Why Do You Hate Dick Chaney?

As much as Dan Quayle was ridiculed, he was essentially harmless as a Vice President

Dick Cheney was everything a VP should not be......arrogant, manipulative and petty. He was brought in to be an experienced advisor to George Bush and his advice almost brought down the country

It was not till Bush finally ignored Cheney at the end that he was able to somewhat salvage his reputation
As much as Dan Quayle was ridiculed, he was essentially harmless as a Vice President

Dick Cheney was everything a VP should not be......arrogant, manipulative and petty. He was brought in to be an experienced advisor to George Bush and his advice almost brought down the country

It was not till Bush finally ignored Cheney at the end that he was able to somewhat salvage his reputation

yeah? and you people don't mind that is Obama is all you accused Cheney of being..and then we have the CAREER buffoon Politician Biden, who has done nothing in his life but suck off the taxpayers in as VP..

you always project onto others what you idiots in the Democrat party did..

Obama/Biden...................HOPE AND CHANGE ra ra ra
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As much as Dan Quayle was ridiculed, he was essentially harmless as a Vice President

Dick Cheney was everything a VP should not be......arrogant, manipulative and petty. He was brought in to be an experienced advisor to George Bush and his advice almost brought down the country

It was not till Bush finally ignored Cheney at the end that he was able to somewhat salvage his reputation

yeah? and you people don't mind that is Obama is all you accused Cheney of being..and then we have the CAREER buffoon Politician Biden, who has done nothing in his life but suck off the taxpayers in as VP..

you always project onto others what you idiots in the Democrat party did..

Obama/Biden...................HOPE AND CHANGE ra ra ra

All Staph posts can be reduced to...

But. But. But.. OOOOOObama!!!!!
I will celebrate the day Dick Cheney dies. So will a lot of people. Please let it be sooner than later.
Of course he will be buried with full honors and lots of accolades. People don't like to say bad things about dead men. But I will. Dick Cheney is a lying manipulative cock sucker. Alive or dead.

One of the few things Pres. Bush did that I liked, was to tell Cheney to fuk off. In a milder way but the message was the same. Now Dick is reduced to crawling to FOX to see it they will give him some air time.

Die Dick die.
Please be SPECIFIC...:confused:
Because he ordered the torture of human beings and bragged about it later.

Bush/Cheney Pulled Torture Strings
June 22, 2013

George W. Bush’s White House stage-managed the Justice Department’s approval of torture techniques by putting pliable lawyers in key jobs, guiding their opinions and punishing officials who wouldn’t go along, according to details contained in an internal report that recommended disciplinary action against two lawyers.

Though the report by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility concentrated on whether lawyers John Yoo and Jay Bybee deserved punishment for drafting and signing 2002 memos that permitted brutal interrogations of suspected terrorists, the report also revealed how the White House pulled the strings of Yoo, Bybee and others.

The report puts into sharper focus what former Vice President Dick Cheney meant when he told an ABC News interviewer on Feb. 14, 2010, that he has spoken out loudly against the Obama administration’s revised counter-terrorism policies to disrupt possible punishments of Yoo, Bybee and CIA interrogators.

“I thought it was important for some senior person in the administration to stand up and defend those people who’d done what we asked them to do,” Cheney said.
Is that specific enough?
Please be SPECIFIC...:confused:
Because he ordered the torture of human beings and bragged about it later.

Bush/Cheney Pulled Torture Strings
June 22, 2013

George W. Bush’s White House stage-managed the Justice Department’s approval of torture techniques by putting pliable lawyers in key jobs, guiding their opinions and punishing officials who wouldn’t go along, according to details contained in an internal report that recommended disciplinary action against two lawyers.

Though the report by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility concentrated on whether lawyers John Yoo and Jay Bybee deserved punishment for drafting and signing 2002 memos that permitted brutal interrogations of suspected terrorists, the report also revealed how the White House pulled the strings of Yoo, Bybee and others.

The report puts into sharper focus what former Vice President Dick Cheney meant when he told an ABC News interviewer on Feb. 14, 2010, that he has spoken out loudly against the Obama administration’s revised counter-terrorism policies to disrupt possible punishments of Yoo, Bybee and CIA interrogators.

