Zone1 Why do you need gods?

Methinks she is not bound to an outsider's interpretation who has conflicting motives. It's her faith. Not yours. You wouldn't be expected to understand it. She would. :)

by your reading the c bible it is your faith -


written by the crucifiers ...

the true 1st century events, liberation theology, self determination what those people actually died for is the relevancy sought for who join the journey of a&e and the desired outcome - not that of religious zealots.
That's great. It's not the God of the entire Bible. It's our favorite God.

In the end I realize THAT is the goal: a god that comports to our desires. And I'm glad that the god you have created takes the best bits from the Bible.
I see. In that case your favorite God is a genocidal maniac.

I start with:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

I follow this with:

The greatest Commandment in Deuteronomy, that Jesus quoted in Matthew:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

The second greatest is like the first: Love your fellowman.

Do you truly believe that a genocidal maniac would consider placing either of these on any list of Commandments? Your thought appears to be that God is a genocidal maniac. Meanwhile, I am of the mind that our thoughts are not His thoughts; our ways are not His ways.
I have now asked the question a couple times but you have failed to answer it:
No I answered it. I am starting to notice anything I say you don't agree with means I failed. Either that or perhaps it is simply overlooking a post because there are so many. We have covered this. You and I seem to agree.

Once more: Grace.

The definition of God's grace is that it is an open gift to all. Our part: Accept it or refuse it.
by your reading the c bible it is your faith -

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written by the crucifiers ...

the true 1st century events, liberation theology, self determination what those people actually died for is the relevancy sought for who join the journey of a&e and the desired outcome - not that of religious zealots.
That's nice.
So take the bits you like and pare out the bits you don't like.
Or, just like you do with my posts, you rewrite what I said.

More than once I have mentioned that my goal is to research and look for the original intent of the original author to his original audience. This means going back to the original language and the original culture.
The fact that man knows right from wrong and when
NFBW: That is in no way what you call an exclusive truth that the Roman Catholic Church as the basis for original sin leading to the one time event where JC the Catholic God died like a human and if you believe that you get yourself eternal salvation with a lifetime of financial support to the priesthood and Christian on earth material government based in Rome. There is no proof that human beings lived in a pure innocent Garden of Eden before fucking up and getting thrown out. It is a myth useful for acquiring political and lucrative authoritarian power over a multitude of weak and non-curious minds. END2208281154
You claim ding that the Biblical fall of man is the truth. Are you going to make your case or don't you have one because it is a belief and not a truth? END2208281204
More than once I have mentioned that my goal is to research and look for the original intent of the original author to his original audience.

how is that research, when reading what they wrote is the basis of their intent and if not obvious is deliberately obscured as is nearly all the claims by the desert religions ... good luck, they already have you covered.

- their lack of objectivity.
Or, just like you do with my posts, you rewrite what I said.

No, it seems very much like you are simply ignoring the bits of the Bible that don't conform to a "nice" God.

You have a god of your own making. That's cool. It doesn't include the stuff from the Old Testament (that is an anathematized Catholic Heresy called "Marcionism") and you have a good god.

That's honestly fantastic.

It's great that modern Catholicism is no longer so vicious that it has to kill and murder those who practice heresies like they did for the Cathars and some other heretics.

Heresy and heterodoxy are fantastic ways to create a God that is more pleasing to us.
No I answered it. I am starting to notice anything I say you don't agree with means I failed. Either that or perhaps it is simply overlooking a post because there are so many. We have covered this. You and I seem to agree.

Once more: Grace.

Grace is only available from the Christian version of Jahweh.

That's rather specific. If you were a Muslim it would be rather different.

The definition of God's grace is that it is an open gift to all. Our part: Accept it or refuse it.

...and what happens when one refuses it?

or how about those Christians who fail to see themselves as fallen and in need of salvation? Do they get it as well?
I see. In that case your favorite God is a genocidal maniac.

Obviously not, but nice try.

YOUR God is the one in the Bible. I am sorry to break it to you but YOUR OWN FAITH already ruled that YOU are not allowed to simply toss out the OT.

I wish it were otherwise. Perhaps you could make up a new religion. I don't believe you can call it Catholicism if you pare out the bits you don't like.

^^^^THERE! That's the important bit. You just said that the Savior decreed this most important.

What if I fail to "experience" God in any real way. Should I just "mouth" the words? How can I love God with all my heart and soul IF I FAIL TO FEEL THAT HE IS REAL?

Your faith says I will be damned to hell. Whatever form that "hell" takes either annihilation or actual torment is still up for debate. But if I fail to love God then I fail to gain salvation. How can I POSSIBLY be aware of my need for salvation from God if I fail to feel his real?

Would my "faith" then be nothing more than a performance? Just saying "Lord, Lord" as so many do without anything behind it.

Do you truly believe that a genocidal maniac would consider placing either of these on any list of Commandments?

Of course not. But then I'm no longer a Christian. It is NOT necessary for me to explain away the entirety of a huge chunk of the Pentateuch. It is YOUR JOB.

You seem to have chosen just to stick your fingers in your ears and hum really loudly.

Unfortunately the HISTORY OF YOUR CHURCH doesn't really allow that.

Your thought appears to be that God is a genocidal maniac. Meanwhile, I am of the mind that our thoughts are not His thoughts; our ways are not His ways.

What are his ways? And how do you know them? The fact of the matter is THE BIBLE is the end authority. You have taken it upon yourself to take a scalpel to the Bible and extract those parts of God you are told by authority and jettisoned them.

Remember: so you don't have to bear false witness, I'm actually GLAD for you to do that. Of course you are not actually a Catholic if you undertake heresies but I guess in a game based on nothing real it's possible to say and do anything.

Blasphemy is definitely a "superpower" compared to the strictures faith places on us in that area.

So enjoy your God! You've got a great system, albeit one that wouldn't really hold up to your own faith's rules, but it's actually a GOOD GOD.

Which is super cool. If you have to worship SOMETHING I guess a good god that doesn't really bear much resemblance to the God that originated the Christian faith in toto is probably not a bad way to go about it.
You should be afraid of me.

Why should I fear you? YOu don't seem to know much technical about anything so I guess I'll just have to shake and quiver in fear of you.

Sorry, ding, but you don't actually scare anyone. I mean you're creepy as hell and a stalker type and you seem to be a relatively unpleasant person, but I suspect IRL you are pretty harmless and useless overall.

So keep threatening little guy. Everyone is REAL scared of you.
Methinks she is not bound to an outsider's interpretation who has conflicting motives. It's her faith. Not yours. You wouldn't be expected to understand it. She would. :)

If she calls herself a Catholic then I am quite able to point out where her theology differs from standard Catholic theology.

The Marcionite heresy was anathematized. It is not allowed.

She is free to make up whatever religion she likes! Everyone does! God is a hard one to swallow if you base him on the Bible. Which is cool. Her God appears to be a pretty nice God.

I approve of her creation.

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