Why do the God-haters persist?

My mother yesterday went back to God. Miss her and Love her.

My sympathies, thanatos. I am currently dealing with my mother battling stage 4 cancer and I know that her remaining time is short. We lost my dad 6 years ago, and as hard as that was, I know that losing mom will be much more difficult. All I can say is thank God our family has spiritual faith.
You can whine about it till the cows come home but I am not off topic. There are MANY good reasons to persist in hating "god"....

I can only speak to my own reasons. If that offends you...then good... My efforts are not without reward.

Well yes, you are completely off-topic, the thread has nothing to do with Bush or Iraq.

If your "reward" is offending others, guess what that makes you, by definition?

Ni**a please.. We have endured literally hundreds of posts from you that have absolutely nothing to do with why "god haters persist" expounding on your lame ideas about the non existant difference between religists and spiritualists.

As hard as you have tried to hijack this thread all you have only shown by example not content why god haters have ample reason to feel the way they do.

Your attempted theft of Why do the God-haters persist? is NOT a green light for you to expound on your inept difference between religion, god and some non existant spirit you claim runs everything. It proves only that you are just like all the fairy worshipers in that you are ignorant of all you engage in and insist that your way is the only way in spite of the rules of the road that clearly state otherwise.

Maybe you could explain why your little "spirit" hasn't told you that Why do the God-haters persist? isn't the best forum for you to spend hours telling everyone that came here to hear why the god haters persist had to edure your nonsense about you and your little spirit.

It's clear you THINK you are in charge... but sadly for you...it isn't true..

Well Huggy, I hardly see how I could've hijacked and stolen my own thread. The purpose of which is to explain why some people claiming to be atheists are actually god-haters with an agenda. Over 4,000 posts are now documented evidence to support the OP. I could not be more thrilled with the success of this thread.

Over and over here, I have been called a "religist" and people much more clever than you have tried to cajole me into some kind of religious extremist box, as they lash out at fundamentalist beliefs and denounce the God they fully know is real, but hate with every fiber of their being.

Now, I have tried to reasonably explain that the God which you hate and denounce is not the God I believe in. But since you do believe in that God, I can't seem to convince you. My arguments seem to fall on deaf ears because you feel this hatred must never let up. That's fine, I have no problem with your behavior, I don't know if you'll experience a sensation of burning in hell for your actions or not. I do know that you're certainly not promoting spiritual harmony, and your soul will ultimately pay the price for that choice. You know this too, but like someone on a suicide mission, the days of giving a shit have long passed.
My mother yesterday went back to God. Miss her and Love her.

My sympathies, thanatos. I am currently dealing with my mother battling stage 4 cancer and I know that her remaining time is short. We lost my dad 6 years ago, and as hard as that was, I know that losing mom will be much more difficult. All I can say is thank God our family has spiritual faith.

I am very sorry to hear that Boss.

My mother just got through chemo for lymphoma and at the same time we found out she has Alzheimers.

People are constantly asking me how I'm taking it. Do you know what I tell them? I say, "I had 43 good years with my mother. She had 70 good years. In all that time we never asked why so now that things are going bad I'm not going to ask why. It's life."

People have said I have a great attitude about it. I don't tell them I don't believe in god(s). Yes I remember thinking/talking/saying how gramma is in heaven now or my grandfather is looking down on me..... Unfortunately I don't believe that now. But it isn't any harder dealing with a dying person when you are an atheist. I don't think a lot of us are worried about the after life. Just like I didn't worry the billions of years before I was born, I think I'll be ok the billions of years when I'm gone.

But again, I am very sorry about your mom.

And hey, I don't even need to worry about my mom because she doesn't even exist!!! :lol:
Well yes, you are completely off-topic, the thread has nothing to do with Bush or Iraq.

If your "reward" is offending others, guess what that makes you, by definition?

Ni**a please.. We have endured literally hundreds of posts from you that have absolutely nothing to do with why "god haters persist" expounding on your lame ideas about the non existant difference between religists and spiritualists.

As hard as you have tried to hijack this thread all you have only shown by example not content why god haters have ample reason to feel the way they do.

Your attempted theft of Why do the God-haters persist? is NOT a green light for you to expound on your inept difference between religion, god and some non existant spirit you claim runs everything. It proves only that you are just like all the fairy worshipers in that you are ignorant of all you engage in and insist that your way is the only way in spite of the rules of the road that clearly state otherwise.

Maybe you could explain why your little "spirit" hasn't told you that Why do the God-haters persist? isn't the best forum for you to spend hours telling everyone that came here to hear why the god haters persist had to edure your nonsense about you and your little spirit.

It's clear you THINK you are in charge... but sadly for you...it isn't true..

