Why do the God-haters persist?

Huggy, let me say that I am truly sorry for whatever has happened in your life to cause such visceral hate and hostility toward your fellow man. If there were any way for myself or anyone to take that pain away and restore love in your heart, I would gladly do it. For your sake, I wish that I could tell you how this expression of hate and revile for God is going to ultimately make things better for you, but it will not. I know that you don't get that right now, but I will pray you one day come to that realization. It honestly troubles me to see someone so miserable and in anguish, and I hope you can overcome that some day.
Huggy, let me say that I am truly sorry for whatever has happened in your life to cause such visceral hate and hostility toward your fellow man. If there were any way for myself or anyone to take that pain away and restore love in your heart, I would gladly do it. For your sake, I wish that I could tell you how this expression of hate and revile for God is going to ultimately make things better for you, but it will not. I know that you don't get that right now, but I will pray you one day come to that realization. It honestly troubles me to see someone so miserable and in anguish, and I hope you can overcome that some day.

I have no doubt you are sincere.

I see people every day that seem sincere and still are as wrong as is possible without a clue.

Even today I was heading home from the Ballard machine shop I have recently been working at to suppliment my income. I was in fairly heavy traffic on an arterial with three lanes in either direction and a turn lane in the middle. There was a big new 4X4 waiting to turn onto a cross street in front of me and as I sat there waitng for my light to go green a few cars ahead I had left the big black truck plenty of room to make his ill advised turn. Finally my traffic started to pull ahead in front of me and I had to go. As I passed the driver of the truck his window and mine were down and he said to me loudly and clearly..."THAT was stupid" !!!" as if his now impossible turn against traffic was MY FAULT.

I could tell from the tone of his insult that he truly believed he was in the right and the fact that I had to move with traffic was in his mind "stupid".

One block up and one block down this impatient driver could have done whatever he wanted with a traffic light to gaurantee his progress.

But no... I was "stupid".

I'm not absolutely sure but I think I saw one of those Jesus Fishes on his tailgate as I drove past him and absorbed his complaint.

You, Boss, remind me a little of Mr Right I encountered today.

You could not be more wrong about my general disposition and state of personal well being.

It is true that for a while my health...specifically pain in my back, hip and leg were a concern and frankly a serious impediment to normal activity...sleep etc...

That has finally been corrected to a major degree with good pain meds and I couldn't be happier with progress in that regard.

My contribution to these religious threads does not reflect any special hatefull attitude towards life or people in general.

I have never been personally abused by religious people as I developed my attitude and disbelief very early on..by around age 5-6 I was pretty sure religion was nonsense. I have never allowed myself to be put in a position where people like that had any power over me.

That didn't stop me from reading the bibles and the Koran and the BofM and many other religious writings. The more I read the more I was convinced my first impressions were confirmed.

Sometimes I like to have fun with it and attempt to show a more aggressive hatefull display but that is just here on this forum. Just for fun.. sort of an equal "faith" and passion as what I am up against. I rarely get real worked up..seldom curse or get personal with insults.

So to keep it short... :lol: Don't you lose any sleep over me. I don't lose any over you or the others that are far more fanatic like Jizzy. If I were you I would be far more concerned about HIS mental health.. :lol:
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That didn't stop me from reading the bibles and the Koran and the BofM and many other religious writings. The more I read the more I was convinced my first impressions were confirmed.

Everything you have indicated in this thread confirms a deep-seated hatred and disdain for religion. Repeatedly, you revert to banal rants about various religious beliefs or religious people in general. It is as if your mind cannot comprehend a spiritual God that is not affiliated with religion. In this latest rant, you show us how your mind immediately casts a judgement on someone in a truck because they had a religious symbol on the bumper. The source of all your bitterness and animosity is clearly religion.

Now I don't know you personally, I have no idea of what the people around you think of you, or how you handle day to day choices of a moral nature. However, for someone who honestly believes they have no soul, there can be no foundational basis for a belief in good and bad. It all becomes completely subjective and based on whatever your mind decides is best in the moment. Because you believe you have no soul and no accountability for it, you can establish your own perspectives and give yourself the right to cast judgement on others. For all intents and purposes, you have become your own God.

