Why do the God-haters persist?


I'm trying to specifically explain to you the problem with your argument. You said "god is outside of time". That's called "Special pleading" (also known as stacking the deck, ignoring the counter evidence, slanting, and one-sided assessment) Essentially, this involves someone attempting to cite something as an exception to a generally accepted rule, principle, etc. without justifying the exception.

You have no proof there is a god let alone that he lives outside time yet you say it like its a fucking fact. :lol::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

In Psalm 90:4, Moses used a simple yet profound analogy in describing the timelessness of God: “For a thousand years in Your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” The eternity of God is contrasted with the temporality of man. Our lives are but short and frail, but God does not weaken or fail with the passage of time.

Neither do you if you make it to heaven right?:cuckoo: Right? :eusa_liar: RIGHT?:eusa_pray: Fact is you don't know anymore than anyone else. All you got is hope. What a great business model. All they do is provide you a place to get together once a week with like minded dopes and make you feel better about yourselves and make you feel like you can wash away your sins but really they don't have a product. You just come hang out and get salvation. BRILLIANT! I'm going to start a church for atheists.
I'm trying to specifically explain to you the problem with your argument. You said "god is outside of time". That's called "Special pleading" (also known as stacking the deck, ignoring the counter evidence, slanting, and one-sided assessment) Essentially, this involves someone attempting to cite something as an exception to a generally accepted rule, principle, etc. without justifying the exception.

You have no proof there is a god let alone that he lives outside time yet you say it like its a fucking fact. :lol::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

In Psalm 90:4, Moses used a simple yet profound analogy in describing the timelessness of God: “For a thousand years in Your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” The eternity of God is contrasted with the temporality of man. Our lives are but short and frail, but God does not weaken or fail with the passage of time.

Neither do you if you make it to heaven right?:cuckoo: Right? :eusa_liar: RIGHT?:eusa_pray: Fact is you don't know anymore than anyone else. All you got is hope. What a great business model. All they do is provide you a place to get together once a week with like minded dopes and make you feel better about yourselves and make you feel like you can wash away your sins but really they don't have a product. You just come hang out and get salvation. BRILLIANT! I'm going to start a church for atheists.

BELIEVERS LIVE THEIR LIVES AS sons OF GOD. WE have GOD'S word,GOD'S promise to us of blessings and joy now and eternal life later!! PTL.
Who or what created god?, Why should a hypothetical ‘cause’ have any of the common attributes of a god?, Why is the ‘cause’ a specific god?, Why can’t the universe be causeless too? and, most importantly, Why rule out all other possible explanations?

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.

In fact, something can come from nothing and we are able to observe it in the form of virtual particles and quantum vacuum fluctuations. They explain why the early universe lacked uniformity and provided the seeds for the emergence of structure. These quantum phenomena are also causeless in the sense that they are objectively and irreducibly random, a fact confirmed by tests of non-local realism and Bell’s Theorem.

GOD is outside time. Time was created for man. There was never a time when GOD was not, gow was,is and will be for eternity, He is the alpha and omega=the beginning and the end!!! ALMIGHTY GOD IS AWESOME FAR BEYOND YOUR PEANUT BRAIN non-thinking!!!HUH???

My brain isn't big enough to invent a god? First of all, you didn't invent god, someone else did and sold you a ball of lies. Think about it. These ancient stories of how god said this or that. How come he's in hiding? What evidence/proof do you use to determine that god is outside of time or that he created time for us?

How come you can't grasp the fact that a universe could be causeless and eternal? Instead the imaginary man in the sky you made up is causeless and eternal. :cuckoo:

Scripture reveals that God lives outside the bounds of time as we know it (Isaiah 57:15). Our destiny was planned “before the beginning of time” (2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2) and “before the creation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:20). “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hebrews 11:3). In other words, the physical universe we see, hear, feel and experience was created not from existing matter, but from a source independent of the physical dimensions we can perceive.

“God is spirit” (John 4:24), and, correspondingly, God is timeless rather than being eternally in time or being beyond time. Time was simply created by God as a limited part of His creation for accommodating the workings of His purpose in His disposable universe (see 2 Peter 3:10-12).

