Why Do You Love The Communists?

So, you Liberals hate Adolph Hitler with a passion.....but you love the far worse Joseph Stalin.
You revel in his policies.
Don't you recognize why?

There is not metric, no logic, by which this makes sense.

It's because Roosevelt lied to you. Your idol had feet of clay. He was totalitarian.
And, so....you are.

7. Stalin was worse....his boxcars of prisoners had to travel to the gulag far longer...a month, six weeks....and far colder.

When the women's heads were shaved, the Marxist true believers were still making excuses for Stalin, as you do for Roosevelt....

"From the corner in which the orthodox Marxists had ensconced themselves (they hadn’t given up a centimetre of space to the newcomers) came a voice of dissent:
‘Did it not occur to you that the order to shave your heads might have been motivated by reasons of hygiene?’…

The women from Suzdal, who had considered this possibility long ago, had one and all rejected it.

…No, it had nothing to do with hygiene, they just wanted to humiliate us.’

‘Well, simply to crop someone’s hair is hardly an insult. It was very different in the Tsarist prisons, where they shaved only one half of your head!’

This was more than Tanya Stankovskaya [who is dying of scurvy] could bear. By some miracle she found the strength to scream out so loud that the whole van could hear her:

‘That’s the spirit, girls! A vote of thanks to Comrade Stalin… One’s no longer shaved on only one side but on both. Thanks, father, leader, creator of our happiness!’"

From "Journey into the Whirlwind," byEugenia Ginzburg (who served an 18-year sentence in theGulag.)

You've been raised in ignorance, Liberals:

Everybody knows of Auschwitz and Belsen. Nobody knows of Vorkuta and Solovetsky.

Everybody knows of Himmler and Eichmann. Nobody knows of Yezhov and Dzerzhinsky.

Everybody knows of the six million of the Holocaust. Nobody knows of the six million of the Terror-Famine.

Laughter and Forgetting - Very Long Article - Ukraine.com Discussion Forum

You've been trained to hate the Nazis....but accept the communists.....why?

Oh....because Franklin Roosevelt told you to.
You can thank yourselves. You conservatives foisted the Patriot Act on us all and brought us the TSA, DHS, warrantless wiretapping, etc. You wanted a police surveillance state and now you have one.

Bush was not a Conservative, how fucking stupid do you have to be to believe him?
Sure he was. He was a Texass gun loving, war mongering, oil drilling, nature despoiling, reagan worshipping, shoe dodging, phone tapping, waterboarding, SOB. The very type of person conservatives idolize. Your ilk voted him in twice even after it was clear that he was a total fuckwit. You conservatives totally own him.

That was a pretty good rant!

You, being a total imbecile....I never thought you could string all those adjectives together.

So much for your 15 minutes of fame.
I wish I could buy you for what I think of you and sell you for what you think of yourself. I'd be richer than Croesus.

Ask her what religion she is.
Could anyone that narcissistic have any room for a deity?
In one way or another, somebody is going to be running your life. There is just no getting around it. So who would prefer to have do it. A government who's business it theorethically is to look out for the well being of all its citizens, or those capitalists who's main concern is to get as much as they can and in almost any way that they can get away with doing it. Now if you are something like a Mafia leader, of course you are going to choose the second alternative.

It's astounding how this one little fact ALWAYS escapes bed wetters when "choosing" who will "run" people's lives. They always "choose" the sort of sociopath that talks as if they're going to get even with "the rich" (or insert demonized group from any of history's leftist regimes) and keep everyone "equal".

In every case the only thing that is "equal" is widespread poverty, misery and oppression, except of course for the oligarchs and their apparatchiks.

The thought never crosses their minds that they might be able to "run" their own lives. Since they've surrendered theirs to a cradle to grave nanny state they seem to think everyone else should too. They refuse to consider that some of us are capable of running our own lives and we would all prosper much more if we weren't dragging their sniveling servile parasitic asses along with us.

