Why do women have so many kids with different men?

Women were sold a bill of goods under the misnomer "sexual freedom" some decades back..when they were taught from the cradle, by the state, that it's their RIGHT to engage in risky sex, and have as many babies that they can't afford as they like. They were taught that not only is having sex with multiple partners fun and fulfilling, they were taught that it was *sexist* and *bigoted* if people DARED to imply that they were being foolish to do so.

They were also taught that there is no need for a man in the household..that single parent households, and same sex-parent households, were every bit as lovely as the traditional 2-parent, married household, and that all their multiple bastard children with multiple men would THANK them someday for being so self centered.

They were also taught that their sex lives should continue apace after splitting up with their boyfriends/husbands/lovers, and the kids would be much happier with a sexually fulfilled mother than a mom who, after failing in a relationship with their dads, determined to devote herself to the task of raising her fatherless children alone. They were told that, in the event they found themselves knocked up and the father was a loser, they could get an abortion and that would be a Rite of Passage that would enhance their lives. They were also taught that abortions can erase the trauma of rape, and make domestic violence as if it never happened.

They were taught that prostitution and working as a stripper are both awesome jobs for mothers to engage in, and that children would respect them and grow up straight and honorable, if their moms work taking their clothes off and spreading their legs for strangers.

They bought the anti-female progressive lie.

is that why you found yourself in those circumstances, allie? because you were sold a bill of good by progressives?

Everybody here knows my story, valravi. Unlike others, I'm not dishonest nor do I hide things. My mother was an adamant atheist, and she bought into the whole progressive lie in the 70s, which means she raised me in it. Over the course of our lives, we came gradually to realize what a terrible, horrible model it was, as we saw the way it affected our family. I and others in my family work in the health, justice, and human services fields, so not only have we seen first hand what this ridiculous ideology does to families, we have also observed the damage it has done to society as a whole.

You prating bitches who sit on your fat asses and tell others that they should get abortions, and have sex at will, and teach the children of the poor how to best live out their every sexual whim have no idea how that looks in real time. Either that or you just don't care. I've seen the children and women who are destroyed by the lifestyle progressives preach as "diverse" and "healthy". It's pathetic, they're pitiful..and the ones who keep pushing it are disgusting.
oh beejeezus :eusa_doh: STOP PREACHING BIBLEGRL!!! :talktothehand:

I thought you said that you were divorced or never-married but had child/ren koshergrl :eusa_think:
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But it has nothing to do with the advent of *diversity* and *free love* and *abortion for all* and *if it feels good, do it* and *you don't need a husband to be a good mom* and *there's no stigma to out of wedlock birth*.

It's purely coincidental, the party of *science* and *education* will tell you.

You're an idiot, plain and simple. Just because you're stupid doesn't mean ALL women are.
As the only ex-Golden Glover and tournament Karate fighter here, I am now changing my opinion of this being a LOSER thread...after careful analysis of a re-read, I've decided to name a WINNER based on two factors.

!) Who was friendly at first but came under pack-attack.

2) Who got rough in the clinches but regained their civility in later rounds.

Not an easy choice because the occasional BOMB was landed by all parties concerned. Words were passed and like a bell can't be unrung or forgotten...however, all parties here understand that if grudges are held, the spirit of the fight was lost regardless of who(m) I declare the winner.

In light of this, and despite my lunatic brother going off on one of his Elmer Gantry piety rants, I found KosherGirl could have been declared the winner on most nights but, based on endurance and a spunky right-cross, I call the name of......


ChrisL by a whisker (not that she has whiskers or anything) :lol:

Did you really read the thread? Because SHE has multiple children from multiple fathers. . . . :cuckoo: She is just another religious whacko nut who thinks she's better than other people for some strange reason.
As the only ex-Golden Glover and tournament Karate fighter here, I am now changing my opinion of this being a LOSER thread...after careful analysis of a re-read, I've decided to name a WINNER based on two factors.

!) Who was friendly at first but came under pack-attack.

2) Who got rough in the clinches but regained their civility in later rounds.

Not an easy choice because the occasional BOMB was landed by all parties concerned. Words were passed and like a bell can't be unrung or forgotten...however, all parties here understand that if grudges are held, the spirit of the fight was lost regardless of who(m) I declare the winner.

In light of this, and despite my lunatic brother going off on one of his Elmer Gantry piety rants, I found KosherGirl could have been declared the winner on most nights but, based on endurance and a spunky right-cross, I call the name of......


ChrisL by a whisker (not that she has whiskers or anything) :lol:

Did you really read the thread? Because SHE has multiple children from multiple fathers. . . . :cuckoo: She is just another religious whacko nut who thinks she's better than other people for some strange reason.
I know right? she was a bristol palin before there was a bristol palin :lol:
As the only ex-Golden Glover and tournament Karate fighter here, I am now changing my opinion of this being a LOSER thread...after careful analysis of a re-read, I've decided to name a WINNER based on two factors.

!) Who was friendly at first but came under pack-attack.

