Why Do You Hate Dick Chaney?

I noticed the OP hates the guy enough to spell his name wrong.

I just hate Dickko 'cause I can : ))
Why does every time I say Cheney is disliked by some people because of conspiracy theories, conspiracy theorists try to prove me wrong by describing conspiracy theories? Welcome to my world.
You are correct

9-11 is a conspiracy theory.

So is the moon landing
I lived in New Orleans. For all practiclal purposes, there is only one expressway from most of the suburbs to downtown New Orleans. Cheney came to town three times during his 8 years, that I know of. In each case, the purpose of his trip was to speak to a ballrooom full of Repuiblican fat cats to raise money for their campaign. In each case, he flew into Louis Armstrong Airport, and had a parade of limos from there to downtown. In each case, the police closed the ENTIRE freeway, with cops blocking each entrance. In each case, they did it again on the way back to the airport. In each case, at least one of the trips took place during rush hour. Traffic was backed up for miles, and it added about an hour to each person's communute. He didn't give a rat's ass, and never made any adjustments to his schedule to avoid disrupting all of New Orlean's rush hour traffic.

Obama does that too
The Iraq War, which he more than anyone else instigated.

didn't Saddam instigate the war by repeatedly violating the terms of the peace treaty?


1) His violations weren't that big of a deal.

2) We didn't go to war over "violations". We went because he supposedly had nukes that he totaly didn't have.

3) None of these violations justified 5000 dead Americans and 100,000 (or more) dead Iraqis.

the Kurds disagree
didn't Saddam instigate the war by repeatedly violating the terms of the peace treaty?


1) His violations weren't that big of a deal.

2) We didn't go to war over "violations". We went because he supposedly had nukes that he totaly didn't have.

3) None of these violations justified 5000 dead Americans and 100,000 (or more) dead Iraqis.

the Kurds disagree

So you're an anti Barry Goldwater neo conservative who wants our men and women to go forth and police the world. Good luck with that. Even moderate Democrats - like me - don't want us to take the lead in Syria.
Ah, the good old days. All you had to do was put the word 'Cheney' in a thread title and moonbat-ery would ensue for days...sometimes weeks, months, or years. Not so much any more.
1) His violations weren't that big of a deal.

2) We didn't go to war over "violations". We went because he supposedly had nukes that he totaly didn't have.

3) None of these violations justified 5000 dead Americans and 100,000 (or more) dead Iraqis.

the Kurds disagree

So you're an anti Barry Goldwater neo conservative who wants our men and women to go forth and police the world. Good luck with that. Even moderate Democrats - like me - don't want us to take the lead in Syria.

irrelevant to my post.

but nice try, most GOPers want out of the sandbox too
Why does every time I say Cheney is disliked by some people because of conspiracy theories, conspiracy theorists try to prove me wrong by describing conspiracy theories? Welcome to my world.

No Conspiracy at all.

Cheney said Saddam had nukes.

He didn't have nukes.

Cheney lied.

Dont worry, John will reply by saying thats a conspiracy too.

No I wasn't. I was going to respond by saying the point was stupid and inaccurate.
JoeB, Cheney never said Saddam has nukes. Cheney DID say that Saddam was TRYING to get access to a nuclear bomb. Saddam himself has admitted this in the past. It seems you are the one lying if we're going by your apparent definition of "lie".
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Why does every time I say Cheney is disliked by some people because of conspiracy theories, conspiracy theorists try to prove me wrong by describing conspiracy theories? Welcome to my world.

I just felt a need to re-post myself because even I cannot always fathom the brilliance that is I. The fact that people, subsequently, prove my statements correct is only adding butter to the bread.
didn't Saddam instigate the war by repeatedly violating the terms of the peace treaty?


1) His violations weren't that big of a deal.

2) We didn't go to war over "violations". We went because he supposedly had nukes that he totaly didn't have.

3) None of these violations justified 5000 dead Americans and 100,000 (or more) dead Iraqis.

the Kurds disagree

Who gives a fuck what the Kurds think.

Incidently, when Saddam was actually engaging in the Killing of the Kurds that you are SOOOOO upset about, you know who gave him cover?

Ronald Reagan.

The world's most heinous crime - CNN.com

Declassified U.S. government documents show that while Saddam Hussein was gassing Iraqi Kurds, the U.S. opposed punishing Iraq with a trade embargo because it was cultivating Iraq as an ally against Iran and as a market for U.S. farm exports.

According to Peter Galbraith, then an idealistic Senate staffer determined to stop Hussein from committing genocide, the Reagan administration "got carried away with their own propaganda. They began to believe that Saddam Hussein could be a reliable partner." Read once-secret U.S. documents
With 5 heart attacks and a heart transplant from Carl Rove, you just can't kill evil.

Funny coming from a know nothing middle of nowhere construction workerwho NEVER has anything of substance to offer a conversation.

Don't you have a dog house roof to repair for a neighbor or something?

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