Why do the God-haters persist?

Kids have a way of getting to the Forbidden Fruit no matter what you do.

Do you have any kids? IF so then you should know what hobilem meant.

Children seem to be proof of free will....and a universe ruled by anarchy.

I don't have any of my own children, but I have been a nanny to a 5 year old since she was born. I would never let her touch a hot stove. I've stopped her from doing so more than once. Why? I think the risk of injury is greater than the reward of learning not to touch the stove through pain. :)

If you had your own children and had to do things other than just watch them, you would find out that it is impossible to get them to mind 100% of the time.

It is far better for them to learn to trust you when you say no than it is to hover over them 24/7. They will get over a widdle burnypooo. But them learning to trust you and keep that trust into their teen years may save their lives.

What do you mean, do things other than just watch them? What is it you think I would do as a parent that I don't do now?

And touching a hot stove might cause a 'widdle burnypooo'.....or it might cause a severe burn. What's the reason for allowing it? Is the child unable to learn not to touch it through any other means?

Should I let a child play with a fork in an electrical socket? Jump off a roof attempting to fly? Play in traffic? Everyone who takes care of a child determines for themselves which risks are worth allowing the child to take and which are not. There is no universal agreement for what is or is not too dangerous. I don't allow the child to touch a hot stove. Neither do her parents, so I'm not sure how being a parent would have changed anything. ;)
It may seem that way to you but, if you had a child and you said "do not touch the stove or you will burn your finger" would you say it because you were needy and wanted to be obeyed?

If the child did not listen and touched the stove and burned his finger would it be a punishment from you?
Ok, let's see if I can squeeze any sense out of this. :D

So you're saying that god himself tells you what not to do? And if you disobey he'll make sure you get burned?
Because if it were my kid, I'd stop him from getting burned, whether he understood or not.

Only someone who never raised a child to adulthood would say something like that.
You're a fucking idiot if you'd let your child get burned. I've raised 2 children who are adults now and wouldn't harm them on purpose to teach them a lesson. If that's the bible and your religion, it's messed up bigtime. A god who punishes people for not obeying a book is probably the dumbest thing ever.
Well of course there's no standard! People can hardly agree on things based on the physical, there's certainly no reason to expect agreement on something without objective evidence. :lol:

No, I don't think Boss has proven god exists. I never claimed he did. That's particularly clear since I've stated more than once that I don't believe in god; if he'd proved god exists, I would believe, wouldn't I?

There is no single reason why Boss's supposed 'god-haters' persist. Besides the fact the premise is extremely flawed, as with anything, you will rarely get consensus from any reasonably large group of people.

You bring up a good point. Why do we persist? Because it is an insane notion

lol, you stupid fucking liar.

So Aristotle, Plato, Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, LeMaire and all the believing scientists are insane because you stamp your little foot and insist it so?

Go fuck yourself, cretin.

It is still a stupid irrational thought.

Smart person X believes in god....

Ad hominem + Argument from Authority.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalize world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
Ok, let's see if I can squeeze any sense out of this. :D

So you're saying that god himself tells you what not to do? And if you disobey he'll make sure you get burned?
Because if it were my kid, I'd stop him from getting burned, whether he understood or not.

Only someone who never raised a child to adulthood would say something like that.
You're a fucking idiot if you'd let your child get burned. I've raised 2 children who are adults now and wouldn't harm them on purpose to teach them a lesson. If that's the bible and your religion, it's messed up bigtime. A god who punishes people for not obeying a book is probably the dumbest thing ever.

Especially that book. The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

“Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” – Isaac Asimov
Silly boob: And by the way, why do we persist? Because you guys brought it into politics.

My daughter is like me, she isn't afraid to speak her mind and she doesn't take shit off of anybody. In college, a professor gave her an assignment once, they had to pick a social issue and write an essay opposing it. She picked abortion. After everyone picked their topic, the professor then instructed them they could not use any religious context in their arguments. Well, my chip off the ol' block daughter protested... How exactly are you supposed to formulate an argument and not base it on your religious moral beliefs? Virtually everything about your beliefs on any topic is rooted in your religious belief or lack of religious belief.