Well Huggy, I hardly see how I could've hijacked and stolen my own thread. The purpose of which is to explain why some people claiming to be atheists are actually god-haters with an agenda. Over 4,000 posts are now documented evidence to support the OP. I could not be more thrilled with the success of this thread.

Over and over here, I have been called a "religist" and people much more clever than you have tried to cajole me into some kind of religious extremist box, as they lash out at fundamentalist beliefs and denounce the God they fully know is real, but hate with every fiber of their being.

Now, I have tried to reasonably explain that the God which you hate and denounce is not the God I believe in. But since you do believe in that God, I can't seem to convince you. My arguments seem to fall on deaf ears because you feel this hatred must never let up. That's fine, I have no problem with your behavior, I don't know if you'll experience a sensation of burning in hell for your actions or not. I do know that you're certainly not promoting spiritual harmony, and your soul will ultimately pay the price for that choice. You know this too, but like someone on a suicide mission, the days of giving a shit have long passed.

Please show me a link to anyone that agrees with your theories or are you all alone in the universe on this? :eek: I think you are all alone. That makes you less than a cult.
Hey boss. You and Gismys are sure there is a god but most scientists disagree. You smarter than them too?

Not sure where your statistics come from or how they are derived, but most theoretical physicists are spiritual. Are you smarter than a theoretical physicist? (Of course, this is rhetorical... you aren't even smarter than an average Rhesus monkey.)

Why are so many theoretical physicists atheists | Is It Normal? | http://isitnormal.com

I propose that spirituality should be viewed as a branch of knowledge alongside biology, astronomy, chemistry, etc. It is a branch of knowledge concerning an essence of our being and our consciousness that transcends physical matter. Many scientists would simply deny that there is such a thing, but that is opinion and dogma masquerading as fact. Since present day science does not study anything other than the physical, it has nothing valid to say about whatever non-physical realities may exist which can be called spiritual.

One can study spirituality without religion, and indeed I propose that ultimately one will not need the "middleman" of religion to study the laws of spirituality (whatever they may be) any more than one needs a religion of physics to study physics. Both the historical legacy and the present day practice of religion have a mixed record. Religion has often been used to exploit, conquer and slaughter, which of course is grossly contradictory to genuine spirituality.
Hey boss. You and Gismys are sure there is a god but most scientists disagree. You smarter than them too?

Not sure where your statistics come from or how they are derived, but most theoretical physicists are spiritual. Are you smarter than a theoretical physicist? (Of course, this is rhetorical... you aren't even smarter than an average Rhesus monkey.)

Much of the hostility of science toward God is a reaction against religious dogmatism and outright persecution of rational thinkers in centuries past, such as Galileo and Giordano Bruno. But there is also a sense in science that understanding of the ways the world and the Universe work has been one of steady progress, systematically replacing mythology with genuine knowledge.
Professor: If God is real, God is evil. If God created all, then God also created evil. Therefore, God must be evil.
Student: I disagree.
Professor: Can you explain why?
Student: Evil does not exist.
Professor: What do you mean, of course it does.
Student: No, it doesn't. Does cold exist?
Professor: Yes, of course it does!
Student: No sir, cold is the absence of heat. Science tells us this. Does darkness exist?
Professor: Well of course darkness exists!
Student: No sir, darkness is the absence of light. Science can measure light, it cannot measure darkness. Evil is like cold and darkness, it doesn't exist, it is what is present in the absence of God's love.

The Student? Albert Einstein.
Hey boss. You and Gismys are sure there is a god but most scientists disagree. You smarter than them too?

Not sure where your statistics come from or how they are derived, but most theoretical physicists are spiritual. Are you smarter than a theoretical physicist? (Of course, this is rhetorical... you aren't even smarter than an average Rhesus monkey.)

Much of the hostility of science toward God is a reaction against religious dogmatism and outright persecution of rational thinkers in centuries past, such as Galileo and Giordano Bruno. But there is also a sense in science that understanding of the ways the world and the Universe work has been one of steady progress, systematically replacing mythology with genuine knowledge.

Much of the hostility of science toward God....

Let me stop you right here. Science is not "hostile" toward anything. Science is the human study of physical phenomenon. What you mean to say is MEN who attempt to USE science as an offensive weapon of hostility.

We are a Type 0 civilization. We are currently moving toward being a Type I civilization. If you are unfamiliar with the terminology, this is called the Kardashev scale. A Type 0 civilization extracts its energy, information, raw-materials from crude organic-based sources. A Type I civilization uses all available resources impinging on its home planet, Type II harnesses all the energy of its star, and Type III of its galaxy. However, the implications run deeper than energy, by extension, they apply culturally to humanity or intelligence and information as well. The Internet is a Type I telephone system.

