Why Do You Hate Dick Chaney?

Lack of response duly noted. But then bumper stickers are paper thin...
I don't hate him those who do is because he dares to speak his mind not something really acceptable in today's politically correct world at least that's my opinion.

Exactly! One can believe anything he says, unless one wants to "hate on him" for being imperfect. I thank him for his service to our country and don't hold him to perfection. He is the type of man, who would give his best, regardless of public perception and PC.
I was at an investor's conference about 17-18 years ago; one of the speakers was The Dick.
A little while later another speaker took the podium and said, "I can't believe you people sat there and applauded for a scumbag like Dick Cheney" (he spat the name)...

The Dick would have been with Halliburton at the time and ex-DefSec.

Why does anybody hate him? (meaning, hate what he represents)...
Because he's a Dick -- nay, THE Dick.

That's prolly not specific enough, right?

OK, short list and no particular order:

  • Secret energy task force
  • Secret 9/11 commission meeting
  • Iraq
  • Torture and the attendant fallout of national reputation
  • Lying asshole
  • Chickenhawk
  • PNAC
  • Power grabs for the office of POTUS
  • Valerie Plame kerfuffle
  • Whoring for industry at the expense of environment
  • And the most nakedly blatant case of The Dick being The Dick: "So?"

-- list compiled by Captain Obvious

ps lemme guess -- this thread is the initial salvo in the Revisionista Project to stick our collective head in the sand and pretend that none of the above ever happened...
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Scooter Libby
Saddam-9-11 link
The Cheney smirk
OK, short list and no particular order:

  • Secret energy task force
  • Secret 9/11 commission meeting
  • Iraq
  • Torture and the attendant fallout of national reputation
  • Lying asshole
  • Chickenhawk
  • PNAC
  • Power grabs for the office of POTUS
  • Valerie Plame kerfuffle
  • Whoring for industry at the expense of environment
  • And the most nakedly blatant case of The Dick being The Dick: "So?"

You've just decscribed the Obama admin
Dick Cheney is one of the most evil politicians to ever come to Washington. An accurate assessment does not include hate at all. No need to.
Hell, I think that Dick Cheney would make a good name for a rock band...or better yet, Cheney Dick!

But seriously, guys, I worked for a company owned by, and steeped in the Haliburton Culture. Even only 12 months of that will leave a lasting stain on your soul...
Hate? I don't hate him but hes a bastard tho

1) During the several months preceding the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, and thereafter, the vice president became aware that no certain evidence existed of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, a fact articulated in several official documents, including: (a) A report by the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency, concluding that "there is no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling chemical weapons, or where Iraq has--or will--establish its chemical warfare agent production facilities." (b) A National Intelligence Estimate, compiled by the nation's intelligence agencies, admitting to "little specific information" about chemical weapons in Iraq. (c) A later section of the same NIE, admitting "low confidence" that Saddam Hussein "would engage in clandestine attacks against the U.S. Homeland," and equally "low confidence" that he would "share chemical or biological weapons with al-Qa'ida." (d) An addendum by the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, asserting that Hussein's quest for yellowcake uranium in Africa was "highly dubious" and that his acquisition of certain machine parts, considered by some to be evidence of a nuclear program, were "not clearly linked to a nuclear end use." (e) A report by the United States Department of Energy, stating that the machinery in question was "poorly suited" for nuclear use.

(2) Despite these questions and uncertainties, and having full awareness of them, the vice president nevertheless proceeded to misrepresent the facts in his public statements, claiming that there was no doubt about the existence of chemical and biological weapons in Iraq and that a full-scale nuclear program was known to exist, including: (a) March 17, 2002: "We know they have biological and chemical weapons." (b) March 19, 2002: "We know they are pursuing nuclear weapons." (c) March 24, 2002: "He is actively pursuing nuclear weapons." (d) May 19, 2002: "We know he's got chemical and biological...we know he's working on nuclear." (e) August 26, 2002: "We now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons... Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." (f) March 16, 2003: "We believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons."

(3) At the same time, despite overwhelming skepticism within the government of a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda--resulting in the conclusion of the 9/11 Commission that "no credible evidence" for such a link existed, and the CIA's determination that Hussein "did not have a relationship" with Al Qaeda--the vice president continued to insist that the relationship had been confirmed, including: (a) December 2, 2002: "His regime has had high-level contacts with Al Qaeda going back a decade and has provided training to Al Qaeda terrorists." (b) January 30, 2003: "His regime aids and protects terrorists, including members of Al Qaeda. He could decide secretly to provide weapons of mass destruction to terrorists for use against us." (c) March 16, 2003: "We know that he has a long-standing relationship with various terrorist groups, including the Al Qaeda organization." (d) September 14, 2003: "We learned more and more that there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s, that it involved training, for example, on biological weapons and chemical weapons." (e) October 10, 2003: "He also had an established relationship with Al Qaeda--providing training to Al Qaeda members in areas of poisons, gases, and conventional bombs." (f) January 9, 2004: "Al Qaeda and the Iraqi intelligence services...have worked together on a number of occasions." (g) January 22, 2004: "There's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between Al Qaeda and the Iraqi government" (h) June 18, 2004: "There clearly was a relationship. It's been testified to. The evidence is overwhelming."

The People V. Richard Cheney
Scooter Libby
Saddam-9-11 link
The Cheney smirk

Damn, I forgot about the smirk. And the man-sized vault. And Pat Leahy. And prison profiteering.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=120NQ-27FdQ]America's Biggest Dick - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwNiVZWuQpE]The guy that said "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney!!" - YouTube[/ame]
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One of my proudest moments was being offered a contract by Halliburton and refusing it.

Scum of the earth.

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