Upon the completion of His creation activity, including the creation of time, what did God conclude? “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Gen 1:31). Indeed, God is spirit in the realm of timelessness, rather than flesh in the sphere of time.

As believers, we have a deep sense of comfort knowing that God, though timeless and eternal, is in time with us right now; He is not unreachably transcendent, but right here in this moment with us. And because He’s in this moment, He can respond to our needs and prayers.
Whether sealbobo is a more insane fanatic than GISMYS is impossible to determine, but watching these two go at it is no end of entertainment....

Did you know that miracles have not been demonstrated to occur? The existence of a miracle would pose logical problems for belief in a god which can supposedly see the future and began the universe with a set of predefined laws. Even if a ‘miracle’ could be demonstrated it would not immediately imply the existence of a god, much less any particular one, as unknown natural processes or agents could still be at work.

Most alleged miracles can be explained as statistically unlikely occurrences. For example, one child surviving a plane crash that kills two hundred others is not a miracle, just as one person winning the lottery is not. In the absence of any empirical evidence, all other claims can be dismissed as the result of magical thinking, misattribution, credulity, hearsay and anecdote. Eye-witness testimony and anecdotal accounts are, by themselves, not reliable or definitive forms of proof either for such extraordinary claims.

Such claims are rarely made in relation to those things we can accurately predict and test eg. the motion of celestial bodies, boiling point of water and pull of gravity. If a god is constantly intervening in the universe it supposedly created, then it is with such ambiguity as to appear completely indistinguishable from normal background chance.

Note: Theists often fail to adequately apportion blame when claims of their particular god’s ‘infinite mercy’ or ‘omnibenevolence’ involve sparing a few lives in a disaster, or recovery from a debilitating disease – all of which their god would ultimately be responsible for inflicting if it existed. See also cherry picking.

Why won’t god heal amputees?

Elite athletes make first place and thank god, strange shapes appear on toast and some people narrowly escape death, but amputated limbs never regrow, mountains never move and food never spontaneously appears in front of the hundreds of children that starve to death each hour.
GOD is outside time. Time was created for man. There was never a time when GOD was not, gow was,is and will be for eternity, He is the alpha and omega=the beginning and the end!!! ALMIGHTY GOD IS AWESOME FAR BEYOND YOUR PEANUT BRAIN non-thinking!!!HUH???

My brain isn't big enough to invent a god? First of all, you didn't invent god, someone else did and sold you a ball of lies. Think about it. These ancient stories of how god said this or that. How come he's in hiding? What evidence/proof do you use to determine that god is outside of time or that he created time for us?

How come you can't grasp the fact that a universe could be causeless and eternal? Instead the imaginary man in the sky you made up is causeless and eternal. :cuckoo:

Scripture reveals that God lives outside the bounds of time as we know it (Isaiah 57:15). Our destiny was planned “before the beginning of time” (2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2) and “before the creation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:20). “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hebrews 11:3). In other words, the physical universe we see, hear, feel and experience was created not from existing matter, but from a source independent of the physical dimensions we can perceive.

“God is spirit” (John 4:24), and, correspondingly, God is timeless rather than being eternally in time or being beyond time. Time was simply created by God as a limited part of His creation for accommodating the workings of His purpose in His disposable universe (see 2 Peter 3:10-12).

Upon the completion of His creation activity, including the creation of time, what did God conclude? “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Gen 1:31). Indeed, God is spirit in the realm of timelessness, rather than flesh in the sphere of time.

As believers, we have a deep sense of comfort knowing that God, though timeless and eternal, is in time with us right now; He is not unreachably transcendent, but right here in this moment with us. And because He’s in this moment, He can respond to our needs and prayers.

If I tell you christianity is a scam you don't get to use their book to argue it's not. It's a fucking fairy tale. Only difference is a fairy tale happened "a long time ago in a place far far away". Your story supposedly happened 2000 years ago in the middle east. SUPPOSEDLY.