The most dangerous period is the transition from a Type 0 to Type I civilization. Because we are both primitive and also have the power of nuclear weapons. Religious fanaticism, unbeknownst to it's purveyors, seeks to keep us a Type 0 civilization and prevent us becoming a Type I civilization. A prime example would be radical Islamic fundamentalists. Earth's humans will eventually either become a Type I civilization or they will destroy themselves. If we survive long enough to see interstellar travel, we will probably find many remnants of failed Type 0 civilizations who never made the transition.

A Type I civilization is still in danger of extinction, even a Type II or Type III may be vulnerable, but by the time you reach Type IV civilization, there is immortality. A Type Ⅳ civilization extracts energy, information, and raw materials from all possible galaxies; it is effectively immortal and omnipotent with universal-scale influence, possessing the ability of theoretical time travel and instantaneous matter-energy transformation and teleportation (their apparent abilities may include moving entire asteroid belts and stars, creating alternate timelines, and affecting universal states of nature such as the gravitational constant); in fiction, these civilizations may be perceived as omnipresence/omnipotent gods.

Of course, most of this is "science fiction" at the moment, but science fiction is merely a standard deviation from science fact.
Well yes, you are completely off-topic, the thread has nothing to do with Bush or Iraq.

If your "reward" is offending others, guess what that makes you, by definition?

Ni**a please.. We have endured literally hundreds of posts from you that have absolutely nothing to do with why "god haters persist" expounding on your lame ideas about the non existant difference between religists and spiritualists.

As hard as you have tried to hijack this thread all you have only shown by example not content why god haters have ample reason to feel the way they do.

Your attempted theft of Why do the God-haters persist? is NOT a green light for you to expound on your inept difference between religion, god and some non existant spirit you claim runs everything. It proves only that you are just like all the fairy worshipers in that you are ignorant of all you engage in and insist that your way is the only way in spite of the rules of the road that clearly state otherwise.

Maybe you could explain why your little "spirit" hasn't told you that Why do the God-haters persist? isn't the best forum for you to spend hours telling everyone that came here to hear why the god haters persist had to edure your nonsense about you and your little spirit.

It's clear you THINK you are in charge... but sadly for you...it isn't true..

Well Huggy, I hardly see how I could've hijacked and stolen my own thread. The purpose of which is to explain why some people claiming to be atheists are actually god-haters with an agenda. Over 4,000 posts are now documented evidence to support the OP. I could not be more thrilled with the success of this thread.

Over and over here, I have been called a "religist" and people much more clever than you have tried to cajole me into some kind of religious extremist box, as they lash out at fundamentalist beliefs and denounce the God they fully know is real, but hate with every fiber of their being.

Now, I have tried to reasonably explain that the God which you hate and denounce is not the God I believe in. But since you do believe in that God, I can't seem to convince you. My arguments seem to fall on deaf ears because you feel this hatred must never let up. That's fine, I have no problem with your behavior, I don't know if you'll experience a sensation of burning in hell for your actions or not. I do know that you're certainly not promoting spiritual harmony, and your soul will ultimately pay the price for that choice. You know this too, but like someone on a suicide mission, the days of giving a shit have long passed.

You must be confused.

The "topic" isn't your original post.

The title you chose is the "topic" you seldom stayed on.

My so called soul does not exist. That is just jibberish and part of the scam to ensnare fools into feeling some reason to care about the fraud you and all christian type games you people attempt to run on the weak minded.

You don't have a soul either. The sad part is that there will be no last instant of clarity ... an "oh shit" moment as your brain loses the last supply of oxygen. There will be no justice for your crimes of deceit ...just nothing. Good reason to persist in hating all things god.
Ni**a please.. We have endured literally hundreds of posts from you that have absolutely nothing to do with why "god haters persist" expounding on your lame ideas about the non existant difference between religists and spiritualists.

As hard as you have tried to hijack this thread all you have only shown by example not content why god haters have ample reason to feel the way they do.

Your attempted theft of Why do the God-haters persist? is NOT a green light for you to expound on your inept difference between religion, god and some non existant spirit you claim runs everything. It proves only that you are just like all the fairy worshipers in that you are ignorant of all you engage in and insist that your way is the only way in spite of the rules of the road that clearly state otherwise.

Maybe you could explain why your little "spirit" hasn't told you that Why do the God-haters persist? isn't the best forum for you to spend hours telling everyone that came here to hear why the god haters persist had to edure your nonsense about you and your little spirit.

It's clear you THINK you are in charge... but sadly for you...it isn't true..

Well Huggy, I hardly see how I could've hijacked and stolen my own thread. The purpose of which is to explain why some people claiming to be atheists are actually god-haters with an agenda. Over 4,000 posts are now documented evidence to support the OP. I could not be more thrilled with the success of this thread.

Over and over here, I have been called a "religist" and people much more clever than you have tried to cajole me into some kind of religious extremist box, as they lash out at fundamentalist beliefs and denounce the God they fully know is real, but hate with every fiber of their being.