What you are asking is akin to what the professor was asking, and it's just not possible. We can't separate ourselves from our own convictions. Virtually every law is based on a religiously-rooted concept at some point and to some degree. It goes back to my argument about dismissing laws against public masturbation, or marrying children. Now you can claim this violates someone's rights or is detrimental to children or whatever, but the root basis is a religious construct. When you debase morality, that's exactly what you get... debased morality.

We have a 1st Amendment right in this country for a reason, and that is to protect our religious freedoms, to be able to express our religious beliefs without persecution. You cannot silence these opinions any more than you can silence the opinions of the atheist. It's a fundamental right that must be protected.

By the way, my daughter won her argument. The professor modified her criteria to indicate the essay couldn't contain specific religious arguments or scriptural references, but it could be based on religious convictions and beliefs.

Oh I agree with your daughter completely! Without god there is no argument against abortion.
The core truth to the Noah story is that, IMO, he had some kind of forewarning of the collapse of the Bosporus Straights glacier that then flooded the Black Sea area that he lived in. If Noah had been a subsistence farmer and herder, then he would have essentially saved the animals that he depended on for his livelihood and not literally every freaking animal on the planet.

I don't know anyone but the most extreme Biblical literalists who think Noah literally took in every animal species; the majority of Christ's church does not.

The bible says God flooded the world and killed everyone. If that's not true that makes it a work of fiction.

it is close to say "everyone" and that is the message of the religion for future posterity, irregardless the biblical accounts.


What did you just say? Basically what I am hearing you say is that the bible is just a book of fictional stories to teach right and wrong. Is that what you are saying?

Why don't you try lying to your parents or your spouse and then when they find out you were lying, tell them you were lying to them for their own good. See how that plays out.

So I don't care if your book is meant to teach me right and wrong, if its full of lies/stories/fairy tales then I don't want to use it as a source anymore.

And most people can grasp that the Noah and Adam & Eve stories are probably just made up stories to teach right and wrong but then those same people really believe the virgin mary and son of god jesus stories to be fact? Are they retarded?

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham
It is still a stupid irrational thought.

Smart person X believes in god....

Ad hominem + Argument from Authority.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalize world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

No, he didn't "believe in" alchemical transmutation, he experimented with it. Let's make that distinction clear. Newton was far more open minded to possibility than you can even comprehend how to be. If he were here, he'd tell you what an absolute idiot you're being.

Let's talk more about atoms. We are just now beginning to unlock many mysteries regarding the atom. We are discovering things at the subatomic level that are almost surreal, and would have fascinated someone like Newton to no end. For you to pretend that our understanding has somehow dismissed all kinds of possibilities is absurd and perverts science in a way deserving of a slap across your stupid idiotic jaws.

You are precisely the type of person who would have rejected much of what Newton proposed back in his time. You would have laughed and scoffed at how "ignorant" he was to believe some of the things he did, because it contradicted Aristotle and the known science of the day. No doubt, when Newton spoke of a "mercurial spirit" subtle, but ever-present in the universe, you would have dismissed him as a religious kook.

You sit here and post your bullshit over and over about "the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it" then you wander off into a rant about how only the stupid and ignorant people believe in God while the smart and intelligent grown ups don't. You're a walking, talking contradiction of yourself. A JOKE.
A lot of christians wish they could spread christianity to the rest of the world. How's it doing in China?

Eastern Lightning is a millennial Chinese Christian sect

Eastern Lightning: Alleged kidnappings, murder and a female Christ - CNN.com

So these christians walk around trying to spread "the truth" and if you don't give them your contact information they murder you?

For every story you can find like that, I can give you ten to twenty like this:

Funny cause all the religious shows I watch are all about $ and a very small percentage of that money goes to the needy, same with charities. Sad really. We could do better. Unfortunately this god character isn't doing a very good job inspiring. He's had how much time now 100,000 years give or take?
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It is still a stupid irrational thought.

Smart person X believes in god....

Ad hominem + Argument from Authority.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalize world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

No, he didn't "believe in" alchemical transmutation, he experimented with it. Let's make that distinction clear. Newton was far more open minded to possibility than you can even comprehend how to be. If he were here, he'd tell you what an absolute idiot you're being.

Let's talk more about atoms. We are just now beginning to unlock many mysteries regarding the atom. We are discovering things at the subatomic level that are almost surreal, and would have fascinated someone like Newton to no end. For you to pretend that our understanding has somehow dismissed all kinds of possibilities is absurd and perverts science in a way deserving of a slap across your stupid idiotic jaws.