Again, only 11 guys said he performed miracles. Only 11 guys, who couldn't possibly know, say Mary was a virgin when god impregnated her. Sure that's what happened. Back then she had to tell that story or her husband would have killed her. Try telling your husband today that god knocked you up and see if he believes you.
My brain isn't big enough to invent a god? First of all, you didn't invent god, someone else did and sold you a ball of lies. Think about it. These ancient stories of how god said this or that. How come he's in hiding? What evidence/proof do you use to determine that god is outside of time or that he created time for us?

How come you can't grasp the fact that a universe could be causeless and eternal? Instead the imaginary man in the sky you made up is causeless and eternal. :cuckoo:

Scripture reveals that God lives outside the bounds of time as we know it (Isaiah 57:15). Our destiny was planned “before the beginning of time” (2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2) and “before the creation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:20). “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hebrews 11:3). In other words, the physical universe we see, hear, feel and experience was created not from existing matter, but from a source independent of the physical dimensions we can perceive.

“God is spirit” (John 4:24), and, correspondingly, God is timeless rather than being eternally in time or being beyond time. Time was simply created by God as a limited part of His creation for accommodating the workings of His purpose in His disposable universe (see 2 Peter 3:10-12).

Upon the completion of His creation activity, including the creation of time, what did God conclude? “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Gen 1:31). Indeed, God is spirit in the realm of timelessness, rather than flesh in the sphere of time.

As believers, we have a deep sense of comfort knowing that God, though timeless and eternal, is in time with us right now; He is not unreachably transcendent, but right here in this moment with us. And because He’s in this moment, He can respond to our needs and prayers.

If I tell you christianity is a scam you don't get to use their book to argue it's not. It's a fucking fairy tale. Only difference is a fairy tale happened "a long time ago in a place far far away". Your story supposedly happened 2000 years ago in the middle east. SUPPOSEDLY.

Again, only 11 guys said he performed miracles. Only 11 guys, who couldn't possibly know, say Mary was a virgin when god impregnated her. Sure that's what happened. Back then she had to tell that story or her husband would have killed her. Try telling your husband today that god knocked you up and see if he believes you.

Yup. Mary told her stupid husband that god was baby's daddy. This LIE told and retold is where the "son of god" lie got started. All this because Mary was tring to avoid certain stoning until dead. Gosh ya think she had something to gain for sticking with THAT lie?

Now in the here and now these nitwits are just as stupid as Joseph. All this because Mary was a slut.
Scripture reveals that God lives outside the bounds of time as we know it (Isaiah 57:15). Our destiny was planned “before the beginning of time” (2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2) and “before the creation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:20). “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hebrews 11:3). In other words, the physical universe we see, hear, feel and experience was created not from existing matter, but from a source independent of the physical dimensions we can perceive.

“God is spirit” (John 4:24), and, correspondingly, God is timeless rather than being eternally in time or being beyond time. Time was simply created by God as a limited part of His creation for accommodating the workings of His purpose in His disposable universe (see 2 Peter 3:10-12).

Upon the completion of His creation activity, including the creation of time, what did God conclude? “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Gen 1:31). Indeed, God is spirit in the realm of timelessness, rather than flesh in the sphere of time.

As believers, we have a deep sense of comfort knowing that God, though timeless and eternal, is in time with us right now; He is not unreachably transcendent, but right here in this moment with us. And because He’s in this moment, He can respond to our needs and prayers.

If I tell you christianity is a scam you don't get to use their book to argue it's not. It's a fucking fairy tale. Only difference is a fairy tale happened "a long time ago in a place far far away". Your story supposedly happened 2000 years ago in the middle east. SUPPOSEDLY.

Again, only 11 guys said he performed miracles. Only 11 guys, who couldn't possibly know, say Mary was a virgin when god impregnated her. Sure that's what happened. Back then she had to tell that story or her husband would have killed her. Try telling your husband today that god knocked you up and see if he believes you.

Yup. Mary told her stupid husband that god was baby's daddy. This LIE told and retold is where the "son of god" lie got started. All this because Mary was tring to avoid certain stoning until dead. Gosh ya think she had something to gain for sticking with THAT lie?

Now in the here and now these nitwits are just as stupid as Joseph. All this because Mary was a slut.