Now, I have tried to reasonably explain that the God which you hate and denounce is not the God I believe in. But since you do believe in that God, I can't seem to convince you. My arguments seem to fall on deaf ears because you feel this hatred must never let up. That's fine, I have no problem with your behavior, I don't know if you'll experience a sensation of burning in hell for your actions or not. I do know that you're certainly not promoting spiritual harmony, and your soul will ultimately pay the price for that choice. You know this too, but like someone on a suicide mission, the days of giving a shit have long passed.

You must be confused.

The "topic" isn't your original post.

The title you chose is the "topic" you seldom stayed on.

My so called soul does not exist. That is just jibberish and part of the scam to ensnare fools into feeling some reason to care about the fraud you and all christian type games you people attempt to run on the weak minded.

You don't have a soul either. The sad part is that there will be no last instant of clarity ... an "oh shit" moment as your brain loses the last supply of oxygen. There will be no justice for your crimes of deceit ...just nothing. Good reason to persist in hating all things god.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief.


HUGGY must not have read the "I say so" memo from the "bait and switch" - OP.

Ni**a please.. We have endured literally hundreds of posts from you that have absolutely nothing to do with why "god haters persist" expounding on your lame ideas about the non existant difference between religists and spiritualists.

As hard as you have tried to hijack this thread all you have only shown by example not content why god haters have ample reason to feel the way they do.

Your attempted theft of Why do the God-haters persist? is NOT a green light for you to expound on your inept difference between religion, god and some non existant spirit you claim runs everything. It proves only that you are just like all the fairy worshipers in that you are ignorant of all you engage in and insist that your way is the only way in spite of the rules of the road that clearly state otherwise.

Maybe you could explain why your little "spirit" hasn't told you that Why do the God-haters persist? isn't the best forum for you to spend hours telling everyone that came here to hear why the god haters persist had to edure your nonsense about you and your little spirit.

It's clear you THINK you are in charge... but sadly for you...it isn't true..

Well Huggy, I hardly see how I could've hijacked and stolen my own thread. The purpose of which is to explain why some people claiming to be atheists are actually god-haters with an agenda. Over 4,000 posts are now documented evidence to support the OP. I could not be more thrilled with the success of this thread.

Over and over here, I have been called a "religist" and people much more clever than you have tried to cajole me into some kind of religious extremist box, as they lash out at fundamentalist beliefs and denounce the God they fully know is real, but hate with every fiber of their being.

Now, I have tried to reasonably explain that the God which you hate and denounce is not the God I believe in. But since you do believe in that God, I can't seem to convince you. My arguments seem to fall on deaf ears because you feel this hatred must never let up. That's fine, I have no problem with your behavior, I don't know if you'll experience a sensation of burning in hell for your actions or not. I do know that you're certainly not promoting spiritual harmony, and your soul will ultimately pay the price for that choice. You know this too, but like someone on a suicide mission, the days of giving a shit have long passed.

You must be confused.

The "topic" isn't your original post.

The title you chose is the "topic" you seldom stayed on.

My so called soul does not exist. That is just jibberish and part of the scam to ensnare fools into feeling some reason to care about the fraud you and all christian type games you people attempt to run on the weak minded.

You don't have a soul either. The sad part is that there will be no last instant of clarity ... an "oh shit" moment as your brain loses the last supply of oxygen. There will be no justice for your crimes of deceit ...just nothing. Good reason to persist in hating all things god.

I always love it when my adversaries prove what kind of shallow minded idiots they are. Of course the topic is the OP and the title is simply what I decided to call the OP. The fact that you lack the mental competence to grasp that, speaks for itself.

It's good to know that you don't believe you have a soul. Although, you are among a very small sliver of society who will admit that. But you are right, you'll never see any justice for your disbelief. You'll spend your entire life hating God and not ever realizing how your time and efforts were wasted. Your feeble undernourished soul will simply descend to the next lower level of conscious awareness without ever experiencing the "oh shit" moment. Perhaps in the next life it will be paired with a vibrant mind which will acknowledge and appreciate it?

I like to be optimistic.
Well Huggy, I hardly see how I could've hijacked and stolen my own thread. The purpose of which is to explain why some people claiming to be atheists are actually god-haters with an agenda. Over 4,000 posts are now documented evidence to support the OP. I could not be more thrilled with the success of this thread.

Over and over here, I have been called a "religist" and people much more clever than you have tried to cajole me into some kind of religious extremist box, as they lash out at fundamentalist beliefs and denounce the God they fully know is real, but hate with every fiber of their being.

