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Why do they resist, to the point of getting shot?

Most likely they do this because they're stupid and have low I.Q.'s. That would be MY guess.

You have to be stupid and have a low IQ to fight/run from police. The fact is whites get shot far more than blacks for that very issue, but only black cases are thrust into the media spotlight. The other problem is more blacks do commit more crimes per capita, so as far as I'm concerned the fault lies with the black criminals, just like the fault lies with white criminals when cops shoot them.

It's gotten so ridiculous though, that as far as I'm concerned we should do away with police in high crime areas. Let these people run amok and let innocent people arm themselves and stop prosecutions of shootings. Let society clean itself up and be done with it.
LMFAO! A right winger walking down the street shooting gays and liberals?

Do you consciously understand how hysterically hyperbolic you're being, or do you actually live in a politically charged, paranoid delusion?

He's a bed wetting liberal, so in addition to being mentally ill, he is a jabbering fucking imbecile that should have been aborted.
Most likely they do this because they're stupid and have low I.Q.'s. That would be MY guess.

You have to be stupid and have a low IQ to fight/run from police. The fact is whites get shot far more than blacks for that very issue, but only black cases are thrust into the media spotlight. The other problem is more blacks do commit more crimes per capita, so as far as I'm concerned the fault lies with the black criminals, just like the fault lies with white criminals when cops shoot them.

It's gotten so ridiculous though, that as far as I'm concerned we should do away with police in high crime areas. Let these people run amok and let innocent people arm themselves and stop prosecutions of shootings. Let society clean itself up and be done with it.
Nice post, thanks.
I've been wondering about this for some time now, before the latest police shootings in Louisiana and Wisconsin. In both cases, and many others where a black person is shot by the police, the victim does not surrender. He doesn't do as he's told; he struggles, he tries to walk away and most of the time he does something that could be perceived as a threat to the officer or someone else and subsequently gets shot. We've seen the same scenario play out over and over, which leads to the obvious question: why doesn't the black guy give up? If he puts his hands up and allows himself to be cuffed and put into the police cruiser, then that's it, nobody gets shot and the justice system takes over.

Hence, the question in the thread title, why do they resist to the point of getting shot? They know the cops will shoot, so why give them a reason? It's probably a little different in each individual case, maybe some are on drugs or drunk, some are out on parole and don't want to go back to prison, and maybe some are suicidal. But for some reason they don't surrender and by making that decision they put themselves, the police officers, and bystanders at risk. Maybe at that point they are so desperate to get away that they lose the ability to think reasonably; I say that because it's very rare to see somebody get away from a situation where you have cops with weapons drawn and pointed at you, and then somehow escape.

I think the media has lied to blacks and convinced them whites (and especially Police) are all evil racists and will kill them in any encounter.
Also, the media has convinced many blacks that they are not obligated to cooperate with Police.
Like the abortions they love that eliminates black babies, this causes adult blacks to self eliminate (win win for them)....with the icing being that they can blame it all on the cops and perpetuate the cycle.

I honestly believe that part of the problem lies with the race-baiters like Al Sharpton who become wealthy by exhorting black people to get angry and fight back. They point fingers at the white establishment and the cops as the executors of white privilege and so sadly we end up with black guys who have been raised to resist.

And I would add this: from the riots in the 60s to the riots in LA in the 90s to what's going on today; from an early age, white people including white cops have been trained to be very cautious if not fearful with black people, and when they resist the fight is on. These guys walk around with chains and knives and guns, acting like they are a law unto themselves, and so that stereotype exists n the minds of many white folks.

A vast majority of the time, if you act reasonably you won't get shot. If you don't then it is you who has escalated the situation to the use of force.
Why? Because the tighter the state tightens its grip on the populace to make them subjugated the more they lose control....I do believe we had a revolution a couple of hundred years ago over authoritarianism..These trigger happy assassins of the state like to kill they can't think 0f another way to kill er control an unarmed human..
Out of curiosity, in what way is it that you've observed the state tightening its grip on the populace?
Drug War, loss of civil rights, public executions, right to carry interventions, increased mandate laws, business restriction via pandemic, continued and increased spying and intelligence gathering, tracking your moves, intimidation, fear, enslavement with punishment for crimes, militarization of police forces with tactical training and martial arts used to kill humans in custody while restrained..
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I've been wondering about this for some time now, before the latest police shootings in Louisiana and Wisconsin. In both cases, and many others where a black person is shot by the police, the victim does not surrender. He doesn't do as he's told; he struggles, he tries to walk away and most of the time he does something that could be perceived as a threat to the officer or someone else and subsequently gets shot. We've seen the same scenario play out over and over, which leads to the obvious question: why doesn't the black guy give up? If he puts his hands up and allows himself to be cuffed and put into the police cruiser, then that's it, nobody gets shot and the justice system takes over.