All atheist have one prayer: That they be proven wrong. And for all the Christian Jewish Muslim mumbo jumbo, theists just want to find the truth in their own way....Let's just shake hands, hug and admit we don't have a bloody clue why we are here and get on with it. This thin little patina of life and reality is wonderful and it vanishes so quickly. God will it, and if there isn't a god, what does it matter?
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Haven't been to this thread a while. I scrolled by and saw the question. And as I did the answer popped into my head.

They hate God because they don't know Him. That's also why some professed believers hate their fellow man. Because they don't know God.

I invite all of you believer and non-believer to humble yourselves before your Creator and seek Him out in Truth and sincerity. He is tour Father and mine. And He loves you unconditionally. Seek Him and you will find Him
All atheist have one prayer: That they be proven wrong. And for all the Christian Jewish Muslim mumbo jumbo, theists just want to find the truth in their own way....Let's just shake hands, hug and admit we don't have a bloody clue why we are here and get on with it. This thin little patina of life and reality is wonderful and it vanishes so quickly. God will it, and if there isn't a god, what does it matter?

I can't "admit" that I don't have a bloody clue. Because that would be a lie. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that Jesus is the Christ. And I cannot and dare not deny it. I know it. And I know God knows that I know it. So why should I lie and say otherwise?
Now you know that religious people think we are the only ones in the universe. Do I really go have to dig to prove that. It would rock a lot of them if we ever found intelligent life on another planet. But ok, you got me. I don't know exactly what they say but does that really matter anyways?

Well I know a lot of Christians and I've never known of one who believed life on another planet disproves God, or believed God said this is the only place He created life.

No they are all made up. I just pick on christians because that's who's typically here. I actually use other religions when I'm discussing with christians the topic of religion. They agree other religions are silly and insane but can't see their story is impossible too. At least highly improbable since I wasn't there and I can't say for sure there is no god. I can only say 99.9% there probably is no god. What proof do you have?

I already told you, Time. Everything you perceive as reality is happening in spacetime continuum of a universe that continues to expand. Time=Distance. Without this expansion of the universe happening, nothing you can comprehend as "reality" exists. There is no spacetime for it to exist. Science and physics means absolutely nothing if Time= 0. God created the universe and spacetime for your reality to exist in. How do I know? Because physical nature couldn't have created it... physical nature can't exist until there is spacetime. It's impossible for physical science to explain the origin of the universe. Physical science can't exist without spacetime. This means we can be 100% certain a physical explanation is impossible.

There were 999 religions before and after christianity. Christianity is no different. And when you really study all the religions you know that it's all made up, there isn't one shred of credible scientific measurable evidence of a god.

I'm not a fan of organized religion, I am a spiritualist. I can't defend mankind's flawed incarnations of a spiritual energy he doesn't understand. It only serves to validate my claim that humans are spiritually connected. They are certainly connecting to something powerful to cause them to create millions of religious beliefs. But men are flawed, and therefore, religion is flawed.

I've already explained why we find no "scientific evidence" of God. Science can't exist until God creates a universe with time and reality.

We even know why/how/when the mind came up with religion. Made us feel better about the noises in the night. We weren't completely alone in the dark with a god watching over us.

I've dispelled these myths many times. The archeological evidence does not show man inventing spiritual belief. From the very oldest human civilization ever uncovered, we see signs of ritual ceremony and burial, indicating the civilization had some sort of spiritual belief. Not only that, but all over the planet in various places where humans had migrated and established civilizations, they ALL had spiritual beliefs. There is simply no evidence that man 'invented' spirituality.-- Religion? Sure! But not spiritual belief.

Then there is the biological sciences of species behaviors. We find no evidence anywhere in nature of a species inventing an imaginary idol out of fear. Certainly nothing in nature has ever invented something imaginary that worked to ward off danger. But okay, humans have an imagination, so let's say they DID invent spiritual connection for this reason... If there is no God and it's meaningless, they would have soon discovered it was no use believing in God to save them. After their imaginary playmate failed to protect them from the bumps in the night a few times, they would have wised up... this is according to Darwin, not me. Humans would not have retained an attribute of behavior if it caused detriment to the species. 88% of humans are spiritual, btw, and this statistic pretty much follows the history of man.