Now, I have tried to reasonably explain that the God which you hate and denounce is not the God I believe in. But since you do believe in that God, I can't seem to convince you. My arguments seem to fall on deaf ears because you feel this hatred must never let up. That's fine, I have no problem with your behavior, I don't know if you'll experience a sensation of burning in hell for your actions or not. I do know that you're certainly not promoting spiritual harmony, and your soul will ultimately pay the price for that choice. You know this too, but like someone on a suicide mission, the days of giving a shit have long passed.

You must be confused.

The "topic" isn't your original post.

The title you chose is the "topic" you seldom stayed on.

My so called soul does not exist. That is just jibberish and part of the scam to ensnare fools into feeling some reason to care about the fraud you and all christian type games you people attempt to run on the weak minded.

You don't have a soul either. The sad part is that there will be no last instant of clarity ... an "oh shit" moment as your brain loses the last supply of oxygen. There will be no justice for your crimes of deceit ...just nothing. Good reason to persist in hating all things god.

I always love it when my adversaries prove what kind of shallow minded idiots they are. Of course the topic is the OP and the title is simply what I decided to call the OP. The fact that you lack the mental competence to grasp that, speaks for itself.

It's good to know that you don't believe you have a soul. Although, you are among a very small sliver of society who will admit that. But you are right, you'll never see any justice for your disbelief. You'll spend your entire life hating God and not ever realizing how your time and efforts were wasted. Your feeble undernourished soul will simply descend to the next lower level of conscious awareness without ever experiencing the "oh shit" moment. Perhaps in the next life it will be paired with a vibrant mind which will acknowledge and appreciate it?

I like to be optimistic.

Of course you claim to be clever.

That is the American way. The road is paved with those that thought they were smarter than anyone else.

Your observation that I have a shallow mind is not totally untrue.

I am a simple man. It is harder to fool a simple minded person than someone who is curious. I have to admit that being a simple minded man that I never read your first post.

I don't care what was in it.

All that interested me was the title of the thread. That's all I had the interest to respond to.

Being simple....I have simple needs.

I look for titles in the religious forum to use to attack religion.

I don't need to waste time trying to understand why anyone would believe any form of nonsense associated with spirituality, faith or scripture based beliefs.

It's all bunk....hokum.. poppycock.

It's my mission to help people come to rational conclusions concerning all forms of spirituality so they don't waste their time and money falling for this fraud.

Fraud is a crime. Good people don't assist in crime. Good people stand between crime and unwitting fools.

It's simple really.
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I propose that spirituality should be viewed as a branch of knowledge alongside biology, astronomy, chemistry, etc. It is a branch of knowledge concerning an essence of our being and our consciousness that transcends physical matter. Many scientists would simply deny that there is such a thing, but that is opinion and dogma masquerading as fact. Since present day science does not study anything other than the physical, it has nothing valid to say about whatever non-physical realities may exist which can be called spiritual.

One can study spirituality without religion, and indeed I propose that ultimately one will not need the "middleman" of religion to study the laws of spirituality (whatever they may be) any more than one needs a religion of physics to study physics. Both the historical legacy and the present day practice of religion have a mixed record. Religion has often been used to exploit, conquer and slaughter, which of course is grossly contradictory to genuine spirituality.

I think that spirituality is only a pathetic word for letting your thoughts go wild.
Or, more scientifically, to open the borders between your brain areas which are dedicated to certain functions. They are connected anyway, but kind of channeled to maintain the structured functionality.
We have in the west no real conection to that, it is more endemic to asian cultures. Even there most of it is garbage or varieté, but some are really into it.

What I do not see is anything supernatural in spirituality. And I want to make clear that I do not want spirituality to be confused wit superstition. It has nothing to do with the belief in virtual friends in heaven.
I propose that spirituality should be viewed as a branch of knowledge alongside biology, astronomy, chemistry, etc. It is a branch of knowledge concerning an essence of our being and our consciousness that transcends physical matter. Many scientists would simply deny that there is such a thing, but that is opinion and dogma masquerading as fact. Since present day science does not study anything other than the physical, it has nothing valid to say about whatever non-physical realities may exist which can be called spiritual.

One can study spirituality without religion, and indeed I propose that ultimately one will not need the "middleman" of religion to study the laws of spirituality (whatever they may be) any more than one needs a religion of physics to study physics. Both the historical legacy and the present day practice of religion have a mixed record. Religion has often been used to exploit, conquer and slaughter, which of course is grossly contradictory to genuine spirituality.

I think that spirituality is only a pathetic word for letting your thoughts go wild.
Or, more scientifically, to open the borders between your brain areas which are dedicated to certain functions. They are connected anyway, but kind of channeled to maintain the structured functionality.
We have in the west no real conection to that, it is more endemic to asian cultures. Even there most of it is garbage or varieté, but some are really into it.

What I do not see is anything supernatural in spirituality. And I want to make clear that I do not want spirituality to be confused wit superstition. It has nothing to do with the belief in virtual friends in heaven.

