally washed in the blood of the lamb. This practice was interpreted symbolically by Christians.

There were many additional points of similarity between Mithraism and Christianity. 2 St. Augustine even declared that the priests of Mithraism worshiped the same God as he did:

Followers of both religions celebrated a ritual meal involving bread. It was called a missa in Latin or mass in English.

Both the Catholic church and Mithraism had a total of seven sacraments.

Epiphany, JAN-6, was originally the festival in which the followers of Mithra celebrated the visit of the Magi to their newborn god-man. The Christian Church took it over in the 9th century.
Science doesn't say there is no god. That is just untrue. Science, for the most part, doesn't even make any attempts to weigh in on god; it's simply outside the purview of most scientific study.

Now, perhaps there are scientists who say there is no god, but that is not the same thing.

True. But it isn't a surprise that a lot of scientists are atheists, agnostics or agnostic atheists which is the most rational position to take. The honest answer is no one knows. But what we do know from a logical standpoint is that there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

I bet you very few scientists take the stories in the bible literally. I wish dogma christians would reject members who deny the stories of adam, noah, moses and jesus as being literal. No jesus didn't rise from the dead and his mom wasn't a virgin and god didn't impregnate her. So if none of that is really true, what is? If Jesus was a real man he was just a really nice guy according to everyone but his 11 cult followers. Judas doesn't count because he killed himself. So we are taking the word of 11 men, who didn't even write the bible until 80 years after? And people lived to be 800?

So depends on what you ask the scientist. Do you believe in God? So what. The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors. The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

LOL!!!! MAN HAS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE as proof GOD IS REAL!!! WHAT KIND OF FOOL needs more??????????????????

So if/when they ever prove there is life on another planet, will you then admit there is no god or will you just move the goal post like you guys have for 2000 years every time we prove something you think is god is not?

I suspect even if we find life on another planet, that won't stop you from believing in god. So "man has the entire universe" first of all isn't true nor does it prove there is a god.

And if you were being honest you would admit besides the stories you believe you really don't know. So without proof, why should a hypothetical ‘cause’ be god? Why rule out all other possible explanations?

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3

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