The government's "business" is not to "look out for the well being" of anyone. That's the individual's business. The government's business is to make sure the individuals are well armed and trained so that they can defend themselves against aggressors, provide a judicial system and negotiate treaties. The government doesn't need to be in charge of roads, schools, hospitals, telecommunication, electricity, drug use, or anything else it injects itself into and completely fucks up.

If we have to have a "happy medium" I can tolerate the sort of government we had prior to Wilson, but it has become a feral hog and needs to be corralled and redomesticated so it stops tearing up all the fences that the Constitution was supposed to provide.

If all you moonbats really don't have enough government yet, and want to have your lives "run" by "benevolent" leaders, they have one of those in the utopian paradise of North Korea. So take off, your dear leader awaits. We'll all be much happier that way.

Christian dominionism is where everything begins with PC.

When she attacks her opponent personally is always the signal that she has surrendered.
First define the terms. Start here:

Left right politics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

USA Modern History Glossary.

Political Science Glossary.

Then, when reading a thread/post evaluate their argument. If the first sentence attacks someone's intelligence, stop reading. Such a topic sentence is the work of a partisan hack who will never take the post of anyone who disagrees with her seriously.

Left wing politics = government runs your life
In one way or another, somebody is going to be running your life. There is just no getting around it. So who would prefer to have do it. A government who's business it theorethically is to look out for the well being of all its citizens, or those capitalists who's main concern is to get as much as they can and in almost any way that they can get away with doing it. Now if you are something like a Mafia leader, of course you are going to choose the second alternative.

Please grow the fuck up
First define the terms. Start here:

Left right politics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

USA Modern History Glossary.

Political Science Glossary.

Then, when reading a thread/post evaluate their argument. If the first sentence attacks someone's intelligence, stop reading. Such a topic sentence is the work of a partisan hack who will never take the post of anyone who disagrees with her seriously.

Left wing politics = government runs your life

"There is general agreement:

that the Left includes: anarchists, anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists,autonomists, communists, democratic-socialists, feminists, greens, left-libertarians,progressives, secularists, socialists, social-democrats and social-liberals.[5][6][7]

"There is also general consensous:

that the right includes: capitalists, conservatives, fascists,monarchists, nationalists,
neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, theocrats and traditionalists.[8]"

Can anything be clearer? The effort by the right wing to connect everything evil, and every liberal, progressive and policy by a Democratic President or Congress as evil is one more example of the BIG LIE and an effort by the Right to rewrite history.

clowns love commies cause they DREAM of becoming the new "elite", not having to work, just give orders, kill off their enemies, etc. NOBODY wants to be the 99+% who have a horrible life under communism. 10-20% have a bad life under capistaliam (in the US, at least) but everyone else has it pretty nice
First define the terms. Start here:

Left right politics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

USA Modern History Glossary.

Political Science Glossary.

Then, when reading a thread/post evaluate their argument. If the first sentence attacks someone's intelligence, stop reading. Such a topic sentence is the work of a partisan hack who will never take the post of anyone who disagrees with her seriously.

Left wing politics = government runs your life

"There is general agreement:

that the Left includes: anarchists, anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists,autonomists, communists, democratic-socialists, feminists, greens, left-libertarians,progressives, secularists, socialists, social-democrats and social-liberals.[5][6][7]

"There is also general consensous:

that the right includes: capitalists, conservatives, fascists,monarchists, nationalists,
neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, theocrats and traditionalists.[8]"

Can anything be clearer? The effort by the right wing to connect everything evil, and every liberal, progressive and policy by a Democratic President or Congress as evil is one more example of the BIG LIE and an effort by the Right to rewrite history.
At which the far right has been trying and failing for sixty years.
Christian dominionism is where everything begins with PC.

When she attacks her opponent personally is always the signal that she has surrendered.
Personal attacks seem to be her first resort. I usually don't respond to her crazy itemized screeds because it takes a lot of time and effort and she just replies with a personal insult or one liner anyway.
clowns love commies cause they DREAM of becoming the new "elite", not having to work, just give orders, kill off their enemies, etc. NOBODY wants to be the 99+% who have a horrible life under communism. 10-20% have a bad life under capistaliam (in the US, at least) but everyone else has it pretty nice
Russia has the world's largest maryjane seed bank in der vourld...Ja!
First define the terms. Start here:

Left right politics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

USA Modern History Glossary.