“I thought it was important for some senior person in the administration to stand up and defend those people who’d done what we asked them to do,” Cheney said.
Is that specific enough?

really? so they are telling you what they REALLY MEANT HUH?
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progressives and the oh-so tolerant liberals love to hate

and they do it in herds like sheep...one sheep hates someone they all do...

but don't accuse them of being SHEEP...lol

they did the same with Palin...that was some herd hating...

really pathetic if you ask me
progressives and the oh-so tolerant liberals love to hate

Yeah, what is up with that? I can't imagine why a heartless SOB who makes a living profiting off other people's misery (and in the process scuttles his own country's reputation) through warmongering, torture and prison profiteering, who heads up an energy task force and won't talk about it, who spearheads attacks on personal Constitutional rights, who exposes his own government's intelligence agent for cheap political revenge on that agent's husband because the guy didn't play along with his lie, and who regards We the People's concern about all of this exercise of the "dark side" with a dismissive "so?" wouldn't be just worshiped and revered in front lawn temples all over Anytown USA, can you?

I'm stumped. What's not to like? :dunno:

Could it be a simple manifestation of "what goes around comes around"? Ya think?
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progressives and the oh-so tolerant liberals love to hate

Yeah, what is up with that? I can't imagine why a heartless SOB who makes a living profiting off other people's misery (and in the process scuttles his own country's reputation) through warmongering, torture and prison profiteering, who heads up an energy task force and won't talk about it, who spearheads attacks on personal Constitutional rights, who exposes his own government's intelligence agent for cheap political revenge on that agent's husband because the guy didn't play along with his lie, and who regards We the People's concern about all of this exercise of the "dark side" with a dismissive "so?" wouldn't be just worshiped and revered in front lawn temples all over Anytown USA, can you?

I'm stumped. What's not to like? :dunno:

Could it be a simple manifestation of "what goes around comes around"? Ya think?

then they should HATE all politicans...funny the don't any of the Democrats..
Snowden is a liberal who got mugged by liberalism. He still doesn't like conservatives, but knows what liberals have done and what they want to do.
progressives and the oh-so tolerant liberals love to hate

Yeah, what is up with that? I can't imagine why a heartless SOB who makes a living profiting off other people's misery (and in the process scuttles his own country's reputation) through warmongering, torture and prison profiteering, who heads up an energy task force and won't talk about it, who spearheads attacks on personal Constitutional rights, who exposes his own government's intelligence agent for cheap political revenge on that agent's husband because the guy didn't play along with his lie, and who regards We the People's concern about all of this exercise of the "dark side" with a dismissive "so?" wouldn't be just worshiped and revered in front lawn temples all over Anytown USA, can you?

I'm stumped. What's not to like? :dunno:

Could it be a simple manifestation of "what goes around comes around"? Ya think?

then they should HATE all politicans...funny the don't any of the Democrats..

"They" don't huh?

When the topic gets inconvenient -- shift it. Move the goalposts with the "mommy he did it too" play.

Yeah, what is up with that? I can't imagine why a heartless SOB who makes a living profiting off other people's misery (and in the process scuttles his own country's reputation) through warmongering, torture and prison profiteering, who heads up an energy task force and won't talk about it, who spearheads attacks on personal Constitutional rights, who exposes his own government's intelligence agent for cheap political revenge on that agent's husband because the guy didn't play along with his lie, and who regards We the People's concern about all of this exercise of the "dark side" with a dismissive "so?" wouldn't be just worshiped and revered in front lawn temples all over Anytown USA, can you?

I'm stumped. What's not to like? :dunno:

Could it be a simple manifestation of "what goes around comes around"? Ya think?

then they should HATE all politicans...funny the don't any of the Democrats..

"They" don't huh?

When the topic gets inconvenient -- shift it. Move the goalposts with the "mommy he did it too" play.


stop whining...just because everyone isn't buying your opinion of Cheney.
I despise Cheney because he orchestrated the fake moon landing. He cloned Hitler so he would have a chess partner. Invented dirty dancing. It is also fully documented in top secret files that Cheney had a heart transplant in the middle of a pentagram while Susan Boyle was humming the tune to The Omen.

Can't agree, John. The Dick don't dance.

Just trying to imagine that.....

"He who does not dance, does not know what happens" -- Jesus (Acts of John, via Michael Ventura)
then they should HATE all politicans...funny the don't any of the Democrats..

"They" don't huh?

When the topic gets inconvenient -- shift it. Move the goalposts with the "mommy he did it too" play.


stop whining...just because everyone isn't buying your opinion of Cheney.

Um -- I'm not the whiner. You are.
Read your own post. You're so distraught you forgot to include a verb.
I will celebrate the day Dick Cheney dies. So will a lot of people. Please let it be sooner than later.
Of course he will be buried with full honors and lots of accolades. People don't like to say bad things about dead men. But I will. Dick Cheney is a lying manipulative cock sucker. Alive or dead.

One of the few things Pres. Bush did that I liked, was to tell Cheney to fuk off. In a milder way but the message was the same. Now Dick is reduced to crawling to FOX to see it they will give him some air time.

Die Dick die.
Disgusting behavior.

You are a sick fucker.

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