Why do the God-haters persist?

I love it how little push back I'm getting from all the people who say they really believe in god. Probably they are quiet because there is no justifying it. They don't believe it. They want to believe it. They hope it. And if that's the truth then life really isn't so precious we can't have abortions. Hard to argue against abortion on a god denier thread. And we don't hate god just like I don't hate the heroine in any other book and I don't even hate the villain in the story "the devil". He's a very interesting character for sure. Some people get scared when they read a scary book. I know fiction when I read it.
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3

That was the best explanation they could come up with? I've already told you a million times if you don't know the answers better to say you don't know than to say it must be god.

1. What do you mean he created many worlds? Do people live in those worlds? See what I mean? The bible say so many things it can't possibly ever be wrong. All you have to do is find the appropriate verse and I'm sure you'll find it when a cult leader rambles on a creates such a big book and MULTIPLE books I guess god said just about something for every occasion. Well which is it? Are we alone or are their other living beings out there in the universe? Decide and if you are proven wrong AGAIN maybe this time you'll admit you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

What did they mean when they wrote: For by it the men of old gained approval.
True. But it isn't a surprise that a lot of scientists are atheists, agnostics or agnostic atheists which is the most rational position to take. The honest answer is no one knows. But what we do know from a logical standpoint is that there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

I bet you very few scientists take the stories in the bible literally. I wish dogma christians would reject members who deny the stories of adam, noah, moses and jesus as being literal. No jesus didn't rise from the dead and his mom wasn't a virgin and god didn't impregnate her. So if none of that is really true, what is? If Jesus was a real man he was just a really nice guy according to everyone but his 11 cult followers. Judas doesn't count because he killed himself. So we are taking the word of 11 men, who didn't even write the bible until 80 years after? And people lived to be 800?

So depends on what you ask the scientist. Do you believe in God? So what. The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors. The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

LOL!!!! MAN HAS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE as proof GOD IS REAL!!! WHAT KIND OF FOOL needs more??????????????????

So if/when they ever prove there is life on another planet, will you then admit there is no god or will you just move the goal post like you guys have for 2000 years every time we prove something you think is god is not?

I suspect even if we find life on another planet, that won't stop you from believing in god. So "man has the entire universe" first of all isn't true nor does it prove there is a god.

And if you were being honest you would admit besides the stories you believe you really don't know. So without proof, why should a hypothetical ‘cause’ be god? Why rule out all other possible explanations?

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.

Your point in the first paragraph above is a good one. The Christian fundamentalist revulsion for science is precisely because of the exploration being undertaken by science. Science has reduced the job requirements for gawds. Where once it was believed that gawds opened every flower petal and oversaw every human endeavor. Now the gawds are relegated to sitting on thrones and paper shuffling.

The likely discovery of life elsewhere in the solar system is going to be utterly devastating to the religious articles. Life as we know it on this planet per christianity is a very earthly product of gawds and miracles and supernaturalism and supermagicalism. Life elsewhere will prove irresolvable for the gawds model.

Although, life discovered elsewhere off this planet will cause the religionists to re-interpret some verse and "discover" a new bible prophesy, like magic!
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3

That was the best explanation they could come up with? I've already told you a million times if you don't know the answers better to say you don't know than to say it must be god.

1. What do you mean he created many worlds? Do people live in those worlds? See what I mean? The bible say so many things it can't possibly ever be wrong. All you have to do is find the appropriate verse and I'm sure you'll find it when a cult leader rambles on a creates such a big book and MULTIPLE books I guess god said just about something for every occasion. Well which is it? Are we alone or are their other living beings out there in the universe? Decide and if you are proven wrong AGAIN maybe this time you'll admit you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

What did they mean when they wrote: For by it the men of old gained approval.
What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. 2 Men of God in days of old were famous for their faith.

3 By faith—by believing God—we know that the world and the stars—in fact, all things—were made at God’s command; and that they were all made from things that can’t be seen.[a]

4 It was by faith that Abel obeyed God and brought an offering that pleased God more than Cain’s offering did. God accepted Abel and proved it by accepting his gift; and though Abel is long dead, we can still learn lessons from him about trusting God.

5 Enoch trusted God too, and that is why God took him away to heaven without dying; suddenly he was gone because God took him. Before this happened God had said how pleased he was with Enoch. 6 You can never please God without faith, without depending on him. Anyone who wants to come to God must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely look for him.
hebrews 11:1-6
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3

4 by magic. hebrewa 11:3(a)
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3

4 by magic. hebrewa 11:3(a)

YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. hebrewa 11:3

4 by magic. hebrewa 11:3(a)


Why would the gods need to speak when they have the ability to
perform magic??? <---- note the multiple question marks.