You are precisely the type of person who would have rejected much of what Newton proposed back in his time. You would have laughed and scoffed at how "ignorant" he was to believe some of the things he did, because it contradicted Aristotle and the known science of the day. No doubt, when Newton spoke of a "mercurial spirit" subtle, but ever-present in the universe, you would have dismissed him as a religious kook.

You sit here and post your bullshit over and over about "the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it" then you wander off into a rant about how only the stupid and ignorant people believe in God while the smart and intelligent grown ups don't. You're a walking, talking contradiction of yourself. A JOKE.

Yes, science is uncovering a lot of things about the atom and other things that are amazing and no matter how much they uncover it never leads us any closer to proving a god exists.

You would have laughed at me when I said the earth was round because "everyone believes the earth is flat"

You are correct that even smart people believe in god but that doesn't stop the idea from being a stupid one. And I have explained to you why they believe this irrational thought. Any thoughts to that? Then shut the fuck up Lucy.
Yes, science is uncovering a lot of things about the atom and other things that are amazing and no matter how much they uncover it never leads us any closer to proving a god exists.

You don't know if it does or not. All you have is a speculation that God doesn't exist.

You would have laughed at me when I said the earth was round because "everyone believes the earth is flat"

Uh... no... you would have said "just because blah blah blah, doesn't mean the earth is round!"

You are correct that even smart people believe in god but that doesn't stop the idea from being a stupid one. And I have explained to you why they believe this irrational thought. Any thoughts to that? Then shut the fuck up Lucy.

We've been through this. You have this theory... okay, show us just one example in all of nature where a living thing has adopted an irrational behavior and it's present in 90% of the species for all of the species existence. All you need is one solid example to prove your theory valid.

You see, it defies logic that humans, the most intelligent of all living things, would adopt an irrational behavior and devoutly believe in something imaginary for all their existence. I realize you want so badly to believe that's what has happened that you've concocted all these far-fetched explanations, but they simply don't comport with logic.
Yes, science is uncovering a lot of things about the atom and other things that are amazing and no matter how much they uncover it never leads us any closer to proving a god exists.

You don't know if it does or not. All you have is a speculation that God doesn't exist.

You would have laughed at me when I said the earth was round because "everyone believes the earth is flat"

Uh... no... you would have said "just because blah blah blah, doesn't mean the earth is round!"

You are correct that even smart people believe in god but that doesn't stop the idea from being a stupid one. And I have explained to you why they believe this irrational thought. Any thoughts to that? Then shut the fuck up Lucy.

We've been through this. You have this theory... okay, show us just one example in all of nature where a living thing has adopted an irrational behavior and it's present in 90% of the species for all of the species existence. All you need is one solid example to prove your theory valid.

You see, it defies logic that humans, the most intelligent of all living things, would adopt an irrational behavior and devoutly believe in something imaginary for all their existence. I realize you want so badly to believe that's what has happened that you've concocted all these far-fetched explanations, but they simply don't comport with logic.

Humans are one example where a living thing has adopted an irrational behavior present in 90% of the species. :lol:

Intelligence and rationality are not the same. Whether most of humanity has 'devoutly' believed in something imaginary is far from certain. You and sealy both talk about this subject as though you have some sort of overwhelming evidence one way or the other.
Humans are one example where a living thing has adopted an irrational behavior present in 90% of the species. :lol:

Intelligence and rationality are not the same. Whether most of humanity has 'devoutly' believed in something imaginary is far from certain. You and sealy both talk about this subject as though you have some sort of overwhelming evidence one way or the other.

No, humans are the example you have this theory about, you need another example of it happening elsewhere in nature to support the theory it could happen in humans.

In 100% of the archeological findings of human civilization remains, there is evidence of human spiritual belief. I think that is pretty devout. From what we have found from every culture with a recorded history, human spiritual beliefs were predominate. Again... pretty devout.

The evidence that humans have always been devoutly spiritual is overwhelming. Now silly boob's theory on the other hand, has no validity or evidence to support it and it doesn't comport with logic or reason. And you haven't really offered much contribution because you've been too busy finding 'i's to dot and 't's to cross.
Humans are one example where a living thing has adopted an irrational behavior present in 90% of the species. :lol:

Intelligence and rationality are not the same. Whether most of humanity has 'devoutly' believed in something imaginary is far from certain. You and sealy both talk about this subject as though you have some sort of overwhelming evidence one way or the other.