LOL!!!!!==ALMIGHTY GOD says atheist are FOOLS!!!


That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
Any god that was infinite, ultimate, and absolute would not have to hide.

Hi [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION]
I thought of two good examples, where God's truth "doesn't have to hide"
but can be hiding "in plain sight" and we just can't see it yet

A. I can't find the post where [MENTION=48205]thebrucebeat[/MENTION] first said it
but when I posted that "Jesus means Justice" he automatically
retorted NO those two things have nothing in common, or something like that

When I share this same concept (that Jesus means Justice)
with Christian friends at different times and places, they responded differently, too:
a1. one of the friends took several minutes to realize this made sense to her.
that Jesus WAS Justice, but didn't get it at first. It took thinking about before she agreed.
a2. another friend at work IMMEDIATELY agreed of course, Jesus means Justice.
he did not have to think about it because he already understood this
a3. another friend was criticizing Christian fundamentalists for being unforgiving and hateful. once I explained the difference between Retributive Justice and Restorative Justice, he understood the division between the Christians who judge vs ones who forgive.
EVEN among believing Christians, this understanding of Jesus as Justice is HIDDEN or obscured.
It isn't obvious to all people, even though the concept is what it is; it is out there, not hidden, yet
we don't all see it, at first, or at all.

With Bruce who is secular and does not believe in using Biblical language or symbols
to ENFORCE positive things about justice, but only to ATTACK negative injustice,
I don't think he SEES that Jesus aligns with Justice.

So he is "blind" to this, it is HIDDEN from him.
He outright REJECTED any connection between Jesus with Justice.
He aligns Christian dogma with injustice, so this is FOREIGN that it is SUPPOSED
to mean Justice with Mercy, establishing Truth through Justice, etc.

B. the other example of hiding knowledge in plain public sight:
the science and studies on spiritual healing, and the effect of forgiveness and
deliverance on healing deep rooted sickness, addiction and abuse,
have already been established FOR THOSE WHO LOOK INTO THIS RESEARCH.

For those who want to keep reinforcing REJECTION of the natural science of healing,
this knowledge is OFF LIMITS, inaccessible, or Nonexistence.

it might as well be FRAUD with the malpractice and abuse of religion that is heard in the news.

The SUCCESSFUL testimonies, case studies and research is also out there.
But it is "hidden in plain sight"

People are too busy fighting over religious division between faith and science.
Not all people are ready to see that science can prove these methods of healing work naturally.

So that is a prime example, which I find fascinating,
but TRAGIC that lives could be saved by these methods that are censored due to
religious rejection of anything to do with Christian prayer, practice and healing process.

All accessible to the public, yet not accessible and cut off by division and rejection.
Like having "water everywhere" and "not a drop to drink."

Bruce is right. To say God is the universe/love/laws of physics/patience/kindness/justice.

We already have names for these things. Redefining something as ‘god’ tells us nothing. To use the word ‘god’ implies a host of other attributes and if you don’t intend to apply those attributes, using the word is intentionally misleading.

“To call the world God is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym for the word ‘world’.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

“If Jesus is the son of god, but also god himself, then he supposedly sacrificed himself to himself to save what he created from himself. He also, therefore, prayed to himself and begged himself not to require himself be crucified in order to appease himself and save the world from the wrath of himself.” – Anonymous

There’s no hell mentioned in the Old Testament. The punishment of the dead is not specified there. It’s only with gentle Jesus, meek and mild, that the idea of eternal torture for minor transgressions is introduced.” – Christopher Hitchens

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham
Any god that was infinite, ultimate, and absolute would not have to hide.

Hi [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION]
I thought of two good examples, where God's truth "doesn't have to hide"
but can be hiding "in plain sight" and we just can't see it yet

A. I can't find the post where [MENTION=48205]thebrucebeat[/MENTION] first said it
but when I posted that "Jesus means Justice" he automatically
retorted NO those two things have nothing in common, or something like that

When I share this same concept (that Jesus means Justice)
with Christian friends at different times and places, they responded differently, too:
a1. one of the friends took several minutes to realize this made sense to her.
that Jesus WAS Justice, but didn't get it at first. It took thinking about before she agreed.
a2. another friend at work IMMEDIATELY agreed of course, Jesus means Justice.
he did not have to think about it because he already understood this
a3. another friend was criticizing Christian fundamentalists for being unforgiving and hateful. once I explained the difference between Retributive Justice and Restorative Justice, he understood the division between the Christians who judge vs ones who forgive.
EVEN among believing Christians, this understanding of Jesus as Justice is HIDDEN or obscured.
It isn't obvious to all people, even though the concept is what it is; it is out there, not hidden, yet
we don't all see it, at first, or at all.

