Why do the God-haters persist?

Because science cannot explain the origins of the universe (which ignores various theories about that) it means there must be a god? That's some human arrogance right there. Is science 'done' now? There are no new discoveries to be made? :lol:

Where you get the idea that it is impossible for there to be a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe I don't know.

Follow me slowly... Science is the study of physical nature. Physical nature exists in time created by an expanding universe. Before the Big Bang (or whatever set the universe in motion) there was no time, therefore, no physical nature for physical science to apply. There can be no physical scientific explanation of something that precedes physical nature.

Science isn't done, there are plenty of new scientific discoveries to be made, but science can only apply to the physical universe as a result of time created by an expanding universe. Without the expanding universe, there is no time and no reality, which have to exist for science to apply.

I think the big bang that created our universe might be that we are the other end of a black hole. And there are probably billions of black holes so probably billions of other universes. OMG it's amazing.
Guess you couldn't answer my question? :dunno:


Why do terrible things happen to people who accept god and don't live in sin?

All atheist have one prayer: That they be proven wrong. And for all the Christian Jewish Muslim mumbo jumbo, theists just want to find the truth in their own way....Let's just shake hands, hug and admit we don't have a bloody clue why we are here and get on with it. This thin little patina of life and reality is wonderful and it vanishes so quickly. God will it, and if there isn't a god, what does it matter?

I can't "admit" that I don't have a bloody clue. Because that would be a lie. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that Jesus is the Christ. And I cannot and dare not deny it. I know it. And I know God knows that I know it. So why should I lie and say otherwise?

It wasn't a holy spirit you dope. It was your parents, church, neighbors. It was your entire society. If you were born in Saudi Arabia Mohammad would have revealed to you that Allah is the one god.

And of course you can't/won't deny it. They all told you you'd go to hell if you did.

You shouldn't lie. You should tell yourself the truth that you believe a lie.

Why do terrible things happen to people who accept god and don't live in sin?


So Adam's kids had incest with each other? Sick.
Now you know that religious people think we are the only ones in the universe. Do I really go have to dig to prove that. It would rock a lot of them if we ever found intelligent life on another planet. But ok, you got me. I don't know exactly what they say but does that really matter anyways?

Well I know a lot of Christians and I've never known of one who believed life on another planet disproves God, or believed God said this is the only place He created life.

No they are all made up. I just pick on christians because that's who's typically here. I actually use other religions when I'm discussing with christians the topic of religion. They agree other religions are silly and insane but can't see their story is impossible too. At least highly improbable since I wasn't there and I can't say for sure there is no god. I can only say 99.9% there probably is no god. What proof do you have?

I already told you, Time. Everything you perceive as reality is happening in spacetime continuum of a universe that continues to expand. Time=Distance. Without this expansion of the universe happening, nothing you can comprehend as "reality" exists. There is no spacetime for it to exist. Science and physics means absolutely nothing if Time= 0. God created the universe and spacetime for your reality to exist in. How do I know? Because physical nature couldn't have created it... physical nature can't exist until there is spacetime. It's impossible for physical science to explain the origin of the universe. Physical science can't exist without spacetime. This means we can be 100% certain a physical explanation is impossible.

I'm not a fan of organized religion, I am a spiritualist. I can't defend mankind's flawed incarnations of a spiritual energy he doesn't understand. It only serves to validate my claim that humans are spiritually connected. They are certainly connecting to something powerful to cause them to create millions of religious beliefs. But men are flawed, and therefore, religion is flawed.

I've already explained why we find no "scientific evidence" of God. Science can't exist until God creates a universe with time and reality.

We even know why/how/when the mind came up with religion. Made us feel better about the noises in the night. We weren't completely alone in the dark with a god watching over us.

I've dispelled these myths many times. The archeological evidence does not show man inventing spiritual belief. From the very oldest human civilization ever uncovered, we see signs of ritual ceremony and burial, indicating the civilization had some sort of spiritual belief. Not only that, but all over the planet in various places where humans had migrated and established civilizations, they ALL had spiritual beliefs. There is simply no evidence that man 'invented' spirituality.-- Religion? Sure! But not spiritual belief.

Then there is the biological sciences of species behaviors. We find no evidence anywhere in nature of a species inventing an imaginary idol out of fear. Certainly nothing in nature has ever invented something imaginary that worked to ward off danger. But okay, humans have an imagination, so let's say they DID invent spiritual connection for this reason... If there is no God and it's meaningless, they would have soon discovered it was no use believing in God to save them. After their imaginary playmate failed to protect them from the bumps in the night a few times, they would have wised up... this is according to Darwin, not me. Humans would not have retained an attribute of behavior if it caused detriment to the species. 88% of humans are spiritual, btw, and this statistic pretty much follows the history of man.