No, humans are the example you have this theory about, you need another example of it happening elsewhere in nature to support the theory it could happen in humans.

In 100% of the archeological findings of human civilization remains, there is evidence of human spiritual belief. I think that is pretty devout. From what we have found from every culture with a recorded history, human spiritual beliefs were predominate. Again... pretty devout.

The evidence that humans have always been devoutly spiritual is overwhelming. Now silly boob's theory on the other hand, has no validity or evidence to support it and it doesn't comport with logic or reason. And you haven't really offered much contribution because you've been too busy finding 'i's to dot and 't's to cross.

First, I realize you were looking for a non-human example, hence the laughter.

As we've gone over before, I think you make poor comparisons between humans and animals and don't take into account the differences in intelligence when you do.

Finding evidence of spirituality in a culture in no way means that most of the people were devout. One can believe without being particularly devout, or even go through the motions of belief without truly believing, etc. Devout belief is a strange goalpost move.

The evidence that humans have believed in something spiritual as long as there have been civilizations may be overwhelming. However, considering your failure to differentiate truth and logic earlier, forgive me if I don't give much weight to your thoughts on what is or isn't logical. :lol:
The bible says God flooded the world and killed everyone. If that's not true that makes it a work of fiction.

it is close to say "everyone" and that is the message of the religion for future posterity, irregardless the biblical accounts.


What did you just say? Basically what I am hearing you say is that the bible is just a book of fictional stories to teach right and wrong. Is that what you are saying?

Why don't you try lying to your parents or your spouse and then when they find out you were lying, tell them you were lying to them for their own good. See how that plays out.

So I don't care if your book is meant to teach me right and wrong, if its full of lies/stories/fairy tales then I don't want to use it as a source anymore.

And most people can grasp that the Noah and Adam & Eve stories are probably just made up stories to teach right and wrong but then those same people really believe the virgin mary and son of god jesus stories to be fact? Are they retarded?

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham

for some, the parable of Noah, the Triumph of Good vs Evil is well worth understanding to accomplish Remission to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting ... no matter how poorly it is represented by that deceitful book - and obscured as the necessary ingredient for all other goals.

Ok, let's see if I can squeeze any sense out of this. :D

So you're saying that god himself tells you what not to do? And if you disobey he'll make sure you get burned?
Because if it were my kid, I'd stop him from getting burned, whether he understood or not.

Only someone who never raised a child to adulthood would say something like that.
You're a fucking idiot if you'd let your child get burned. I've raised 2 children who are adults now and wouldn't harm them on purpose to teach them a lesson. If that's the bible and your religion, it's messed up bigtime. A god who punishes people for not obeying a book is probably the dumbest thing ever.

Who said anything about harming them on purpose to teach a lesson? And what makes you think I would let them get burned if I could stop it?

And again it is not a punishment from you or me if a child disregards all of the pains you or any parent would take to teach their children right from wrong and to keep them free from pain as much as possible in this reality if they go ahead and burn themselves anyway because they decided to play with matches one day when you weren't looking..

Hell is not a punishment for disregarding the divine commands anymore than confusion is a punishment for being gullible or the pain of being burned a punishment for disregarding your warnings.

If a person fills their own mind with irrational garbage they will become confused and they will say and do stupid things that injure themselves and others. Hell is a metaphor for such a state of self aggrandizing pain and confusion, and it is not a punishment from God it is a consequence of their own actions for failing to heed the lessons of the past and stand guard over the purity of ones own mind.

Whatever you have been told about heaven or hell, reward or punishment, I am telling you it is about cause and effect.

It is about the reality of each person being directly accountable for their own thoughts and actions, and being bound to their consequences for good or evil.

Am I telling you something you don't already know?

The confusion of hell is all that most people have ever known for their entire lives.

Be open.

Rising from the dead and ascending into Heaven is as easy or as difficult as it is for a person to be honest with themselves and others.
How did Kangaroo's get their ticket?
And how did they make it back to Australia after the flood?