With Bruce who is secular and does not believe in using Biblical language or symbols
to ENFORCE positive things about justice, but only to ATTACK negative injustice,
I don't think he SEES that Jesus aligns with Justice.

So he is "blind" to this, it is HIDDEN from him.
He outright REJECTED any connection between Jesus with Justice.
He aligns Christian dogma with injustice, so this is FOREIGN that it is SUPPOSED
to mean Justice with Mercy, establishing Truth through Justice, etc.

B. the other example of hiding knowledge in plain public sight:
the science and studies on spiritual healing, and the effect of forgiveness and
deliverance on healing deep rooted sickness, addiction and abuse,
have already been established FOR THOSE WHO LOOK INTO THIS RESEARCH.

For those who want to keep reinforcing REJECTION of the natural science of healing,
this knowledge is OFF LIMITS, inaccessible, or Nonexistence.

it might as well be FRAUD with the malpractice and abuse of religion that is heard in the news.

The SUCCESSFUL testimonies, case studies and research is also out there.
But it is "hidden in plain sight"

People are too busy fighting over religious division between faith and science.
Not all people are ready to see that science can prove these methods of healing work naturally.

So that is a prime example, which I find fascinating,
but TRAGIC that lives could be saved by these methods that are censored due to
religious rejection of anything to do with Christian prayer, practice and healing process.

All accessible to the public, yet not accessible and cut off by division and rejection.
Like having "water everywhere" and "not a drop to drink."

Bruce is right. To say God is the universe/love/laws of physics/patience/kindness/justice.

We already have names for these things. Redefining something as ‘god’ tells us nothing. To use the word ‘god’ implies a host of other attributes and if you don’t intend to apply those attributes, using the word is intentionally misleading.

“To call the world God is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym for the word ‘world’.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

“If Jesus is the son of god, but also god himself, then he supposedly sacrificed himself to himself to save what he created from himself. He also, therefore, prayed to himself and begged himself not to require himself be crucified in order to appease himself and save the world from the wrath of himself.” – Anonymous

There’s no hell mentioned in the Old Testament. The punishment of the dead is not specified there. It’s only with gentle Jesus, meek and mild, that the idea of eternal torture for minor transgressions is introduced.” – Christopher Hitchens

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham

You must be confused.

The "topic" isn't your original post.

The title you chose is the "topic" you seldom stayed on.

My so called soul does not exist. That is just jibberish and part of the scam to ensnare fools into feeling some reason to care about the fraud you and all christian type games you people attempt to run on the weak minded.

You don't have a soul either. The sad part is that there will be no last instant of clarity ... an "oh shit" moment as your brain loses the last supply of oxygen. There will be no justice for your crimes of deceit ...just nothing. Good reason to persist in hating all things god.

I always love it when my adversaries prove what kind of shallow minded idiots they are. Of course the topic is the OP and the title is simply what I decided to call the OP. The fact that you lack the mental competence to grasp that, speaks for itself.

It's good to know that you don't believe you have a soul. Although, you are among a very small sliver of society who will admit that. But you are right, you'll never see any justice for your disbelief. You'll spend your entire life hating God and not ever realizing how your time and efforts were wasted. Your feeble undernourished soul will simply descend to the next lower level of conscious awareness without ever experiencing the "oh shit" moment. Perhaps in the next life it will be paired with a vibrant mind which will acknowledge and appreciate it?

I like to be optimistic.

Of course you claim to be clever.

That is the American way. The road is paved with those that thought they were smarter than anyone else.

Your observation that I have a shallow mind is not totally untrue.

I am a simple man. It is harder to fool a simple minded person than someone who is curious. I have to admit that being a simple minded man that I never read your first post.

I don't care what was in it.

All that interested me was the title of the thread. That's all I had the interest to respond to.

Being simple....I have simple needs.

I look for titles in the religious forum to use to attack religion.

I don't need to waste time trying to understand why anyone would believe any form of nonsense associated with spirituality, faith or scripture based beliefs.

It's all bunk....hokum.. poppycock.

It's my mission to help people come to rational conclusions concerning all forms of spirituality so they don't waste their time and money falling for this fraud.

Fraud is a crime. Good people don't assist in crime. Good people stand between crime and unwitting fools.

It's simple really.


1. First of all, I don't think the pro's outweigh the cons. I know a lot of religious people do a lot of good things, but so do good citizens who aren't religious. Maybe instead of giving churches tax breaks we give charities all the tax breaks so at least the church's main focus will then be charity and not gold ceilings.

2. Keep it to yourselves. And stop mixing religion and politics. Stop making gays and abortion rights wedge issues. I think they use religion to divide us. Hey everyone. I asked my doctor for viagra. He asked if I was married and I said no. He said come back to me for pills when you are married. His religion doesn't approve of pre marital sex.

