Why do the God-haters persist?

The likely discovery of life elsewhere in the solar system is going to be utterly devastating to the religious articles.

I've heard this chortle from Atheists for years and never have understood it. God can create life anywhere God wants life to be. Since we know the universe is comprised of the same stuff, it stands to reason the building blocks of life have come to fruition elsewhere. I don't understand how that negates God.

Some smart ass Atheist once popped off at me... Well what are you going to do when we discover life on another planet and they don't believe in God? I asked, what are YOU going to do if we discover life on another planet who DO believe in God?

It's actually comedy gold to see fundamentalists stick their gods into a cosmic spackle bucket and trowel them into every corner, nook and cranny.
Welcome to Roe No More Ministry
The Pro-Life Outreach of Norma McCorvey
"Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade

After her dramatic conversion in 1995, Norma McCorvey spent two years working with the pro-life activist organization Operation Rescue. In the summer of 1997, with the assistance of her friend, Ronda Mackey, Norma decided that it was time to start her own pro-life ministry.

Goes along with my theory that most of the people picketing abortion clinics are people who themselves have gotten abortions and they feel guilty about it now so they want to impose their morals and guilt on others.

But if they had to do it all over again, they would abort again. AND, even if they wouldn't, they would still like that choice to be their not yours.

Just like with assisted suicide. We would be able to end suffering of the terminally sick if it wasn't for your perverted sick corrupt lie that there is a god.
some wise but some never do!!! And you???======
welcome to roe no more ministry
the pro-life outreach of norma mccorvey
"jane roe" of roe v. Wade

after her dramatic conversion in 1995, norma mccorvey spent two years working with the pro-life activist organization operation rescue. In the summer of 1997, with the assistance of her friend, ronda mackey, norma decided that it was time to start her own pro-life ministry.

goes along with my theory that most of the people picketing abortion clinics are people who themselves have gotten abortions and they feel guilty about it now so they want to impose their morals and guilt on others.

But if they had to do it all over again, they would abort again. And, even if they wouldn't, they would still like that choice to be their not yours.

Just like with assisted suicide. We would be able to end suffering of the terminally sick if it wasn't for your perverted sick corrupt lie that there is a god.

yes!! Some wise but some never do!!! And you???======
The likely discovery of life elsewhere in the solar system is going to be utterly devastating to the religious articles.

I've heard this chortle from Atheists for years and never have understood it. God can create life anywhere God wants life to be. Since we know the universe is comprised of the same stuff, it stands to reason the building blocks of life have come to fruition elsewhere. I don't understand how that negates God.

Some smart ass Atheist once popped off at me... Well what are you going to do when we discover life on another planet and they don't believe in God? I asked, what are YOU going to do if we discover life on another planet who DO believe in God?

Because religion said that we are the only life anywhere. Are you going to say now in advance of discovering life somewhere else that they were wrong about that too? Imagine what else they are wrong about, such as the existence of a god. :eusa_shifty:

If believing that makes you feel better :cuckoo:

◄ 1 Corinthians 2:9 It is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--

If there is a god then I can't wait to see him and heaven. But I don't have to believe you and your stupid ancestorial lies to go to heaven. If you are right that there is a god, it's dumb luck because you have zero proof. But again, it must make you feel good to believe in paradise after you die. I wish I could but that's just fantasy.
[/QUOTE] ◄ 1 Corinthians 2:9 "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--

Well that was until they found out that some of gods messengers were child abusers! Did god prepare those experiences for the children who loved him?
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

If believing that makes you feel better :cuckoo:

◄ 1 Corinthians 2:9 It is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--

Why do you quote a fiction book?

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimise it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

So stop quoting it. It only makes me hate jesus, god and you more. So you basically have no proof and you believe whatever you are told. I'm going to find me a nice chistian girl and tell her over and over god said suck my dick or burn in hell. She will most likely eventually believe it without any proof. If she is a stupid christian.
If believing that makes you feel better :cuckoo:

◄ 1 Corinthians 2:9 It is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--

Why do you quote a fiction book?

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimise it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

So stop quoting it. It only makes me hate jesus, god and you more. So you basically have no proof and you believe whatever you are told. I'm going to find me a nice chistian girl and tell her over and over god said suck my dick or burn in hell. She will most likely eventually believe it without any proof. If she is a stupid christian.

GOD SAYS YOU ARE A FOOL AND I AGREE 100% !! You will believe GOD'S Word or satan's lies!!! your choice!
◄ 1 Corinthians 2:9 It is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--

Why do you quote a fiction book?

