Zone1 Why do you need gods?

I'm just going to remind you that in ACTUAL Catholicism, they very much DO believe that damnation is possible.
Of course. People do choose to be separated from God. Where we may disagree is that people who want and are granted eternal separation from God, probably see this not as "damnation" (a negative) but as being forever free of God (a plus).
So do you think one has to actually ACCEPT Jesus as their savior to be saved?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Christians have a responsibility to announce the Good News and speak of Jesus and his teachings. It goes on to add that it is God, not the Church (people of God) who is perfect. If despite our efforts a person does not turn to Christianity we still believe in the work and power of the Holy Spirit to draw people to God.
You really are confusing on this topic. It seems that in your "Catholicism" (new name TBD) there's literally no downside even for atheists!
What may be confusing is I know the Catholic Catechism backwards and forwards down to the footnotes and fine print. I shouldn't have made the assumption you have a clear understanding as well. We may be on different trains of thought.
If there's no actual rules for "salvation" and no punishment for failure to love God and accept Jesus, then I think we're all good here. I'll continue to be an atheist (because in this new religion there's no problem there!) and I'll catch ya' on the flipside up in heaven!
It is hard to love something one does not believe exists.
  • I have no belief in God
  • I reject God (can't reject what is not there)
If someone truly wants eternal separation from God, isn't that what freedom of choice is all about?

My class once ask Sister if everyone would be equally happy in heaven. She explained it like this: Everyone will be filled with happiness, meaning people who have a thimble's capacity for loving and serving God will have their fill of happiness just like those who have the capacity of an oak barrel for loving and serving God will have their fill.

To those interested in an eternity in heaven, the question can be raised, In what capacity?
I choose to also toss away the supernatural stuff and the invisible being stuff and the pillar of fire stuff.

We only differ by degrees.
It may be to a greater degree than you are imagining as I don't think any Biblical account, anything supernatural, or even the pillar of fire should be ignored, let alone tossed out.
Which means you're stuck with the description of God.
The Bible sets forth many descriptions and perceptions of God, meaning people then--and now--see the same thing in a variety of ways. The Biblical description that made the greatest imprint/impact on me is God being described as a tiny whispering sound.
(obviously your new version of Catholicism in which everyone gets salvation regardless of anything else won't be impacted here).
Let's see....Your version of God is genocidal maniac. Your version of me is that everyone gets salvation. While both are wrong, at least I get off better than God. :)
The Bible sets forth many descriptions and perceptions of God, meaning people then--and now--see the same thing in a variety of ways. The Biblical description that made the greatest imprint/impact on me is God being described as a tiny whispering sound.

lets hope they are a linguist ... is the above meant to sound appealing. no doubt that has never happened. or from who have passed to give loving advice.
Yeah. Not that many.

What proportion?

I did. You didn't.

What is an ''officially atheist country''?

What countries are (officially) Christian?
Still stumped on that "Why doesn't anybody want to live in the five atheist-government hellhole countries" question?
Apparently so.
Why should I fear you? YOu don't seem to know much technical about anything so I guess I'll just have to shake and quiver in fear of you.

Sorry, ding, but you don't actually scare anyone. I mean you're creepy as hell and a stalker type and you seem to be a relatively unpleasant person, but I suspect IRL you are pretty harmless and useless overall.

So keep threatening little guy. Everyone is REAL scared of you.
Good question. There's no GOOD reason you should, but yet you do.
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Hey, it's not me that you need to worry about in judgement terms.
Correct. I don't worry about you. I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy in making personal attacks.
Unlike you I actually can have a morality without someone TELLING ME WHAT TO DO.

Christians so often need to be TOLD not to be evil.
Apparently you can't. I never claimed to be moral.
If she calls herself a Catholic then I am quite able to point out where her theology differs from standard Catholic theology.

The Marcionite heresy was anathematized. It is not allowed.

She is free to make up whatever religion she likes! Everyone does! God is a hard one to swallow if you base him on the Bible. Which is cool. Her God appears to be a pretty nice God.

I approve of her creation.
Again... you aren't a Catholic. So you don't know what you are talking about. That's the dunning effect in you talking
Good for you. So you are a junior novice. :clap: Then apparently you dropped out, lost your way and are now a general anti-religion dissident it seems.

Like I tried to tell you before, it isn't what they claimed, it is about what it was: the seeds of Buddhism arise from the impersonal aspect of the Brahmajyoti Effulgence, though, no Buddhist can tell you that, because such knowledge lies outside their religion looking in.
I really am not anti religion and I am not an atheist as I have said countless times now. I see religion as a man made construct that is focused on the Church's agenda. Organized religion is not immune from the greed, selfishness and lust for power that all humans face. Religious institutions are all about maintaining their own power and influence.

I still practice aspects of Buddhism I also rely pretty heavily on the Stoics and the Tao as aspects of my own personal philosophy ( no gods necessary) not that it's any of your fucking business and Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion as there are no gods worshipped. And if I want to know what Buddhism is I'll ask a Buddhist and I did that. There has been a schism in Buddhism just as there has been in the Abrahamic religions I always tried to find the original teachings of the Buddha not the opinions of other people who divide Buddhism into different sects.
Again... you aren't a Catholic. So you don't know what you are talking about. That's the dunning effect in you talking

I think I know a goodly amount about Christianity and Catholicism. I think I've more than amply shown my bona fides.

Apart from lifting entire chapters in a cut-n-paste, let me know when you are up to the task of talking about this topic.
Religion is just another control placed upon people by those who want to claim authority

Religion only worked as a societal control.

It's my experience that religion has nothing to do with gods and everything to do with control.

religious institutions have been in bed with governments ever since we had governments.

Religion is a big corporate business

That you deny religion is big business with special government treatment is naïve.

Religions are nothing but a societal control that people are duped into accepting through the fear of damnation and the promise of eternal life.

Religion was the best way to control the masses when people were uneducated and illiterate.

Religion is nothing but big business and should be treated as such

religion is nothing but a societal control

Religion has long been used to control the masses
These don't sound like something a person who isn't anti-religion would say.

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