3. I don't want to break up their little groups/clubs but when you donate to the GOP and push to have the 10 commandments and creationalism taught in school???

4. If their religion wasn't unconstitutional and unamerican maybe I'd feel different, but all religions say they should be able to discriminate against segments of our American population. Next who will it be us atheists? Seperation of church and state.

5. Sorry, I liked your post so much it got me thinking/rambling.

6. Boss is an asshole. We don't HATE god. We just don't like what religion is and that is a lie. The only think we are angry about is his ignorance. Like a young child talking back to an adult.

7. I wish one day Boss would admit that his "faith" in their being a god means believing despite the fact that you have no hard concrete proof. Trust me Boss, if christians could prove there is a god they would have done it 2000 years ago. Oh yea, supposedly he did but won't do it for us today. Oh yea, but Boss doesn't even believe that story. He has his own ideas about who/what/why god does exist. So he does see that man can create a very fascinating story about who/what/how/when god is but he thinks there must be a god because superstitious frightened uneducated homosapians couldn't have possibly invented it. They couldn't even write and had no civilizations yet. They buried their dead and feared the afterlife and the comits and the sun and rains and animals and made them all gods until they figured out none of them were god. Now god hides somewhere inside the black holes.
Hi [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION]
I thought of two good examples, where God's truth "doesn't have to hide"
but can be hiding "in plain sight" and we just can't see it yet

A. I can't find the post where [MENTION=48205]thebrucebeat[/MENTION] first said it
but when I posted that "Jesus means Justice" he automatically
retorted NO those two things have nothing in common, or something like that

When I share this same concept (that Jesus means Justice)
with Christian friends at different times and places, they responded differently, too:
a1. one of the friends took several minutes to realize this made sense to her.
that Jesus WAS Justice, but didn't get it at first. It took thinking about before she agreed.
a2. another friend at work IMMEDIATELY agreed of course, Jesus means Justice.
he did not have to think about it because he already understood this
a3. another friend was criticizing Christian fundamentalists for being unforgiving and hateful. once I explained the difference between Retributive Justice and Restorative Justice, he understood the division between the Christians who judge vs ones who forgive.
EVEN among believing Christians, this understanding of Jesus as Justice is HIDDEN or obscured.
It isn't obvious to all people, even though the concept is what it is; it is out there, not hidden, yet
we don't all see it, at first, or at all.

With Bruce who is secular and does not believe in using Biblical language or symbols
to ENFORCE positive things about justice, but only to ATTACK negative injustice,
I don't think he SEES that Jesus aligns with Justice.

So he is "blind" to this, it is HIDDEN from him.
He outright REJECTED any connection between Jesus with Justice.
He aligns Christian dogma with injustice, so this is FOREIGN that it is SUPPOSED
to mean Justice with Mercy, establishing Truth through Justice, etc.

B. the other example of hiding knowledge in plain public sight:
the science and studies on spiritual healing, and the effect of forgiveness and
deliverance on healing deep rooted sickness, addiction and abuse,
have already been established FOR THOSE WHO LOOK INTO THIS RESEARCH.

For those who want to keep reinforcing REJECTION of the natural science of healing,
this knowledge is OFF LIMITS, inaccessible, or Nonexistence.

it might as well be FRAUD with the malpractice and abuse of religion that is heard in the news.

The SUCCESSFUL testimonies, case studies and research is also out there.
But it is "hidden in plain sight"

People are too busy fighting over religious division between faith and science.
Not all people are ready to see that science can prove these methods of healing work naturally.

So that is a prime example, which I find fascinating,
but TRAGIC that lives could be saved by these methods that are censored due to
religious rejection of anything to do with Christian prayer, practice and healing process.

All accessible to the public, yet not accessible and cut off by division and rejection.
Like having "water everywhere" and "not a drop to drink."

Bruce is right. To say God is the universe/love/laws of physics/patience/kindness/justice.

We already have names for these things. Redefining something as ‘god’ tells us nothing. To use the word ‘god’ implies a host of other attributes and if you don’t intend to apply those attributes, using the word is intentionally misleading.

“To call the world God is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym for the word ‘world’.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

“If Jesus is the son of god, but also god himself, then he supposedly sacrificed himself to himself to save what he created from himself. He also, therefore, prayed to himself and begged himself not to require himself be crucified in order to appease himself and save the world from the wrath of himself.” – Anonymous

There’s no hell mentioned in the Old Testament. The punishment of the dead is not specified there. It’s only with gentle Jesus, meek and mild, that the idea of eternal torture for minor transgressions is introduced.” – Christopher Hitchens

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham


I already did. Now what?

The Biblical account of Jesus has striking similarities with other mythologies and texts and many of his supposed teachings existed prior to his time. It is likely the character was either partly or entirely invented [2] by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another [2] on many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

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