Why do white people disown their daughters for marrying Black Men?

I know this Black guy that married this white chick and it's a living hell for them. His parents are OK with their marriage for the most part, but her Dad is like the most racist KKK member I ever seen. I don't even go to his house anymore because the Dad tried to pick a fight with the guy over something stupid. a pillowcase.

I think he's a hot head and wants them to divorce, but needs a reason to push it.

the wife tries to play it down like her Dad is not a nutjob whacko and disapproves of their marriage. I always give her the shitface like "yeah right!"..but she insists he's a teddy Bear.

I told the Black guy to just get out of the marriage and save everybody the stress but he's in Love Boat heaven.

Why are white people so insane about their daughters marrying Black men?

that sounds like ONE person... assuming it's true....

not "white people".
I know this Black guy that married this white chick and it's a living hell for them. His parents are OK with their marriage for the most part, but her Dad is like the most racist KKK member I ever seen. I don't even go to his house anymore because the Dad tried to pick a fight with the guy over something stupid. a pillowcase.

I think he's a hot head and wants them to divorce, but needs a reason to push it.

the wife tries to play it down like her Dad is not a nutjob whacko and disapproves of their marriage. I always give her the shitface like "yeah right!"..but she insists he's a teddy Bear.

I told the Black guy to just get out of the marriage and save everybody the stress but he's in Love Boat heaven.

Why are white people so insane about their daughters marrying Black men?

that sounds like ONE person... assuming it's true....

not "white people".

Horsesass there is not what you'd call a 'careful thinker.'
White women who marry black men -- or bear their offspring -- end up abandoned, beaten, cheated on. Barack Obama is a pretty good example.

But even if the white woman married the (non-existent) perfect black man, the kids would still look like shit. Just don't go there, ya know?

Halle Berry looks like shit! Pardon me, I hadn't noticed.

It really all depends on who it is. If that white woman is marrying Denzel Washington or Clarence Thomas (who is married to a white woman), it's quite different than marrying Jamal who she met when he was in prison looking for pen pals.

Most of the time there is socioeconomic equality in choosing marriage partners and it really doesn't matter.
I know this Black guy that married this white chick and it's a living hell for them. His parents are OK with their marriage for the most part, but her Dad is like the most racist KKK member I ever seen. I don't even go to his house anymore because the Dad tried to pick a fight with the guy over something stupid. a pillowcase.

I think he's a hot head and wants them to divorce, but needs a reason to push it.

the wife tries to play it down like her Dad is not a nutjob whacko and disapproves of their marriage. I always give her the shitface like "yeah right!"..but she insists he's a teddy Bear.

I told the Black guy to just get out of the marriage and save everybody the stress but he's in Love Boat heaven.

Why are white people so insane about their daughters marrying Black men?

You do know the difference between 'people' and 'person', I assume?

Stop making a twit of yourself. You know a guy... that makes a mockery of the title of this moronic thread.
Well.....there's proof in more black males killing their white wives...there's OJ! :)
How could her parents be ok with the marriage, for the most part, but her dad is very racist?? Doesn't make sense!
I'm sure many whites are against their daughters marrying a black person. My daughter was a senior in HS and met a black guy she (thought) she really liked. He was a very nice guy, my husband and i got along with him great. They just found out they weren't compatible and it ended after about a year. We didn't have a problem with it, and would never even consider disowning our daughter for it! But i'm sure many would....and i'm sure there are many black parents that don't like their sons or daughters marrying a white. You're not going to get away from that and the problem isn't going to end.
I know this Black guy that married this white chick and it's a living hell for them. His parents are OK with their marriage for the most part, but her Dad is like the most racist KKK member I ever seen. I don't even go to his house anymore because the Dad tried to pick a fight with the guy over something stupid. a pillowcase.

I think he's a hot head and wants them to divorce, but needs a reason to push it.

the wife tries to play it down like her Dad is not a nutjob whacko and disapproves of their marriage. I always give her the shitface like "yeah right!"..but she insists he's a teddy Bear.

I told the Black guy to just get out of the marriage and save everybody the stress but he's in Love Boat heaven.

Why are white people so insane about their daughters marrying Black men?

Too broad a brush there, Sparky.
I know this Black guy that married this white chick and it's a living hell for them. His parents are OK with their marriage for the most part, but her Dad is like the most racist KKK member I ever seen. I don't even go to his house anymore because the Dad tried to pick a fight with the guy over something stupid. a pillowcase.

I think he's a hot head and wants them to divorce, but needs a reason to push it.

the wife tries to play it down like her Dad is not a nutjob whacko and disapproves of their marriage. I always give her the shitface like "yeah right!"..but she insists he's a teddy Bear.

I told the Black guy to just get out of the marriage and save everybody the stress but he's in Love Boat heaven.

Why are white people so insane about their daughters marrying Black men?

I think that you are making a blanket generalization that is not accurate. I am definitely sure that SOME people will disown their daughters if they marry someone of another 'race', religion, etc., that they disapprove of.
Misleading OP to say the least. There are plenty of white families that are perfectly accepting of a minority spouse.

