Why do women find Mitt creepy?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
In the last chat, I tried and failed to put my finger on what, exactly, it was that seems to turn people off about Mitt Romney, an articulate, handsome, impressive person. It was evident during the GOP primary season, when voters lurched in desperation from lamebrain loon to loony lamebrain, serial shotgun marriages with doofs and dorks and dummies, rather than resign themselves to the inevitability of this guy. I said I thought he was "creepy," which would explain why Romney had so much trouble attracting female supporters. Seems to me, Number One on the list of things that turns off women is a whiff of "This guy's a creep."

A few people -- all women -- wrote in to explain their visceral reactions to Romney. The best was from Sharon W. Bower, whose view pretty much summarized them all. Here it is:
This is just my read, but when I see Romney, what comes across to me is thinly veiled hostility.

This is someone who is used to getting his way. He does not respond well when he doesn’t. He’s the boss who says that he values your input, but if you contradict him or his goals he will not hesitate to fire you or (better yet) see to it that you get fired. There is a coldness, a calculation about him. He is a man of action, a man who will do what needs to be done. If what needs to be done involves hiding a few bodies, he will find the most effective way to do so.

The façade of good humor, bonhomie and “man of the people” is a paper mask. The eyes looking out of it have all of the warmth and kindness of a cobra.

You’re absolutely right the women are creeped out by him. This isn’t the serial rapist or dangerous drunken frat boy. He’s the guy who would dismiss your thoughts and opinions and remove your autonomy under the guise of loving you. He’s the guy who would tell you, “Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry your pretty little head about this,” and mean it.

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I get the feeling that Mittens does not want the women flocking him.

i dont understand why people think we need a leader who is worshiped by fanatics rather than one who is competant and will lead us correctly.
In the last chat, I tried and failed to put my finger on what, exactly, it was that seems to turn people off about Mitt Romney, an articulate, handsome, impressive person. It was evident during the GOP primary season, when voters lurched in desperation from lamebrain loon to loony lamebrain, serial shotgun marriages with doofs and dorks and dummies, rather than resign themselves to the inevitability of this guy. I said I thought he was "creepy," which would explain why Romney had so much trouble attracting female supporters. Seems to me, Number One on the list of things that turns off women is a whiff of "This guy's a creep."

A few people -- all women -- wrote in to explain their visceral reactions to Romney. The best was from Sharon W. Bower, whose view pretty much summarized them all. Here it is:
This is just my read, but when I see Romney, what comes across to me is thinly veiled hostility.

This is someone who is used to getting his way. He does not respond well when he doesn’t. He’s the boss who says that he values your input, but if you contradict him or his goals he will not hesitate to fire you or (better yet) see to it that you get fired. There is a coldness, a calculation about him. He is a man of action, a man who will do what needs to be done. If what needs to be done involves hiding a few bodies, he will find the most effective way to do so.

The façade of good humor, bonhomie and “man of the people” is a paper mask. The eyes looking out of it have all of the warmth and kindness of a cobra.

You’re absolutely right the women are creeped out by him. This isn’t the serial rapist or dangerous drunken frat boy. He’s the guy who would dismiss your thoughts and opinions and remove your autonomy under the guise of loving you. He’s the guy who would tell you, “Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry your pretty little head about this,” and mean it.


Robo Romney could learn a lot from Bender...

I'm a guy, and I feel exactly the same way the lady in the OP feels about Romney. She stated it much better than I ever could have.
I get the feeling that Mittens does not want the women flocking him.

i dont understand why people think we need a leader who is worshiped by fanatics rather than one who is competant and will lead us correctly.

the flocking is done voluntarily by women and men.
It is part of being in the position of power.

I dont flock to people in power. I hold them accountable for their actions to the degree that I can and try to build my own power. I believe in self empowerment. Not worshiping others.
I'm a guy, and I feel exactly the same way the lady in the OP feels about Romney. She stated it much better than I ever could have.
Well, you're also a racist, an anti-semite, a bigot, and a moron.

Birds of a feather.....

Romney has made an issue about reversing himself on policies that he should be proud of. It simply shows that to him the gaining of the Presidency is far more important to him than pursueing policies that would be good for this nation. He has aquired too many owe me's to the wingnut portion of the GOP to be trusted in power.
i dont understand why people think we need a leader who is worshiped by fanatics rather than one who is competant and will lead us correctly.

the flocking is done voluntarily by women and men.
It is part of being in the position of power.

I dont flock to people in power. I hold them accountable for their actions to the degree that I can and try to build my own power. I believe in self empowerment. Not worshiping others.

Neither do I, but there are those that do.
If you don't worship others, then you leave others like Jesus out of your self empowerment?

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