Why Do You Hate Dick Chaney?

No conspiracy, acknowledged fact.

Bush was let down by Cheney. He trusted him and received some of the worst advice any President ever got. Bush will pay the price in history and Cheney will be a footnote

If Cheney will be a footnote then he will be in the same company as every other vice president. Bush's approval ratings have gone up to the level of Obama's current ratings. This doesn't necessarily mean anything except that history seems to be kinder than angry partisans.

Public approval means nothing. out of sight, out of mind

Historians are rating Bush as the worst President in modern times. That has not changed

Liberal historians are. :thup:
If Cheney will be a footnote then he will be in the same company as every other vice president. Bush's approval ratings have gone up to the level of Obama's current ratings. This doesn't necessarily mean anything except that history seems to be kinder than angry partisans.

Public approval means nothing. out of sight, out of mind

Historians are rating Bush as the worst President in modern times. That has not changed

Liberal historians are. :thup:

It seems all historians are outside of the Heritage Foundation
If Cheney will be a footnote then he will be in the same company as every other vice president. Bush's approval ratings have gone up to the level of Obama's current ratings. This doesn't necessarily mean anything except that history seems to be kinder than angry partisans.

Public approval means nothing. out of sight, out of mind

Historians are rating Bush as the worst President in modern times. That has not changed

Liberal historians are. :thup:

Dammit Amelia! You beat me to the punch! LOL!
I have thought long and hard and the only thing against Dick Cheney is that he failed to neuter Obabble when he had the chance.
I lived in New Orleans. For all practiclal purposes, there is only one expressway from most of the suburbs to downtown New Orleans. Cheney came to town three times during his 8 years, that I know of. In each case, the purpose of his trip was to speak to a ballrooom full of Repuiblican fat cats to raise money for their campaign. In each case, he flew into Louis Armstrong Airport, and had a parade of limos from there to downtown. In each case, the police closed the ENTIRE freeway, with cops blocking each entrance. In each case, they did it again on the way back to the airport. In each case, at least one of the trips took place during rush hour. Traffic was backed up for miles, and it added about an hour to each person's communute. He didn't give a rat's ass, and never made any adjustments to his schedule to avoid disrupting all of New Orlean's rush hour traffic.
Cheney is the worst Vice President in history

No other VP fucked over the President as badly as Cheney did to Bush
I lived in New Orleans. For all practiclal purposes, there is only one expressway from most of the suburbs to downtown New Orleans. Cheney came to town three times during his 8 years, that I know of. In each case, the purpose of his trip was to speak to a ballrooom full of Repuiblican fat cats to raise money for their campaign. In each case, he flew into Louis Armstrong Airport, and had a parade of limos from there to downtown. In each case, the police closed the ENTIRE freeway, with cops blocking each entrance. In each case, they did it again on the way back to the airport. In each case, at least one of the trips took place during rush hour. Traffic was backed up for miles, and it added about an hour to each person's communute. He didn't give a rat's ass, and never made any adjustments to his schedule to avoid disrupting all of New Orlean's rush hour traffic.

thats a piss poor reason to not like Cheney......Clinton held up LA X for an hour while he got a fucking haircut......and Obama has held up traffic here in rush hour traffic too......just last week......
You know things are getting tough for the ole Obamiester when he takes time out from comparing himself to FDR in order to quell unwanted comparisons of himself to Dick Cheney.
Please be SPECIFIC...:confused:

The Iraq War, which he more than anyone else instigated.

didn't Saddam instigate the war by repeatedly violating the terms of the peace treaty?


1) His violations weren't that big of a deal.

2) We didn't go to war over "violations". We went because he supposedly had nukes that he totaly didn't have.

3) None of these violations justified 5000 dead Americans and 100,000 (or more) dead Iraqis.
Please be SPECIFIC...:confused:

The Iraq War, which he more than anyone else instigated.

Need the Democrapic "YEA" votes on that war asswipe? Happy to post.

Why does that make a difference?

Those Democrats voted the way they did because the President and the Vice President came to them with a bunch of data saying Saddam had nukes. And he was going to give them to Al Qaeda.

Which, guess what, turned out to be totally not true.
dick cheney war profiteer.
Halliburton's KBR held one of the largest contracts given during the Iraq war effort, the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program, or LOGCAP, which was part of the trend of government outsourcing traditionally military duties to the private sector. (We're focusing on the LOGCAP contract in this report because it's the contract that has the potential for "hundreds of millions of dollars" in fraud. There have been other isolated allegations of fraud that involved significantly smaller amounts.)
Over the course of several years, the Defense Contract Audit Agency found that $553 million in payments should be disallowed to KBR, according to 2009 testimony by agency director April Stephenson before the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So worship at your altar and lick the ass of the idol you have in your basement.
Little more info for you to get on bended knee.

During Dick Cheney's tenure as Halliburton's CEO, the number of company subsidiaries located in offshore tax havens increased from 9 (in 1995) to 44 (in 1999). One of these subsidiaries (Halliburton Products and Services Ltd.), was incorporated in the Caiman Islands, and was used to get around sanctions on doing business in Iran. (Erwin Seba, Reuters, March 20, 2003)
Members of Congress called for an investigation. Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) said, "I want to know, is Halliburton trying to run away from bad publicity on their contracts? Are they trying to run away from the obligation to pay US taxes? Or are they trying to set up a corporate presence in Dubai so that they can avoid the restrictions that currently exist on doing business with prohibited countries like Iran?"

When Halliburton announced it was relocating its corporate headquarters from Houston to Dubai, critics suggested the move might help the company avoid paying its fair share of taxes.

I suspect SOME people on the left hate Cheney because he's a conservative. Some people probably hate him because they buy into a particular conspiracy theory or at the very least, have a tenuous grasp of history and context. I suspect most people who hate him though do so because they are told to hate him by certain political sites, politicians and celebrities on the left. I personally love Cheney and have an alter of him in my basement (it helps hide the bloodstains). I would pay a million dollars to see Cheney debate Obama. Only because I've never seen Obama cry before.

What you just said was "I don't know why" in 5 sentences. Annnd posted bullshit reasons after real reasons were given. Stay in your bubble

I explained the "real" reason Cheney was hated by explaining which reasons fit in which categories. You are welcome.
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I lived in New Orleans. For all practiclal purposes, there is only one expressway from most of the suburbs to downtown New Orleans. Cheney came to town three times during his 8 years, that I know of. In each case, the purpose of his trip was to speak to a ballrooom full of Repuiblican fat cats to raise money for their campaign. In each case, he flew into Louis Armstrong Airport, and had a parade of limos from there to downtown. In each case, the police closed the ENTIRE freeway, with cops blocking each entrance. In each case, they did it again on the way back to the airport. In each case, at least one of the trips took place during rush hour. Traffic was backed up for miles, and it added about an hour to each person's communute. He didn't give a rat's ass, and never made any adjustments to his schedule to avoid disrupting all of New Orlean's rush hour traffic.

thats a piss poor reason to not like Cheney......Clinton held up LA X for an hour while he got a fucking haircut......and Obama has held up traffic here in rush hour traffic too......just last week......

I don't give anybody as pass on stuff like this, including Clinton and Obama.

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