Theists often fail to adequately apportion blame when claims of their particular god’s ‘infinite mercy’ or ‘omnibenevolence’ involve sparing a few lives in a disaster, or recovery from a debilitating disease – all of which their god would ultimately be responsible for inflicting if it existed.:eusa_pray:

Again... You are living in a reality that exists because of an ever-expanding universe. Disasters, diseases, crazy people, death... it all happens in a reality made possible by an expanding universe. God doesn't have much intervention into what happens within that spacetime continuum which enables our reality. But some humans have found that God does intervene in their reality. Let me ask you this about the last disaster/disease/catastrophe... what IF every human on the planet had prayed for God to intervene? Are you sure nothing would have happened to change the events? Perhaps there isn't enough collective 'spiritual energy' from the human race, and that's why these terrible things happen? Do you have proof that isn't the case? How do you know?
Because science cannot explain the origins of the universe (which ignores various theories about that) it means there must be a god? That's some human arrogance right there. Is science 'done' now? There are no new discoveries to be made? :lol:

Where you get the idea that it is impossible for there to be a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe I don't know.
... what IF every human on the planet had prayed for God to intervene? Are you sure nothing would have happened to change the events? Perhaps there isn't enough collective 'spiritual energy' from the human race, and that's why these terrible things happen? Do you have proof that isn't the case? How do you know?


praise be forever ...

Because science cannot explain the origins of the universe (which ignores various theories about that) it means there must be a god? That's some human arrogance right there. Is science 'done' now? There are no new discoveries to be made? :lol:

Where you get the idea that it is impossible for there to be a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe I don't know.

Follow me slowly... Science is the study of physical nature. Physical nature exists in time created by an expanding universe. Before the Big Bang (or whatever set the universe in motion) there was no time, therefore, no physical nature for physical science to apply. There can be no physical scientific explanation of something that precedes physical nature.

Science isn't done, there are plenty of new scientific discoveries to be made, but science can only apply to the physical universe as a result of time created by an expanding universe. Without the expanding universe, there is no time and no reality, which have to exist for science to apply.
... what IF every human on the planet had prayed for God to intervene? Are you sure nothing would have happened to change the events? Perhaps there isn't enough collective 'spiritual energy' from the human race, and that's why these terrible things happen? Do you have proof that isn't the case? How do you know?


praise be forever ...


Guess you couldn't answer my question? :dunno:
... what IF every human on the planet had prayed for God to intervene? Are you sure nothing would have happened to change the events? Perhaps there isn't enough collective 'spiritual energy' from the human race, and that's why these terrible things happen? Do you have proof that isn't the case? How do you know?


praise be forever ...


Guess you couldn't answer my question? :dunno:

Now you know that religious people think we are the only ones in the universe. Do I really go have to dig to prove that. It would rock a lot of them if we ever found intelligent life on another planet. But ok, you got me. I don't know exactly what they say but does that really matter anyways?

Well I know a lot of Christians and I've never known of one who believed life on another planet disproves God, or believed God said this is the only place He created life.

No they are all made up. I just pick on christians because that's who's typically here. I actually use other religions when I'm discussing with christians the topic of religion. They agree other religions are silly and insane but can't see their story is impossible too. At least highly improbable since I wasn't there and I can't say for sure there is no god. I can only say 99.9% there probably is no god. What proof do you have?

I already told you, Time. Everything you perceive as reality is happening in spacetime continuum of a universe that continues to expand. Time=Distance. Without this expansion of the universe happening, nothing you can comprehend as "reality" exists. There is no spacetime for it to exist. Science and physics means absolutely nothing if Time= 0. God created the universe and spacetime for your reality to exist in. How do I know? Because physical nature couldn't have created it... physical nature can't exist until there is spacetime. It's impossible for physical science to explain the origin of the universe. Physical science can't exist without spacetime. This means we can be 100% certain a physical explanation is impossible.

I'm not a fan of organized religion, I am a spiritualist. I can't defend mankind's flawed incarnations of a spiritual energy he doesn't understand. It only serves to validate my claim that humans are spiritually connected. They are certainly connecting to something powerful to cause them to create millions of religious beliefs. But men are flawed, and therefore, religion is flawed.