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimise it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

So stop quoting it. It only makes me hate jesus, god and you more. So you basically have no proof and you believe whatever you are told. I'm going to find me a nice chistian girl and tell her over and over god said suck my dick or burn in hell. She will most likely eventually believe it without any proof. If she is a stupid christian.

GOD SAYS YOU ARE A FOOL AND I AGREE 100% !! You will believe GOD'S Word or satan's lies!!! your choice!

I'm assuming, unless you are just stupid and wrong that you are lying. So you must be satan. And your lies are gods words. Same thing. So I won't believe your lies which amount to gods word.
◄ 1 Corinthians 2:9 "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--

Well that was until they found out that some of gods messengers were child abusers! Did god prepare those experiences for the children who loved him?
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."[/QUOTE]

Does Shaq love his father? No he does not because that man abandoned him when he was a baby. So why should I love god who I've never seen, he never wrote me a note. In fact, the people who tell me god is my father have never met him either. So how can I love or believe in someone who won't even come visit me on holidays?
◄ 1 Corinthians 2:9 "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--

Well that was until they found out that some of gods messengers were child abusers! Did god prepare those experiences for the children who loved him?
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."[/QUOTE]

Does Shaq love his father? No he does not because that man abandoned him when he was a baby. So why should I love god who I've never seen, he never wrote me a note. In fact, the people who tell me god is my father have never met him either. So how can I love or believe in someone who won't even come visit me on holidays?[/QUOTE]

SO YOU do not know ALL mankind are sinners???? they all need Jesus as our Lord and Savior!!!
The likely discovery of life elsewhere in the solar system is going to be utterly devastating to the religious articles.

I've heard this chortle from Atheists for years and never have understood it. God can create life anywhere God wants life to be. Since we know the universe is comprised of the same stuff, it stands to reason the building blocks of life have come to fruition elsewhere. I don't understand how that negates God.

Some smart ass Atheist once popped off at me... Well what are you going to do when we discover life on another planet and they don't believe in God? I asked, what are YOU going to do if we discover life on another planet who DO believe in God?

The Scriptures do not directly address the question of alien beings. The Bible does not explicitly confirm or deny the existence of intelligent life from other planets. Although the subject is not addressed explicitly, the Bible teaches implicitly that the only things He created with intelligence are the angels, man, and the animals.

It is important to remember that the stars and planets were not created billions of years before Earth. According to the Bible, Earth is not the result of billions of years of stellar evolution during which many other planets were created. Earth was created before any other planet or star existed. Earth came into existence on the first day of Creation (Genesis 1:1). God withheld the creation of the Sun, Moon and stars until the fourth day :cuckoo:(Genesis 1:14-19). Earth is unique and holds center stage in God's Creation.

Furthermore, the Bible clearly indicates that the fate of the universe (every other planet and star) is forever linked to God's timetable for mankind and the Earth. One day, Christ will return to Earth and complete the final act of man's redemption (2 Peter 3:9-10). He will destroy this present universe and create a new heavens and Earth (2 Peter 3:7,10; Revelations 21:1). All the stars and planets will be destroyed, along with the Earth.

What bearing does this have on the question of extraterrestrial life? The timetable (and the whole reason) for this destruction and re-creation clearly seems to be based on God's plan for us Earthlings. If God had created intelligent life on other worlds, it is hard to imagine that their lives would be calibrated by the failures of Earth's inhabitants. It seems unlikely and unfair that their distant planets would be destroyed by God because of His plan for Earth. The implication of Scripture is that there are no other intelligent beings besides man, animals, and the angels.

Why will God destroy the planets and stars along with Earth? When Adam sinned, ALL of creation was affected—the entire universe. Romans 8:18-22 teaches that all “creation was subjected to futility.” Although we are all familiar with the fact that God made man the ruler of Earth (Genesis 1:28), Scripture suggests that even the heavens are subject to mankind.
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3==YES!!! POWER!!! AWESOME POWER!!!! GOD CREATED THE UNIVERSE WITH JUST WORDS,GOD SPOKE CREATION INTO BEING!!! PRETTY AWESOME!!! huh???
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3==YES!!! POWER!!! AWESOME POWER!!!! GOD CREATED THE UNIVERSE WITH JUST WORDS,GOD SPOKE CREATION INTO BEING!!! PRETTY AWESOME!!! huh???

He made one mistake. The story is totally unbelievable. Why would he make it so going to heaven or hell is contingent on believing a story that is quite possibly man made and unbelievable? Yes it takes dumb faith to believe what you believe. Pretty gullible huh?

