Why Do You Hate Dick Chaney?

>> During the 1989 US invasion of Panama and the 1991 Gulf War, as Secretary of Defense Cheney ran the Pentagon with an iron fist, including unprecedented restrictions on the press. Ironically, one of the ink-stained wretches who felt Cheney’s wrath was Time photojournalist Warren Bocxe. The ungrateful scribe was blindfolded and detained for 30 hours (by fellow Americans, not Iraqis) for allegedly violating Defense Department press restrictions. Working with sidekick General Colin Powell (now Bush’s Secretary of State) Cheney exaggerated the accuracy of US missile strikes, covered up mistakes and in the words of one ABC TV producer ‘duped’ the media.

... He voted (not just once but ten times) against economic sanctions on apartheid-era South Africa. And he was one of only two US Congress members who voted against a resolution calling for the release of Nelson Mandela from prison. Asked to justify his egregious voting record, Cheney adroitly side-stepped the issue. ‘The American people want to hear about the future, not the past,’ he quipped.

... Perhaps worse is Cheney’s slimy business career. During five years as head of the Dallas-based oil-services company, Halliburton, the firm openly courted regimes that flagrantly violated human rights – including Iran, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Libya, Nigeria and even the current US bête noire, Iraq.

... According to The Texas Observer, the Gulf War helped Cheney launch ‘one of the largest privatization efforts in the history of the Pentagon, steering huge military contracts to private contractors’. At Halliburton he cashed in on the same contracts he set in motion. When Cheney started with the company it was doing less than $300 million in business with the Defense Department. By the end of 1999 the amount had grown to more than $650 million, a classic case of what some critics call ‘revolving-door politics’.
<< (New Internationalist)
I suspect SOME people on the left hate Cheney because he's a conservative. Some people probably hate him because they buy into a particular conspiracy theory or at the very least, have a tenuous grasp of history and context. I suspect most people who hate him though do so because they are told to hate him by certain political sites, politicians and celebrities on the left. I personally love Cheney and have an alter of him in my basement (it helps hide the bloodstains). I would pay a million dollars to see Cheney debate Obama. Only because I've never seen Obama cry before.
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I suspect SOME people on the left hate Cheney because he's a conservative. Some people probably hate him because they buy into a particular conspiracy theory or at the very least, have a tenuous grasp of history and context. I suspect most people who hate him though do so because they are told to hate him by certain political sites, politicians and celebrities on the left. In other words, there is nothing new here to see. Same ol' same ol'.

For a Vice President, Cheney had unprecidented influence in the White House

It was Cheney oerating behind the scenes that influenced the majority of the decisions that led to George Bush being the worst President in modern history. Bush was let down by his advisors with Cheney in the lead. It was not till Bush finally dumped Rumsfeld and stopped listening to Cheney that he started to make effective decisions at the end of his presidency
>> During the 1989 US invasion of Panama and the 1991 Gulf War, as Secretary of Defense Cheney ran the Pentagon with an iron fist, including unprecedented restrictions on the press. Ironically, one of the ink-stained wretches who felt Cheney&#8217;s wrath was Time photojournalist Warren Bocxe. The ungrateful scribe was blindfolded and detained for 30 hours (by fellow Americans, not Iraqis) for allegedly violating Defense Department press restrictions. Working with sidekick General Colin Powell (now Bush&#8217;s Secretary of State) Cheney exaggerated the accuracy of US missile strikes, covered up mistakes and in the words of one ABC TV producer &#8216;duped&#8217; the media.

... He voted (not just once but ten times) against economic sanctions on apartheid-era South Africa. And he was one of only two US Congress members who voted against a resolution calling for the release of Nelson Mandela from prison. Asked to justify his egregious voting record, Cheney adroitly side-stepped the issue. &#8216;The American people want to hear about the future, not the past,&#8217; he quipped.

... Perhaps worse is Cheney&#8217;s slimy business career. During five years as head of the Dallas-based oil-services company, Halliburton, the firm openly courted regimes that flagrantly violated human rights &#8211; including Iran, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Libya, Nigeria and even the current US bête noire, Iraq.

... According to The Texas Observer, the Gulf War helped Cheney launch &#8216;one of the largest privatization efforts in the history of the Pentagon, steering huge military contracts to private contractors&#8217;. At Halliburton he cashed in on the same contracts he set in motion. When Cheney started with the company it was doing less than $300 million in business with the Defense Department. By the end of 1999 the amount had grown to more than $650 million, a classic case of what some critics call &#8216;revolving-door politics&#8217;. << (New Internationalist)

Warren Boxcze? Who voted on him to intervene in a time of war?

Cheney voted against liberal-led economics sanctions against American Ally South Africa over Apartheid 9 times?

And after the liberals forced South African Apartheid to stop, the blacks are threatening to kill whites for being white. Cheney's vote was a wise one, imho. Blacks didn't want to merely end Apartheid. They wanted to get rid of all the white people who have lived in Africa for half a millennium, and that's now becoming plain after you destroyed the white government that brought prosperity and peace to South Africa. They're now back to savagery, killing, maiming, fighting, cheating, stealing, etc. Way to go Democrats. Beat up Cheney for his vote which would have kept South Africa prosperous and peaceful.