Hence, the question in the thread title, why do they resist to the point of getting shot? They know the cops will shoot, so why give them a reason? It's probably a little different in each individual case, maybe some are on drugs or drunk, some are out on parole and don't want to go back to prison, and maybe some are suicidal. But for some reason they don't surrender and by making that decision they put themselves, the police officers, and bystanders at risk. Maybe at that point they are so desperate to get away that they lose the ability to think reasonably; I say that because it's very rare to see somebody get away from a situation where you have cops with weapons drawn and pointed at you, and then somehow escape.
Simple. Pride or in some cases, false pride. Being proud (within reason) of your standing as a man in a modern society is a good, positive thing. But, when carried to the extreme it becomes an extremely strong negative, self imposed force, nothing but a stupid, self-destructive psychological compulsion. Not that police training is where it should be, nor the self-control of many officers or that I believe the rules regarding lethal force are written correctly or at some level even philosophically correct. Officers are trained to shoot center mass if they have to shoot until the threat is no longer a threat, period, even when taking out a knee or arm would control the suspect's ability to commit violence.
It is delusional to think you can successfully avoid being subject to the criminal justice system simply by taking violent resistance to capture.
Why? Because the tighter the state tightens its grip on the populace to make them subjugated the more they lose control....I do believe we had a revolution a couple of hundred years ago over authoritarianism..These trigger happy assassins of the state like to kill they can't think 0f another way to kill er control an unarmed human..
Out of curiosity, in what way is it that you've observed the state tightening its grip on the populace?
Drug War, loss of civil rights, public executions, right to carry interventions, increased mandate laws, business restriction via pandemic, continues and increased spying and intelligence gathering, tracking your moves, intimidation, fear enslavement with punishment for crimes, militarization of police forces with tactical training and martial arts used to kill humans in custody while restrained..
As someone who leans right, I obviously don't agree with all of these, or agree that they're all things that have recently gotten worse, but I gotta admit this list is a lot more balanced than I expected. I still maintain that most individual police officers, by a long shot, are at least reasonably good people, but I'd be lying if I said there hasn't been an increase, this year, in the frequency of occasions where I found myself flipping out over footage of officers violating peoples' constitutional rights. Fair enough, I see where you're coming from.
Why? Because the tighter the state tightens its grip on the populace to make them subjugated the more they lose control....I do believe we had a revolution a couple of hundred years ago over authoritarianism..These trigger happy assassins of the state like to kill they can't think 0f another way to kill er control an unarmed human..
They were called out on a domestic dispute! Geesh.
I've been wondering about this for some time now, before the latest police shootings in Louisiana and Wisconsin. In both cases, and many others where a black person is shot by the police, the victim does not surrender. He doesn't do as he's told; he struggles, he tries to walk away and most of the time he does something that could be perceived as a threat to the officer or someone else and subsequently gets shot. We've seen the same scenario play out over and over, which leads to the obvious question: why doesn't the black guy give up? If he puts his hands up and allows himself to be cuffed and put into the police cruiser, then that's it, nobody gets shot and the justice system takes over.

Hence, the question in the thread title, why do they resist to the point of getting shot? They know the cops will shoot, so why give them a reason? It's probably a little different in each individual case, maybe some are on drugs or drunk, some are out on parole and don't want to go back to prison, and maybe some are suicidal. But for some reason they don't surrender and by making that decision they put themselves, the police officers, and bystanders at risk. Maybe at that point they are so desperate to get away that they lose the ability to think reasonably; I say that because it's very rare to see somebody get away from a situation where you have cops with weapons drawn and pointed at you, and then somehow escape.

" I say that because it's very rare to see somebody get away from a situation where you have cops with weapons drawn and pointed at you, and then somehow escape. "

tell THAT to CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN WACKO cliven bundy and his right wing murderous gun wielding followers who AIMED GUNS at police and walked away without any punishment at all!