While this seems to suit you just fine, we can clearly see there is a problem. Here you are, venting and ranting against a God you claim you don't believe in. Saying whatever clever things you can think of to hurt others and disparage their beliefs any way you can. The reason is, you are empty inside. Your soul is not content with yourself as God. You feel that you can shake this emptiness if you can log into USMB and verbally abuse some Christians. That seems to make you feel better for the moment, in fact, you're proud of it and you believe it will all be okay. But it won't be okay. Eventually this will no longer satisfy you. You'll feel the need to hurt Christians in a more direct way, and you'll justify it when the time comes. Your mind will continue to hold your soul hostage, all because you can't mentally envision a God not affiliated with religion.
That didn't stop me from reading the bibles and the Koran and the BofM and many other religious writings. The more I read the more I was convinced my first impressions were confirmed.

Everything you have indicated in this thread confirms a deep-seated hatred and disdain for religion. Repeatedly, you revert to banal rants about various religious beliefs or religious people in general. It is as if your mind cannot comprehend a spiritual God that is not affiliated with religion. In this latest rant, you show us how your mind immediately casts a judgement on someone in a truck because they had a religious symbol on the bumper. The source of all your bitterness and animosity is clearly religion.

Now I don't know you personally, I have no idea of what the people around you think of you, or how you handle day to day choices of a moral nature. However, for someone who honestly believes they have no soul, there can be no foundational basis for a belief in good and bad. It all becomes completely subjective and based on whatever your mind decides is best in the moment. Because you believe you have no soul and no accountability for it, you can establish your own perspectives and give yourself the right to cast judgement on others. For all intents and purposes, you have become your own God.

While this seems to suit you just fine, we can clearly see there is a problem. Here you are, venting and ranting against a God you claim you don't believe in. Saying whatever clever things you can think of to hurt others and disparage their beliefs any way you can. The reason is, you are empty inside. Your soul is not content with yourself as God. You feel that you can shake this emptiness if you can log into USMB and verbally abuse some Christians. That seems to make you feel better for the moment, in fact, you're proud of it and you believe it will all be okay. But it won't be okay. Eventually this will no longer satisfy you. You'll feel the need to hurt Christians in a more direct way, and you'll justify it when the time comes. Your mind will continue to hold your soul hostage, all because you can't mentally envision a God not affiliated with religion.

You paint a pretty gloomy picture there Bub. :lol:

PS... I might have imagined the part about the fish on the back of the wrong guy's pickup.. :lol:
That didn't stop me from reading the bibles and the Koran and the BofM and many other religious writings. The more I read the more I was convinced my first impressions were confirmed.

Everything you have indicated in this thread confirms a deep-seated hatred and disdain for religion. Repeatedly, you revert to banal rants about various religious beliefs or religious people in general. It is as if your mind cannot comprehend a spiritual God that is not affiliated with religion. In this latest rant, you show us how your mind immediately casts a judgement on someone in a truck because they had a religious symbol on the bumper. The source of all your bitterness and animosity is clearly religion.

Now I don't know you personally, I have no idea of what the people around you think of you, or how you handle day to day choices of a moral nature. However, for someone who honestly believes they have no soul, there can be no foundational basis for a belief in good and bad. It all becomes completely subjective and based on whatever your mind decides is best in the moment. Because you believe you have no soul and no accountability for it, you can establish your own perspectives and give yourself the right to cast judgement on others. For all intents and purposes, you have become your own God.

While this seems to suit you just fine, we can clearly see there is a problem. Here you are, venting and ranting against a God you claim you don't believe in. Saying whatever clever things you can think of to hurt others and disparage their beliefs any way you can. The reason is, you are empty inside. Your soul is not content with yourself as God. You feel that you can shake this emptiness if you can log into USMB and verbally abuse some Christians. That seems to make you feel better for the moment, in fact, you're proud of it and you believe it will all be okay. But it won't be okay. Eventually this will no longer satisfy you. You'll feel the need to hurt Christians in a more direct way, and you'll justify it when the time comes. Your mind will continue to hold your soul hostage, all because you can't mentally envision a God not affiliated with religion.

You paint a pretty gloomy picture there Bub. :lol:

PS... I might have imagined the part about the fish on the back of the wrong guy's pickup.. :lol:

It is as if your mind cannot comprehend a spiritual God that is not affiliated with religion.

"pot meets kettle" -

actually, it is the proper religion defining the Spiritual path for Admission the Scripturalist are unable to comprehend as the true pursuit not yet accomplished.

It is as if your mind cannot comprehend a spiritual God that is not affiliated with religion.

