Why do they claim to be black when they are not ?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2020
Spce coast Florida

I find it interesting that NOt only Harris claims to be black but Bath house Barry O bung hole did also.
when the fact is they are not black but mixed race a 50/50 mix .
so why do they claim to be black ?

I find it interesting that NOt only Harris claims to be black but Bath house Barry O bung hole did also.
when the fact is they are not black but mixed race a 50/50 mix .
so why do they claim to be black ?

Oh look, ma! It's birtherism and racism all rolled up into one.
Very efficient. :)
I have read that in our strange country's history even one drop of African blood would result in someone being labeled as a person of African ancestry.

In past decades, people tried to hide such a fact. They "passed" as Caucasians. There are even some rumors about some Presidents. Since Caucasians & African Americans have often had intimate relations, some rumors may be true.

In the 21st century, however, having African blood can be a plus, especially in politics. Senator Obama was able to excite many people by emphasizing his African side. And Ms. Harris's emphasizing her African roots has led her to the cusp of being our first woman Vice President.

As this country continues to evolve toward a non-Caucasian nation, it will be a plus for people to identify with an African background in order to get jobs in many professions. (Recently, some Caucasian women have admitted that they are Caucasian, not African American as they had been claiming. Maybe they thought their lie would help them get jobs in academia.)
Just about everyone is mixed race.
Bet you got some black blood coursing around in your veins from somewhere down the line. \
If one is half black they are entitled to identify however they wish.

Oh - And what Jack said.

Oh look, ma! It's birtherism and racism all rolled up into one.
Very efficient
. :)
I have read that in our strange country's history even one drop of African blood would result in someone being labeled as a person of African ancestry.

In past decades, people tried to hide such a fact. They "passed" as Caucasians. There are even some rumors about some Presidents. Since Caucasians & African Americans have often had intimate relations, some rumors may be true.

In the 21st century, however, having African blood can be a plus, especially in politics. Senator Obama was able to excite many people by emphasizing his African side. And Ms. Harris's emphasizing her African roots has led her to the cusp of being our first woman Vice President.

As this country continues to evolve toward a non-Caucasian nation, it will be a plus for people to identify with an African background in order to get jobs in many professions. (Recently, some Caucasian women have admitted that they are Caucasian, not African American as they had been claiming. Maybe they thought their lie would help them get jobs in academia.)
And it can continue to exist if the people in the non caucasian nation are of the same inventive stock of the the ones replaced. So far with all the money spent on it, it has not materialized. Successful people to be sure. Just not the cutting edge ones that keeps a nation at the top of the standings. Don't worry the yellow Asians will make the issue moot soon enough. I find vengeance and vendettas can be something a victor could find short lived. Enjoy it why you can.
Just about everyone is mixed race.
Bet you got some black blood coursing around in your veins from somewhere down the line. \
If one is half black they are entitled to identify however they wish.

Oh - And what Jack said.

Oh look, ma! It's birtherism and racism all rolled up into one.
Very efficient
. :)

I don't think so. I mean, ultimately the Twitter mobs think they decide what's politically correct or otherwise. My great grandmother was full blood Native American. I can identify as such all I want. Yet I cannot join a nation and/or reap the benefits thereof accordingly. Am I sore about that? No. From a distance I am whiter than pure Europeans. Only up close does that "narrative" visage begin to collapse. You fools spend far too much of your lives focused on "color" and group think. You believe every member of a given skin color shares a hive mind. How boring.
Just about everyone is mixed race.
Bet you got some black blood coursing around in your veins from somewhere down the line. \
If one is half black they are entitled to identify however they wish.

Oh - And what Jack said.

Oh look, ma! It's birtherism and racism all rolled up into one.
Very efficient
. :)
so one can pick what race they are and not be the race thy are just like democrats do with gender is what your saying.
Just about everyone is mixed race.
Bet you got some black blood coursing around in your veins from somewhere down the line. \
If one is half black they are entitled to identify however they wish.