1. Faith is believing the unbelievable. It takes faith to believe in gods. Blind faith. Despite all the evidence. None if it is true. What a scam. Believe what we tell you despite logic and common sense. And you still believe? Wow! Amazing someone could tell you an unbelievable story and you would buy it out of fear. But I understand. You’ve been brainwashed since birth and you think thinking will send you to hell. A real god would reward intelligence, not believing your dumb ignorant uneducated ancestors who also thought the world was flat.
2. Men of old were famous for their blind faith because they didn't know science. In fact anyone who was a thinker was crucified or tarred and feathered.
3. You don't know that god exists remember, you have blind faith. So you don't KNOW anything. If you know provide us with concrete evidence.
4. The adam and eve story is unbelievable so why believe the Cain and Abel story?
5. How come god doesn't take you away without dying? You believe. Who did god tell that he was proud of Enoch? Really you believe this? If there is a god he wouldn't reward your stupidity.
6. Of course a cult would say the only way to go to heaven is to believe in their god and their fake stories. Not buying it and I think you are a retard for doing so. They made that stuff up and you need to let it go. The bible is fake. You are wasting your life. And just because it makes you feel better about yourself doesn't mean we should continue to spread the lie. I think the truth is the best, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you. Just because ignorance is bliss doesn't mean you should remain ignorant.
7. If god existed he wouldn't be hiding or petty.
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3==YES!!! POWER!!! AWESOME POWER!!!! GOD CREATED THE UNIVERSE WITH JUST WORDS,GOD SPOKE CREATION INTO BEING!!! PRETTY AWESOME!!! huh???

He made one mistake. The story is totally unbelievable. Why would he make it so going to heaven or hell is contingent on believing a story that is quite possibly man made and unbelievable? Yes it takes dumb faith to believe what you believe. Pretty gullible huh?

1. Faith is believing the unbelievable. It takes faith to believe in gods. Blind faith. Despite all the evidence. None if it is true. What a scam. Believe what we tell you despite logic and common sense. And you still believe? Wow! Amazing someone could tell you an unbelievable story and you would buy it out of fear. But I understand. You’ve been brainwashed since birth and you think thinking will send you to hell. A real god would reward intelligence, not believing your dumb ignorant uneducated ancestors who also thought the world was flat.
2. Men of old were famous for their blind faith because they didn't know science. In fact anyone who was a thinker was crucified or tarred and feathered.
3. You don't know that god exists remember, you have blind faith. So you don't KNOW anything. If you know provide us with concrete evidence.
4. The adam and eve story is unbelievable so why believe the Cain and Abel story?
5. How come god doesn't take you away without dying? You believe. Who did god tell that he was proud of Enoch? Really you believe this? If there is a god he wouldn't reward your stupidity.
6. Of course a cult would say the only way to go to heaven is to believe in their god and their fake stories. Not buying it and I think you are a retard for doing so. They made that stuff up and you need to let it go. The bible is fake. You are wasting your life. And just because it makes you feel better about yourself doesn't mean we should continue to spread the lie. I think the truth is the best, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you. Just because ignorance is bliss doesn't mean you should remain ignorant.
7. If god existed he wouldn't be hiding or petty.

LOL!!! FACE THE REAL TRUTH!!! YOU don't want to believe in GOD because you love your sins too much and you dream that GOD is not real hoping you can avoid your judgment day!!!! DREAM ON!!!
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3==YES!!! POWER!!! AWESOME POWER!!!! GOD CREATED THE UNIVERSE WITH JUST WORDS,GOD SPOKE CREATION INTO BEING!!! PRETTY AWESOME!!! huh???

He made one mistake. The story is totally unbelievable. Why would he make it so going to heaven or hell is contingent on believing a story that is quite possibly man made and unbelievable? Yes it takes dumb faith to believe what you believe. Pretty gullible huh?