"pot meets kettle" -

actually, it is the proper religion defining the Spiritual path for Admission the Scripturalist are unable to comprehend as the true pursuit not yet accomplished.

Easy there, Mr. Everlasting... the man with no soul shouldn't need your help. :lol:
silly boob: You're assuming god talked to adam, noah & moses. He didn't. If he did in "the past" then I would say god exists or at least existed. But since that's all made up all you have is wishful thinking.

Because our barely smarter than ape ancestors invented god you believe. They also invented the idea that the earth was flat. They were wrong.

Why do you continue to attempt steering the argument back to a religious belief in the God of Abraham, which I've repeatedly denied having belief in? Is this because the only way you've learned to argue against God is if God is the God of Abraham depicted in The Bible? I've assumed nothing about Adam, Noah or Moses... haven't mentioned them.

Our "barely smarter than ape ancestors," presuming you mean the ones from 500k years ago when homo sapiens first arrived on the scene, did not invent the God of Adam, Noah or Moses. In fact, I suspect if you went back a mere 4-5k years, no one would know who the hell you were talking about. Yet those very ancestors were spiritually worshiping something greater than self, at least the ones who's bones we've dug up were. The oldest civilizations we've unearthed show clear indication of human spiritual worship, and it wasn't Christian worship. So... If our "barely smarter than ape ancestors" were intrinsically inclined to worship a power greater than self, what does this say about your intelligence level?

Science must remain consistently focused on facts and results, observable evidence. It can't make determinations based on prejudice and bias toward specific religious beliefs. When we look at the history of homo sapiens, there is a very real and profound attribute that has been predominate in humans from the beginning, and that is human spirituality. Long before virtually any accomplishment of significance by man, there was human spirituality. There is also no indication this attribute was acquired through an evolution process, because no other living thing indicates any evidence of such attribute in all of nature. It is entirely exclusive to humans.

In order for you to claim this was "invented" by man, you must indicate the timeline. What we need to see is a period of time where homo sapiens existed with no apparent spirituality whatsoever, and then find the point at which this began. You can't do that because the evidence shows it has always existed in man. It's not vestigial because there is no evidence that anything else in nature has ever been spiritual. So you have no evidence it is invented or that it evolved into man, and it apparently has always been an attribute of homo sapiens... therefore, the beliefs you have are simply "faith-based" beliefs. Faith is the belief in something not in evidence. That's really all you have.
That didn't stop me from reading the bibles and the Koran and the BofM and many other religious writings. The more I read the more I was convinced my first impressions were confirmed.

Everything you have indicated in this thread confirms a deep-seated hatred and disdain for religion. Repeatedly, you revert to banal rants about various religious beliefs or religious people in general. It is as if your mind cannot comprehend a spiritual God that is not affiliated with religion. In this latest rant, you show us how your mind immediately casts a judgement on someone in a truck because they had a religious symbol on the bumper. The source of all your bitterness and animosity is clearly religion.

Now I don't know you personally, I have no idea of what the people around you think of you, or how you handle day to day choices of a moral nature. However, for someone who honestly believes they have no soul, there can be no foundational basis for a belief in good and bad. It all becomes completely subjective and based on whatever your mind decides is best in the moment. Because you believe you have no soul and no accountability for it, you can establish your own perspectives and give yourself the right to cast judgement on others. For all intents and purposes, you have become your own God.

While this seems to suit you just fine, we can clearly see there is a problem. Here you are, venting and ranting against a God you claim you don't believe in. Saying whatever clever things you can think of to hurt others and disparage their beliefs any way you can. The reason is, you are empty inside. Your soul is not content with yourself as God. You feel that you can shake this emptiness if you can log into USMB and verbally abuse some Christians. That seems to make you feel better for the moment, in fact, you're proud of it and you believe it will all be okay. But it won't be okay. Eventually this will no longer satisfy you. You'll feel the need to hurt Christians in a more direct way, and you'll justify it when the time comes. Your mind will continue to hold your soul hostage, all because you can't mentally envision a God not affiliated with religion.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3qgmVb4-kU]Mick Jagger - Memo From Turner - YouTube[/ame]
Yea yea the old if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a noise routine.

Not at all. Regardless of who hears what, once the tree falls the event is part of the past and no longer reality. It may be the last time a tree ever falls, the universe can end at any time. Reality is only what is experienced for the instant it happens. You can't hold the past or experience the past again, it's gone forever. You may remember it, but the experience was only the instant it happened. It no longer exists in reality. It will never exist again in reality.