Oh - And what Jack said.

Oh look, ma! It's birtherism and racism all rolled up into one.
Very efficient
. :)
so one can pick what race they are and not be the race thy are just like democrats do with gender is what your saying.

Again, if a person is half black - Then most would say they are black.
What would you prefer they would call themselves?
Halfricans? :icon_rolleyes:

I find it interesting that NOt only Harris claims to be black but Bath house Barry O bung hole did also.
when the fact is they are not black but mixed race a 50/50 mix .
so why do they claim to be black ?

Oh look, ma! It's birtherism and racism all rolled up into one.
Very efficient. :)


Projected Change in U.S. Population by Race/Ethnicity, 2010 to 2020

Black or African American37,92341,70210
Two or more races5,6047,61636
American Indian and Alaska Native2,2632,4458
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander49759920
Hispanic or Latino50,47862,31323
While not well articulated, the OP takes a position with which I agree (I apologize intensely for being "white").

In this society, the word "Black" refers to the descendants of American slaves. It is applied to, frankly, anyone who has even a tinge of "negricity," no matter how slight, even if the person in question could "pass" under the right, or all, circumstances. Hence, we have the fairly recent phenomenon of "Black" women who look nearly-white, and who take every imaginable cosmetic measure to close the gap fully between appearing "Black" and appearing "white" (e.g., Halle Berry, Meghan Markle, Rihanna, and now Senator Harris), while trumpeting and reveling in the cultural "fact" of being a Person of Color, or "Black." (Can you imagine any of them with a "'Fro"?)

But to the point, Barack Obama was not, culturally speaking, "Black." He is not descended from American slaves, never lived in a ghetto, only learned to speak in a Black patois (when it was convenient to do so) by copying it from others, and so on. It is for these reasons that Joe Biden famously observed that he looked "clean" and spoke like a normal [white] person. Why would one expect otherwise? Again, as the term is currently defined in our society, Barry Soetoro is not "Black" - any more than lily-white African American golfer, Gary Player is "Black."

Similarly, Kammy Harris is not "Black." She is not descended from American slaves (indeed, it appears she is descended from slave OWNERS), never lived in a ghetto, doesn't naturally speak with a Black patois, and was brought up by two PhD's. And while she would never admit it, I imagine she was ostracized by the bigoted kids of her childhood both Black and white, for being so different from both. Kids are cruel bastards, like it or not.

I wonder if - I don't suppose I will live long enough to see it - when we finally do get a Black President who IS descended from American slaves and has dark complexion, any Black people will finally acknowledge that Obama and Harris were "not really Black."

I find it interesting that NOt only Harris claims to be black but Bath house Barry O bung hole did also.
when the fact is they are not black but mixed race a 50/50 mix .
so why do they claim to be black ?

Do you know anything about american history?

Basically everyone who isn't a recent african immigrant who is "black" is really mixed. The average % for black americans is 25% white

Ever heard of the one drop rule? Never ceases to amaze me how white people can go so many years without understanding basic shit about race in this country. Black hair Ok. But skin tone? For fucks sake it's right in front of your eyes guys lighter than your average arab identify as black

Most obvious in sports

Steph Curry? Blake Griffin. Ben Simmons. I'm darker than these guys lol
Just about everyone is mixed race.
Bet you got some black blood coursing around in your veins from somewhere down the line. \
If one is half black they are entitled to identify however they wish.

Oh - And what Jack said.

Oh look, ma! It's birtherism and racism all rolled up into one.
Very efficient
. :)
so one can pick what race they are and not be the race thy are just like democrats do with gender is what your saying.

Again, if a person is half black - Then most would say they are black.
What would you prefer they would call themselves?
Halfricans? :icon_rolleyes:
the proper word is Mulatto look it up , no need to thank me for the education.
the word halfrican is very raciest

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