PRETTY AWESOME!!! huh?? <---- note the multiple question marks and exclamation points.
4 by magic. hebrewa 11:3(a)


Why would the gods need to speak when they have the ability to
perform magic??? <---- note the multiple question marks.

PRETTY AWESOME!!! huh?? <---- note the multiple question marks and exclamation points.

magic is demon power and not awesome at all but fools fall into that trap!!!and you??

Why would the gods need to speak when they have the ability to
perform magic??? <---- note the multiple question marks.

PRETTY AWESOME!!! huh?? <---- note the multiple question marks and exclamation points.

magic is demon power and not awesome at all but fools fall into that trap!!!and you??

Santeria is the only true religion absent demon power.

They call it MURDER.

What else can you call the willful taking of human life?

If it is MURDER then it MUST be first degree MURDER. After all it is pre meditated MURDER.

It's not because abortion is a legal form of murder.

Making all those MURDERS retroactive...

Sorry, but you can't do that. Most people with an 8th grade education understand how the system of justice works. You can't pass a law making something illegal, then retroactively prosecute people. And it simply doesn't matter how many redneck bible-thumping republicans want to do it.
Why would the gods need to speak when they have the ability to
perform magic??? <---- note the multiple question marks.

PRETTY AWESOME!!! huh?? <---- note the multiple question marks and exclamation points.

magic is demon power and not awesome at all but fools fall into that trap!!!and you??

Santeria is the only true religion absent demon power.


oh!!! PLEASE!!! YOU WASTE YOU LIFE ANF LIFE IS SOOOO SHORT!!! WISE UP!!! WHY ALLOW satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet??????
"Getting an abortion within the first couple months is not the same thing as going out and killing your neighbor. Can you admit that?"

You're going to need to explain why it's not the same thing. I actually think it could be worse. Your neighbor might be a terrible person who deserved to die... maybe they molested your child or pulled a knife on you? The fetus is totally innocent, hasn't hurt anyone or done anything wrong. They are human beings completely devoid of sin, the most innocent of all human life.

I've explained what I am willing to admit... that we live in a society with different moral values when it comes to human life. I'm willing to compromise and establish sensible parameters of when abortion is acceptable within the first few weeks. As I said, the longer after point of conception, the more unethical and morally wrong it becomes. Women should have a limited right to choose, and if they didn't choose to have sex and become pregnant, they should have the option to abort within a few weeks after conception. This covers rape and incest victims. Life of the mother is another exception that I can tolerate. What I can't tolerate is the system we currently have, and I'm not going to ever tolerate it.

I understand what the law says, this isn't about what is legal. For a century, it was legal to own black people, that didn't mean it was right.
They call it MURDER.

What else can you call the willful taking of human life?

If it is MURDER then it MUST be first degree MURDER. After all it is pre meditated MURDER.

It's not because abortion is a legal form of murder.

Making all those MURDERS retroactive...

Sorry, but you can't do that. Most people with an 8th grade education understand how the system of justice works. You can't pass a law making something illegal, then retroactively prosecute people. And it simply doesn't matter how many redneck bible-thumping republicans want to do it.

I'd hope you would seek an 8th grade education. Your absolutist position is ill-informed and not according to law. It's a shame your extremist beliefs don't allow you to see beyond your own prejudices. However, it's fortunate that the law protects me from you.

Roe v. Wade | LII / Legal Information Institute

Although the results are divided, most of these courts have agreed that the right of privacy, however based, is broad enough to cover the abortion decision; that the right, nonetheless, is not absolute, and is subject to some limitations; and that, at some point, the state interests as to protection of health, medical standards, and prenatal life, become dominant. We agree with this approach.

Feel free to round up your fundie cohorts and storm the Supreme Court.
Welcome to Roe No More Ministry
The Pro-Life Outreach of Norma McCorvey
"Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade

After her dramatic conversion in 1995, Norma McCorvey spent two years working with the pro-life activist organization Operation Rescue. In the summer of 1997, with the assistance of her friend, Ronda Mackey, Norma decided that it was time to start her own pro-life ministry.
LOL!!!! MAN HAS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE as proof GOD IS REAL!!! WHAT KIND OF FOOL needs more??????????????????

So if/when they ever prove there is life on another planet, will you then admit there is no god or will you just move the goal post like you guys have for 2000 years every time we prove something you think is god is not?

I suspect even if we find life on another planet, that won't stop you from believing in god. So "man has the entire universe" first of all isn't true nor does it prove there is a god.