Theists often fail to adequately apportion blame when claims of their particular god’s ‘infinite mercy’ or ‘omnibenevolence’ involve sparing a few lives in a disaster, or recovery from a debilitating disease – all of which their god would ultimately be responsible for inflicting if it existed.:eusa_pray:

Again... You are living in a reality that exists because of an ever-expanding universe. Disasters, diseases, crazy people, death... it all happens in a reality made possible by an expanding universe. God doesn't have much intervention into what happens within that spacetime continuum which enables our reality. But some humans have found that God does intervene in their reality. Let me ask you this about the last disaster/disease/catastrophe... what IF every human on the planet had prayed for God to intervene? Are you sure nothing would have happened to change the events? Perhaps there isn't enough collective 'spiritual energy' from the human race, and that's why these terrible things happen? Do you have proof that isn't the case? How do you know?

According to Ecclesiastes 1:5 the sun actually goes around the earth--as, of course, it must, since, according to Ps 93:1, Ps 96:10, and 1 Chr 16:30, the earth does not move. And the earth cannot move because, according to 1 Samuel 2:8 and Ps 75:3, it is placed on pillars. And because it is placed on pillars, it has an underside and an upper side, as confirmed by Isaiah 40:22 which indicates that the earth is a flat disk.

Also, the stars in the biblical cosmos are just lights set in the firmament. As mere lights in the sky, they will fall to the earth in the Last Days (Matt 24:29), something that is ridiculous considering the actual stars are other suns and many times larger than the earth.

So, according to the Bible the earth is a flat, immovable disk, supported by pillars and covered with a solid vault of heaven, the rim of which is is resting on the perimeter of the disk of the earth, and the stars are just lights set in the vault of heaven.

It is therefore the height of geocentric idiocy to think that the whole universe was created merely for the sake of the earth and its inhabitants. All of which goes to show that the Bible cannot be considered the word of God.

How do you/we know physical nature couldn't have created the universe? Is that a fact? It may be but it doesn’t prove a god exists. Just because we can’t yet explain everything yet doesn’t give your theory of a god any credibility. I don’t even know if “This means we can be 100% certain a physical explanation is impossible” is true but I do know that this doesn’t prove there is a god. And a lot of very smart agnostic atheists would probably argue with you.
• God created/caused the universe.
The First Cause Argument is internally contradictory and raises the following questions: Who or what created god?

Yeah, yeah... you're going into a repeat of the claptrap you've read on some blog again. We know that physical nature didn't create the universe because physical nature can't exist without time. What we perceive as physical nature is through a reality that is enabled by an expanding universe. How could physical nature create the thing that created it?

I've explained the "who created God? question a couple of times, but you keep ignoring me. When we say something is "created" it means it has come into a physical existence by creation. God is not physical, so what do you mean by "create?" You see, what is happening here is your mind is unable to comprehend anything beyond physical existence, but something created physical existence. Now, what IS physical existence? It's the perception of reality happening in a spacetime continuum of an ever-expanding universe. Without an ever-expanding universe, time equals zero, there is no physical reality.
Because science cannot explain the origins of the universe (which ignores various theories about that) it means there must be a god? That's some human arrogance right there. Is science 'done' now? There are no new discoveries to be made? :lol:

Where you get the idea that it is impossible for there to be a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe I don't know.

Follow me slowly... Science is the study of physical nature. Physical nature exists in time created by an expanding universe. Before the Big Bang (or whatever set the universe in motion) there was no time, therefore, no physical nature for physical science to apply. There can be no physical scientific explanation of something that precedes physical nature.

Science isn't done, there are plenty of new scientific discoveries to be made, but science can only apply to the physical universe as a result of time created by an expanding universe. Without the expanding universe, there is no time and no reality, which have to exist for science to apply.

You are basing this on a number of assumptions.

First, that you know the Big Bang theory or something similar is true and before our universe began there was no time.

Second, that science will always be unable to observe or study whatever existed when there was no time (assuming the word existed even applies).

Third, that there cannot be a physical reality based explanation for the Big Bang or similar beginning to the universe.

Current science may not be up to the task, but that doesn't mean that it will always be the case.
Because science cannot explain the origins of the universe (which ignores various theories about that) it means there must be a god? That's some human arrogance right there. Is science 'done' now? There are no new discoveries to be made? :lol:

Where you get the idea that it is impossible for there to be a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe I don't know.