You just blew your own mind. :lol:

Hey, I thought about something this weekend when I was high as hell watching the fireworks on the lake. Someone said something last week and it made a lot of sense to me. They asked gismys how could a god punish us for not believing something we just can't believe? If we need proof and we can't accept your virtually impossible stories then

a. Should we fake it?

b. Why would a god do this?

I think you would admit that the need to believe in a god is something man made up. If not you are just as loony as they are. I can't tell with you. You seem to understand christianity is made up but I seem to recall you saying we are scared of death or hell. Can you clarify? Do you think people who don't believe in god all go to hell?

P.S. I was watching a bunch of funny religious shows this weekend. OMG I'm sorry if you think it is rude to make fun but jesus h christ it is so obvious that these people are all either con artists or retards to be that into it. And I'm sorry it doesn't seem to be producing good results. Maybe if it wasn't such a scam.
silly boob: You're assuming god talked to adam, noah & moses. He didn't. If he did in "the past" then I would say god exists or at least existed. But since that's all made up all you have is wishful thinking.

Because our barely smarter than ape ancestors invented god you believe. They also invented the idea that the earth was flat. They were wrong.

Why do you continue to attempt steering the argument back to a religious belief in the God of Abraham, which I've repeatedly denied having belief in? Is this because the only way you've learned to argue against God is if God is the God of Abraham depicted in The Bible? I've assumed nothing about Adam, Noah or Moses... haven't mentioned them.

Our "barely smarter than ape ancestors," presuming you mean the ones from 500k years ago when homo sapiens first arrived on the scene, did not invent the God of Adam, Noah or Moses. In fact, I suspect if you went back a mere 4-5k years, no one would know who the hell you were talking about. Yet those very ancestors were spiritually worshiping something greater than self, at least the ones who's bones we've dug up were. The oldest civilizations we've unearthed show clear indication of human spiritual worship, and it wasn't Christian worship. So... If our "barely smarter than ape ancestors" were intrinsically inclined to worship a power greater than self, what does this say about your intelligence level?

Science must remain consistently focused on facts and results, observable evidence. It can't make determinations based on prejudice and bias toward specific religious beliefs. When we look at the history of homo sapiens, there is a very real and profound attribute that has been predominate in humans from the beginning, and that is human spirituality. Long before virtually any accomplishment of significance by man, there was human spirituality. There is also no indication this attribute was acquired through an evolution process, because no other living thing indicates any evidence of such attribute in all of nature. It is entirely exclusive to humans.

In order for you to claim this was "invented" by man, you must indicate the timeline. What we need to see is a period of time where homo sapiens existed with no apparent spirituality whatsoever, and then find the point at which this began. You can't do that because the evidence shows it has always existed in man. It's not vestigial because there is no evidence that anything else in nature has ever been spiritual. So you have no evidence it is invented or that it evolved into man, and it apparently has always been an attribute of homo sapiens... therefore, the beliefs you have are simply "faith-based" beliefs. Faith is the belief in something not in evidence. That's really all you have.

They thought the sun was a god. Is it? Then they were WRONG from the start. They first made it up 223,000 years ago. Timeline of religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neadertals too. How did that work out for him?

As a scientists if you look at the world and the universe

Complexity does not imply design and does not prove the existence of a god. Even if design could be established we cannot conclude anything about the nature of the designer (Aliens?). Furthermore, many biological systems have obvious defects consistent with the predictions of evolution by means of natural selection.

The appearance of complexity and order in the universe is the result of spontaneous self-organization and pattern formation, caused by chaotic feedback between simple physical laws and rules. All the complexity of the universe, all its apparent richness, even life itself, arises from simple, mindless rules repeated over and over again for billions of years. Current scientific theories are able to clearly explain how complexity and order arise in physical systems. Any lack of understanding does not immediately imply ‘god’.
FACE THE TRUTH!! THOSE THAT CHOOSE TO REJECT GOD HAVE NO EXCUSE!!!!==Rom 1:18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.

Rom 1:19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them.

Rom 1:20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

Rom 1:21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.

Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools
That didn't stop me from reading the bibles and the Koran and the BofM and many other religious writings. The more I read the more I was convinced my first impressions were confirmed.

....cannot comprehend a spiritual God that is not affiliated with religion. In this latest rant, you show us how your mind immediately casts a judgement on someone in a truck because they had a religious symbol on the bumper. The source of all your bitterness and animosity is clearly religion.

