Zone1 Why do you need gods?

Never said that.
It's the logical conclusion of your argument. There are rules. If you break those rules you go to hell. Seems rather simplistic but that's the logical conclusion of your rules argument. You militant atheists are seriously hung up on heaven and hell. Relax, enjoy the journey.
You most certainly did not. You handwaved abou language and culture.

It’s one verse . Just explain it. How does it NOT represent God commanding a genocide.
It's because you read it as one verse rather than in the context of the whole Bible that leads you to your conclusion. Newsflash: it was embellishment.
You most certainly did not. You handwaved abou language and culture.

It’s one verse . Just explain it. How does it NOT represent God commanding a genocide.
Asked and answered. I spent a lot of time on it. You know my position. You declared it wrong. Interesting since I listed all the possibilities including it was a command from God. I also noted the possibility that Samuel, may have concluded the massacre is what God would have wanted considering the problems the Hebrews were having with that tribe, and also the issue of keeping the Hebrews a people set apart. I noted the possibility that later generations were questioning the idea of that massacre and an author in that later time said the Jews slayed so many because it was a command of God and wrote into his account that the command had been given to Samuel. I added: We.don't.know.

You are convinced you know, and I am fine with that. I still don't know, but if you do, I bow to your knowledge. You can be added to my list of possibilities. I am always on the lookout for those.
I really am not anti religion and I am not an atheist as I have said countless times now.
They call that being an agnostic.

I see religion as a man made construct that is focused on the Church's agenda.
Well of course everything man does or is involved in from another person's POV appears to be man's doing because man is making the observation.

Organized religion is not immune from the greed, selfishness and lust for power that all humans face. Religious institutions are all about maintaining their own power and influence.
Probably very true but also not germane to the conversation.

I still practice aspects of Buddhism I also rely pretty heavily on the Stoics and the Tao as aspects of my own personal philosophy
Super. Though not Buddhist, I've studied it a bit especially Zen Buddhism. I like their concept of nothingness.

not that it's any of your fucking business
If you don't want it to be anyone else's fucking business, you shouldn't bring it up on social media!

and Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion as there are no gods worshipped.
No, but any ideas adhered to are as good as a God. Again, it all comes back to the impersonal vs. the personal.
Again... you aren't a Catholic. So you don't know what you are talking about. That's the dunning effect in you talking

then bing, provide the tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments your religion has used to persecute and victimize the innocent ... to help prove yourself and your religion as not being a surreptitious fraud - from the beginning. as one example.
then bing, provide the tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments your religion has used to persecute and victimize the innocent ... to help prove yourself and your religion as not being a surreptitious fraud - from the beginning. as one example.
Asked and answered. I spent a lot of time on it.

You know, I don't think you did. YOu claimed there was a need to know ancient Hebrew as well as their society.

But you never, to my knowledge said why the plain words of 1 Sam 15:3 DON'T say what they say.

Here's the verse:
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass

Here's Strong's Concordance of it

You have not even mentioned one word to my knowlege of this verse. So how on earth can you have dealt with it?

So just point me to where you went through and which words don't say what they clearly mean.

It's simple enough.

I also noted the possibility that Samuel, may have concluded the massacre is what God would have wanted

BUT THAT ISN'T WHAT IS IN THE BIBLE. You just made that up.

Surely you know that the Bible looks down on adding anything to it. Deuteronomy 4:2 "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you."

considering the problems the Hebrews were having with that tribe, and also the issue of keeping the Hebrews a people set apart.

So which words are not as they appear in English? Because the CLEAR and OBVIOUS intent is to get Saul to murder even children and infants.

I noted the possibility that later generations were questioning the idea of that massacre and an author in that later time said the Jews slayed so many because it was a command of God and wrote into his account that the command had been given to Samuel. I added: We.don't.know.

Well, the Bible does. If you don't know, you might check with the Bible.

It's not only clear but it has been selected by YOUR CHURCH to be part of the Bible.

You are convinced you know,

I do! God is made up and the people who wrote 1 Sam 15:3 made it up! Because God isn't real. He's leveraged to allow countless evils in his name. And he never stops it. In the OT he literally COMMANDS it.

and I am fine with that. I still don't know, but if you do, I bow to your knowledge. You can be added to my list of possibilities. I am always on the lookout for those.

Sounds more like simply ignoring the inconsistency.
If I believed that everyone was "saved" (whatever that means) then I would be in fact stating that I knew everyone's fate.

Word games.

That level of mendacity is fine when it's not related to your God. But if you have to play wordgames in order to hold your faith then by all means, continue.
Sounds more like simply ignoring the inconsistency.
I see you are not reading even half of what I am presenting. And that's fine. You have satisfied yourself that you are correctly judging God to be a genocidal maniac. Congratulate yourself on your win and be happy.
Judgement day is not a test about the contents of the Bible. It appears to center on how well we love God and our fellowman.

judgment day only occurs for who have accomplished their prescribed religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil --- definitely not in a book or anywhere near one.
Ironically it is you who is arguing the letter of the law as she argues the spirit of the law. If anyone is behaving like a religious zealot who embraces the form of religion instead of the spirit of religion, it's you.

which laws are those, bing ...


being a free spirit ...
Word games.

That level of mendacity is fine when it's not related to your God. But if you have to play wordgames in order to hold your faith then by all means, continue.
Incorrect. Not word games. Reality. Believing that everyone gets saved and believing that no one knows their fate or the fate of others are mutually exclusive propositions. It's just logic.
Moses holding the Ten Commandments on the east exterior of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.
NFBW: Moses was a man, and the 10 Commandments were written in stone. He either dreamed the words up himself Or copied from another author. NBD. there is no religious story behind it. Anybody getting God involved is a liar END2308292031

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