Why do we call things "Conspiracy Theories"

Well the election was actually stolen
I stopped right there. Obviously you cannot distinguish facts from fantasy.

Have a nice day.
Yeah, I thought so.

In order to be true any of them would require evidence.

Once again you have NEVER posted supporting evidence for your beloved little theories.
I stick my neck out here strictly in order to bullshit people.
Get a life Soupy.
You stick nothing out boy. There is no daring or courage in what you do it is in fact your lame attempt to feel betteer about yourself since you are a dumbass loser in life.
My life is far better than yours especially since you are my bitch
giphy (1).gif

Don't sugar-coat it, dude. Tell us how you really fe.
when the overwhelming majority of them are actually true
Which ones are true?
Well the election was actually stolen, and COVID was nothing much rather than a world-threatening plague. That's 2 pretty fucking big ones, to start with.
Covid was massively overestimated true but that is not a conspiracy

The election was not stolen and you are stating a bald faced lie to claim it was stolen. You cannot produce any evidence it was stolen. No one has ever posted evidence it was stolen because no such evidence exists.
No evidence...... except for you know, all the evidence. :rolleyes:

You're clearly a fanatic so I'm not going to waste my time on you.
You can go, now.
No evidence period

You have never posted any evidence and neither has eanyone else. Like many reasonjable people here I have watched people like you posting claims about the election for months now.

This ia fact post after post thread after thread neither hyou nor anyone else has produced any fucking evidence that the elction was stolen,

You sir are a fucking liar and your accusation is an absolute childish fictitious lie with NO FUCKING evidence to back it up

You cannot post evidence. You have not post evidence and you never will post evidence.

Those are facts and NOW you are done.

Need a tampon?


Because some cartoonist says so?

That's not evidence, it's an opinion.

when the overwhelming majority of them are actually true
Which ones are true?
Well the election was actually stolen, and COVID was nothing much rather than a world-threatening plague. That's 2 pretty fucking big ones, to start with.
Covid was massively overestimated true but that is not a conspiracy

The election was not stolen and you are stating a bald faced lie to claim it was stolen. You cannot produce any evidence it was stolen. No one has ever posted evidence it was stolen because no such evidence exists.
No evidence...... except for you know, all the evidence. :rolleyes:

You're clearly a fanatic so I'm not going to waste my time on you.
You can go, now.
No evidence period

You have never posted any evidence and neither has eanyone else. Like many reasonjable people here I have watched people like you posting claims about the election for months now.

This ia fact post after post thread after thread neither hyou nor anyone else has produced any fucking evidence that the elction was stolen,

You sir are a fucking liar and your accusation is an absolute childish fictitious lie with NO FUCKING evidence to back it up

You cannot post evidence. You have not post evidence and you never will post evidence.

Those are facts and NOW you are done.

Need a tampon?


No YOU need ebvidence which your video fails to provide it is opinion only with no supporting factual evideencer.

Once again you gay windbag prost some evidence no one has ever do especially you.

Tthere is no fucking evidence the election was stolen despite your baldfaced lies to the contrary now try and prove me wrong fag.

What evidence would you be willing to accept?

What would make you admit you're wrong?

Nothing, right?


Why don't you show us a genuinely fraudulent ballot?
when the overwhelming majority of them are actually true
Which ones are true?
Well the election was actually stolen, and COVID was nothing much rather than a world-threatening plague. That's 2 pretty fucking big ones, to start with.
Covid was massively overestimated true but that is not a conspiracy

The election was not stolen and you are stating a bald faced lie to claim it was stolen. You cannot produce any evidence it was stolen. No one has ever posted evidence it was stolen because no such evidence exists.
No evidence...... except for you know, all the evidence. :rolleyes:

You're clearly a fanatic so I'm not going to waste my time on you.
You can go, now.
No evidence period

You have never posted any evidence and neither has eanyone else. Like many reasonjable people here I have watched people like you posting claims about the election for months now.

