Why do the Koch brothers want to end public education?

Public education needs to die a quick death. Progressive have used their control of eduction to totally sabotage this country. The vast majority of our students have no idea about our government, our founding and our founding principles. In NYC, even after spending a college tuition of $18K per student, only 1 in 6 high school graduates can perform in college. And not Harvard either, any college.

Our students are ignorant and dependent, that's the Democrat base.

This is why the 2012 election is so important. When we win it all back the Department of Education needs to be terminated like something from the Corleone Baptism
Public education needs to die a quick death. Progressive have used their control of eduction to totally sabotage this country. The vast majority of our students have no idea about our government, our founding and our founding principles. In NYC, even after spending a college tuition of $18K per student, only 1 in 6 high school graduates can perform in college. And not Harvard either, any college.

Our students are ignorant and dependent, that's the Democrat base.

This is why the 2012 election is so important. When we win it all back the Department of Education needs to be terminated like something from the Corleone Baptism

What does the Department of Education do that's so evil, Frank?
Why pick on the Koch brothers? They aren't elected representatives. They aren't even teachers like the former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife. They are Jewish. Is that the problem?
I know that their Daddy was one of the founding members of the John Birch Society, an anti-civil rights group in the 60's, and they are taking up where their father left off.

And which left-wing blog do you "know" that from?
John Birch Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The society was established in Indianapolis, Indiana, on December 9, 1958, by a group of 12 led by Robert Welch, Jr., a retired candy manufacturer from Belmont, Massachusetts. Welch named the new organization after John Birch, an American Baptist missionary and U.S. military intelligence officer who was killed by communist forces in China in August 1945, shortly after the conclusion of World War II. Welch claimed that Birch was an unknown but dedicated anti-communist,[6] and the first American casualty, Welch contended, of the Cold War.
One of the founding members[21][22][23] was Fred Koch,[24] founder of Koch Industries, one of the largest private corporations in America.[25

I love it when liberals enthusiastically rush in to prove me right about them. I rest my case.
Public education needs to die a quick death. Progressive have used their control of eduction to totally sabotage this country. The vast majority of our students have no idea about our government, our founding and our founding principles. In NYC, even after spending a college tuition of $18K per student, only 1 in 6 high school graduates can perform in college. And not Harvard either, any college.

Our students are ignorant and dependent, that's the Democrat base.

This is why the 2012 election is so important. When we win it all back the Department of Education needs to be terminated like something from the Corleone Baptism

What does the Department of Education do that's so evil, Frank?

Aside from violating Article I of the US Constitution by existing?
I really wish I hadn't watched that. How absolutely depressing. What the fuck are we creating? :evil:

I am gonna have to re-evaluate my support for public education.

This video will piss you off even more!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpZtX32sKVE"]College Conspiracy[/ame]
And the whining continues. Christ! Man up, you two. Strap on a pair.

Like their Tea Party group Americans for Prosperity, the Kochs are changing the subject rather than trying to rebut our video point-for-point. And now Americans for Prosperity has told journalists that there's pending litigation against us. These reporters were also told there could be litigation against them too if they continue writing about us.

What are the Kochs so defensive about? Our video doesn't say they broke any laws. The press reports about the Koch brothers' influence in Wake County doesn't report that either, although this photo is worth 1,000 words.

What is accurately and comprehensively reported in our video, and elsewhere, is how the Kochs' wealth laid the groundwork for a school board majority that favored policies which would spark 21st century segregation.

Now the Kochs are retreating from what they've done through their national foundations, local groups, think tanks and more. They put in a lot of time and millions of dollars into this machine. What are they ashamed of? Are they now going to recant their association with Jim Crow?

Robert Greenwald: Are the Koch Brothers Afraid of the Facts?
You throw up what will no doubt be some loony liberal BS from huffpost, and actually think a clear thinking person would even bother opening it?


Seriously, you need to start gearig up for the school year, lil' girl........You offer up nothing on this board, and only make yourself look completely young and ignorant.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McolzELI_dU&feature=relmfu"]Ted Kennedy on taxes[/ame]
Why do the Koch brothers want to end public education?

Because the TEACHERS UNIONS traditionally supported Democrats.

Had they been supporting Republicans, all along, you wouldn't hear a peep out of the right.

This isn't obvious?
Why should government be envolved in education?

We have "separation of church and state", yet churches thrive.

We should have a separation of schools and state for the same reason. Government should not be allowed to be in a position control our children and our education. Education should be free of government corruption and inefficiency.


The Year of School Choice
What has always amazed me is that the same Democrats who so solidly support Public Education are the same ones who would never subject their own children to it.

I went to the Catholic Schools in Chicago. In grammer School, I rubbed elbows with the kids of the local congressman. No way was he sending his spawn to the Public Schools. In High School, all the Democratic Machine kids went to De La Salle. A great taunt was, "Your dad's under indictment..ha ha."

The Clintons and Obamas sent their kids to private schools in Washington, where the PUblic schools are considered the worst in the country.
Did anybody watch the video. Anybody. Bueller?

As about as much of it as I can stomach.

Whether it's lefties seeing a Koch Brother under their bed or a right winger seeing Soros in their closet, I'm always amazed that people think voters are such weak creatures that they can be tricked into voting for evil.

Let's recap here. The complaint is that this county abandoned busing kids around the county to achieve integration. Boo-hoo. I mean, are people still arguing for that at this point?

They abandoned that in the urban centers decades ago when they realized all the white people had already gotten out, either by moving to the 'burbs or putting their kids in private schools. (This includes, of course, Democratic Politicians, who put their kids in private schools. "Sidwell Liberals".)

So "School Choice" is already there, if you have the affluence to enroll your kid in a private school or move to a nicer neighborhood.

20% of Public School graduates can't read their diplomas. BUt as long as the NEA and AFT keep issuing those big checks to the DNC, then you guys are all for them.

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