The core truth to the Noah story is that, IMO, he had some kind of forewarning of the collapse of the Bosporus Straights glacier that then flooded the Black Sea area that he lived in. If Noah had been a subsistence farmer and herder, then he would have essentially saved the animals that he depended on for his livelihood and not literally every freaking animal on the planet.

I don't know anyone but the most extreme Biblical literalists who think Noah literally took in every animal species; the majority of Christ's church does not.

The bible says God flooded the world and killed everyone. If that's not true that makes it a work of fiction.

lol, then for the lurkers out there who are not too stupid to grasp the idea;

It is quite likely that at the end of the last Ice Age glaciers released floods of water as they retreated. One of these is likely the release of Mediteranean waters into the Black Sea region. To those who memorized the oral history of the event it seemed like the whole world flooded, and other similar events occurred around the world as the Ice Age ended.

This would then explain the central truth of the Noah story while many of the details are true only from the perspective of the people at that time.

I wouldn't worry too much about the Atheist Denialists keeping up, so just move on and let them look stupid.
Yes, science is uncovering a lot of things about the atom and other things that are amazing and no matter how much they uncover it never leads us any closer to proving a god exists.

You don't know if it does or not. All you have is a speculation that God doesn't exist.

You would have laughed at me when I said the earth was round because "everyone believes the earth is flat"

Uh... no... you would have said "just because blah blah blah, doesn't mean the earth is round!"

You are correct that even smart people believe in god but that doesn't stop the idea from being a stupid one. And I have explained to you why they believe this irrational thought. Any thoughts to that? Then shut the fuck up Lucy.

We've been through this. You have this theory... okay, show us just one example in all of nature where a living thing has adopted an irrational behavior and it's present in 90% of the species for all of the species existence. All you need is one solid example to prove your theory valid.

You see, it defies logic that humans, the most intelligent of all living things, would adopt an irrational behavior and devoutly believe in something imaginary for all their existence. I realize you want so badly to believe that's what has happened that you've concocted all these far-fetched explanations, but they simply don't comport with logic.

You know what? I'm not the one making any claims. YOU ARE. I say the jury is still out even after all your evidence. You're making the claim about some god thing and you talk about spiritual energy and karma and you poo poo all the scientific stuff about how the human brain has a wild imagination. Bottom line is, I'm not making any claims. You're claiming there is a god. I don't believe you. If you're not claiming I go to hell if I don't believe, then I guess we're cool, right?

I have a beef with a lot of theists and their organized religions. You seem harmless. And I can't prove to you your imaginary friend isn't real. If he is real to you I guess he's real. But only to you. Does this imaginary friend tell you to go around and convince people to believe and if we don't down we go to hates? If not, have fun with your big buddy. And trust me, I don't need a god, I have a conscience. But it is great being able to think dirty thoughts and not fear some perv is watching.

PS. Why does the universe have to have a creator and god doesn't? In fact, based on how you try to define god, you aren't even talking about god. You're talking about the product of god. That's your problem. You're thinking too small. The universe and all the life and energy and your spirit are not god, if there is a god, he's on the other side of the black hole watching all this. What you describe as god is just god's creation. God is much bigger than you even think. No? There is no god. It's all just what you see. No reason to make up a god. The universe is amazing by itself. Worship science. It'll cure you someday hopefully and maybe we can build a space ship and move before this planet is over with. No god's going to help with that just like he doesn't help you when you are dying other than you feel better thinking this isn't the end. Sorry, it is. But be happy you got the time you did. And I feel bad telling you. Like telling a child about santa. But again I think people who believe in god are less advanced/evolved and we will advance faster and be better citizens of this planet when we wise up. If we believe that lie we are dumb. If we need a lie to be good, what does that say about us? I reject that. Maybe we should tell kids that stuff to keep them in line but its not good for adults to believe in fairy tales. Look at what theists are producing. Garbage in garbage out. A stupid ignorant greedy lazy brainwashed society of sheep easily manipulated by the man through the church and media. Gullible.
it is close to say "everyone" and that is the message of the religion for future posterity, irregardless the biblical accounts.


What did you just say? Basically what I am hearing you say is that the bible is just a book of fictional stories to teach right and wrong. Is that what you are saying?

Why don't you try lying to your parents or your spouse and then when they find out you were lying, tell them you were lying to them for their own good. See how that plays out.