This ia fact post after post thread after thread neither hyou nor anyone else has produced any fucking evidence that the elction was stolen,

You sir are a fucking liar and your accusation is an absolute childish fictitious lie with NO FUCKING evidence to back it up

You cannot post evidence. You have not post evidence and you never will post evidence.

Those are facts and NOW you are done.

Need a tampon?


Because some cartoonist says so?

That's not evidence, it's an opinion.


If you're hiding something when everything is required to be out in the open, then that's all the evidence a reasonable person needs that fuckery is afoot.

But ya'll aren't reasonable, are you?
None of you are...... because a reasonable person looks at what went on and says; "That looks sketchy as fuck..... we should look into that and make sure everything is on the up and up."
Instead, you guys went; "Yay! Our fucking dementia patient who didn't even campaign got more votes than even Obama! Let's not look into any of this shady shit because then we might have to admit how fucking corrupt we really are. And if the rest of the country objects, we'll just play dumb, stonewall, cockblock and obstruct every inquiry and mock them."

Yeah...... there is nothing whatsoever I could show you that would ever get any of you to admit this was a fraud.
But that doesn't mean it wasn't.
when the overwhelming majority of them are actually true
Which ones are true?
Well the election was actually stolen, and COVID was nothing much rather than a world-threatening plague. That's 2 pretty fucking big ones, to start with.
Covid was massively overestimated true but that is not a conspiracy

The election was not stolen and you are stating a bald faced lie to claim it was stolen. You cannot produce any evidence it was stolen. No one has ever posted evidence it was stolen because no such evidence exists.
No evidence...... except for you know, all the evidence. :rolleyes:

You're clearly a fanatic so I'm not going to waste my time on you.
You can go, now.
No evidence period

You have never posted any evidence and neither has eanyone else. Like many reasonjable people here I have watched people like you posting claims about the election for months now.

This ia fact post after post thread after thread neither hyou nor anyone else has produced any fucking evidence that the elction was stolen,

You sir are a fucking liar and your accusation is an absolute childish fictitious lie with NO FUCKING evidence to back it up

You cannot post evidence. You have not post evidence and you never will post evidence.

Those are facts and NOW you are done.

Need a tampon?


No YOU need ebvidence which your video fails to provide it is opinion only with no supporting factual evideencer.

Once again you gay windbag prost some evidence no one has ever do especially you.

Tthere is no fucking evidence the election was stolen despite your baldfaced lies to the contrary now try and prove me wrong fag.

What evidence would you be willing to accept?

What would make you admit you're wrong?

Nothing, right?


Why don't you show us a genuinely fraudulent ballot?

There's been thousands found so far, how have you missed them?

Unless you are deliberately refusing to. Which we both know you are.
when the overwhelming majority of them are actually true?

Shouldn't we be asking who it is labeling current events of interest to the general public and pertinent to the general welfare of our society as "conspiracies", to be mocked and denigrated, and why?

How many times does this stuff have to turn out to be true before people start paying attention and asking some questions?

I don't know where you get your evidence that an overwhelmingly majority are true. In any case, something can be a conspiracy theory and still turn out to be factual.
Conspiracy Theories is more tactful than Fucking Crazy Theories

Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Yes we DID land on the moon
No, Elvis is not still alive
No, Obama was not born in Kenya
No, Hillary did not run a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
No, Trump did not win the 2020 election
You are right one thing, President Trump didnt win the 2020 election, it was stolen under the guise of the Kung Flu..
He did win though. :)
He lost.
It was stolen. You fuckers only win when you cheat...
It was not stolen.

Trump simply lost get over it

BTW you are more of a democrat than I am
It was Stolen

Trump Won

I am an American!
It was not stolen Trump lost that is fact which no evidence disputes. This is why conspiracy theory is used as a term of derision.

You wish it were true but it is a fallacy
View attachment 508593
SO you are a liberal describing your own point of view
Bwaaaaahhaaaaa.....I laugh at your stupidity.....
I feel pity for your proven stupidity whereas mine is just your projection becaiuse you are beaten and owned by me and you know this is true.

You ARE my bitch and everyone knows it YOU most of all
You are an idiot...I know, because i didnt vote for Joe the racist..
when the overwhelming majority of them are actually true?