And if you were being honest you would admit besides the stories you believe you really don't know. So without proof, why should a hypothetical ‘cause’ be god? Why rule out all other possible explanations?

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.

Your point in the first paragraph above is a good one. The Christian fundamentalist revulsion for science is precisely because of the exploration being undertaken by science. Science has reduced the job requirements for gawds. Where once it was believed that gawds opened every flower petal and oversaw every human endeavor. Now the gawds are relegated to sitting on thrones and paper shuffling.

The likely discovery of life elsewhere in the solar system is going to be utterly devastating to the religious articles. Life as we know it on this planet per christianity is a very earthly product of gawds and miracles and supernaturalism and supermagicalism. Life elsewhere will prove irresolvable for the gawds model.

Although, life discovered elsewhere off this planet will cause the religionists to re-interpret some verse and "discover" a new bible prophesy, like magic!

Exactly. There are like 200 other planets that look to be in the goldilocks zone. In other words they look like they are not too far or too close to their star that they probably have life on them. Do you know how far the closest one is? Something like 700,000 light years away.

But you are right. That won't debunk their lies, even though they did say at one time we were all alone. Gawd as you call him told them so. Science is going to prove him wrong again. P.S. Where is mom? What did gawd do to mom? I'm a little confused. Gawd lovers say it takes a man and a woman to produce. Who did god fuck?
YES!! GOD CREATED MANY WORLDS!!!2For by it the men of old gained approval. 3By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. Hebrews 11:3==== IN ETERNITY US BELIEVERS WILL HAVE SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN AND ADVENTURE!!! but you?????
Where is mom? What did gawd do to mom? I'm a little confused. Gawd lovers say it takes a man and a woman to produce.

I think most people who understand basic biology agree that it takes a male and female human to reproduce... not just Gawd lovers. This biology can only apply to God if God is a human being, which God is not. God existed before time and space, before we had perception of physical existence at all. Okay, so wrap your little mind around that for a moment and ponder, how can something "be created" when nothing physical exists? God doesn't require creation because God is not physical.

God created the universe by which the expansion creates something called "spacetime" in which we experience material reality. It's only a persistent illusion caused by an ever-expanding universe. To God, time means absolutely nothing.
So if/when they ever prove there is life on another planet, will you then admit there is no god or will you just move the goal post like you guys have for 2000 years every time we prove something you think is god is not?

I suspect even if we find life on another planet, that won't stop you from believing in god. So "man has the entire universe" first of all isn't true nor does it prove there is a god.

And if you were being honest you would admit besides the stories you believe you really don't know. So without proof, why should a hypothetical ‘cause’ be god? Why rule out all other possible explanations?

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.

Your point in the first paragraph above is a good one. The Christian fundamentalist revulsion for science is precisely because of the exploration being undertaken by science. Science has reduced the job requirements for gawds. Where once it was believed that gawds opened every flower petal and oversaw every human endeavor. Now the gawds are relegated to sitting on thrones and paper shuffling.

The likely discovery of life elsewhere in the solar system is going to be utterly devastating to the religious articles. Life as we know it on this planet per christianity is a very earthly product of gawds and miracles and supernaturalism and supermagicalism. Life elsewhere will prove irresolvable for the gawds model.

Although, life discovered elsewhere off this planet will cause the religionists to re-interpret some verse and "discover" a new bible prophesy, like magic!

Exactly. There are like 200 other planets that look to be in the goldilocks zone. In other words they look like they are not too far or too close to their star that they probably have life on them. Do you know how far the closest one is? Something like 700,000 light years away.

But you are right. That won't debunk their lies, even though they did say at one time we were all alone. Gawd as you call him told them so. Science is going to prove him wrong again. P.S. Where is mom? What did gawd do to mom? I'm a little confused. Gawd lovers say it takes a man and a woman to produce. Who did god fuck?

Hmmm. Not sure about Mrs. Gawd. Maybe Mr. Gawd has her down in the basement.

"It rubs the lotion on its skin"

-Silence of the lambs
The likely discovery of life elsewhere in the solar system is going to be utterly devastating to the religious articles.

I've heard this chortle from Atheists for years and never have understood it. God can create life anywhere God wants life to be. Since we know the universe is comprised of the same stuff, it stands to reason the building blocks of life have come to fruition elsewhere. I don't understand how that negates God.

Some smart ass Atheist once popped off at me... Well what are you going to do when we discover life on another planet and they don't believe in God? I asked, what are YOU going to do if we discover life on another planet who DO believe in God?

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