Yep, my family and my wife's family is a fine example of that very fact. We notice 'race', talk about 'race' often, and we treat everyone as an individual. We embrace people of all races and love diversity. I get along great with my father in law and my mother in law is like another mother to me. My grandmother in law LOVES ME .
A previous issue of the journal published a study showing blacks males are even 33% more likely to kill their spouse if she is white instead of black.

According to the study, white females married to black males are 12.4 times more likely to be murdered by their husbands than white females married to white males. The same study shows that white men married to black women are 21.4 times more likely to be murdered by their wife than white men married to white women. The study shows that white women married to black men have the single highest risk of death by femicide of any married women in the US.

This and the fact that the child will have 15 points less iq on the means. Think about it.

yea, white power, we are better equiped to enslave and destroy the Earth with our far superior weapons of mass destruction and biological warfare, all must kneel and honor us.

So you're perfectly ok with the fact that they kill at 12.4 times the white rate??? What's wrong with us being able to feed our people??? You hate the comfortable life you have?

I'm willing to bet that he's all for punishing the people who commit those crimes. Maybe Moonglow is intelligent and decent enough to treat everyone as an individual.
People are genetically programmed to want to... pass on their genes.

Nature made it so that we care most about little ones who look like we do.

This applies to all races.

So the mixed-race baby is kind of a reject. It shares fewer genes with the parent than a same-race baby. The mixed-race baby looks like someone else's baby.

I'm mixed and that experience has been an excellent and enlightening one. It taught me that there are good and bad people of all 'races' and to treat everyone as an individual. I feel like an ambassador between the 'races'! :lol:
I know this Black guy that married this white chick and it's a living hell for them. His parents are OK with their marriage for the most part, but her Dad is like the most racist KKK member I ever seen. I don't even go to his house anymore because the Dad tried to pick a fight with the guy over something stupid. a pillowcase.

I think he's a hot head and wants them to divorce, but needs a reason to push it.

the wife tries to play it down like her Dad is not a nutjob whacko and disapproves of their marriage. I always give her the shitface like "yeah right!"..but she insists he's a teddy Bear.

I told the Black guy to just get out of the marriage and save everybody the stress but he's in Love Boat heaven.

Why are white people so insane about their daughters marrying Black men?

that sounds like ONE person... assuming it's true....

not "white people".

Horsesass there is not what you'd call a 'careful thinker.'

seems to be the case.
To many whites, marrying a black is marrying "down". This is a rather obvious point which leads me to believe that your thread is grasping at something else. In your example, it does not seem like her parents, or her father at least, has disowned his daughter anyway.

Pretty much her whole family disapproves, but her dad is off the chain in your face about it. it's disturbing.

and "marrying down" sounds like the white chick made a bad decision...until she probably saw him naked....and decided. no turning back now...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
I thought she was disowned, And grow up, weee...
I know this Black guy that married this white chick and it's a living hell for them. His parents are OK with their marriage for the most part, but her Dad is like the most racist KKK member I ever seen. I don't even go to his house anymore because the Dad tried to pick a fight with the guy over something stupid. a pillowcase.

I think he's a hot head and wants them to divorce, but needs a reason to push it.

the wife tries to play it down like her Dad is not a nutjob whacko and disapproves of their marriage. I always give her the shitface like "yeah right!"..but she insists he's a teddy Bear.

I told the Black guy to just get out of the marriage and save everybody the stress but he's in Love Boat heaven.

Why are white people so insane about their daughters marrying Black men?

Why do idiots post stupid threads?

Because they are stupid.
I know this Black guy that married this white chick and it's a living hell for them. His parents are OK with their marriage for the most part, but her Dad is like the most racist KKK member I ever seen. I don't even go to his house anymore because the Dad tried to pick a fight with the guy over something stupid. a pillowcase.

I think he's a hot head and wants them to divorce, but needs a reason to push it.

the wife tries to play it down like her Dad is not a nutjob whacko and disapproves of their marriage. I always give her the shitface like "yeah right!"..but she insists he's a teddy Bear.

I told the Black guy to just get out of the marriage and save everybody the stress but he's in Love Boat heaven.

Why are white people so insane about their daughters marrying Black men?

The father has just as much right to dissapprove of his daughters choice as she did to marry her choice.

There are more characteristics about someone's personna than just the pigment in their skin. Me personally, I wouldn't let someone in my house or boat(where I normally live) that is playing rap music. I have lots of friends that have darker skin than I do. None of them dissrespect me with rap music when I'm in their company.

The daughter knew she was abandoning her fathers wishes when she chose to marry the black guy. That was her choice. Now she must live with it. If the black guy makes her happy enough to replace the love of her father then good for her. If it does not....then she is a fool and gets what she deserves.
Why do white people disown their daughters for marrying Black Men?

Do they?

I have know at least five women who chose to marry Black men.

NONE of those girls family "disowned" them.

Perhaps you and I know come from such wildly different social strata that the experiences of your friends and mine are different, 4 Horse.


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