I've already explained why we find no "scientific evidence" of God. Science can't exist until God creates a universe with time and reality.

We even know why/how/when the mind came up with religion. Made us feel better about the noises in the night. We weren't completely alone in the dark with a god watching over us.

I've dispelled these myths many times. The archeological evidence does not show man inventing spiritual belief. From the very oldest human civilization ever uncovered, we see signs of ritual ceremony and burial, indicating the civilization had some sort of spiritual belief. Not only that, but all over the planet in various places where humans had migrated and established civilizations, they ALL had spiritual beliefs. There is simply no evidence that man 'invented' spirituality.-- Religion? Sure! But not spiritual belief.

Then there is the biological sciences of species behaviors. We find no evidence anywhere in nature of a species inventing an imaginary idol out of fear. Certainly nothing in nature has ever invented something imaginary that worked to ward off danger. But okay, humans have an imagination, so let's say they DID invent spiritual connection for this reason... If there is no God and it's meaningless, they would have soon discovered it was no use believing in God to save them. After their imaginary playmate failed to protect them from the bumps in the night a few times, they would have wised up... this is according to Darwin, not me. Humans would not have retained an attribute of behavior if it caused detriment to the species. 88% of humans are spiritual, btw, and this statistic pretty much follows the history of man.

Theists often fail to adequately apportion blame when claims of their particular god’s ‘infinite mercy’ or ‘omnibenevolence’ involve sparing a few lives in a disaster, or recovery from a debilitating disease – all of which their god would ultimately be responsible for inflicting if it existed.:eusa_pray:

Again... You are living in a reality that exists because of an ever-expanding universe. Disasters, diseases, crazy people, death... it all happens in a reality made possible by an expanding universe. God doesn't have much intervention into what happens within that spacetime continuum which enables our reality. But some humans have found that God does intervene in their reality. Let me ask you this about the last disaster/disease/catastrophe... what IF every human on the planet had prayed for God to intervene? Are you sure nothing would have happened to change the events? Perhaps there isn't enough collective 'spiritual energy' from the human race, and that's why these terrible things happen? Do you have proof that isn't the case? How do you know?

How do you/we know physical nature couldn't have created the universe? Is that a fact? It may be but it doesn’t prove a god exists. Just because we can’t yet explain everything yet doesn’t give your theory of a god any credibility. I don’t even know if “This means we can be 100% certain a physical explanation is impossible” is true but I do know that this doesn’t prove there is a god. And a lot of very smart agnostic atheists would probably argue with you.
• God created/caused the universe.
The First Cause Argument is internally contradictory and raises the following questions: Who or what created god?, Why should a hypothetical ‘cause’ have any of the common attributes of a god?, Why is the ‘cause’ a specific god?, Why can’t the universe be causeless too? and, most importantly, Why rule out all other possible explanations?
It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.
The argument ignores the fact that our everyday understanding of causality has been arrived at via a posteriori inductive reasoning – which means it might not apply to everything. Time, for instance, appears to have begun with the Big Bang, so there might not have been any ’cause’ for the Universe to be an ‘effect’ of since there was probably no time for a ’cause’ to exist in. Applying concepts like time and causality to the Big Bang might be comparable to asking “What is north of the North Pole?” – ultimately nonsensical and incoherent. Furthermore, even if causality could be established it would not immediately imply the existence of a god, much less any particular one, as the properties and nature of the ’cause’ could forever remain a mystery or be naturalistic.
In fact, something can come from nothing and we are able to observe it in the form of virtual particles and quantum vacuum fluctuations. They explain why the early universe lacked uniformity and provided the seeds for the emergence of structure [2][3]. These quantum phenomena are also causeless in the sense that they are objectively and irreducibly random, a fact confirmed by tests of non-local realism and Bell’s Theorem.
Note 1: Theists often state “God is outside of time”. This claim does not actually make their speculation correct. Instead, it brings with it a whole host of problems and may be immediately dismissed as being without basis and a type fallacy known as special pleading.

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