Halliburton is an American business that employs well-paid Americans and does jobs for people nobody else has the expertise and backing to do as well as they do. Punish Dick Cheney for bringing his expertise in management to a winning business that pays huge taxes to the federal government and does good reliable work in a difficult industry that requires expertise in safety, attention to problems, and hard work in grueling conditions usually. Cheney is supposed to hang his head in shame for helping America produce good jobs for Americans? I don't think so.

On privatization--Cheney came up with ways to encourage the private sector to do what governments do poorly? OMG that just breaks my heart he saved money by doing good and necessary managerial manipulations to save the government megabucks by delegating responsibilities to the most capable private enterprises known who do not cost taxpayers trillions of dollars to do the best job that can be done. How too doggone bad is it to prevent Congresscritters from getting their hands on all that money to divide it between Pelosi's many relatives to get free money when bad managerial decisions throw the burden back to the taxpayer and can 1100 people without notice overnight at taxpayer expense?

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I suspect SOME people on the left hate Cheney because he's a conservative. Some people probably hate him because they buy into a particular conspiracy theory or at the very least, have a tenuous grasp of history and context. I suspect most people who hate him though do so because they are told to hate him by certain political sites, politicians and celebrities on the left. I personally love Cheney and have an alter of him in my basement (it helps hide the bloodstains). I would pay a million dollars to see Cheney debate Obama. Only because I've never seen Obama cry before.

What you just said was "I don't know why" in 5 sentences. Annnd posted bullshit reasons after real reasons were given. Stay in your bubble
I suspect SOME people on the left hate Cheney because he's a conservative. Some people probably hate him because they buy into a particular conspiracy theory or at the very least, have a tenuous grasp of history and context. I suspect most people who hate him though do so because they are told to hate him by certain political sites, politicians and celebrities on the left. In other words, there is nothing new here to see. Same ol' same ol'.

For a Vice President, Cheney had unprecidented influence in the White House

It was Cheney oerating behind the scenes that influenced the majority of the decisions that led to George Bush being the worst President in modern history. Bush was let down by his advisors with Cheney in the lead. It was not till Bush finally dumped Rumsfeld and stopped listening to Cheney that he started to make effective decisions at the end of his presidency

Ah yes, conspiracy theory. Yes, as I said before, that is one of the reasons people hate Cheney. Thank you for the example
I suspect SOME people on the left hate Cheney because he's a conservative. Some people probably hate him because they buy into a particular conspiracy theory or at the very least, have a tenuous grasp of history and context. I suspect most people who hate him though do so because they are told to hate him by certain political sites, politicians and celebrities on the left. I personally love Cheney and have an alter of him in my basement (it helps hide the bloodstains). I would pay a million dollars to see Cheney debate Obama. Only because I've never seen Obama cry before.

What you just said was "I don't know why" in 5 sentences. Annnd posted bullshit reasons after real reasons were given. Stay in your bubble

I explained the "real" reason Cheney was hated by explaining which reasons fit in which categories. You are welcome.
The conspiracy theory is rooted in denial that GWB was a terrible president.

That will surely fail as surely as the rehabilitation of Joe McCarthy movement failed.
I suspect SOME people on the left hate Cheney because he's a conservative. Some people probably hate him because they buy into a particular conspiracy theory or at the very least, have a tenuous grasp of history and context. I suspect most people who hate him though do so because they are told to hate him by certain political sites, politicians and celebrities on the left. I personally love Cheney and have an alter of him in my basement (it helps hide the bloodstains). I would pay a million dollars to see Cheney debate Obama. Only because I've never seen Obama cry before.

What you just said was "I don't know why" in 5 sentences. Annnd posted bullshit reasons after real reasons were given. Stay in your bubble

I explained the "real" reason Cheney was hated by explaining which reasons fit in which categories. You are welcome.

No you made up reasons then called it "real". Like "real" unicorns doesn't make unicorns real.
Because Cheney's a heartless man who somehow managed to prevent a more deserving human being who likely never harmed another soul from getting the heart transplant Cheney ended up getting instead.

Look on the bright side, Maybe Cheney prevented one of those evil Tea Party, small government, pro-life, African-American conservative Uncle Toms you despise so much, from getting a heart. Feel better?
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"Hate" is the wrong word for my thoughts on Cheney.

Lacks the "every fiber of my being" grade loathing for the man and contempt for his family and those who, due to intellectual or moral defect can't admit Cheney is the most malignantly degenerate pox on America of the last thirty or so years.
Because Cheney's a heartless man who somehow managed to prevent a more deserving human being who likely never harmed another soul from getting the heart transplant Cheney ended up getting instead.

Look on the bright side, Maybe Cheney prevented one of those evil Tea Party, small government, pro-life, African-American conservative Uncle Toms you despise so much, from getting a heart. Feel better?

John hates The Dick because he's a competitor for his baby-eating supply.


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