Follow me slowly... Science is the study of physical nature. Physical nature exists in time created by an expanding universe. Before the Big Bang (or whatever set the universe in motion) there was no time, therefore, no physical nature for physical science to apply. There can be no physical scientific explanation of something that precedes physical nature.

Science isn't done, there are plenty of new scientific discoveries to be made, but science can only apply to the physical universe as a result of time created by an expanding universe. Without the expanding universe, there is no time and no reality, which have to exist for science to apply.

I think the big bang that created our universe might be that we are the other end of a black hole. And there are probably billions of black holes so probably billions of other universes. OMG it's amazing.

And you may be correct, this is a prevailing theory at this time. Furthermore, each of the other universes may have unique laws of physics, reality may be completely different from our own. Maybe there is no gravity? Maybe the energy forces are not like our own? Perhaps there are even energy forces we may think of as "spiritual"?

Here's another aspect.. Higgs boson confirmed our standard model, which means we understand the complete set of properties operating in our own physical dimensions. But we know there are other dimensions. Everything we can comprehend is related in terms of a 4-dimensional universe. Theorists predict there could be as many as 11 dimensions, within our own universe. This means there could be multiple "realities" happening all at the same "time" or "spacetime" within the same universe. Just hovering a frequency different from our own, which we can't experience. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Because science cannot explain the origins of the universe (which ignores various theories about that) it means there must be a god? That's some human arrogance right there. Is science 'done' now? There are no new discoveries to be made? :lol:

Where you get the idea that it is impossible for there to be a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe I don't know.

Follow me slowly... Science is the study of physical nature. Physical nature exists in time created by an expanding universe. Before the Big Bang (or whatever set the universe in motion) there was no time, therefore, no physical nature for physical science to apply. There can be no physical scientific explanation of something that precedes physical nature.

Science isn't done, there are plenty of new scientific discoveries to be made, but science can only apply to the physical universe as a result of time created by an expanding universe. Without the expanding universe, there is no time and no reality, which have to exist for science to apply.

You are basing this on a number of assumptions.

First, that you know the Big Bang theory or something similar is true and before our universe began there was no time.

Second, that science will always be unable to observe or study whatever existed when there was no time (assuming the word existed even applies).

Third, that there cannot be a physical reality based explanation for the Big Bang or similar beginning to the universe.

Current science may not be up to the task, but that doesn't mean that it will always be the case.

There is no assumption, we've known for years that Time=Distance. Something set the universe in motion because it is expanding, in some cases faster than the speed of light. It is this expansion of the universe which creates time. Without time, created by an expanding universe, nothing you can imagine as a science or principle of science means anything. What does gravity mean if T=0? How can atoms bond or split if there is no time space for that to happen? Logic no longer remains valid either. Everything you have as a perception of reality means nothing without time, created by a universe that continues to expand.

Now Sicence is great, don't get me wrong. It can tell us all kinds of things about the physical universe and reality we're experiencing in it. But it simply can't explain physically what created physical. Before there was a Big Bang or something to create an expanding universe where time is a dimension. Try to wrap your head around this if you can, you are trying to explain something that can't be explained with physical science. This is absolute truth.

Now let's talk about current science... currently they are talking about the possibility of multiple universes. The M-verse Theory, if you care to look it up. Now... if Time=Distance, like in our universe... what if another universe is traveling faster or slower than ours? What if their time space is completely different? Or what if completely different laws of physics apply because of completely different atomic and subatomic particles? We can't possibly predict something we know virtually nothing about, but it stands to reason if our universe operates on a set of principles dependent upon physics and universal laws, motion, gravity, etc. probably other universes do as well.

Stephen Hawking had an interesting Q&A recently when he pontificated on the possibility that universes could be like cells of a greater organism. He cautioned about projects like SETI, where we're sending signals out into space to try and contact extraterrestrial life. He likened this to cells in the body sending signals to the brain that infection is present. What happens? The brain sends out antibodies to kill the infection.
Follow me slowly... Science is the study of physical nature. Physical nature exists in time created by an expanding universe. Before the Big Bang (or whatever set the universe in motion) there was no time, therefore, no physical nature for physical science to apply. There can be no physical scientific explanation of something that precedes physical nature.

Science isn't done, there are plenty of new scientific discoveries to be made, but science can only apply to the physical universe as a result of time created by an expanding universe. Without the expanding universe, there is no time and no reality, which have to exist for science to apply.