So I don't care if your book is meant to teach me right and wrong, if its full of lies/stories/fairy tales then I don't want to use it as a source anymore.

And most people can grasp that the Noah and Adam & Eve stories are probably just made up stories to teach right and wrong but then those same people really believe the virgin mary and son of god jesus stories to be fact? Are they retarded?

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham

for some, the parable of Noah, the Triumph of Good vs Evil is well worth understanding to accomplish Remission to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting ... no matter how poorly it is represented by that deceitful book - and obscured as the necessary ingredient for all other goals.


Do you believe that? You say "for some". What about for you?

And please understand when you write stuff like this "and obscured as the necessary ingredient for all other goals." I'm not exactly sure what you are even saying here???
The core truth to the Noah story is that, IMO, he had some kind of forewarning of the collapse of the Bosporus Straights glacier that then flooded the Black Sea area that he lived in. If Noah had been a subsistence farmer and herder, then he would have essentially saved the animals that he depended on for his livelihood and not literally every freaking animal on the planet.

I don't know anyone but the most extreme Biblical literalists who think Noah literally took in every animal species; the majority of Christ's church does not.

The bible says God flooded the world and killed everyone. If that's not true that makes it a work of fiction.

lol, then for the lurkers out there who are not too stupid to grasp the idea;

It is quite likely that at the end of the last Ice Age glaciers released floods of water as they retreated. One of these is likely the release of Mediteranean waters into the Black Sea region. To those who memorized the oral history of the event it seemed like the whole world flooded, and other similar events occurred around the world as the Ice Age ended.

This would then explain the central truth of the Noah story while many of the details are true only from the perspective of the people at that time.

I wouldn't worry too much about the Atheist Denialists keeping up, so just move on and let them look stupid.

Why is it now that we have developed rational inquiry we hear only a deafening silence from a god who once supposedly engaged regularly in human affairs? Why does god not simply speak to us or appear before us as he supposedly used to? Why are we the losers in the dice roll of time?

If one accepts the prevailing scientific understanding of the development of the universe, yet also believes in one of the major religions, then presumably a god sat idle for 13.7 billion years – waiting as the stars, galaxies and planets formed. Then it watched with complete and utter indifference as modern Homo Sapians evolved, struggled and died for a further 150,000 years. Finally, a few thousand years ago, this god suddenly decided to reveal itself to several people in the most primitive, illiterate and remote portions of humanity in a completely unverifiable way – and then simply disappeared.
The bible says God flooded the world and killed everyone. If that's not true that makes it a work of fiction.

lol, then for the lurkers out there who are not too stupid to grasp the idea;

It is quite likely that at the end of the last Ice Age glaciers released floods of water as they retreated. One of these is likely the release of Mediteranean waters into the Black Sea region. To those who memorized the oral history of the event it seemed like the whole world flooded, and other similar events occurred around the world as the Ice Age ended.

This would then explain the central truth of the Noah story while many of the details are true only from the perspective of the people at that time.

I wouldn't worry too much about the Atheist Denialists keeping up, so just move on and let them look stupid.

Why is it now that we have developed rational inquiry we hear only a deafening silence from a god who once supposedly engaged regularly in human affairs? Why does god not simply speak to us or appear before us as he supposedly used to? Why are we the losers in the dice roll of time?

God still does miracles, but He doesn't do it to prove Himself. He isn't going to step into your little test tube, dude. You would have a better chance of getting Putin to return a message on his cell phone.

Why? Because He is God and you are a little piss ant jerk.

If one accepts the prevailing scientific understanding of the development of the universe, yet also believes in one of the major religions, then presumably a god sat idle for 13.7 billion years – waiting as the stars, galaxies and planets formed. Then it watched with complete and utter indifference as modern Homo Sapians evolved, struggled and died for a further 150,000 years. Finally, a few thousand years ago, this god suddenly decided to reveal itself to several people in the most primitive, illiterate and remote portions of humanity in a completely unverifiable way – and then simply disappeared.

God is eternal. He doesn't wait for anything, dumbass, no more than you have to wait to read the last page of a book. If you want, you just turn to the page and read the damned thing.

So it is with God. He can act now or fifty gazillion years ago, it isn't like us who have to wait the flow of time.

Again, you demonstrate your complete ignorance about who and what God is, and yet you think you have learned enough on the subject to decide that He is not real?


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