1. Faith is believing the unbelievable. It takes faith to believe in gods. Blind faith. Despite all the evidence. None if it is true. What a scam. Believe what we tell you despite logic and common sense. And you still believe? Wow! Amazing someone could tell you an unbelievable story and you would buy it out of fear. But I understand. You’ve been brainwashed since birth and you think thinking will send you to hell. A real god would reward intelligence, not believing your dumb ignorant uneducated ancestors who also thought the world was flat.
2. Men of old were famous for their blind faith because they didn't know science. In fact anyone who was a thinker was crucified or tarred and feathered.
3. You don't know that god exists remember, you have blind faith. So you don't KNOW anything. If you know provide us with concrete evidence.
4. The adam and eve story is unbelievable so why believe the Cain and Abel story?
5. How come god doesn't take you away without dying? You believe. Who did god tell that he was proud of Enoch? Really you believe this? If there is a god he wouldn't reward your stupidity.
6. Of course a cult would say the only way to go to heaven is to believe in their god and their fake stories. Not buying it and I think you are a retard for doing so. They made that stuff up and you need to let it go. The bible is fake. You are wasting your life. And just because it makes you feel better about yourself doesn't mean we should continue to spread the lie. I think the truth is the best, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you. Just because ignorance is bliss doesn't mean you should remain ignorant.
7. If god existed he wouldn't be hiding or petty.

LOL!!! FACE THE REAL TRUTH!!! YOU don't want to believe in GOD because you love your sins too much and you dream that GOD is not real hoping you can avoid your judgment day!!!! DREAM ON!!!

You've already suggested that before and I told you it wasn't true. If you guys could give me one shred of good evidence but you can't because you believe in a fairy tale.

If it were the real truth it would't be so hard to see.

Matter of fact, god had a head start on the truth. I was brainwashed from birth just like you. I'm just too smart to keep believing. I wish I could but I can't. No offense to god, but if he wants me to believe he has to show me something. I can't believe god damn fools like you.

Me and my atheist friends sit around and talk about this stuff when we watch the Cosmos and our really stupid christian friend whenever we ask him anything, all he has to say is "you'll burn in hell". He reminds me of you. He can't even think he is so brainwashed. At least you admit all you have is blind faith and you are trusting that book you are reading isn't a lie, which it is. It was made up 80 years after christ, redacted, edited, inconsistent and full of impossible stories. How does anyone believe still is beyond me. Like I said you are the argument against evolution because you are just as unevolved as men were 2000 years ago. They thought they were deep and profound but they were barely smarter than apes. They were superstitious not deep thinkers, again like you.
So if/when they ever prove there is life on another planet, will you then admit there is no god or will you just move the goal post like you guys have for 2000 years every time we prove something you think is god is not?

I suspect even if we find life on another planet, that won't stop you from believing in god. So "man has the entire universe" first of all isn't true nor does it prove there is a god.

And if you were being honest you would admit besides the stories you believe you really don't know. So without proof, why should a hypothetical ‘cause’ be god? Why rule out all other possible explanations?

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.

Your point in the first paragraph above is a good one. The Christian fundamentalist revulsion for science is precisely because of the exploration being undertaken by science. Science has reduced the job requirements for gawds. Where once it was believed that gawds opened every flower petal and oversaw every human endeavor. Now the gawds are relegated to sitting on thrones and paper shuffling.

The likely discovery of life elsewhere in the solar system is going to be utterly devastating to the religious articles. Life as we know it on this planet per christianity is a very earthly product of gawds and miracles and supernaturalism and supermagicalism. Life elsewhere will prove irresolvable for the gawds model.

Although, life discovered elsewhere off this planet will cause the religionists to re-interpret some verse and "discover" a new bible prophesy, like magic!

Exactly. There are like 200 other planets that look to be in the goldilocks zone. In other words they look like they are not too far or too close to their star that they probably have life on them. Do you know how far the closest one is? Something like 700,000 light years away.

But you are right. That won't debunk their lies, even though they did say at one time we were all alone. Gawd as you call him told them so. Science is going to prove him wrong again. P.S. Where is mom? What did gawd do to mom? I'm a little confused. Gawd lovers say it takes a man and a woman to produce. Who did god fuck?

You keep making these ridiculous statements. It's frustrating when you seem to be arguing from close to my own views that you continue to make such incorrect statements.

The Goldilocks Zone does not mean that life is probable on such planets, only that it is possible because those planets likely can have liquid water.

The closest planet we have found in the Goldilocks Zone isn't even vaguely close to 700,000 light years away. 700,000 light years? That would be in a distant galaxy; The Milky Way is only estimated at around 100,000 light years in diameter.

Here's a couple of Goldilocks Zone planets :

Earth 2.0? Astronomers reveal Kepler-186f, the latest planet in a habitable 'Goldilocks zone' - Science - News - The Independent

Five Planets Around Nearby Star Tau Ceti; One in Habitable Zone

The second planet, you'll note, is only 12 light years away. Not quite 700,000. :lol:

I don't think we are that far off in our beliefs, but you do a poor job articulating or arguing for yours.

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