THEY resisted and laughed to tell about it

So in the end they ambushed LaVoy Finicum and assassinated him....
Why? Because the tighter the state tightens its grip on the populace to make them subjugated the more they lose control....I do believe we had a revolution a couple of hundred years ago over authoritarianism..These trigger happy assassins of the state like to kill they can't think 0f another way to kill er control an unarmed human..

Yeah, folks that have had opportunity, homes, been taken care of by a mom, or a dad, or both their entire lives. . .

Have always had a school, safety, a home, a bed, food on the table, you know, just a shot in life. . . and always, well, hope, hope in a brighter tomorrow, can't really get that.

. . . and when the boot heel of authority comes down hard, for something rather innocuous, like a broken taillight, or a person being a little to tipsy. . . folks that have had no luck, and no hope all their life by this same system that has given them nothing, folks that have had an intact social system with housing, clothing, food, and a support system to help them make it in life, just can't quite seem to understand why those who have nothing and came from noting, resist an infringement on their freedom to act, and be however they want, when they have not got a damn thing in life to lose but. . . well, life itself.

"Killing In The Name"

Killing in the name of
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses

Killing in the name of
Killing in the name of

And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
But now you do what they told ya
Well now you do what they told ya

Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses

Killing in the name of
Killing in the name of

And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya!

Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Come on!

Yeah! Come on!

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!

This is for the left that doesn't like to be bullied, and the right who questions the lock downs and forced vaccination. . .

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Why? Because the tighter the state tightens its grip on the populace to make them subjugated the more they lose control....I do believe we had a revolution a couple of hundred years ago over authoritarianism..These trigger happy assassins of the state like to kill they can't think 0f another way to kill er control an unarmed human..
Out of curiosity, in what way is it that you've observed the state tightening its grip on the populace?

It is an accepted fact that all of us are under surveillance pretty much all the time these days. I posted a thread before where a guy who bought some Oil Filters was visited by the Department of Homeland Security for it. Why? Before purchasing the filters for his personal vehicles, he saw an advertisement and checked it out to confirm it was a scam. The Computers that were watching for such things, especially for Ex Military, another watchlist you see, flagged him and an Agent was dispatched to get this scofflaw off the streets.

So who needs a warrant? They didn't. Obviously. They showed up with copies of his online receipt, and his browsing history. Now, how could they get that without a warrant? A National Security Letter perhaps, but that is seriously a problem isn't it?

DHS sets up checkpoints along with TSA at Rest Areas on interstate highways. Who cares? I mean, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Civil Asset Forfeitures are way up, Police Departments use them to increase their funding. So people have their money stolen without any due process. Who cares? Am I right? They're probably crooks anyway.

Example after example, event after event keeps showing that our own Police and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies are increasingly able to do pretty much whatever they want, and nobody does anything. Well they give them the authority to do even more. The funny thing is that the KGB dreamed of having that kind of information at hand on the people. The STASI had billions of records, but filing and finding them was difficult, now the Computer spits out any and all relevant data to the Agents.

We keep having problems with our agencies, and Congress keeps giving them even more power. Let's say you, as an American Citizen are coming home from England. You fly in to the Airport. Guess what? If they want to examine your phone, you have to give them the codes to get in. Want a Lawyer? You don't get one while being interviewed, not interrogated, by Customs. Right to remain Silent? I suppose you could, but that will mean they just hold you for the maximum allowable time. So what if you're a Citizen, you aren't powerful enough to make them regret it.

Time and again we see examples of oppressive policies and practices, and time and again we see that the society does nothing. I suppose it is because Civic classes are no long taught, and the importance of the Constitution is ignored by schools. I could go farther and suggest that the current trend of get them, but not me, exists in far too many people. Ignorance and a desire to make them suffer.

How many examples do you want? The DOJ examined the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and found one hundred practices, policies, and procedures that violated the Constitution. There aren't that many rights listed so how many different ways could they possibly violate the Constitution? It sounded like every single way possible.

Small town cops, big city cops. State cops, County Cops. Federal Agents, and paper pushers all violate your rights pretty much every single day. And we stand back and laugh because it is happening to THEM, whoever THEY are.

Illegal searches? No problem. We'll just create an exception. Searches still illegal? No problem, more exceptions.