Shouldn't we be asking who it is labeling current events of interest to the general public and pertinent to the general welfare of our society as "conspiracies", to be mocked and denigrated, and why?

How many times does this stuff have to turn out to be true before people start paying attention and asking some questions?

I don't know where you get your evidence that an overwhelmingly majority are true. In any case, something can be a conspiracy theory and still turn out to be factual.
Okay, how about "A whole fuck-ton of them" rather than an "overwhelming majority" since it seems there are a lot of people who want to quibble over that, rather than discuss all the times we have been outright lied to by the powers that be?
when the overwhelming majority of them are actually true
Which ones are true?
Well the election was actually stolen, and COVID was nothing much rather than a world-threatening plague. That's 2 pretty fucking big ones, to start with.
Covid was massively overestimated true but that is not a conspiracy

The election was not stolen and you are stating a bald faced lie to claim it was stolen. You cannot produce any evidence it was stolen. No one has ever posted evidence it was stolen because no such evidence exists.
No evidence...... except for you know, all the evidence. :rolleyes:

You're clearly a fanatic so I'm not going to waste my time on you.
You can go, now.
No evidence period

You have never posted any evidence and neither has eanyone else. Like many reasonjable people here I have watched people like you posting claims about the election for months now.

This ia fact post after post thread after thread neither hyou nor anyone else has produced any fucking evidence that the elction was stolen,

You sir are a fucking liar and your accusation is an absolute childish fictitious lie with NO FUCKING evidence to back it up

You cannot post evidence. You have not post evidence and you never will post evidence.

Those are facts and NOW you are done.

Need a tampon?


Because some cartoonist says so?

That's not evidence, it's an opinion.


If you're hiding something when everything is required to be out in the open, then that's all the evidence a reasonable person needs that fuckery is afoot.

But ya'll aren't reasonable, are you?
None of you are...... because a reasonable person looks at what went on and says; "That looks sketchy as fuck..... we should look into that and make sure everything is on the up and up."
Instead, you guys went; "Yay! Our fucking dementia patient who didn't even campaign got more votes than even Obama! Let's not look into any of this shady shit because then we might have to admit how fucking corrupt we really are. And if the rest of the country objects, we'll just play dumb, stonewall, cockblock and obstruct every inquiry and mock them."

Yeah...... there is nothing whatsoever I could show you that would ever get any of you to admit this was a fraud.
But that doesn't mean it wasn't.

Who's hiding anything?
when the overwhelming majority of them are actually true
Which ones are true?
Well the election was actually stolen, and COVID was nothing much rather than a world-threatening plague. That's 2 pretty fucking big ones, to start with.
Covid was massively overestimated true but that is not a conspiracy

The election was not stolen and you are stating a bald faced lie to claim it was stolen. You cannot produce any evidence it was stolen. No one has ever posted evidence it was stolen because no such evidence exists.
No evidence...... except for you know, all the evidence. :rolleyes:

You're clearly a fanatic so I'm not going to waste my time on you.
You can go, now.
No evidence period

You have never posted any evidence and neither has eanyone else. Like many reasonjable people here I have watched people like you posting claims about the election for months now.

This ia fact post after post thread after thread neither hyou nor anyone else has produced any fucking evidence that the elction was stolen,

You sir are a fucking liar and your accusation is an absolute childish fictitious lie with NO FUCKING evidence to back it up

You cannot post evidence. You have not post evidence and you never will post evidence.

Those are facts and NOW you are done.

Need a tampon?


No YOU need ebvidence which your video fails to provide it is opinion only with no supporting factual evideencer.

Once again you gay windbag prost some evidence no one has ever do especially you.

Tthere is no fucking evidence the election was stolen despite your baldfaced lies to the contrary now try and prove me wrong fag.

What evidence would you be willing to accept?

What would make you admit you're wrong?

Nothing, right?


Why don't you show us a genuinely fraudulent ballot?

There's been thousands found so far, how have you missed them?

Unless you are deliberately refusing to. Which we both know you are.

There have been like three. All done by republicans.

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