Political Science Glossary.

Then, when reading a thread/post evaluate their argument. If the first sentence attacks someone's intelligence, stop reading. Such a topic sentence is the work of a partisan hack who will never take the post of anyone who disagrees with her seriously.

Left wing politics = government runs your life

"There is general agreement:

that the Left includes: anarchists, anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists,autonomists, communists, democratic-socialists, feminists, greens, left-libertarians,progressives, secularists, socialists, social-democrats and social-liberals.[5][6][7]

"There is also general consensous:

that the right includes: capitalists, conservatives, fascists,monarchists, nationalists,
neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, theocrats and traditionalists.[8]"

Can anything be clearer? The effort by the right wing to connect everything evil, and every liberal, progressive and policy by a Democratic President or Congress as evil is one more example of the BIG LIE and an effort by the Right to rewrite history.


A consensus from the same sort of "brilliant" minds that insist global warming is happening because I drive a suburban.

How an "anarchist" is "left wing" escapes me. It would be just as reasonable to say that cats are related to fish.

"Social authoritarians" are no more "right wing" than turds make a desert topping.

I don't cotton to the convoluted euroweenie spectrum that looks more like a donut that a rational line of thought.

Isn't The Communist a new comedy show on CBS?

It's like the TV Show ALF, instead of hiding The Communist in the basement, they hide her under the bed of different neighbors each week. Sometimes a her, sometimes a him, and sometimes other genders; thus creating funny and sometimes tragic reactions depending, on the character of the neighbor.
First define the terms. Start here:

Left right politics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

USA Modern History Glossary.

Political Science Glossary.

Then, when reading a thread/post evaluate their argument. If the first sentence attacks someone's intelligence, stop reading. Such a topic sentence is the work of a partisan hack who will never take the post of anyone who disagrees with her seriously.

Left wing politics = government runs your life

"There is general agreement:

that the Left includes: anarchists, anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists,autonomists, communists, democratic-socialists, feminists, greens, left-libertarians,progressives, secularists, socialists, social-democrats and social-liberals.[5][6][7]

"There is also general consensous:

that the right includes: capitalists, conservatives, fascists,monarchists, nationalists,
neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, theocrats and traditionalists.[8]"

Can anything be clearer? The effort by the right wing to connect everything evil, and every liberal, progressive and policy by a Democratic President or Congress as evil is one more example of the BIG LIE and an effort by the Right to rewrite history.

You found an entry thats as moronic and wrong as anything you've ever written.

You have to explain for me how your brain dead article linked libertarian and fascism.

All ears here, Freddo
It's like the TV Show ALF, instead of hiding The Communist in the basement, they hide her under the bed of different neighbors each week. Sometimes a her, sometimes a him, and sometimes other genders; thus creating funny and sometimes tragic reactions depending, on the character of the neighbor.

You have to hide commies, progressives and liberals under beds, otherwise you have to get a new mattress in the morning.

Not just because of the fleas BTW...

clowns love commies cause they DREAM of becoming the new "elite", not having to work, just give orders, kill off their enemies, etc. NOBODY wants to be the 99+% who have a horrible life under communism. 10-20% have a bad life under capistaliam (in the US, at least) but everyone else has it pretty nice

^ perfect!!!!

Starkey already has his custom fitted SS uniform and imagines he'll be one of the ruling elite.
"Why Do You Love The Communists?"

Why do all of the OP's threads fail as loaded questions fallacies, straw man fallacies, and composition fallacies.

dear, Obama had 3 communist parents, loved Rev. Wright and Frank Marshall Davis( Communist Party no.3467789) and voted to left of Bernie Sanders. Is that a fallacy??

Liberals are in effect spies who are either communists or too stupid to know they are being used by communists.

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