You are basing this on a number of assumptions.

First, that you know the Big Bang theory or something similar is true and before our universe began there was no time.

Second, that science will always be unable to observe or study whatever existed when there was no time (assuming the word existed even applies).

Third, that there cannot be a physical reality based explanation for the Big Bang or similar beginning to the universe.

Current science may not be up to the task, but that doesn't mean that it will always be the case.

There is no assumption, we've known for years that Time=Distance. Something set the universe in motion because it is expanding, in some cases faster than the speed of light. It is this expansion of the universe which creates time. Without time, created by an expanding universe, nothing you can imagine as a science or principle of science means anything. What does gravity mean if T=0? How can atoms bond or split if there is no time space for that to happen? Logic no longer remains valid either. Everything you have as a perception of reality means nothing without time, created by a universe that continues to expand.

Now Sicence is great, don't get me wrong. It can tell us all kinds of things about the physical universe and reality we're experiencing in it. But it simply can't explain physically what created physical. Before there was a Big Bang or something to create an expanding universe where time is a dimension. Try to wrap your head around this if you can, you are trying to explain something that can't be explained with physical science. This is absolute truth.

Now let's talk about current science... currently they are talking about the possibility of multiple universes. The M-verse Theory, if you care to look it up. Now... if Time=Distance, like in our universe... what if another universe is traveling faster or slower than ours? What if their time space is completely different? Or what if completely different laws of physics apply because of completely different atomic and subatomic particles? We can't possibly predict something we know virtually nothing about, but it stands to reason if our universe operates on a set of principles dependent upon physics and universal laws, motion, gravity, etc. probably other universes do as well.

Stephen Hawking had an interesting Q&A recently when he pontificated on the possibility that universes could be like cells of a greater organism. He cautioned about projects like SETI, where we're sending signals out into space to try and contact extraterrestrial life. He likened this to cells in the body sending signals to the brain that infection is present. What happens? The brain sends out antibodies to kill the infection.

In fact, something can come from nothing and we are able to observe it in the form of virtual particles and quantum vacuum fluctuations. They explain why the early universe lacked uniformity and provided the seeds for the emergence of structure. These quantum phenomena are also causeless in the sense that they are objectively and irreducibly random, a fact confirmed by tests of non-local realism and Bell’s Theorem.
Arrogance. That is wheat it boils down to. To arrogant to believe their might be a God who is superior to them

tapatalk post

Hey, you'll go to heaven if you suck my dick. And if you don't, it's out of ignorance and arrogance and you will burn in hell if you don't believe me. Need proof? God said not to ask for proof. Just do it. God wants us to believe our ignorant ancestors bullshit stories without proof? That's what it takes to go to heaven? To believe a story that can't possibly be true? Go fuck yourself you stupid bastard.
Arrogance. That is wheat it boils down to. To arrogant to believe their might be a God who is superior to them

tapatalk post

Hey, you'll go to heaven if you suck my dick. And if you don't, it's out of ignorance and arrogance and you will burn in hell if you don't believe me. Need proof? God said not to ask for proof. Just do it. God wants us to believe our ignorant ancestors bullshit stories without proof? That's what it takes to go to heaven? To believe a story that can't possibly be true? Go fuck yourself you stupid bastard.

ONLY A FOOL WILL TRY TO ARGUE AND FIGHT AGAINST GOD!!!and you???======That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
Follow me slowly... Science is the study of physical nature. Physical nature exists in time created by an expanding universe. Before the Big Bang (or whatever set the universe in motion) there was no time, therefore, no physical nature for physical science to apply. There can be no physical scientific explanation of something that precedes physical nature.

Science isn't done, there are plenty of new scientific discoveries to be made, but science can only apply to the physical universe as a result of time created by an expanding universe. Without the expanding universe, there is no time and no reality, which have to exist for science to apply.

You are basing this on a number of assumptions.

First, that you know the Big Bang theory or something similar is true and before our universe began there was no time.

Second, that science will always be unable to observe or study whatever existed when there was no time (assuming the word existed even applies).

Third, that there cannot be a physical reality based explanation for the Big Bang or similar beginning to the universe.

Current science may not be up to the task, but that doesn't mean that it will always be the case.

There is no assumption, we've known for years that Time=Distance. Something set the universe in motion because it is expanding, in some cases faster than the speed of light. It is this expansion of the universe which creates time. Without time, created by an expanding universe, nothing you can imagine as a science or principle of science means anything. What does gravity mean if T=0? How can atoms bond or split if there is no time space for that to happen? Logic no longer remains valid either. Everything you have as a perception of reality means nothing without time, created by a universe that continues to expand.