2) Who got rough in the clinches but regained their civility in later rounds.

Not an easy choice because the occasional BOMB was landed by all parties concerned. Words were passed and like a bell can't be unrung or forgotten...however, all parties here understand that if grudges are held, the spirit of the fight was lost regardless of who(m) I declare the winner.

In light of this, and despite my lunatic brother going off on one of his Elmer Gantry piety rants, I found KosherGirl could have been declared the winner on most nights but, based on endurance and a spunky right-cross, I call the name of......


ChrisL by a whisker (not that she has whiskers or anything) :lol:
You haven't even posted a picture yet, and it starts.

Ma always said you were the handsome one.
But it has nothing to do with the advent of *diversity* and *free love* and *abortion for all* and *if it feels good, do it* and *you don't need a husband to be a good mom* and *there's no stigma to out of wedlock birth*.

It's purely coincidental, the party of *science* and *education* will tell you.

You're an idiot, plain and simple. Just because you're stupid doesn't mean ALL women are.
She's more than that. She's :up: spiteful too. Funny how she makes every mistake in the book then comes on here to dole-out unsolicited advice on how others should live their lives :rofl:
As the only ex-Golden Glover and tournament Karate fighter here, I am now changing my opinion of this being a LOSER thread...after careful analysis of a re-read, I've decided to name a WINNER based on two factors.

!) Who was friendly at first but came under pack-attack.

2) Who got rough in the clinches but regained their civility in later rounds.

Not an easy choice because the occasional BOMB was landed by all parties concerned. Words were passed and like a bell can't be unrung or forgotten...however, all parties here understand that if grudges are held, the spirit of the fight was lost regardless of who(m) I declare the winner.

In light of this, and despite my lunatic brother going off on one of his Elmer Gantry piety rants, I found KosherGirl could have been declared the winner on most nights but, based on endurance and a spunky right-cross, I call the name of......

ChrisL by a whisker (not that she has whiskers or anything) :lol:
You haven't even posted a picture yet, and it starts.

Ma always said you were the handsome one.
yep, post a pic or it didn't happen. Same goes for kgrill if she wants to give everyone here advice.
But it has nothing to do with the advent of *diversity* and *free love* and *abortion for all* and *if it feels good, do it* and *you don't need a husband to be a good mom* and *there's no stigma to out of wedlock birth*.

It's purely coincidental, the party of *science* and *education* will tell you.

You're an idiot, plain and simple. Just because you're stupid doesn't mean ALL women are.
She's more than that. She's :up: spiteful too. Funny how she makes every mistake in the book then comes on here to dole-out unsolicited advice on how others should live their lives :rofl:

I don't mind advice per se, when the intentions are good. This woman is just a judgmental bitch. Like a lot of so-called "religious" people, she is a phony.
I invite you to see what you can pull up. This is just a ploy on the two most dishonest and malicious posters this forum has to encourage little trolls like you to try to find personal information on me. They do this all the time. Ravi in particular likes to let slip information about me and my kids, in the hopes that one of the weirdos on this site might pay us a visit.

Good luck.


Hmm. Interesting! Now we have two posters claiming the same thing! I will have to do a search later on when I have time to see what I can dig up. :D

I invite you to see what you can pull up. This is just a ploy on the two most dishonest and malicious posters this forum has to encourage little trolls like you to try to find personal information on me. They do this all the time. Ravi in particular likes to let slip information about me and my kids, in the hopes that one of the weirdos on this site might pay us a visit.

Good luck.

I'd say the chances of two different posters lying about you, for whatever reason, are slim to none.

I mean really, that would be just outright blatant lying. For what reason would they have to do that?

Do they like to make up stories about people they don't know, like you apparently do? :eusa_naughty:

I think your God would be disgusted.

Yes, they do make up stories.

Ravi took information that was given her in PM and spread it on the open board when I had posters who had threatened to *look me up* and *report me* for my views on abortion.

She gets off on this, and so does Care. You notice that Care doesn't respond to the reference to her fake Catholicism way back when?
Not this shit again.

Yes indeed. If you imbecilic skanks want to play this game, I'll keep reminding everybody of exactly who you are.

But you are the one who came on this thread, passing your judgments, when YOU did the same thing . . . I'm stunned by your hypocrisy, really.
That rule doesn't hold when I'm the person whose family is being referenced and attacked and dragged into the mud, it never has. They're asking me about my baby daddies in a couple of different threads.

Anyway, this shit is one reason my kids know how to shoot straight.

You dragged my family into this. You made up an entire post about how you assume I was raised and other things about my parents and family. Correct? I simply asked you an honest question.

Good Lord! You even started off by saying "I know where she went wrong . . . " FU, you pretentious bitch.
I see you've met babble :(

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That rule doesn't hold when I'm the person whose family is being referenced and attacked and dragged into the mud, it never has. They're asking me about my baby daddies in a couple of different threads.

Anyway, this shit is one reason my kids know how to shoot straight.
Oh beejeezus babble :eusa_doh: Project much?

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