Why do the God-haters persist?

Life is merely the ability of the chemicals to replicate.

actually no....science can clearly tell you that if chemicals replicate you get chemicals, not life....if you want to replicate life you have to begin with life....

rep·li·cate (rpl-kt)
v. rep·li·cat·ed, rep·li·cat·ing, rep·li·cates
1. To duplicate, copy, reproduce, or repeat.
2. Biology To reproduce or make an exact copy or copies of (genetic material, a cell, or an organism).
3. To fold over or bend back.
To become replicated; undergo replication.
n. (-kt)
A repetition of an experiment or procedure.
adj. replicate (-kt) also rep·li·cat·ed (-ktd)
Folded over or bent back upon itself: a replicate leaf.
That is the sickest part of this whole scam. When the light switch gets turned off there is nothing. We can't even gloat that they for even one tiny instant get that there is nothing after death. The get to keep dangling the carrot for their fraud and there are NO witnesses to tell on them. It is truly the perfect crime.

So basically, you are lumping every believer into lunatic cultists. While the lunatic fringe has a very loud voice, they are also a very small segment of the Christian population. Most Christians I know do not believe in creationism at all and would prefer that Evolution be the standard for public schools and they also believe in a secular government so why would I want to tread on their beliefs and ideals when they clearly are not trying to impose their beliefs on me?

It's no different than the extreme right-wing lumping in every Democrat into the stinking liberal, tree-hugging, vegan, baby-killing, eco-terrorist category.

At some point we need to put this childish nonsense behind us so we can move forward as a society.

Maybe Reagan & Bush should have thought about that before they decided to use religion as a wedge issue. Had they not done that I wouldn't even be anti religion. I thank them for opening my eyes.

It was Reagan who started the Immoral Minority and they are the ones who got GW elected and you see where that got us. Today the GOP all around the country is pushing anti abortion and anti gay legislation to cater to these religious nuts.

And if you are voting GOP then you my friend are part of the religious extremist wacko lunatic movement. Maybe you aren't as extreme but close enough. What other reason would you have to vote GOP? Either you are rich or you are voting GOP because of god, gays, guns or racism. OR, maybe just maybe you believe the bullshit they've been saying for the last 20 years. Smaller government, less regulations and taxes will spur small business growth blablabla. Either you are a nut or dumb or rich. If you vote GOP you have to pick one.
The need to adapt to survive explains everything else after that.

This is incorrect "dishonest undocumented speculation" as well. There has never been any example of cross-genus evolution. Everything living that has ever been known to evolve has evolved within it's own genus classification.

So what?

You do know human's one time lived under water, right? In fact our eyes have not evolved or improved since we crawled out of the water and so that is why our eye sight is not perfect. Our eyes are meant to be seeing under water.

I know I'm not explaining it right but you would know this if you watched the Cosmos. You didn't because you don't trust/believe science. You'd rather believe god made us. :cuckoo:

So we were fish, then we crawled out of the water, then we were little mammals and then apes and then modern day man. You got a problem with this? Still in the same genus, right? Even when we were little fish were we still in the same genus?
One of the components it may be impossible to duplicate is physically replicate the time it took for the genesis of life to occur. Life is merely the ability of the chemicals to replicate. The need to adapt to survive explains everything else after that.

Now you are making excuses for the fact that science can't replicate your theory. In the religious world, they call this FAITH. :eusa_angel:

It's not MY theory. Scientific theory is based on honest documented inquiry.

Faith is not a theory. Faith is based on dishonest undocumented speculation.

Lets compare our theories to Boss'.

We say: the theory of evolution proposes that it arose spontaneously out of the inert chemicals of planet Earth perhaps 4 billion years ago. If you ever read How Cells Work, you can see that even a primitive cell like an E. coli bacteria -- one of the simplest life forms in existence today -- is amazingly complex.

Boss says an imaginary man did it. :cuckoo:
So basically, you are lumping every believer into lunatic cultists. While the lunatic fringe has a very loud voice, they are also a very small segment of the Christian population. Most Christians I know do not believe in creationism at all and would prefer that Evolution be the standard for public schools and they also believe in a secular government so why would I want to tread on their beliefs and ideals when they clearly are not trying to impose their beliefs on me?

It's no different than the extreme right-wing lumping in every Democrat into the stinking liberal, tree-hugging, vegan, baby-killing, eco-terrorist category.

At some point we need to put this childish nonsense behind us so we can move forward as a society.

I apologize. I mistakenly thought I read where you are an atheist. My bad.

If someone claims to be an atheist then it means you do not believe in dieties.

If someone does not believe in a deity then it does not matter where the idea of the deity resides.

Once the individual has been told that their belief in a deity is incorrect then to continue to believe is a choice that individual has made to believe a lie. There is no grey area.

If you accept that what someone else believes is truth even when you know it is not then you are not an atheist. Again I admit I was wrong. Please stop attempting to speak for atheists.

That person is right though. The GOP needs to stop using god gays and abortion as wedge issues. Those things don't matter. Those are just issues to distract us from the real issues.

1. Corporations have taken over our government and they are pitting the American Middle Class against third world labor.

2. Corporations and cars and plastic are destroying this planet but corporations want to continue because the clean up will cost them. All they care about are profits. But religious people blow off global warming because they are brainwashed to defend the GOP on every issue including NOT feeling the poor and NOT healing the sick. Funny that their politics trump the two most important things Jesus said, huh?

Those are just two examples. There are many more. But the Jeti is right. We need to stop bickering over religion. If you are religious, keep that shit to yourself. But the GOP figured out a way to rally the overly religious with wedge issues.

But Jeti needs to realize that just like with the debt ceiling issue, it is not that both sides need to act better. Us liberals/democrats/progressives didn't start this religious fight.