Our nation has become as intrusive as the Soviets dreamed of. Our agents have the same authority as the KGB. To arrest and detain you for nothing, or they'll make up something later. Violations of the Brady Rule happen every day, and now we're hearing we should ignore those violations because they happen so often it isn't fair to let some people go because of it, when we don't let everyone go. For some reason, firing those cops, and prosecutors, who are violating the Brady Rule never is considered. Tossing the same people into jail for violating the constitution and Contempt of Court? We don't even throw Cops in Jail who are breaking the laws and violating the Constitution. In extreme circumstances we may require them to take a week off with pay, or apologize.

We haven't been a Constitutional Republic for a long time. We are almost a true Dictatorship, and it doesn't matter which party is sitting in which houses. Both sides do it. And nobody is in the mood to stop it.
Why? Because the tighter the state tightens its grip on the populace to make them subjugated the more they lose control....I do believe we had a revolution a couple of hundred years ago over authoritarianism..These trigger happy assassins of the state like to kill they can't think 0f another way to kill er control an unarmed human..
They were called out on a domestic dispute! Geesh.
And turned it into a murder scene.
I've been wondering about this for some time now, before the latest police shootings in Louisiana and Wisconsin. In both cases, and many others where a black person is shot by the police, the victim does not surrender. He doesn't do as he's told; he struggles, he tries to walk away and most of the time he does something that could be perceived as a threat to the officer or someone else and subsequently gets shot. We've seen the same scenario play out over and over, which leads to the obvious question: why doesn't the black guy give up? If he puts his hands up and allows himself to be cuffed and put into the police cruiser, then that's it, nobody gets shot and the justice system takes over.

Hence, the question in the thread title, why do they resist to the point of getting shot? They know the cops will shoot, so why give them a reason? It's probably a little different in each individual case, maybe some are on drugs or drunk, some are out on parole and don't want to go back to prison, and maybe some are suicidal. But for some reason they don't surrender and by making that decision they put themselves, the police officers, and bystanders at risk. Maybe at that point they are so desperate to get away that they lose the ability to think reasonably; I say that because it's very rare to see somebody get away from a situation where you have cops with weapons drawn and pointed at you, and then somehow escape.

These idiots are merely a microcosm of the democratic party. Both are incapable of accepting blame or fault and see concession to authority, rules or law as the ultimate defeat. Like the DNC, they march blindly ahead, defiant, resolved that they cannot lose or will never be shot, and when Trump wins this Fall, no democrat will ever look back and fault themselves and suggest that ANY of these was a BAD IDEA:
  1. Impeaching a president for following the advise of the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel.
  2. Using a viral epidemic as a political football, first accusing the president of taking it TOO seriously, then not enough.
  3. Blaming Trump for said deaths above despite the fact that it is a global problem with no good answers to until we get a vaccine.
  4. Pitching the nation into mass riot, chaos and crime and then defending the criminals.
  5. Vilifying the president and the police for trying to restore law and order.
  6. Crippling jobs, savings, business and the economy no matter WHAT the consequences despite no sure proof it was actually doing more good than harm.
  7. Choosing a candidate who at best is feeble-minded, fading, unable to campaign, and wavering.
  8. Pairing with him a VP who has said she is 180° opposed to him, was caught soliciting foreign help in tampering with the election, and wasn't even born to American parents.
  9. Daring to say that the ONLY way for Trump to win is by cheating-- -- after having been caught cheating in the LAST election yourself ten times over.
Like these criminals who keep being shot and dying every time despite repeated attempts, only the deranged mind of the DNC could do all this in an election year then be surprised if they lose!
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Why? Because the tighter the state tightens its grip on the populace to make them subjugated the more they lose control....I do believe we had a revolution a couple of hundred years ago over authoritarianism..These trigger happy assassins of the state like to kill they can't think 0f another way to kill er control an unarmed human..
Out of curiosity, in what way is it that you've observed the state tightening its grip on the populace?

It is an accepted fact that all of us are under surveillance pretty much all the time these days. I posted a thread before where a guy who bought some Oil Filters was visited by the Department of Homeland Security for it. Why? Before purchasing the filters for his personal vehicles, he saw an advertisement and checked it out to confirm it was a scam. The Computers that were watching for such things, especially for Ex Military, another watchlist you see, flagged him and an Agent was dispatched to get this scofflaw off the streets.

So who needs a warrant? They didn't. Obviously. They showed up with copies of his online receipt, and his browsing history. Now, how could they get that without a warrant? A National Security Letter perhaps, but that is seriously a problem isn't it?

