Why do the Koch brothers want to end public education?

What changed things?

Television and all the advertising, etc it programmed us with.

You deserve a break today....
What changed things?

Television and all the advertising, etc it programmed us with.

You deserve a break today....

I agree....students expecting INSTANT gratification...INSTANT entertainment.

It actually makes me chuckle to think that if our teachers and schools went back to the way we were taught in the 50s/60s with the drill n' kill and corporal punishment and schools actually having a say on failing students ... with today's students and today's parents, grades would be even MORE in the crapper. They don't want to work for it, and parents don't want to work as parents...I would say a very large majority of public school parents are looking for a daytime baby sitter FIRST. Grades are nice, but the place to plink the kid for 8 hours is more important to them.
The funny thing is that the right can only find ONE problem with something as complex as the public school system. Teachers! Thats some deep thinking right there.

The funny thing is that the right can only find ONE problem with something as complex as the public school system. Teachers! Thats some deep thinking right there.

Yeah right, and here I am stating that it's a problem within all three entitites, parents students and teachers. And yes, there are many incompetent teachers out there.

Ya' see, the funny thing about you lib's, is the FACT that you only try to whitewash the problem because most of those incompetent teachers are members of the corrupt unions that you lib's worship. If that weren't the case, you lib's wouldn't give a damn about those incompetent teachers.
#147 you blame everyone but in #148 you're back to your old self. #148 is what you show most often and I wasnt addressing you specifically anyway so stop being a sensitive Sally.
"Inability to motivate students. High number of failings. Can't control the classroom. Lack of knowledge on the subject they teach. Inability to recognize why a student is failing., and correcting it. Inability to recognize students with clinical learning disabilities. Etc. etc. etc.

But in your lil' liberal world, this all doesn't take place across the country, when failings across the country are on the rise.....Nope, it's all the parents fault. Those teachers are not culpable for their own failings.

Blame the students, blame the parents, excuse any obvious.......It's easier for you that way. "

So the student has no responsiblility at all for failing? And the parents have no responsibility in this either? Wow you are in a dream world. Lala land. If YOUR kid is failing then YOU had better take some action too.

Who is going to judge whether a teacher is bad? An administrator? So now,

the administrator needs to base his opinion on

1) which teachers the parents like
2) which teachers the students like
3) which teachers produce the highest test scores
4) which teachers the administrators like

with the four above a highly effective teacher who demands discipline is OUT THE DOOR because AMERICAN parents want someone to coddle their kids or the teacher is bad. Either way the teacher loses. How do you fix that? I'm all for getting rid of bad teachers but you WANT TO GET RID OF THE GOOD ONES with them.

If we measure teachers purely by test scores, who will we get to teach the special ed students? The chronic low achievers? The English Second Language Students? The students in a school (like one we have here) where 80% of the parents are illiterate?
Teachers are not evaluated primarily by test scores. The principal is the primary factor. Test scores are used much more to determine how well a school is doing and where improvement is needed.
"Inability to motivate students. High number of failings. Can't control the classroom. Lack of knowledge on the subject they teach. Inability to recognize why a student is failing., and correcting it. Inability to recognize students with clinical learning disabilities. Etc. etc. etc.

But in your lil' liberal world, this all doesn't take place across the country, when failings across the country are on the rise.....Nope, it's all the parents fault. Those teachers are not culpable for their own failings.

Blame the students, blame the parents, excuse any obvious.......It's easier for you that way. "

So the student has no responsiblility at all for failing? And the parents have no responsibility in this either? Wow you are in a dream world. Lala land. If YOUR kid is failing then YOU had better take some action too.

Who is going to judge whether a teacher is bad? An administrator? So now,

the administrator needs to base his opinion on

1) which teachers the parents like
2) which teachers the students like
3) which teachers produce the highest test scores
4) which teachers the administrators like

with the four above a highly effective teacher who demands discipline is OUT THE DOOR because AMERICAN parents want someone to coddle their kids or the teacher is bad. Either way the teacher loses. How do you fix that? I'm all for getting rid of bad teachers but you WANT TO GET RID OF THE GOOD ONES with them.

If we measure teachers purely by test scores, who will we get to teach the special ed students? The chronic low achievers? The English Second Language Students? The students in a school (like one we have here) where 80% of the parents are illiterate?
Teachers are not evaluated primarily by test scores. The principal is the primary factor. Test scores are used much more to determine how well a school is doing and where improvement is needed.

But there are forces that want that to change.
I still say, try all those wonderful right wing ideas about education on one state...Texas would be good...for about 13 years and see how it works out.
So, what's your idea.......Continue to coddle the crappy teachers who are definitely a part of the problem?

Oh, that's right, it's all the fault of the parents and students. The crappy teachers bear no responsibility.......They're the bestest teachers in da' whole wide worlds.

Like I said, you are part of the damn problem.
I too love the comparison of public education to "nazi indoctrination camps." My kids survived their education without being indoctrinated. Another extremist wacko position.


"barack hussein obama - mmmm, mmmm, mmmmm" :lol:
I still say, try all those wonderful right wing ideas about education on one state...Texas would be good...for about 13 years and see how it works out.

Unfortunately, the libs and the teachers unions will do everything they possibly can to prevent it.

Why is that?
Public schools are inclusive, bringing together kids of all classes, races, and ethnic backgrounds. Private schools do just the opposite. They are exclusive. They separate the rich from poor, blacks from whites, Jews from gentiles, Christians from Muslims, and the disabled from the mainstream. The last thing this nation needs is more separation and division of it's people.

True, but a universal privatized system would include mostly non-parochial schools which had to admit students by law as a public accomodation.

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