This is what makes me mad about the American voter. They don't pay attention enough and the GOP counts on that. In fact they were counting on that in 2012. They thought Obama would get blamed for the dysfunctional government. They were wrong.

But people will not show up for midterms and that is how the GOP keeps their power. American people need to wake up, get out and vote and start voting Democratic.

But what we see from Jeti's reply is the American people don't get it. They keep voting GOP.

When are the poor in red states going to stop voting GOP? I wonder if they even count their votes, because I can't believe the southern strategy has been so affective. Those hicks hate blacks and atheists and commies so much they vote against themselves financially for over 60 years. Fucking redneck retards. Goobers. When I think of southerners I think of that imbred banjo player on Deliverance. Dueling Banjos. :lol:
The need to adapt to survive explains everything else after that.

This is incorrect "dishonest undocumented speculation" as well. There has never been any example of cross-genus evolution. Everything living that has ever been known to evolve has evolved within it's own genus classification.

Thus proof of a literal biblical tale of the flood.
Now you are making excuses for the fact that science can't replicate your theory. In the religious world, they call this FAITH. :eusa_angel:

It's not MY theory. Scientific theory is based on honest documented inquiry.

Faith is not a theory. Faith is based on dishonest undocumented speculation.

Lets compare our theories to Boss'.

We say: the theory of evolution proposes that it arose spontaneously out of the inert chemicals of planet Earth perhaps 4 billion years ago. If you ever read How Cells Work, you can see that even a primitive cell like an E. coli bacteria -- one of the simplest life forms in existence today -- is amazingly complex.

Boss says an imaginary man did it. :cuckoo:

All gaps in scientific knowledges are stuffed full of gawds.
no, he really means it......for the seculars here, the speculation they partake in is actually science.....its the new scientific method......if its plausible, it is scientifically proven.....

What if anything written in the bible is plausible?

what about abiogenesis is plausible?......

You thumpers will never get it. The theory and testable examples of evolution are independent of any beginning of life argument.

The natural mechanisms that sparked life will be subject to repeatable tests.

How does anyone test the supernatural environments of Zeus, the true god?
ROFLMAO!!! EVOLUTION IDIOTS WANT TO BELIEVE LIFE EVOLVED BY TIME AND CHANCE OUT OF POND SCUM (OR NOW THE NEWEST CRAZY IDEA FROM SPACE ROCKS) WITHOUT ANY PLAN,DESIGN OR INTELLIGENCE NEEDED!!!! ROFLMAO!!! YET little man can not create one bug,worm or even one living cell even with perfect conditions and the aid of supercomputers.
Now you are making excuses for the fact that science can't replicate your theory. In the religious world, they call this FAITH. :eusa_angel:

It's not MY theory. Scientific theory is based on honest documented inquiry.

Faith is not a theory. Faith is based on dishonest undocumented speculation.

Lets compare our theories to Boss'.

We say: the theory of evolution proposes that it arose spontaneously out of the inert chemicals of planet Earth perhaps 4 billion years ago. If you ever read How Cells Work, you can see that even a primitive cell like an E. coli bacteria -- one of the simplest life forms in existence today -- is amazingly complex.

Boss says an imaginary man did it. :cuckoo:

The truly frightening thing is that Boss and people like him BELIEVE this nonsnse and are constantly attempting to get into positions of power so they can force the population to accept these ideas.
It is clearly stated in Boss's avatar. He wants to be "in charge". Do we really want people that believe these insane ideas to be "in charge"? How did it work out with Bush? Iraq is now imploding and this would have never happened with Saddam. Saddam should have kept his mouth shut when Bush's daddy invaded his country and never threatened him publicly.

Bush believed that god talked to him ... look what happens when crazy people that believe they are in communication with dieties and spirits gain power.

Lives become secondary to their insane beliefs. Beware of these religions.
So the left wing liberal intellectualist arguments on God and Science are rebuked, and the consensus response it to attack Bush, lament on Iraq, and hurl insults? Why am I not surprised?
So the left wing liberal intellectualist arguments on God and Science are rebuked, and the consensus response it to attack Bush, lament on Iraq, and hurl insults? Why am I not surprised?

Ah.. Again the "Boss" is in error.

I am not left wing.

I am an ex republican with an axe to grind about the religious fundis taking over my old party.

NOW the wacked out thieves have no plea to the charges so they attempt to muddy the waters by calling everyone that brings to light their crimes "left wing" or "liberal"....making use of Newt Gingrich's campaign to villify those words which they hurl at anyone that points out how truly evil they, the new republicans, really are.

I am the religious fundamentalists worst nightmare. I will not lay down and get drunk like the native Americans robbed by the Mormans.

There is ample reason to persist in attacking religion and those that push it's lies on America.
I am an ex republican with an axe to grind about the religious fundis taking over my old party.

Well, sorry, but you don't have your own party in this country. The "religious fundies" are citizens with constitutional rights just like you are, and they have every right to a political voice that you have. If you don't like what they promote, find like minded people and defeat them at the ballot box. What you seem to want is a strong arm fascist regime that will enforce your personal viewpoint on the rest of society. You're a little Mussolini.

We live in a country with a two-party democratic system. One of two parties is going to be in charge. Now you might not like either one, they may both be equally deplorable, but the fact remains, at the end of the day, one of the two are going to control power in this country, and there is not a damn thing your yammering on a message board will change about that. Being a belligerent prick to religious people is not going to make religious people go away. I can see no useful purpose in what you're doing other than possibly giving you some temporary satisfaction of getting things off your chest. Is that really helping you much? I can't imagine you believe it is, but whatever.
I am not left wing.

When you abandon the topic to start yammering about Bush and Iraq, and become a Saddam apologist, that's exactly how you come across.... like a left wing radical retard.

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