Why do the God-haters persist?

We can't even gloat that they for even one tiny instant get that there is nothing after death.

Yeah, funny you can't disprove afterlife, ain't it?

Most Christians I know do not believe in creationism at all and would prefer that Evolution be the standard for public schools...

Hold on a minute. Evolution doesn't have a thing to do with the origin of life. I have no problem with teaching evolution, but it doesn't explain origin. Creationism (the theory that life was created) is about origin. It's not scientific, so it shouldn't be taught as science, but to teach that it is one of the theories of origin is not a problem for me. I think children should be taught about everything.
That is the sickest part of this whole scam. When the light switch gets turned off there is nothing. We can't even gloat that they for even one tiny instant get that there is nothing after death. The get to keep dangling the carrot for their fraud and there are NO witnesses to tell on them. It is truly the perfect crime.

So basically, you are lumping every believer into lunatic cultists. While the lunatic fringe has a very loud voice, they are also a very small segment of the Christian population. Most Christians I know do not believe in creationism at all and would prefer that Evolution be the standard for public schools and they also believe in a secular government so why would I want to tread on their beliefs and ideals when they clearly are not trying to impose their beliefs on me?

It's no different than the extreme right-wing lumping in every Democrat into the stinking liberal, tree-hugging, vegan, baby-killing, eco-terrorist category.

At some point we need to put this childish nonsense behind us so we can move forward as a society.

I apologize. I mistakenly thought I read where you are an atheist. My bad.

If someone claims to be an atheist then it means you do not believe in dieties.

If someone does not believe in a deity then it does not matter where the idea of the deity resides.

Once the individual has been told that their belief in a deity is incorrect then to continue to believe is a choice that individual has made to believe a lie. There is no grey area.

If you accept that what someone else believes is truth even when you know it is not then you are not an atheist. Again I admit I was wrong. Please stop attempting to speak for atheists.
We can't even gloat that they for even one tiny instant get that there is nothing after death.

Yeah, funny you can't disprove afterlife, ain't it?

Most Christians I know do not believe in creationism at all and would prefer that Evolution be the standard for public schools...

Hold on a minute. Evolution doesn't have a thing to do with the origin of life. I have no problem with teaching evolution, but it doesn't explain origin. Creationism (the theory that life was created) is about origin. It's not scientific, so it shouldn't be taught as science, but to teach that it is one of the theories of origin is not a problem for me. I think children should be taught about everything.

There is good theory available to explain possible origin of life. Many if not all of the conditions neccesary to spark life have been shown to have existed.

There has never been a single bit of evidense shown to prove a creator ever existed.

One of the more comon deceptions of the religist is to lump all theories together as if they all are constructed out of thin air as in the case of the religions.

Evolution is not supposed to explain the beginning of life. All it shows is parts of the path life has taken. As most of living organisms were and are of soft tissues constructed from various organizations of cells we will never find all of the bits to trace life back to it's absolute origins. By "constructed" I do not mean CREATED by some deity but by the random application of survival of the conditions at the time these organized cells existed. It is a false question to place such a burden of proof on evolution.

At best we can duplicate the supposed conditions that sprung life which we have yet to do completely and exactly. There is no way to know every aspect of premordial earth. Due to the actions of plate techtonics and the folding back into the mantle of all early earth crust the evidense has long ago been lost.

Again ALL speculation is not the same. Glib statements about sky fairies is not in the same catagory and weight of scientific research and modeling.
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Many if not all of the conditions neccesary to spark life have been shown to have existed.
Nonsense. Whatever you may THINK the process was, it has NEVER been replicated.

Life comes from Life. It's called Biogenesis, Einstein.
Many if not all of the conditions neccesary to spark life have been shown to have existed.

and yet none of the "conditions necessary to spark life" have ever been demonstrated to actually be conditions necessary to spark life, because science has never sparked life under those or any other conditions........
I am an atheist. I do not believe in God in the least but I also accept that there are people who do believe and that throwing nonsensical insults at one another solves nothing.

I am not going to debate creationism vs evolution in this thread as this is not the topic, That said watch the below video. I wish all believers and non-believers can have dialogue like this:

A Debate Between An Atheist And A Christian Has Quite A Surprising Result
I am an atheist. I do not believe in God in the least but I also accept that there are people who do believe and that throwing nonsensical insults at one another solves nothing.

I am not going to debate creationism vs evolution in this thread as this is not the topic, That said watch the below video. I wish all believers and non-believers can have dialogue like this:

A Debate Between An Atheist And A Christian Has Quite A Surprising Result

"Why do the god haters persist" is the topic. It covers as many sub topics as there are reasons to persist.

It is you that is off topic as the title DOES NOT cover reasons why Atheists should get along with theists.
At best we can duplicate the supposed conditions that sprung life which we have yet to do completely and exactly.

We've yet to do it at all, period!

One of the components it may be impossible to duplicate is physically replicate the time it took for the genesis of life to occur. Life is merely the ability of the chemicals to replicate. The need to adapt to survive explains everything else after that.
Many if not all of the conditions neccesary to spark life have been shown to have existed.
Nonsense. Whatever you may THINK the process was, it has NEVER been replicated.

Life comes from Life. It's called Biogenesis, Einstein.

The components of life comes from the death and explosions of stars Einstein.

LOL... So do the components of anything created or existing in the physical realm. Was there someplace else you thought the components might have come from?

Biogenesis... Look it up! :eusa_whistle:
At best we can duplicate the supposed conditions that sprung life which we have yet to do completely and exactly.

We've yet to do it at all, period!

One of the components it may be impossible to duplicate is physically replicate the time it took for the genesis of life to occur. Life is merely the ability of the chemicals to replicate. The need to adapt to survive explains everything else after that.

Now you are making excuses for the fact that science can't replicate your theory. In the religious world, they call this FAITH. :eusa_angel:
We've yet to do it at all, period!

One of the components it may be impossible to duplicate is physically replicate the time it took for the genesis of life to occur. Life is merely the ability of the chemicals to replicate. The need to adapt to survive explains everything else after that.

Now you are making excuses for the fact that science can't replicate your theory. In the religious world, they call this FAITH. :eusa_angel:

It's not MY theory. Scientific theory is based on honest documented inquiry.

Faith is not a theory. Faith is based on dishonest undocumented speculation.
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It's not MY theory. Scientific theory is based on honest documented inquiry.

Faith is not a theory. Faith is based on dishonest undocumented speculation.

Which is basically what you are presenting.

Theory that life originated from chemical reaction.... dishonest undocumented speculation.
The need to adapt to survive explains everything else after that.

This is incorrect "dishonest undocumented speculation" as well. There has never been any example of cross-genus evolution. Everything living that has ever been known to evolve has evolved within it's own genus classification.

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