DHS sets up checkpoints along with TSA at Rest Areas on interstate highways. Who cares? I mean, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Civil Asset Forfeitures are way up, Police Departments use them to increase their funding. So people have their money stolen without any due process. Who cares? Am I right? They're probably crooks anyway.

Example after example, event after event keeps showing that our own Police and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies are increasingly able to do pretty much whatever they want, and nobody does anything. Well they give them the authority to do even more. The funny thing is that the KGB dreamed of having that kind of information at hand on the people. The STASI had billions of records, but filing and finding them was difficult, now the Computer spits out any and all relevant data to the Agents.

We keep having problems with our agencies, and Congress keeps giving them even more power. Let's say you, as an American Citizen are coming home from England. You fly in to the Airport. Guess what? If they want to examine your phone, you have to give them the codes to get in. Want a Lawyer? You don't get one while being interviewed, not interrogated, by Customs. Right to remain Silent? I suppose you could, but that will mean they just hold you for the maximum allowable time. So what if you're a Citizen, you aren't powerful enough to make them regret it.

Time and again we see examples of oppressive policies and practices, and time and again we see that the society does nothing. I suppose it is because Civic classes are no long taught, and the importance of the Constitution is ignored by schools. I could go farther and suggest that the current trend of get them, but not me, exists in far too many people. Ignorance and a desire to make them suffer.

How many examples do you want? The DOJ examined the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and found one hundred practices, policies, and procedures that violated the Constitution. There aren't that many rights listed so how many different ways could they possibly violate the Constitution? It sounded like every single way possible.

Small town cops, big city cops. State cops, County Cops. Federal Agents, and paper pushers all violate your rights pretty much every single day. And we stand back and laugh because it is happening to THEM, whoever THEY are.

Illegal searches? No problem. We'll just create an exception. Searches still illegal? No problem, more exceptions.

Our nation has become as intrusive as the Soviets dreamed of. Our agents have the same authority as the KGB. To arrest and detain you for nothing, or they'll make up something later. Violations of the Brady Rule happen every day, and now we're hearing we should ignore those violations because they happen so often it isn't fair to let some people go because of it, when we don't let everyone go. For some reason, firing those cops, and prosecutors, who are violating the Brady Rule never is considered. Tossing the same people into jail for violating the constitution and Contempt of Court? We don't even throw Cops in Jail who are breaking the laws and violating the Constitution. In extreme circumstances we may require them to take a week off with pay, or apologize.

We haven't been a Constitutional Republic for a long time. We are almost a true Dictatorship, and it doesn't matter which party is sitting in which houses. Both sides do it. And nobody is in the mood to stop it.

Every word true.
How did we get here? How much further will it go?

We got here because people decided that their material gains are more valuable than their liberties and rights. Ultimately they will lose it all anyway.
It will progress until like you say, we are completely oppressed.
Today, we are not really all that far away from being like NK. A few more steps should do it.
I've been wondering about this for some time now, before the latest police shootings in Louisiana and Wisconsin. In both cases, and many others where a black person is shot by the police, the victim does not surrender. He doesn't do as he's told; he struggles, he tries to walk away and most of the time he does something that could be perceived as a threat to the officer or someone else and subsequently gets shot. We've seen the same scenario play out over and over, which leads to the obvious question: why doesn't the black guy give up? If he puts his hands up and allows himself to be cuffed and put into the police cruiser, then that's it, nobody gets shot and the justice system takes over.

Hence, the question in the thread title, why do they resist to the point of getting shot? They know the cops will shoot, so why give them a reason? It's probably a little different in each individual case, maybe some are on drugs or drunk, some are out on parole and don't want to go back to prison, and maybe some are suicidal. But for some reason they don't surrender and by making that decision they put themselves, the police officers, and bystanders at risk. Maybe at that point they are so desperate to get away that they lose the ability to think reasonably; I say that because it's very rare to see somebody get away from a situation where you have cops with weapons drawn and pointed at you, and then somehow escape.
Most likely they do this because they're stupid and have low I.Q.'s. That would be MY guess.
There are many people with low I.Q.s who are docile and non-violent. At "best" this behavior is cultural. At "worst" it is genetic. I believe much of black behavior is genetic.

But we see it also in white Antifa types too, so who knows.

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