Now I don't know you personally, I have no idea of what the people around you think of you, or how you handle day to day choices of a moral nature. However, for someone who honestly believes they have no soul, there can be no foundational basis for a belief in good and bad. It all becomes completely subjective and based on whatever your mind decides is best in the moment. Because you believe you have no soul and no accountability for it, you can establish your own perspectives and give yourself the right to cast judgement on others. For all intents and purposes, you have become your own God.

While this seems to suit you just fine, we can clearly see there is a problem. Here you are, venting and ranting against a God you claim you don't believe in. Saying whatever clever things you can think of to hurt others and disparage their beliefs any way you can. The reason is, you are empty inside. Your soul is not content with yourself as God. You feel that you can shake this emptiness if you can log into USMB and verbally abuse some Christians. That seems to make you feel better for the moment, in fact, you're proud of it and you believe it will all be okay. But it won't be okay. Eventually this will no longer satisfy you. You'll feel the need to hurt Christians in a more direct way, and you'll justify it when the time comes. Your mind will continue to hold your soul hostage, all because you can't mentally envision a God not affiliated with religion.

You paint a pretty gloomy picture there Bub. :lol:

PS... I might have imagined the part about the fish on the back of the wrong guy's pickup.. :lol:

Boss says we can't imagine a spiritual god that isn't affiliated with religion but that is exactly what I believed for over 10 years when I decided chrstianity was fake. It never even dawned on me that there was no god. That's how brainwashed I was. Same as everybody else.

It wasn't until an atheist friend pointed out to me just how stupid believing in god is. For awhile I still believed even though I knew I had zero proof. But recently I was able to not fear hell at all and admit that god is made up. And even if there is some god out there, he isn't watching me jack off. That's just stupid.

And since I have completely woken up, I have spoken to many people who think like boss. They still believe in a god, even though they admit no organized religions are real but they just can't believe there is no god.

Is that any proof or reason to believe something? So I guess it would be nice if Boss would just admit that he wants to believe in a god or can't believe in a world without one. But the fact is, if you look at the universe and nature, the way thing are suggests no god.

I can’t believe/understand a world without God OR No god is too unlikely.

Argument from incredulity / Lack of imagination and Argumentum ad Ignorantiam. Ignores and does not eliminate the fact that something can seem incredible or unlikely and still be true, or appear to be obvious or likely and yet still be false.

The world is the way it is. Reality does not bend to our personal whim and facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. Our personal belief in something does not automatically make it real or true and, conversely, our lack of understanding of a topic does not make it false.

Until we understand something we “do not know”. Positing a ‘god’ in place of admitting personal ignorance is an unfounded leap which demonstrates a fundamental lack of humility.

The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. The majority of things we can possibly imagine do not exist. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

See also: Critical thinking (a must watch), Richard Feynman on Doubt and Uncertainty (a must watch).

“It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” – Carl Sagan

“God is an ever-receding pocket of ignorance that’s getting smaller and smaller as time goes on.”- Neil deGrasse Tyson
FACE THE TRUTH!! THOSE THAT CHOOSE TO REJECT GOD HAVE NO EXCUSE!!!!==Rom 1:18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.

Rom 1:19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them.

Rom 1:20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

Rom 1:21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.

Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools

I am facing the truth. Your religion is not the truth. And I can't fake belief. I call BULLSHIT on your religion. Maybe I'll take a look at the Muslims, Jews or Mormons or even Scientologists next. But yours? Not a chance that's real. Sorry. I can't believe you believe that shit. So funny. I stay up late watching your crooked pastors brainwashing the stupid sheep that make up your church. What a joke. Is that satan telling me that? :evil: Stupid people. :cuckoo:
FACE THE TRUTH!! THOSE THAT CHOOSE TO REJECT GOD HAVE NO EXCUSE!!!!==Rom 1:18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.

Rom 1:19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them.

Rom 1:20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

Rom 1:21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.

Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools

I am facing the truth. Your religion is not the truth. And I can't fake belief. I call BULLSHIT on your religion. Maybe I'll take a look at the Muslims, Jews or Mormons or even Scientologists next. But yours? Not a chance that's real. Sorry. I can't believe you believe that shit. So funny. I stay up late watching your crooked pastors brainwashing the stupid sheep that make up your church. What a joke. Is that satan telling me that? :evil: Stupid people. :cuckoo:


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