Now Sicence is great, don't get me wrong. It can tell us all kinds of things about the physical universe and reality we're experiencing in it. But it simply can't explain physically what created physical. Before there was a Big Bang or something to create an expanding universe where time is a dimension. Try to wrap your head around this if you can, you are trying to explain something that can't be explained with physical science. This is absolute truth.

Now let's talk about current science... currently they are talking about the possibility of multiple universes. The M-verse Theory, if you care to look it up. Now... if Time=Distance, like in our universe... what if another universe is traveling faster or slower than ours? What if their time space is completely different? Or what if completely different laws of physics apply because of completely different atomic and subatomic particles? We can't possibly predict something we know virtually nothing about, but it stands to reason if our universe operates on a set of principles dependent upon physics and universal laws, motion, gravity, etc. probably other universes do as well.

Stephen Hawking had an interesting Q&A recently when he pontificated on the possibility that universes could be like cells of a greater organism. He cautioned about projects like SETI, where we're sending signals out into space to try and contact extraterrestrial life. He likened this to cells in the body sending signals to the brain that infection is present. What happens? The brain sends out antibodies to kill the infection.

There is, actually, assumption.

You assumed, with your previous post, that either the Big Bang is true, or some other similar beginning to the universe.

You assumed that science will never be able to observe or study a reality without time. That may be true now, but who knows what may be possible in the future? Perhaps some sort of accurate modeling, at least, may be possible at some point.

Why can there not have been a physical answer to the creation of the universe? What about the Big Bang/Big Crunch idea?

This entire discussion is, in large part, in the realm of hypothesis and speculation at this point. I'm simply questioning why you are discussion such things as though they are established fact.
Arrogance. That is wheat it boils down to. To arrogant to believe their might be a God who is superior to them

tapatalk post

Hey, you'll go to heaven if you suck my dick. And if you don't, it's out of ignorance and arrogance and you will burn in hell if you don't believe me. Need proof? God said not to ask for proof. Just do it. God wants us to believe our ignorant ancestors bullshit stories without proof? That's what it takes to go to heaven? To believe a story that can't possibly be true? Go fuck yourself you stupid bastard.

ONLY A FOOL WILL TRY TO ARGUE AND FIGHT AGAINST GOD!!!and you???======That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

Right. It'd be like trying to fight the boogy man. He doesn't exist. If god is real he needs to reveal himself or you need to shut the fuck up. Dick in your psalm 14:4
Hey, you'll go to heaven if you suck my dick. And if you don't, it's out of ignorance and arrogance and you will burn in hell if you don't believe me. Need proof? God said not to ask for proof. Just do it. God wants us to believe our ignorant ancestors bullshit stories without proof? That's what it takes to go to heaven? To believe a story that can't possibly be true? Go fuck yourself you stupid bastard.

ONLY A FOOL WILL TRY TO ARGUE AND FIGHT AGAINST GOD!!!and you???======That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

Right. It'd be like trying to fight the boogy man. He doesn't exist. If god is real he needs to reveal himself or you need to shut the fuck up. Dick in your psalm 14:4

GOD gave HIS Word to mankind,GOD is revealed in His word. you too fat and lazy to read???
ONLY A FOOL WILL TRY TO ARGUE AND FIGHT AGAINST GOD!!!and you???======That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

Right. It'd be like trying to fight the boogy man. He doesn't exist. If god is real he needs to reveal himself or you need to shut the fuck up. Dick in your psalm 14:4

GOD gave HIS Word to mankind,GOD is revealed in His word. you too fat and lazy to read???

I would read anything god wrote. Show me something ANYTHING he or Jesus wrote. Nothing? Then maybe you're swallowing a fairy tale?

Name me one person on earth today that tells you "you have to believe their ancient fairy tale or go to hell". Why do you believe them? What proof do they have?

Remember the Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimise it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.
ONLY A FOOL WILL TRY TO ARGUE AND FIGHT AGAINST GOD!!!and you???======That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

Right. It'd be like trying to fight the boogy man. He doesn't exist. If god is real he needs to reveal himself or you need to shut the fuck up. Dick in your psalm 14:4

GOD gave HIS Word to mankind,GOD is revealed in His word. you too fat and lazy to read???

Does god approve of you calling me fat? Oh you already asked for forgiveness and he gave it? Or it doesn't matter because christians can sin as much as they want. As long as they believe the jesus lie they are going to heaven. What a fucking fool you are.

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